Aryn's Desire: A BOLD Security Novel (Finding Submission Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Aryn's Desire: A BOLD Security Novel (Finding Submission Book 1)
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I wave to some people, then talk to a couple of the reporters along the way, but I never lose sight of Aryn. Luckily for me, I was able to get to the reporters before they started calling my name. Though I don’t expect Aryn to put two and two together if he would hear my name being called. It’s once we’re inside the theater that I can’t control and I realize that maybe I should have come in sooner. Been inside hiding when he arrived. But I must say, watching him work makes me smile.

He’s so engrossed in what is going on right near Alyssa that he’s not paying attention to what’s happening at this end of the carpet. Then he dips into the fans’ line. This is a narrow part of the carpet where exclusive fans are given closer access and a chance at autographs as the actors and actresses file into the theater. I slide in behind one of the supporting actors from the movie and blend in with his little entourage as I too step into the same area.

Alyssa is doing what she does best, smiling and waving to the crowd. A few autographs signed, a few pictures taken and finally she slides into the theater and I breathe a sigh of relief.

I manage to make it into the theater after Alyssa went back into the press area before the movie starts. This is one event that I know Alyssa will stick around for. In fact, she has to. There is a massive question and answer session following the movie and she is required to be there.

I find my seat and talk to a couple of the people around me. Mostly extras and a few of the crew that I haven’t seen since we finished filming. I stop short when Alyssa enters the theater to a roar of applause from the fans and claps from the crew near me. When I see Aryn, I take my seat, hiding among those that are standing and I watch him. I smile when he rubs the back of his neck and he shakes his head a little. I’ve seen him do that before. In the club, right before I’ve approached him. It’s amazing what that heightened sense of awareness feels like when you least expect it. For Aryn, at this moment, I imagine that he’s having a bad feeling coursing through him, like something bad is going to happen versus the fact that I’m staring him down.

Aryn and two other bodyguards spread out along the front of the theater. Aryn takes the theater entrance and the two other ones are standing in the isles as Alyssa takes a seat next to Travis Jackson, the movie’s leading male actor and a very good friend of mine. Now that everyone is seated up front, the audience takes their seats and the introductions begin.

I couldn’t take my eyes off Aryn the entire time. I’ve seen the movie close to a thousand times while we edited and finalized the film.

When the movie is over, the crowd erupts and my heart swells. Though I am only an associate producer on this film, one of the studios that I co-own filmed it. So my name is indirectly all over this movie and I’m pretty sure that Aryn has no clue.

Alyssa and Travis go through their question and answer session and Aryn goes back to being in full action mode, escorting Alyssa from the theater and onto their next event.

I had my assistant email me their tour schedule and while I want to stick around in New York, I don’t.

After the premiere is over and I got what I came for, a glimpse at Aryn, I board my plane and head back to Nashville. The Nashville premiere isn’t until Friday, but I know that they will be in Nashville Thursday night and they won’t leave until Sunday when they take off for London.

*~* ARYN *~*

Once we are back at the hotel, I can’t settle myself down. I kept getting this weird, sinking feeling like something was going to happen today and it kept me on edge. I kept feeling like someone was watching me, despite the fact that I never saw anyone I recognized. I kept feeling like I did back in the club when I knew that Caden was watching me and I cannot for the life of me figure out why I felt that way. That movie was hardly anything I imagine him being interested in and why come all the way to New York when he’s got a premiere in Nashville.

“Ugh!” I groan.

I’ve been dreading the Nashville stop on the tour since I ran away from there a couple weeks ago. I’m scared shitless that I will run into him.

I thought about going to the club tomorrow night, once we get to Nashville, since we have a night off. Alyssa has asked for privacy at the hotel and despite my objections, I’m going to give it to her. Anyway, I’d love to go to the club, but I’m afraid of running into him and if I’m going to run into him, more than likely it would be at the club.

Instead, I text Ash.

Aryn to Ashley
: Coming to town tomorrow, dinner?

She doesn’t answer me right away and then I realize that it’s nearly midnight. I wouldn’t answer either. Though Wednesdays are not a big day for the club, there is a good chance that she’s there. I frown at my phone and throw it on the bed before I strip out of my clothes and head for the shower.

The minute my shirt comes off and my pants slide down, my cock grows hard and Caden comes to mind.


*~* CADEN *~*

“He what?” I’m having a hard time hearing Ashley.

“I shouldn’t be telling you this.”

“Spill it, Ashley,” I say into the phone. She called me at nearly one in the morning which means she was likely at the club tonight, but it is so odd for her to call me so late.

“Aryn texted me, asked me to dinner tomorrow night.”

I slouch back into my chair. “He’s coming to town?” I knew he would be, but I don’t want to let Ashley know that I know. One thing about maintaining anonymity at the club is that there are only a few people there who know who I am or what I do.

“I guess so. He just texted me and said that he’d be in town tomorrow night and asked if I wanted to go to dinner. But, Caden?”

I let the fact that she is addressing me by my first name only slide off me. I need to hear more. “Yeah?”

“I can’t go. Not unless he wants to eat at like four, I have club duty tomorrow and, well, I have to tell him no.”

“So tell him no. What’s the big deal?” I’m trying not to sound irritated at the fact that she even bothered to tell me if she hadn’t planned on going.

“Well, I- I guess I don’t know,” she tells me softly. “I guess I thought you might like to know that he’s going to be in town.”

