Arrested Pleasure (9 page)

Read Arrested Pleasure Online

Authors: Holli Winters

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic Romance, #M/F, #Contemporary Romance, #erotic, #detective, #Oregon, #Massage

BOOK: Arrested Pleasure
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"I'm surprised you opened your business in this part of town," he commented.

She tilted her head. He was one of the few men she had to look up to meet eye-to-eye. "On Front Street?"

He nodded. "Yeah. So close to Burnside and its entire unsavory ilk. You could've put your spa any other place. Like Beaverton with its much better customer base."

Cassie was familiar with Beaverton. Nike's headquarters was located near the swanky suburb of Portland.

"At the time, it had the cheapest rent—and still does. I'm in a controlled rent, but

. . . ." She shrugged, not wanting to discuss her landlord problems with him.

"But what?"

The crowd around them started to move. "We need to go, the light has changed."

She didn't wait for him, stepping off the curb. Maybe he'd forget the question.

"Hey!" he said from behind her. Silently, he took her arm and led her across.

Though she resented his attaching himself to her side, she had to admit the touch of his hand on her arm soothed her.

As they reached the other side, Cassie gestured down the street. "Markham's has good coffee as well as food. Do you eat here often?"

"Not much. Most of my hangouts are in the metro area."

She puckered her brow. "You live in the downtown area? I thought you bought Gavin's house?"

"My apartment was being painted, and I stayed at his place for a few days. I'd helped him clean out his pool in April, and he offered me a chance to stay there in exchange." He shrugged. "I am thinking of making an offer since I like the neighborhood."

"Oh." She nodded. "It is a nice area. Downtown Portland has too much crime for my liking."

Due to the lateness of the day, the crowd had thinned in the deli. After greeting the Markham "boys," they ordered their coffee. Judson paid for hers despite her protests. She theorized since it wasn't a meal, this wasn't exactly a date. She glanced around the deli, thankful Mrs. Markham wasn't present to witness their conversation.

Cassie took a few sips of her vanilla-flavored coffee while she observed Judson from underneath her lashes. He sat in the chair, seemingly relaxed, but at the same time taking note of his surroundings as he glanced around. She wondered why he seemed to be on edge.

Deciding enough time had lapsed for formality, she ran her finger around the edge of her cup before she took the bull by the horns. "So what brought you to Casa de Massage?"

She waited while he took another sip of his Irish coffee. Long lashes accented his hazel eyes. Her insides curled watching him.

"Nothing but a massage," he finally said. "That's what I came for." He gave her a deliciously wicked smile. "Your business . . .
. . . preceded you."

She shifted her gaze away from him, trying to get her emotions under control.

He had this strange effect on her, and if she didn't take care, she'd give her body to him again—just like the other day. He confused her, making her feel out of sorts.
Out of

She took a deep breath to sort her emotions. "But how did you end up here?"

"At Casa de Massage?"

"Yes. We're not exactly out advertising. Most of our business is repeat customers, but a few come in as the result of recommendations."

"Someone—I can't remember their name now. But they said Casa de Massage gave good massages." He rubbed his shoulder. "I needed one and so checked it out in the phone book."

Logical. She shrugged. Yes, his reason sounded reasonable. Cassie took another swallow of her coffee, letting the seductive, mellow flavor roll over her taste buds.

"Well, okay, Judson—"


She paused and sent him a puzzled look. "Huh?"

He glanced around, before he looked at her sheepishly. "My name is Gabriel Judson Banks. Gabe to everyone. I used Judson because I wasn't sure what kind of place—"

"Oh! You mean like we'd put you on a mailing list or something?" They wouldn't, but she understood his reluctance.

"Uh . . . something similar to that. Anyway, you can call me Gabe." He smiled and held out his hand. "Let's start over again."

Cassie stared at him, surprised at his action. Did she want to become friends with him? The flow of desire began a slow rise inside her again. A dangerous river she daren't try to maneuver.

She ignored his proffered hand, putting the cup down noisily. "Thank you, Gabe, but I need to get back. We're busy at Casa de Massage." She rose out of her seat.

