Read As Twilight Falls Online

Authors: Amanda Ashley

As Twilight Falls (12 page)

BOOK: As Twilight Falls
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Chapter 18
“Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?” he asked much later.
They were lying on their sides, face-to-face, arms and legs still entwined.
“The subject never came up, until now.”
“How is it possible you were untouched? Most girls these days have sex in their teens.”
“Well, I didn’t. I grew up in a very religious home. My mother taught me early that sex outside of marriage was wrong, and I believed her. I was tempted several times to see what all the fuss was about, but then my best friend got pregnant at fifteen. The boy she loved, the one she was so sure loved her, refused to have anything to do with her when he found out. I decided then and there it would never happen to me. After high school, I went to college. I didn’t hang around with the ‘cool’ crowd because I didn’t drink or smoke and I wasn’t a party girl.” She shrugged. “I hardly dated at all. After I graduated, I was too busy working to have much time for anything else.” She looked at him, her brow furrowed. “Who would have thought my first sexual encounter would be with a vampire?” She jackknifed into a sitting position. She had made love to a vampire. Unprotected love. Suddenly frantic, she stared at him. What if she got pregnant?
“Relax,” he murmured. “It’s impossible.”
“You’re sure?”
“I’m sure.” He drew her down beside him so that her head was resting on his shoulder. “You should have told me you were a maiden.”
Kadie smiled faintly, amused by the archaic term. “Why? Would it have made a difference?”
“I would not have touched you had I known,” he said, a faraway look in his eyes. “I saw too many women ravaged during the Crusades, and later, in other wars in other places. I vowed then I would never take a woman against her will.”
“You didn’t take me against my will unless . . . Did you make me want you tonight, the way you made me kiss you?”
“No. Whatever you’re feeling for me is real.”
She nodded, wondering if she should believe him.
“The attraction between us is genuine, Kadie. I swear it on my honor as a knight.”
She ran her hands over his chest. “So many scars,” she marveled. “Were you in a lot of battles?”
“So many that I lost count.”
She traced the thin white scar on his cheek. “How’d you get this one?”
She ran her fingertips over the shiny white scar that ran from his shoulder to his navel. “And this one?”
She grimaced, thinking such a wound must have been terribly painful. “I can’t imagine what it must have been like, fighting with swords. Shooting someone seems much easier than skewering your enemy with a sword, feeling the blade penetrate his flesh,” she said, shuddering.
Saintcrow chuckled. “Your idea of pillow talk is a bit unusual. Most women want to hear promises of undying loyalty and affection.”
“Women,” she remarked, then bit down on her lower lip, refusing to ask the question now demanding an answer.
Raising himself up on one elbow, Saintcrow brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. He didn’t have to read her mind to know what she was thinking. Lowering his head, he cupped her cheek, then kissed her gently. “There haven’t been as many as you might think.”
“One would be too many,” she retorted, surprised by her jealousy. He was a man who had lived a very long time, not a monk.
“I’ve never truly loved any woman,” he said. “Does that make you feel better?”
“It would, if I believed you.”
“You don’t?”
“You’re over nine hundred years old, and you’re gorgeous. I’m sure women throughout time have been throwing themselves at your feet.”
“Well,” he said, grinning, “I can’t deny that.”
“You’ve never been married?”
“Once. It was an arranged marriage, as most of them were in those days. Eleanor died in childbirth and our daughter with her. I joined the Crusades shortly after that.”
“And then you became a vampire.”
He nodded. “And marriage in the traditional sense was no longer an option.”
“You could have married a vampire.”
“Perhaps. But very few vampires marry. A mortal union that lasts seventy years is a rarity. A vampire marriage could last for centuries.”
“But if you loved someone, wouldn’t you want to be with her forever?”
“I’ve never met anyone I wanted to spend eternity with.” His gaze moved over her, leaving silky frissons of pleasure in its wake. “Until now.”
Kadie blinked at him. She needed to say something, she thought. But what? He hadn’t said he loved her, but maybe that was a given, if he wanted to spend forever with her. Of course, that was impossible. She didn’t have forever. Did she want to spend the rest of her life with a vampire? Not that it made any difference. At the moment, she didn’t have any other choice. She was his for as long as he wanted her.
