Arrested Pleasure (8 page)

Read Arrested Pleasure Online

Authors: Holli Winters

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic Romance, #M/F, #Contemporary Romance, #erotic, #detective, #Oregon, #Massage

BOOK: Arrested Pleasure
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Gabe shook his head. What the hell had come over him? He sniffed. Was she using a mind control drug? He ran his fingers through his hair as he dismissed the thought. It wasn't a drug that overwhelmed him and caused this reaction.

He was seriously in lust with his massage therapist.

Gabe heard the approach of footsteps and realized he needed to get into position.

Quickly, he lay back down and placed the towel over his groin, thankful his erection had subsided. He closed his eyes before the door clicked open.

He listened as she walked in and stopped. A strangling sound penetrated his senses. Something was wrong. He opened his eyes and lifted his head to check on her.

And he met the startled, angry face of his mystery lady from the other day.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" she shrieked.

Chapter Five

"You're Cassandra Nichols?"

She nodded, her dark eyes glared at him, anger making her appearance even more exotic. "I own this place. Did you talk to Gavin and decide to check me out?"

He cursed to himself as he realized now why her fragrance had resonated with him. And her voice. God, definitely her voice. "I honestly didn't know," he replied as he sat up, remembering to keep the towel in place. The last thing he needed right now was to expose himself.

"I asked you what you're doing here. Are you following me?" Anger flared anew in her eyes.

"This is a coincidence. I haven't chatted with Gavin yet." Gabe rubbed his hand down his face. God, he felt frigging tired after the massage. He couldn't think straight.

"I didn't realize you owned Casa de Massage."

She eyed him. "You're only here by chance for a massage?"

He nodded. "I never caught your name. I meant to call Gavin, but I've—" He paused, realizing he couldn't reveal too much, to give away the real reason he'd shown up at Casa de Massage. "I've been busy. Heck, if I had a clue you worked here, I'd of called you up or walked in to see you. I wouldn't need to pay for a full massage." He chuckled and smiled in an attempt to diffuse her anger.

She still didn't appear too convinced. He wondered if she was always this suspicious—and why. "Well. Okay . . . Judson."

Damn. His bogus name. He'd used his middle and last name to book the appointment. He hesitated. How to tell her his real first name was Gabe?

A sudden, loud sound in the hallway had them both turning to the door. A pretty redhead pushed her way into the room without knocking. Her eyes wide, she glanced at Gabe before zeroing in on Cassie.

"What's going on in here? Cassie, are you okay?"

Cassie eyed him for a few seconds before she nodded. "Oh, uh, sure, we're okay.

Turns out he's someone I met a few days ago." She sent him a wary glance before she introduced him to her coworker. "This is Judson Banks."

The redhead's eyebrows rose. "Met . . . a . . . few days ago?" Her expression changed as she gave Gabe a sharp look. "Like maybe a couple of days ago?"

He bit back a groan as he realized she probably heard what happened between him and Cassie the other day. And from Cassie's reaction, she wasn't too comfortable being around him, either. This conversation needed to end.

He rose, keeping the towel in place. "Look ladies, I think my massage is over, and I'd like to get dressed."

"Something wrong in here?" Chaz poked his head into the room, and Gabe could've groaned out loud. Fuck, this place was Grand Central Station.

Cassie straightened up at Chaz's entrance. "Everything's fine. Sorry we disturbed you, sir."

His coworker stole a glance at Gabe for reassurance and got a nod in return.

"Well, okay. I thought I heard something and then she"—he pointed to Dani—"left in a hurry. Worried you ladies had a problem."

"Sounded like somebody screaming." Dani remarked.

"It's all right. I didn't realize who Judson was until he turned over. He surprised me at first. But everything is fine." She glanced at him, as he continued to hold a tight grip onto the towel. All he wanted to do was to get dressed and talk to her.

He cleared his throat. "Uh, ladies . . . and gentleman." He nodded at Chaz. "I need to get decent, as it is clear this massage is over." He hiked the slipping towel back up to emphasize his condition.

Cassie's eyes widened as they dropped to his groin. "Oh! I guess you're right."

She grabbed her coworker. "Come on, Dani, let's get out of here and let Mr. Banks get dressed."

