Aryn's Desire: A BOLD Security Novel (Finding Submission Book 1) (35 page)

BOOK: Aryn's Desire: A BOLD Security Novel (Finding Submission Book 1)
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*~* CADEN *~*

“Good evening, Master Caden.”

“Good evening, Cali,” I tell Ashley’s replacement at the podium, though I find it odd that Teddy is standing behind her. He’s usually only here when Will or Ashley have the podium, but we grab each other’s wrists and hug anyway.

“You and Ashley playing tonight?”

I lift my shoulder, adjusting the bag hanging from it. “She asked.”

“Since when do you let anyone top from the bottom?” Teddy counters.

I snort. "I don't, but I guess I kind of feel like I owe it to her after I left her that night. But I haven't promised her anything either."

"Good," Teddy says with confidence.

I just smirk and shake my head. "Is she here yet?" I ask.

“No, should she be?”

Huh, that's odd. She's almost always here early. "Well, okay then. I guess I'll see you inside?"

"Absolutely," he says.

I get the impression that he's up to something and not seeing Will with him only raises my suspicions.

I step through the curtain into the main room of the club and spot several people I know, though not many I want to talk to, at least not right now. I spot poor Will, blindfolded and cuffed to the bar. I smile and shake my head. That boy certainly knows how to push buttons with Teddy and it makes him happy.

When the two of them hooked up inside the club I had my doubts. Only because Teddy is three times the size of Will, and they seemed to make such an odd couple. There is something in their dynamic that works well for both of them and I can’t knock that.

Ever since the first time I met Teddy back in high school, I knew he was gay, but I never imagined this side of him. He's the one who introduced me to the lifestyle and got me hooked on it. I guess I have him to thank. When Shelly died, I was so lost, so confused, and unsure of myself. He brought me here under the pretense of letting it all go. And I had to agree with him. I truly believed being a submissive was who I was but as time went on, I found strength in my submission and wanted to turn the tables. Granted my submission only lasted for a few months, but it was enough to teach me more, and more than anything, it was enough for me to realize that being on Top was where I belonged.

Being a submissive also gave me more confidence in myself. It pushed limits I didn’t know I had, which was what it was supposed to do. Finding that confidence gave me what I needed to succeed in Hollywood. Sure, I was already there, just not the aggressive type when it came to getting what I wanted. I learned that sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in, in order to get what you want.

That was the start of my career and the life I’ve lived since then. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I finally manage to break my train of thought and I head toward my private room to drop off my bag. No sense in setting up anything because I’m quickly losing the desire to play with Ash tonight. Being here, seeing Will tied to the bar, reminds me of Aryn and my desire for him grows that much more.

When I emerge from my private room, Derek, Cotah, Dex and Raine are standing around chatting with their backs to me at the bar. I can’t see who they’re talking to so I step around them to find Ashley.

“Good evening, Sir.” She lowers her eyes as she acknowledges me.

“Good evening, Ash, Raine and Cotah.”

The girls acknowledge me with small smiles.

“What’s the plan tonight?” I ask Derek.

“Girls, why don’t you go grab us some drinks?” Derek says to Cotah and Raine.

The three girls acknowledge us with our respective titles and go toward the bar together.

“We’d planned on working on Raine tonight,” Dex says. “She’s curious about the single tail and I’m not proficient enough.”

I shiver. “One of my personal favorites. Let me know if you need some help,” I tell Dex and Derek. Though Derek is pretty good with it himself, he learned a lot of what he knows from me.

“I think we’ll be alright, but I’m glad you’re here. Are you and Ash playing tonight?” Derek asks me.

“I haven’t decided. I’m not sure I feel comfortable with it,” I tell him and he gives me a puzzled look, wanting me to explain further. “We can talk about it another time.”

“Does it have anything to do with Aryn?” Derek asks me and his question and Aryn’s name brings my eyes to his quicker than I’d wanted them to.

“Yeah, I think it does. I’m not sure what it is exactly. It just doesn’t feel right.”

“Does Ash know that?” Dex asks me.

I shrug. “I’m not entirely sure. I haven’t said much to her about it, but you also need to remember that Ash and I are strictly play partners. It doesn’t go beyond that.”

“Are you sure she knows that?” Derek counters.

I shake my head, unsure. “Except she’s all but castrated me in regards to Aryn. The fact that she asked me here tonight surprises me.”

“What do you mean?” Derek asks.

“It was right after Aryn was in town with his client. She’d come to the club but she was full of attitude and when I went to punish her about it, I gave her carte blanche to spill what her problem was and when she did she woke me up to some things I wasn’t capable of seeing for myself. It put me on edge with her and her intentions.”

