As You Wish (6 page)

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Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: As You Wish
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“You could, but why waste a wish? If you learn how to use your gift, you could block me on your own.”

She looked up at him in surprise. “Really?”

“Really,” he answered. “And Karis?”

“What?” Her voice wavered under the heat of his stare.

“It would not be just sex…more of an awakening.”

His gaze dropped to her breasts showcased in the black bra and Karis held her breath as his eyes moved down over the rest of her exposed flesh. Her body reacted as if he had actually touched her. She grabbed her silk robe, hastily shoved her arms into the sleeves and pulled the thin material across her erect nipples. Her fingers felt clumsy as she cinched the belt around her waist.

How was it possible for just a look to cause the drama in her chest?

“Don’t be afraid,” Vander said, his hard body only inches away from hers.

She was afraid but more than a little curious to explore the dangerous sexual chemistry between them.

He reached for her and she let out a small moan as he pushed his fingers into her hair and tilted her face up to his.

Karis closed her eyes, breathed in his sexy exotic scent and resisted the urge to shout, “Just take me now!”

The rich tones of his laughter ricocheted off the walls as he kissed her forehead. “Not so fast, Karis.” He scooped her up lightening fast and lifted her off the floor.

Karis instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, too shocked by his actions to react. She stared into his golden eyes as she rested her hands on his shoulders. No one had ever called her petite like her mother, but she felt light as a feather cradled in his arms. “Well, this seems kinda fast to me.” Her heart skipped a beat as his sensuous lips curved into a smile.

“We will go at your pace. It’s important that we proceed with this slowly at first. I am not sure how you’ll respond…too much too soon could harm you or even me.”

How could the way her body was heating up from the inside out be harmful? She opened her mouth to ask the question, but clamped it shut as his large hands cupped her panty-clad ass. Her robe slipped down her shoulders and revealed ample cleavage and hard nipples visible against the soft fabric of her bra.

“Let’s start with a kiss,” Vander said, looking up from her breasts to her lips.

“Let’s,” Karis agreed, mesmerised by the shimmering gold specks deep in the amber colour of his irises. She closed her eyes as his warm lips connected with hers. His mouth moved across hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he intensified the kiss. She offered him her tongue and moaned at the strange sensations of pleasure flowing through her lips as he tasted her.

Erotic vibrations danced along her tongue and raced throughout her body. She swayed in his arms as he deepened the intense lip lock, shocked by her body’s wanton response to his touch. It was as if she had never been kissed before. No other man’s kiss had ever created the raging river of desire absolving all rational thought now. Every cell of her body pulsed with need, desire…
She longed for more of him and was for once happy he could read her mind as he took them to her bed.

“Do you feel that?” she asked as he pressed her back into the pillows.

“Mmm…yes.” He ran one finger across the swell of cleavage peeking out of the top of her bra before moving his hand down to stroke one pebbled nipple through the satiny material. “My sweet, sweet, Karis, that is only the beginning.”

She believed him as his hands unhooked her bra and bared her breasts to him. Nothing could have prepared her for the pure bliss of his warm, wet tongue as it circled around her rock hard nipples. A hoarse cry slipped from her throat as she arched her back and offered him all of her. She grabbed onto his bald head as his tongue worshipped and tormented her ultra sensitive flesh. He licked the valley between her breasts and she moved her hands from his head to explore the hard muscles in his arms and back. Any reservations she had melted away with each heated caress of his hands on her body.

“You taste as good as you smell,” Vander said against her belly button.

She opened her mouth to respond, but only uttered a breathy moan as his hands moved down the curve of her hips and over the top of her panties. The overwhelming need for him to touch the wet flesh hungering for his attention didn’t prevent her gasp of shock when he cupped her moist heat.

“Karis, look at me,” he commanded.

She met his fiery gaze and every cell within her longed for him.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

, she thought. Years of awkward moments with the opposite sex made believing his words difficult.

“You’ve never been awkward, just different.” He kissed her stomach pulling her panties down. “And different has always been beautiful to me.”

She lifted her hips, unable to speak as he removed her panties. The depth of desire in his eyes made her feel beautiful, perfect in every way. He moved between her legs, kissed her inner thigh and waves of anticipation washed over through her as his fingers dipped into the silky wetness waiting for him.

Karis held her breath, unable to look away from the darkening gold of his eyes as his finger circled her clit. She exhaled with a noisy whimper as he delved deeper into her drenched folds, reverently stroking the soft creamy flesh.

A wave of pleasure and uncertainty hit her as he pressed his palm against her clit and slid one finger inside of her. She had never imagined her first time like this, but it was okay…more than okay.

Vander froze.

“What’s wrong?” Karis whispered, unconsciously lifting her hips to give him more access.

“First time?” he asked, slowly taking his hand from her slick heat. His fingers glistened from her wetness in the soft light emanating from her lamp.

She blinked in confusion, as she struggled to focus on the sudden change in his behaviour. Her body quivered in need from his touch, making it difficult to concentrate. What was he waiting for? She wanted him to take her to the next level of pleasure and physic ability. “My answer is yes.”

Vander frowned. “Yes?”

Was he going to make her beg now?

“Yes, I want to strengthen my gift. I will have sex with you…I
to have sex with you,” she said, blushing at her words. Who knew she could be so brazen?

“You’re a virgin.” The shock was evident in his voice as he stood. He shook his head as he slowly tasted her wetness on his fingers.