Chaz's eyebrows rose, a hint of smirk in his expression. "Sure. Come on, sweetie, let's finish up," he told Dani, who nodded and followed him out.

Gabe focused his attention on Cassie, who stood with her back to him. He didn't quite know how to get around her anger. Hell, he was stunned by the turn of events.

Who'd have guessed in a million years the woman giving him a massage was the lady he'd almost had sex with a few days ago.

Abruptly, she turned around. "I'll let you go so you can get dressed. Meet me out in the reception area," she told him, not meeting his eyes. "I'll expect you in a few minutes."


She stopped at the doorway, but still wouldn't meet his gaze. "Yes?"

"Thanks for the massage. Perhaps we can do this sometime again soon."

She stiffened, but didn't say a word. Instead, she exited the room, shutting the door firmly behind her.

Gabe suspected she wouldn't offer him her services anytime soon.

* * * * *

Cassie slammed the door to the employee bathroom, thankful the room was empty. "Damn," she muttered as she grabbed the soap. In her head, she replayed everything that had happened. She should have remembered him from a few days ago.

But you didn't touch his body as much as you did his lips the other day—or let his hands
touch you.

She groaned and turned on the water. She scrubbed her hands harder than usual, trying to get the touch of his skin off them. Her vision continued to fill with the expression on his face when he opened his eyes and saw her . . . .

He was as sexy as he had been the day before. To think she'd touched his body.

She paused in drying her hands and stared at them for a moment. He'd felt good underneath her fingers. Strong, hard, but incredibly soft. Almost like the other day—

"No," she muttered. She couldn't be having these kinds of thoughts.

"Who are you talking to?"

She glanced up to find Becki leaning against the door jam, a curious expression on her face.

"I, uh"—Cassie stepped away from the sink and leaned against the wall, grateful for the solid support—"a bad afternoon, that's all."

"Are you okay?" Becki's asked as she stepped around to wash her hands.

"I'm fine. Just something—" She sighed and closed her eyes. What could she tell Becki, Dani, or anyone about the other night? That an incredible guy she'd met two days ago gave her one of the most mind-blowing orgasms she'd ever had? Now he was only a few feet away in this building.

"Can I do something for you, Cassie?"

She opened her eyes. No. She couldn't reveal the truth to Becki. Not even her best friend, Dani. "I'll be okay. I need to go check on the next customer. Are you almost done for the day?" Becki usually left early to spend time with her ten-year-old after school.

Becki nodded. "Yep. Josie is probably waiting for me right now." She checked her face and then glanced at Cassie. "I'm curious what's going on, but I don't have time.

Hey, chickie, I'm on your case tomorrow." She winked and left the room.

She stared at Becki's retreating back and wondered if there was a sign stuck on her forehead that she'd made a fool of herself? Shaking her head, she exited the bathroom and made her way to the reception area.

The door to the therapy room opened. She stopped in her tracks as Judson came out, his head down, engrossed in tucking in his shirt. He glanced up and paused.

She started to go around him, but he touched her arm. "Cassie? Can I talk to you for a moment?"

She hesitated, unsure if she wanted to be alone with him. "I need to check on my next customer."

"This will only take a moment." His hazel eyes bored into hers. "I'm sorry—"

"Cassie, are you available yet?" Lola's voice called from the other room.

"As you can see, I'm a busy person." She pulled her arm away from him. "Excuse me." He didn't stop her, but followed her down the short corridor.

The reception room was empty except for Lola. "Is the next one here yet?"

"They called and cancelled while you were with Mr. Banks, but someone else is interested in a spot." Lola turned her attention to him. "Did you enjoy your massage?"

she asked him.

Cassie heard him chuckle. "It was um . . . interesting."

"Hmm . . . I spotted Dani running down the hallway. Of course, I didn't hear anything." Lola tugged her ear. "I think I need my hearing aids adjusted."

Cassie took a deep breath. She needed to pretend everything appeared normal.

She spun around to face him. "I suppose you should get a reduced price since we were interrupted. I'm sorry about"—she glanced at the bent head of Lola, who was now engrossed in the appointment book—"my shock at seeing you again."

"You two are acquainted with each other? You didn't tell me this earlier."