"Don't go." He sounded surprised by the sudden change. "It'll give us a chance to talk and get to know each other—"

"I don't think so. We have nothing in common."

"How can you say that? We've only been together once, and we hardly talked."

Cassie began to back away. "I don't think so. What happened was a mistake. I"—

she took a deep breath—"I shouldn't have shown up at Gavin's unexpectedly. You must think I'm a crazed lunatic to drop in unexpectedly on a man I hadn't talked to in weeks."

"Cassie"—Gabe rose and started toward her—"I want us to get to know each other. To start anew after the rather"—he glanced around to check if anyone sat close enough to listen to their conversation—"abrupt way we began our relationship."

"Why?" she asked him pointedly. "We have
relationship." He scared her with the uncontrollable desire he unleashed inside her. She couldn't be with him.

"Why? Because I'm intrigued by you. I've never met a woman who gave a man"—he paused—"
presents. After we kissed and uh, well, I wanted more the other day and I know you felt the same way."

Her face warmed at the mention of the cock ring. She couldn't deny she wanted him. But at what price would this wild desire for him come?

"I—don't know," she finally said. She hoped he'd consider her feelings. Her feelings were too complex to muddle through now. She needed time to figure this man out.

By this time, they stood near the entrance, in the way of a customer who came through the door. The jostling forced her body against Gabe's. He grabbed her by the shoulders to prevent her from falling. Startled, she involuntarily tipped her head back.

His heavy-lidded gaze dropped to her mouth. Unconsciously, she licked her lips.

People continued to bustle around them, but Cassie shut them out. Being this close to Gabe seemed dangerous, yet it felt good. She caught the hint of her massage oil lingering on his skin. His fingers tightened on her forearm, and he began to draw her closer. In slow motion, his head began to dip toward her. He intended to kiss her.

Cassie pushed away from him, ending the trance. She didn't know Gabe. He could be anyone . . . a criminal.

No, a married man wouldn't have done those things to her body

He let her go, but a heavy, sensual atmosphere remained between them.

"I need to get back to the shop." She maintained a safe distance away from him.

Lola and Dani were probably speculating about her and Gabe right this minute.

"I won't push you." He watched her with a hooded expression on his face as he spoke. "But I want you. And I know you want me."

Cassie dropped her gaze, not willing to meet his right now, and afraid she'd be caught in a web of desire. Like an animal with a death wish, she sensed deep down she wanted to be caught in his trap. But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"I'm not sure what I want. I have things on my mind and a—relationship"—she stumbled over the word—"with you is the last thing I need right now."

"Problems? With your business?"

Hesitating, she nodded. "Yes, the landlord is causing some issues." She turned away, not wanting to discuss her fears with him. "But that's my worry, not yours."

He stayed silent for a long time, mulling her words. Cassie glanced at the watch on her wrist. It was getting late. "I do need to leave."

She stepped around him to depart, but Gabe stopped her with a touch on her forearm, the contact sending a jolt of electricity up her arm. "I'm sorry. Is there something—?"

Besides kiss her and make love to her until she forgot her troubles? Cassie shook off her naughty thoughts. Dear God, she needed to get laid if she was starting to become obsessed with a guy she barely knew. "There's nothing you can do. I'll take care of this myself, and I do have some alternatives."

"Cassie . . . I won't give up." He reached into his pocket, pulling out a card. "Here.

Take my card. It has my cell phone number. You can call—"

"We can't." She shook her head. "I'll think about what you said." She stared at the proffered card. The tiny cardboard had his name and a phone number, but that was all.

Unusual for a business card, since most used their company name for advertisement purposes.

He pushed the card into her hand and closed her fingers around it as he smiled down at her. "I meant what we talked about. Just call and we'll go out for a drink . . . or whatever." He paused and then nodded. "I promise I won't push you or ask for more than what you're willing to give."

He sounded sincere. She shoved the card into her pocket. Maybe she could develop a trust for him. "I'll think about it, but I can't promise you anything. I really need to go." She turned and started the walk back to her office.

"Hey, not fair," Gabe suddenly yelled behind her.

Cassie glanced backward, confused. He stood on the sidewalk grinning at her.

