Aryn's Desire: A BOLD Security Novel (Finding Submission Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Aryn's Desire: A BOLD Security Novel (Finding Submission Book 1)
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“I’d figured that part.”

He nods and the light changes and we make our way through a small town. It reminds me of Montana, small one and two story buildings lining the main street. Trees, though mostly leafless now, line the street on either side and cars are parked along the curbs. It’s early afternoon on a Friday so there are plenty of people roaming around with bags in hand as they make their way from one store to the next.

“The next party is Christmas Eve. Mr. Hunter throws a huge extravaganza. Inviting friends and some of his employees to the house. There will be several people staying in the house through Christmas day. One of which is your boss’s boss.”

“Cami?” I raise an eyebrow at him and he looks at me.

“Yes, she’s one of Derek’s reps, among other things. Her husband and their son will also be here. It’s my understanding that they’re staying through Saturday. Then Sunday morning Mr. Hunter, Ms. Miller, Mr. Harris and Ms. Montgomery, along with you, and myself, will be traveling over to Nashville where we will stay through New Year’s.”

“Perfect.” I can’t help letting a little excitement into my voice about Nashville. I am just sorry I have to wait that long to get to that point.

He continues on, talking about security procedures in the house, the fact that Christmas has a very tight guest list and no deviations are allowed. That of course is for security purposes and while there are no announced metal detectors, everyone is screened on the way in. I find it odd that a private party like that would cause that kind of search, but I realize that because of the amount of people it is necessary. Sean informs me that there are five-hundred people plus who are scheduled to be in attendance.

I can’t help wondering what kind of estate this man has in order to accommodate that many people in his house.

My question is answered not long after that as we drive down a mile long driveway that leads to a massive mansion set in a wide open field. As we draw closer to it, I am completely blown away by the sheer size of the three story residence in front of me. “Good god,” I groan and Sean laughs.

“Impressive, isn’t it?”

“You can say that again. How many guys do you have on staff?”

“On a normal, vacant day, two. When Mr. Hunter is in residence, we have seven. On party nights, we have up to seventy-five who come in. Many of which belong to Mr. Hunter’s guests. It’s a coordinated effort. Mr. Hunter often has politicians, celebrities, and the like in his home. So I’m sure you can imagine how that all goes.”

“And you lead all of this?”

He snorts. “I do. There are three of us that live on site. Myself, obviously, and one man and one woman, whom you’ll meet later. They’re my right and left hands. If you can’t find me, reach me - though unlikely- they’re your go-to.”

Sean pulls up in front of the house, right behind the other car as three people dressed in livery suits exit the front door and head over to tackle the luggage. Dex and Raine exit their car and head for the front door “I’ll have Sal bring your stuff to your room. Why don’t you follow those two in?” Sean says as he hands me a card. “Program that. We communicate with radios, but until I give you one, you can just call me. When you’re done with Mr. Hunter, feel free to call me, and I’ll come get you.”

I nod, unable to speak and overwhelmed by the sheer size of the house and the feeling of inadequacy that is coursing through my veins. Here I thought guarding a rock band was hard work.

I climb out of the car and look up the side of the house and then look right and finally left. Good god.

“This way, Mr. Becker.” I start at the use of my full last name. “Mr. Hunter is inside, sir.”


I FIND NO reprieve to this monstrosity of a house by stepping inside. The entry way is intricately designed with a gorgeous combination of wood and marble. Accented by silver sconces and an amazing dual staircase leading up to the second floor. A car could drive up either side and fit just fine. At the top of the stairs is a wide hallway and another staircase that more than likely leads up to the third floor.

The room surrounding me is absolutely massive. It has to take up at least the entire middle section of the house. I understand now why Derek can host so many people so easily.

Looking around the room only makes me feel smaller as I realize that the ceiling is the entire height of the house. There are various sitting areas throughout the large space, not a television in sight, and at least three double-sided fireplaces. “Good god,” I breathe.

“Extravagant, isn’t it?” a man says, and it’s not Dex.

I turn toward the voice. “Overwhelming would be a better word,” I say to the tall, long brown-haired man standing behind me. I’ve met him only once before. In Phoenix following a dinner party the band had at Cami and Tristan’s.

“You must be Mr. Becker.”

“Ah, Beck, please. Mr. Hunter, great to see you again.”

“Derek, please.” He extends his hand. “We have met, haven’t we?”

“Yes, sir. In Phoenix, when the band did those recordings,” I tell him.

“That’s right. Though you guys are great at sticking to the shadows.” He smiles. “Please, come in.”

He ushers me off to the left side of the door toward a section of couches that are facing each other and on either side are high back chairs. From my right comes Dex and Raine and someone I can only assume is Dacotah.


“Yes, Sir,” she replies, but Derek gives her a look that is not unlike ones I’ve seen Dex give Raine. “Master,” she corrects herself.

I smile a quick smile and release it fast, not wanting anyone to catch on. “Why don’t you take Raine to the kitchen and start lunch?”

“Yes, Master,” she says, then giggles before grabbing Raine’s hand and running off.

Derek turns toward me. “I apologize. We’d made arrangements for you to work with Sean and his team while you were here. That was until Dex called to tell me of some of your other motives for wanting to come along.”

“With all due respect, sir, I am here to work with your team. While I am friends with Dex and Raine, my job comes first and foremost.”

He smiles. “I respect that, however, I’d like to offer you better accommodations.”

I shake my head. “That won’t be necessary. This way I can get up to speed before your party and help Sean.”

“You like helping?” His question portrays a deeper question than what’s on the surface, like he’s indirectly searching for more information about me.