“She fell in love with you?” Dex asks.

“I assume that’s what she was getting at, I didn’t see it. I made my intentions clear to her before we started playing. I’d agreed to help Teddy with her training. There is only so much a gay man can do for her and she doesn’t have a Top, but that was more than six months ago and she’s the only one I scene with regularly, but only ever at the club. So when she spelled out what was bothering her, it all started to make sense.”

We fall silent when the girls return with our drinks. Ash hands me a bottle of water and I take a long pull on it when Teddy approaches us.

“I see your boy is in trouble again,” Derek says to him.

Teddy rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “That mouth of his is gonna get his ass lit up tonight.”

I snort. “And you’re going to love every minute of it.”

“Damn straight.” He smiles wide.

“Ash, will you take Cotah and retrieve my boy from the bar and bring him to me?”

“Master, may I help?” Raine asks Dex.

“Is this really a three girl project?” I counter.

“No, Sir,” Raine says to me sheepishly.

“I don’t mind,” Teddy says with a strange smirk. “He won’t know what to think.”

“Can I, Master?” Raine asks Dex again.

“You may,” he tells her with a smile and the three women head back to the bar for Will.

“I’ve never seen a bond like the three of them have with Will.” Teddy says. “He’s always in trouble and they always want to rescue him.”

We laugh at Teddy who watches the girls as they uncuff Will from the bar and take off his blindfold.


My heart freezes in my chest before picking up in double time and I see Dex’s lips twitch into a smile and Derek’s eyes widen. My eyes roll over to Teddy who has a Cheshire grin on his face.

The voice is familiar, and it makes my heart skip beats and steals my breath away. I’m scared to hope over what this means.

Finally my brain and muscles get in sync with each other and I turn around.


** CADEN **

I HISS through my teeth when I come face to face with Aryn. His eyes meet mine momentarily before he lowers his head.

I’m disappointed that he’s cut off my view of his eyes and my chance to read him. His downward glance gives me a chance to look over what he’s wearing, or not wearing as the case may be.

He’s shirtless. His muscles are defined but soft and not at all tense. His arms are clasped behind his back, his legs are clad in tight leather pants and then I spot his feet. He’s barefoot. It’s usually only the submissives who go barefoot in the club.

“What are you doing here?” I breathe.

He lowers himself to the floor. First to one knee, then both and he bends so that he is sitting back on his feet and I can no longer breathe.

Seeing Aryn, on his knees, his head lowered, contrite and defeated, sends my blood racing through my ears. I manage to make my legs work and I lower myself. I crouch so I can hear his answers over the noise of the dungeon.

“Answer me, boy. What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to you, Sir. To offer myself to you. To give you my mind and my body to cherish. I’ve come to surrender to you, Sir. To give you what you seek. A submissive at your feet, a lover for your bed. I cannot promise I will be any good at this, Sir, but I will do everything in my power to listen, to learn and to be everything you wish me to be while I am everything I want to be. To please you, to serve you and be cherished by you, my Sir.”

My heart is pounding in my chest. My lungs fight for air.

I bring my hand up to his chin and lift his face. I need to see his eyes, to see he means this. That this is really what he wants.

“Are you sure, my dear sweet boy?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, Sir.”

When I met this man, I knew there was something special about him, something that I had to have, but I never realized that he would need me as much as I need him.

“I prefer to be called Master,” I tell him.

“Yes, Master.”

My heart swells with pride and I realize the dungeon has fallen silent around us.

“I promise to nurture you, to cherish you, to train you and to push you to reach your goals. I promise to protect you and to honor you both as my submissive and as my lover.”

I can see the emotion welling in Aryn’s eyes, but it’s not out of fear. It’s out of desire. Aryn’s desire for me and my devotion to him.

“Stand, my sweet boy. I want you to stand for me now,” I order and he complies, rising to his knees and finally his feet. With my hand still on his chin, I slide it around to cup his cheek.

He settles into my palm, the pain of his past reflects in his eyes as he closes them, savoring my touch. With my free hand, I cup his other cheek and pull him toward me.

“I’ve waited for you for a long time,” I breathe as I press my lips against his. Our tongues slide along each other and I know I’ve found my home. My submissive, my sweet boy. Now to train him, command him and keep him.


CADEN’S COMMAND: FINDING Submission #2 - A Bold Security Novel!!

Make sure to follow Zoey on Facebook for all the latest information regarding this upcoming release, including Pre-Order!

Releasing Early Spring 2016!!

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