I knew that, but she doesn’t know that. “I appreciate it. If he was asking you to dinner, do you think he’d go to the club afterward?”

“I don’t know,” she sighs. “I can try and probe him for you. But I, I told you because I thought you’d like to know, but I don’t want to get in the middle of whatever it is that you guys have brewing.” Her voice is unsure.

I lean forward in my chair and put my forehead in my free hand. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Why don’t you just call him?” she asks me and it’s a perfectly reasonable question.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Uhh, because when he called me a couple weeks ago, he blocked his number so I don’t have it. I can’t call him or text.”

“Why didn’t Derek or Dex give you his number?” She sounds agitated and I see the little crease between her eyebrows without actually seeing her.

“Because he never gave them permission to do so.”

“Well, that’s crap. I’ll give it to you.”

The lifeline I need is dangling before me. The chance to finally make contact with him again is right there for the taking. “I can’t,” I tell her.

“Why not?”

“You’re sure being pushy here, little one.”

“I’m sorry, Sir, I just, I don’t understand what the big deal is. I knew him for less than three hours and he handed me his number.”

“I don’t know that I can answer that question for you, Ash, I wish I could. I will respect his privacy about not wanting to give me his number, but I need you to do something for me.”

“Is this an order?”

“Does it have to be?” I sit up a little straighter.

“It depends on what it is, Sir.”

I smile into the phone. “Text me tomorrow night if he shows up at the club?”

“That will have to be an order. You know Teddy and you know he won’t let me use my phone at the podium.”

“No, he won’t. I’ll text him and ask him to let me know.”


“What?” I say.

“I don’t know if he would do that either, you know that the club is private.”

I smile involuntarily into the phone. “Oh, he wouldn’t do so for anyone else, but for me, that’s another story.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Thank you, Ashley.”

“Anytime.” She pauses, “Sir?”


“Would you like some company tonight? I’m a little wired from the club.”

I scrub my face with my hand. Every fiber of my being wants to tell her yes, but I know I shouldn’t. Especially if what Derek told me about Aryn failing to bed anyone since leaving here is true. Though it wasn’t for a lack of effort on Aryn’s part, he failed more than he’s succeeded and I’d almost feel guilty about having her over.

My response takes too long and Ashley jumps to conclusions. “I’m sorry, Sir. I shouldn’t have, have a good night.”



“Come over.”

“Yes, Sir,” she says with enthusiasm and I hang up the phone.

Caden to Teddy
: If Aryn shows up tomorrow night, text me.

Teddy to Caden
: Why?

Caden to Teddy
: Because I need to be somewhere else tomorrow night, but if he’s there, I need to talk to him. But don’t tell him I told you that.

Teddy to Caden
: Will do.

Caden to Teddy
: I asked Ash to do it… she refused. Just thought I’d let you know.

Teddy to Caden
: Why’d she refuse?

Caden to Teddy
: ;-) because she knew that no matter who gave the order, you wouldn’t let her have her phone at the podium.

Teddy to Caden
: Good girl. Thanks for letting me know and I’ll let you know if he shows.

Caden to Teddy
: Thanks, I owe you.

Teddy to Caden
: What’s the deal with you two anyway?

Caden to Teddy
: Long story, but I’ve been trying for almost three weeks to reach him and he’s unreachable, but I know he’s coming back to town tomorrow.

My doorbell rings and I open it to find Ash, still in fetish gear, standing on the other side of the threshold. I open the door and she steps in, dipping under my arm holding the door and she drops her jacket. Her shoulders are fully exposed to me and she’s wearing a black corset with a black tutu skirt and fishnets with hooker red heels. She steals my breath away, she’s so gorgeous, but looking at her from behind, I realize my mistake. She isn’t Aryn.

*~* ARYN *~*

Ashley to Beck
: Sorry, just saw your message. I have club duty tonight and have to be there by 6. I can meet you around 3, if you’re free.

Beck to Ashley
: I don’t land until three. I have some stuff to do right after. Can you get out of club duty?

Ashley to Beck
: I wish, but no. I’m already covering for the other girl. Come to the club?

Her question sends a thrill through me. Yes, I’d love to go to the club but I don’t need to see him.

The thought sends a round of dread through me.

Just fucking text him, you idiot.

Beck to Ashley
: What about Saturday night? In town till Sunday.

Ashley to Beck
: Why not Friday?

Beck to Ashley
: Can’t, working.

Ashley to Beck
: is Dex in town?

Beck to Ashley
: no, in town on other business. I won’t be free until probably after midnight Friday.

Ashley to Beck
: Saturday will work.

Beck to Ashley
: Great, I’ll call you when I know what time I’m free.

Ashley to Beck
: Perfect. Can’t wait to see you.

Beck to Ashley
: Ditto

*~* CADEN *~*

Ashley to Caden
: He’s in town till Sunday - meeting him for dinner Saturday night. Join us?

Caden to Ashley
: No, but thanks for letting me know.

Ashley to Caden
: You talk to Teddy?

Caden to Ashley
: Yup.

Ashley to Caden
: Good. See you later.

Caden to Ashley
: Sorry about last night.

Ashley to Caden
: Don’t be. I get it. :-D

Caden to Ashley
: I’m glad someone does because I sure as fuck don’t.

Ashley to Caden
: you’ll be fine. P.s. He didn’t say one way or the other whether he was coming to club.

Ashley’s last text gives me hope. A flat out denial means he wouldn’t have gone, but since he’s not decided, there is a small ounce of hope that he just might show up.

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