“It’s late,” he said. “I need to feed, and you should get some rest.”
“Is something wrong?”
She lifted a hand to her neck, a question in her eyes.
“I need more than I want to take from you,” he explained.
“You’re going to drink from one of the other women here?” The thought sent an unexpected bolt of jealousy clean through her.
“No. I stopped drinking from the women here years ago.”
“But they said you take women home with you, and that those women are never seen again.”
“It’s only a rumor, Kadie. I don’t know where it started, but you’re the only woman I’ve ever brought here.” The only woman he had ever wanted to share his home and his life.
“So, if you don’t drink from the women here, where do you go?”
“Wherever I want,” he said, his eyes twinkling.
“Right. You’re the boss.”
“Exactly.” But these days he never went far from Morgan Creek.
Scooping Kadie into his arms, he carried her into the shower and turned on the water, then proceeded to wash her, ever so slowly, from head to foot.
“My turn,” Kadie said, and taking the cloth from his hand, she returned the favor. She should have known what the results would be, she thought, laughing softly when he took her, soaking wet, there, on the bathroom floor.
Sometime later, Saintcrow left Kadie sleeping in her bed. He needed to feed, but had business with Lilith first.
He found her in the tavern, alone.
She looked up when he entered. The guilt in her eyes was all the proof he needed.
“Where are the bodies?”
“I buried them, up on the mountain.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t keep the man.”
“I thought about it, but it’s been years since I’ve been able to satisfy my thirst, to take it all. So, what are you going to do about it?”
“Don’t do it again. I don’t want any killing in my town.”
“Unless you do it.”
“That’s right. Don’t make me tell you again.” Turning on his heel, he left the tavern. The natives were getting restless, he mused as he drove to the nearest town. He could have gotten there faster using his own preternatural speed, but he enjoyed being behind the wheel, listening to the purr of the engine, being in control of a powerful machine.
He had left Kadie in bed, asleep. It had been hard to leave her, but he hadn’t fed for a few days and he was afraid he might take too much. He was surprised by the depths of his feelings for her. In all his life, he had never truly loved a woman. He had not loved Eleanor, though he had grown fond of her. Since then, there had been no one in his life he loved or trusted, no one he wanted as he wanted Kadie Andrews. Making love to her was like nothing he had ever known. The fact that she cared for him was nothing short of a miracle. And miracles had been few and far between in his long existence.
There was a whole world to explore outside of Morgan Creek. If he took her away from there, would she stay with him? Or hasten back to her own home, her old life, without a backward glance?
It would be a risk in more ways than one.
He might lose Kadie.
He might even lose his head.
In the morning, Kadie woke aching in places where she had never ached before, but it was a wonderful kind of pain, a reminder of what they had shared. Remembering the night past had her smiling like a schoolgirl with her first crush.
“Rylan.” She had never spoken his first name. It made him seem more human, somehow.
But he wasn’t human. He was a vampire, hidden away in some secret place, sleeping the sleep of the Undead. Was he here, in the house? And if so, where? She supposed she couldn’t fault him for keeping his resting place a secret. Was he completely vulnerable during the day? How scary would that be?
The other vampires hid out in Blair House when the sun was up. Kadie frowned, wondering again why the people in town hadn’t tried to destroy them.
Kadie shook her head, surprised by her bloodthirsty thought. Even if the vampires could be destroyed, there was no guarantee that that would break the spell keeping Marti and the others in town.
Rising, she showered, dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. Enjoying her first cup of coffee, she found herself thinking about making love to Rylan. If she had to belong to one of the vampires, she could have done a lot worse.
Needing something to do, she dusted the furniture, did a load of wash, mopped the kitchen floor.
Around noon, she drove into town for lunch. Of course, service in the restaurant depended on who felt like working that day.
She found Marti and Rosemary sitting at a table near the window.
Marti waved her over. “Come, sit with us. We just ordered.”
“Thanks,” Kadie said, taking the chair beside Marti’s.