I nod. “When it’s needed. As I said, Dex is my first priority, though he’ll beg to tell you otherwise, then Raine and finally myself.”

“Well, while you’re here, I assure you that Sean and his crew can handle anything that gets thrown at us, though I understand he’d like your help Christmas Eve.”

“What’s Christmas Eve?” Dex asks. So apparently I’m not the only one questioning this massive party.

Derek looks at him and replies, “I have a massive Christmas Eve party. It’s friends, co-workers, a few politicians and a few more celebrities. It’s quite the shindig.”

“Sounds like fun.” Dex smiles.

“Oh, it’s a blast.” Derek lights up a little at telling Dex this news. “It’s Cotah’s second party and I think I’ve finally managed to shake her of her nerves. It is black tie.”

“Well hell. Why didn’t you tell me, I don’t travel with suits.” Dex scoffs.

Derek laughs and I can’t help but snort. “I didn’t think you did. I’ve got it covered. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not running around in a toga if that’s what you’re thinking.” Dex sits back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. The posturing sends Derek into head back laughter that causes both Dex and I to join in.

“I might pay damn good money to see that,” Derek says through the laughter, which of course brings an image to mind of Dex in a toga dress and I can’t stop myself.

Eventually, realizing his ridiculousness, Dex joins in. “I’m pretty sure the party needs mistletoe,” I tease him and of course that eggs everyone on for another minute before we settle down.

“What about tomorrow, sir?” I ask Derek and he gives me a knowing smile.

“I figured you’d ask about that. That is not black tie.”

I chuckle. “I figured as much. But what about me attending? Sean said that…”

“Dex?” Derek interjects and indicates for Dex to respond.

Dex sits up a little straighter. “It’s one of the reasons we came out here today instead of next week. It’s a play party. Derek is inviting some of his friends, many from Nashville. Everyone will arrive, we will mix, mingle and eat. Eventually Derek will open up his dungeon and well, at that point, all bets are off.”

“I thought maybe it would be a better introduction for you than The Box. Though that was Raine’s first introduction, it’s very overwhelming and people can be a little standoffish with newcomers at the club. Whereas at a private play party, while no one ever really knows everyone, the anonymity remains intact for most people. So it provides a fun, safe environment, though the environment starts the moment that they cross that threshold.” He points to the door. “There will be no staff, no security, at least inside the house. The curtains will be drawn and it will transform into something private and personal for our guests. There are two other Doms without submissives who will be coming to the event and I believe one, possibly two, unattached submissives.”

My heart pounds with a little more excitement knowing that there is a chance I can meet and talk with someone while they’re here.

“Many of Derek’s guests will be staying the night here in the house. Though it is not common practice at play parties, Derek certainly has the room for them. The play party ends at four in the morning.”

“At which point my staff will return to make breakfast for our guests. However, what happens in the bedrooms, well, I can’t stop that from happening.” He winks, dropping the subtle hint that he knows all too well what will happen behind those doors.

“How many people?” I ask.

“Counting you, sixteen or seventeen.”

I nod.

Derek continues talking about a few more things and he finishes when the girls come and collect us for lunch.

After lunch I called Sean who promptly collected me and brought me to the staff quarters, and while Derek had made it sound like I was going to be staying in a shack, these quarters are still better than my apartment. They’re actually quite lavish for staff quarters. I could get used to working for a man like Hunter.

Around five I received a text from Dex asking me to join them for dinner. I declined, telling him that he should hang out with his friends. His reply was simply, “suit yourself”.

I ate with Sean and the other two regular guards. Celeste, who is very easy on the eyes, and Cyrus who, well, just don’t piss him off.

Celeste made no secret of making flirtatious eye contact with me throughout dinner. I won’t lie, she’s very attractive. She’s well-built, as any respectable bodyguard would be. Tall, maybe five-eight or five-nine. Chestnut colored hair that’s long and pulled back into a messy, curly ponytail with bright green eyes and soft full lips. Judging by her comments to all of us at the table, I can tell she knows about the party tomorrow night and that I’m going. That gave her ammunition for a few pointed looks that told me she wouldn’t mind being a guest either. Celeste is the type of girl that I would normally pick up at a bar. Not necessarily long term material, at least not in my eyes. It makes me wonder what I would have done if I’d met her randomly in a bar somewhere instead of on a trip. Regardless, she’s fun and flirtatious and I certainly don’t mind the attention.


When dinner was over, I retired to my room with, yes, I know, nerd alert, a book. I’d changed into my flannel pants and laid down on the bed, putting on my glasses when there’s a knock at the door. “Yeah?” I call, turning toward it.

The door creaks open slowly and standing on the other side is Celeste. “Sorry to bother you.” Her voice is soft, unsure and I sit up, putting my book down.

I shake my head. “No bother, just reading. Everything alright?”

“Perfect. May I come in?” Her voice is soft, mouselike and polite. My dick stirs in my pants. The sheepish, unsure expression on her face makes her look young and innocent, and very, very submissive.

“Sure,” I tell her and she steps inside. It’s only now that I realize she’s barely wearing any clothes. She has on a skinny tank top with no bra and her D cup tits are less perky than they were at dinner. But her nipples are sure displaying that she’s cold.

My eyes slowly rake down her body. She has very tanned and toned thighs. In fact, there isn’t much about her that is flabby. My cock grows hard, fast.

I awkwardly try and cover myself. “Close the door,” I tell her and she does so quickly.

She climbs up onto the bed and for the first time in a long time, I swallow, hard.

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