"You didn't give me your home phone number."

Cassie returned his smile, the heaviness in her heart lifting. "That's all right. You know where to reach me." She pointed across the street at Casa de Massage. "I spend all my time in the spa." Laughing, she waved and resumed walking.

He made her feel good and something told Cassie she'd soon be calling him.

* * * * *

Gabe watched Cassie, her hips swaying gently back and forth, and the sight filled him with a yearning to chase after her and pull her into his arms for a heated kiss.

More than a kiss if she'd let him. Their relationship wasn't moving forward as fast as he'd hoped, but he did learn more about her than he knew two hours ago. He couldn't wait for them to become more acquainted. Gabe bet next time would be even better than the first.

He glanced at his wrist. Chaz was likely back at the station starting his report, and Gabe still needed to work on his own. A tough one to write, since as far as he could tell, Cassie ran a clean operation. .

And he intended to check up on her in a day or two.

The sudden vibration on his hip pulled him out of his musings about future plans with Cassie. He didn't bother to check the caller id because he knew who it was.

"Hey, Chaz, I'm about to head to the cop shop." He stepped out to the sidewalk, the sound of traffic greeting him. He caught sight of Cassie as she crossed the street, his eyes never leaving her. Her stride full of purpose, yet sexy.

"Nah, I'm not there yet." Chaz chuckled into Gabe's ear. "I see you managed to get up close and personal with the spa owner."

Lola must've mentioned they'd gone off for coffee. "Yeah, she just left. I'm going to walk back to my car and drive to the station."

"From the looks, things went well."

Gabe laughed. Cassie disappeared into the spa. "What? Did you have us bugged?" He thought their conversation was private.

"I was sitting in my car, about to take off when I spotted the two of you in the doorway. You appeared pretty cozy with her if I say so myself."

"In your—" Gabe frowned. "Where are you?"

"Four cars down. If you could get closer to her in the doorway, I bet you'd done so."

Gabe spotted Chaz in his nondescript Chevrolet and waved back. "Lucky timing on your part." He began to walk to his car parked near Rosa's shelter. "I'll catch you later. From what I can tell, nothing's going on."

"Yeah, same thought here. Of course, the question begs why someone wants to cause them trouble?"

"Don't know, buddy. Maybe a pissed customer who wanted more than a massage? Chat with you later."

Hanging up, Gabe pondered the question the rest of the way to his car. He wondered if Cassie had some enemies or someone who had it out for her. Someone who seemed bent on making her life miserable enough to try to put her out of business by filing a false claim to the police?

* * * * *

Cassie shut the door behind her, leaning against the cool glass for a moment. She had to get her breathing—and libido—under control.

Damn, Gabe was sexy

With her hand in her pocket, Cassie fingered the card he'd handed her and then pulled it out. The stark black writing stared at her as if to mock her, goading her to pick up the phone and call him. She'd hated to leave him at Markham's, but the affect his presence had on her shook her to the core. But he did make her curious. She'd call him soon, after this mess with her landlord got settled and her life went back to normal.

Once things quieted down, she fully intended to enjoy Gabe and the passion he ignited inside her.

"Cassie? We—you have a visitor." Lola's voice floated to her, jolting Cassie out of her reverie. She slid the card back to a safe place at her hip.
Get back to reality
, Cassie told herself, she had a business to run.

She stepped into the reception area, curious what Lola needed, when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye.

Isaiah Winkler stood up, his large frame awkward as he rose. His unfriendly eyes narrowed as he caught sight of her. She bet he hadn't come to exchange pleasantries.

"There you are, missy. I've been here for fifteen minutes waiting to talk to you."

His sharp, cold voice made her skin shiver and the beginnings of a headache formed. She wasn't in the mood to fight Isaiah. Maybe he would just say what he wanted and then leave.

She glanced at Lola. "Any more clients who need massages?"

"Everyone's accounted for. We do have a late one, but Dani said she'd take care of her." Her eyes darted back and forth between Isaiah and Cassie.

"Not busy today, are we?" Isaiah said with what sounded like pleasure in his tone.

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