Cassie gritted her teeth as Lola gazed at them curiously. Some days weren't worth it to get out of bed. "Not really. We met a few days ago, and I didn't catch his name." She shifted her attention to him. "I didn't expect him to show up here, or if I'd been aware, I'd let one of the other therapists take care of him." She glared at him, daring him to argue.

He nonchalantly shrugged. "I didn't have a clue until you screamed."

"How wonderful." Lola clapped her hands. "I'll make the next appointment—"

"There won't be a next appointment." Cassie knew her tone sounded brusque, but she didn't care. "Goodbye, Mr. Banks."

His eyes narrowed. She blithely returned his gaze. She wasn't going to back down.

"Oh! I'm sorry." Lola fidgeted awkwardly. "Uh, well, let me take over." She cleared her throat, staring at Cassie.

Deciding the conversation had ended, Cassie strode to her desk and sat down.

She tapped on the power to her computer, intent on ignoring Judson Banks at the reception desk. He continued to talk in low tones with Lola while she pretended not to listen.

Damn. Go away.

She signed onto her program and bent her head to focus on her books. After a moment, footsteps headed her way. Cassie paused and stiffened, but didn't lift her head.

"Cassie, can we talk?"

She glanced up, met his hazel eyes . . . and nearly melted.

He was too sexy for her sanity.

"Yes?" She lowered her gaze and tried to concentrate on the vase of roses on Lola's desk. Maybe if she didn't stare at him she wouldn't have any panty melting thoughts. "Do you need something? I'm sort of busy."

"We need to get a few things straight."

"About what? I gave you a discount on the massage. Isn't that satisfactory?"

"This is not about the massage." He hesitated, and she stole a glance at him. He seemed flustered, not the ruthless, self-assured man she'd seen up until now. "It's about the other . . . day. At Gavin's."

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Lola as she leaned forward, listening to their conversation. The one thing Cassie didn't have around here was privacy, and she didn't want Lola to find out about what happened between them

Jumping up, Cassie grabbed her purse. "Okay, let's go across the street to the deli. They have terrific coffee." She didn't spare Lola a glance, afraid the other woman would see the guilty little secret in her eyes.

His mouth dropped open, but he didn't argue as he followed her out the door.

Warm sunshine greeted them. The rush hour had begun, and traffic picked up on the roadway. The sooner they got this "thing" out in the open and over with, the better off she'd be. Every time she looked at him, her insides tingled with memories of his mouth—and hands—on her.

Stepping off the sidewalk, she checked the traffic and then started across.

"Watch it!" he yelled as he grabbed her arm. A car zoomed by, narrowly missing them.

She backed up—right into his arms.

"Are you crazy? These idiots will run you down." He pulled her closer to his solid body, his arms circling her waist.

She willed her heart to stop thumping. "The street is usually not hard to cross—"

"Well, with the cars whizzing by, you'd be crazy to try to cross Front Street." She almost flinched when he began to stroke her arm. The closeness reminded her of the other day. Memories came flooding back of how talented his mouth and fingers were. "I don't want to see you get hurt. Let's use the old fashioned crosswalk." His breath tickled her ear, precipitating a shudder of desire inside her.

She gave an inward shake of her head. She had to get out of this insanity. "I usually hop across the street and—"

"Yeah, I spotted you the other day. You could've been killed."

Cassie twisted her head to stare at him. "You're spying on me? I thought you had no idea where I worked?"

"I didn't—until today. I stopped to have lunch at the deli and caught a glimpse of you, but couldn't find you."

"Oh." She thought about his words for a minute. A lot of people did eat at Markham's, so his story might be plausible. She wasn't sure how she'd have reacted if she'd come face to face with him.

"Come on. Let's utilize the crosswalk down the street like we're supposed to." He released her waist, but kept a tight grip on her hand. She should ask him not to touch her, but she no longer wanted to argue.

She checked him out while they walked. He wore jeans and a black T-shirt. The tee strained against the muscles on his shoulders. His brown hair brushed the collar of his shirt in back, but was neatly trimmed. He looked like most men in Portland, yet there was something about him that made him stand out. Probably because he had muscles that appeared to be the result of working out. A lot of men didn't take the time to exercise.

As they waited for the walk light, she mulled over their exchange. What did he want from her that he hadn't said in her shop?

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