She watched his movements, liquid desire erupting in her veins. “I am.” She waited for him to say something, feeling more self-conscious by the second as he continued to study her in silence. “I know…I’m a freak show.”

“Why didn’t I pick that up?” He cursed as he turned away from her.

She sat up and covered her breasts with her arms. “What’s the big deal…genies can’t do virgins?” Her attempt at humour fell flat. She swallowed hard as he flashed her a dark look. “What’s the problem?”

“Genies can do virgins, but the bond created once we’ve joined will be extremely powerful.” He turned around. “Maybe even unbreakable.”

Her eyes fell from the serious expression on his face to the impressive view of his stiff cock straining against his silk shorts.

“I was concerned about your body’s reaction to being awakened, but I have no idea what will happen now.”

“What do you mean by ‘bond’?”

He sat back down besides her. “I mean for as long as you and I are alive, we’ll be connected.”

Chapter Five

“You mean like reading my thoughts connected…

Vander nodded. “I told you I had this gift before I became a genie but all genies are connected to their masters until the three wishes have been met. Afterwards the connection between genie and master is broken.” He touched his trimmed goatee thoughtfully. “Our bond would only grow stronger, especially with my existing telepathic abilities.”

“Okay, so what does that all mean?” Karis sighed as she squeezed her thighs together in a futile effort to assuage the growing need for release.

“We would always be aware of each other. Sense one another’s happiness, fear or pain—”

“I get it.” She flopped back unto her pillows. “So does this mean we go about my ‘awakening’ another way?”

She watched his gaze trail down from her lips to her exposed breasts, forgotten in her frustration. Heat flamed her cheeks as she pulled the sheet up to cover her naked body.

“No, I still think this is the fastest way to bring you into your gift. I just wanted you to know what you were getting into.”

“Does it even matter at this point?” she asked with a hollow laugh as he stood to look out window by her bed. “I’m prepared to give up my virginity to a supernatural being…who does that?” She stopped laughing when he spun around from the window to yank her up. “Hey—”

He lifted her chin and forced her to meet his hard stare. “Karis, this is not a game. All the stakes are real. I never want you to think I haven’t been completely straight up with you.”

She knew what he was telling her was serious, life changing even but none of that seemed to matter. Nothing mattered but the seductive warmth of his body and the incredible feel of his touch on her bare skin. “Just kiss me again.”


She lifted up on her tiptoes and cut him off with her lips on his.

He responded instantly, kissing her hard as he swung her up into his arms and placed her back on the bed. He leaned over her and suckled each nipple before trailing hot kisses down her stomach.

She moaned as his hands skimmed over her hips and inner thighs. Nothing this good could be wrong. She had to believe this moment was supposed to be hers. Her heart began to beat wildly as he moved between her legs. No man had ever been this close to her before.

“Shhh…“ he whispered, holding her gaze before turning his attention to the trimmed soft black curls framing pink, wet lips. He spread her thighs wider and kissed the soft flesh just under her belly button.

Oh, my God!
Skittish, she sucked in a breath.

Relax, let me show you how it can be.

Hearing his deep words in her head coupled with the heat of his mouth on her stiff clit caught her off guard. She cried out as his tongue stroked her wet folds and the flicked the swollen nub of flesh with sweet dedication. Her eyes fluttered closed as pleasure and heat began to build with each leisurely lick. She bucked her hips against his mouth, unsure whether she wanted to escape or give in to where he was taking her.

It’s too intense.

Let go for me, Karis.

He held her still, demanding a response as he continued his sensuous assault with his tongue. She let go, surrendered to him and the slight ripples of exquisite pleasure threatening to consume her as he suckled her clit. The heat of his mouth enclosed over the ultra sensitive button pushed her into another level of bliss. She grabbed his sweaty head and screamed as the full force of her climax tore through her.

She let go of him, aware of only his masterful tongue and delicious ripples of pleasure splintering through every part of her quivering body.

Was she making those desperate cries of delight? The fleeting thought was forgotten as another orgasmic wave stole her breath. She tried to scoot away from his relentless hot mouth, but he tightened his grip on her thighs. He paced the strokes of his tongue with perfect timing of her diminishing orgasm. With a final kiss on her soaked pussy lips, he moved to her side to lay on his back.

Open your eyes, Karis.

Still trembling, she obeyed his silent command. The two of them were enveloped by shimmering reddish light! The strange rose coloured aura gently pulsed around them like a glossy cloud.

What is it?
she asked, reaching up to fan the air as her breathing returned to normal.

“I’ve never seen anything like it, but I’m guessing it’s a pretty good sign you are coming into your power. Do you realise you just communicated with telepathy?”

Karis glanced away from the curious phenomenon to look at Vander. “I didn’t even think about it.”

“I know.”

She turned towards the illuminated particles of rosy light surrounding them. “It’s beautiful.”
What you just did with your mouth was too.

“It’s only the beginning.”

She pulled the sheet up over her body and blushed as he chuckled.
What would happen when they actually had sex?

“I was just wondering the same thing.”

She couldn’t get use to him hearing her thoughts, couldn’t stop them from forming in her mind.

How do you feel?

“I don’t know.” She felt as light as the particles of air creating the tinted aura slowly fading from sight. Her senses vibrated with heightened awareness and for once she felt completely free of worry or doubt. When was the last time she had experienced this kind of mental clarity and calm? Not since her mother had disappeared…not even before. A frown marred her forehead as she thought about her mother.

“Reach out to her,” Vander said, lightly tracing her eyebrow.

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