“We haven’t seen you for a couple of days. Is everything okay?”
Kadie smiled, thinking of the night past. “Everything’s fine.”
Marti and Rosemary exchanged glances.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were in love with him,” Rosemary said.
“Don’t be silly,” Kadie exclaimed, hoping no one would notice the flush climbing up her neck. She was attracted to him, there was no doubt of that. But love? Ridiculous. He was a vampire!
“Oh, Kadie,” Marti said. “Say it isn’t so.”
“Of course it isn’t,” she replied hotly. Hoping to change the subject, she asked the question she had pondered earlier. “Speaking of vampires, why haven’t you just destroyed them during the day?”
“Believe me, the men have tried,” Rosemary said, “but there’s no way into Blair House. The men tried breaking down the door, but that didn’t work. And the windows are all barred.”
Kadie nodded, pleased that her ploy to change the subject had worked.
“Besides,” Chelsea said, coming to join the conversation, “there’s no guarantee that destroying the vampires will break whatever spell is keeping us here.”
Kadie had recently come to the same conclusion herself. Not to mention the fact that, if the townspeople destroyed the vampires, they would have no one to bring them food and drink. Trapped in town with no way out, the inhabitants would all slowly starve to death.
“I’m on kitchen duty,” Chelsea said, “so what would you like this afternoon?”
“A bacon and tomato sandwich and a cherry Coke,” Kadie said. “Thanks.”
“Coming right up,” Chelsea said.
Rosemary waited until Chelsea went into the kitchen, then leaned forward as if she was afraid of being overheard, although they were the only three customers in the place. “You do know that all vampires have a certain sexual allure that’s almost irresistible to mortals, don’t you?”
“No, I didn’t.” Kadie groaned inwardly. So, they were back to that, were they? She bit down on the inside corner of her lip. Saintcrow had assured her that what she felt for him was real. Had he lied to her? Was she wrong to trust him?
“It’s how they attract their prey,” Rosemary said. “Vampires are incapable of love, of human emotions.”
Kadie shook her head. “I don’t believe that.”
“It’s true.”
There was something about the way Rosemary said it that made Kadie look at her sharply. “Are you saying . . . ? I mean, have you . . . ?”
“We all have,” Marti said.
“They took you, against your will?”
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you,” Rosemary said, her voice rising. “They can make you want them, make you think it’s your idea.”
Kadie didn’t know why she was so shocked. Saintcrow had told her that he could compel her to do anything he wanted. He had even proved it one night. But it had never occurred to her that the vampires used their preternatural power to seduce Rosemary and the others. Wasn’t it bad enough they took their blood without stealing their will?
Rosemary sat back in her chair when Chelsea appeared with their orders. “Tell her, Chelsea,” Rosemary said. “Tell her what those monsters are capable of.”
Chelsea’s cheeks flushed red.
“So, it’s true,” Kadie murmured.
Chelsea nodded.
Kadie felt sick to her stomach. She’d been a fool to trust Saintcrow. A fool to believe him when he told her that what she felt for him was real. And if her feelings weren’t real, then neither was what they had shared last night.
After lunch, Kadie declined an invitation to go to the movies with Rosemary and Marti. She needed time alone.
Back at Saintcrow’s house, all she could think about was what Rosemary had said. All vampires possessed a supernatural attraction. They couldn’t fall in love. They were incapable of genuine human emotions.
She prowled through the house, too upset to sit still. It was bad enough that the vampires took the life’s blood of the women, but to seduce them against their will . . . that just wasn’t right!
And yet, argued a little voice in the back of her mind, if it was true, if all vampires could attract humans, then why hadn’t she been attracted to Vaughan? Why had she been repulsed by Kiel? Maybe some humans were immune to their allure. For all she knew, Vaughan had tried to compel her and failed. As for Kiel, he hadn’t wanted to seduce her. He had wanted her to be afraid of him, had taken pleasure in scaring her half to death. Why? The answer came quickly. He was a predator. He lived for the hunt, took pleasure in subduing his prey.
BOOK: As Twilight Falls
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