Read Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1) Online

Authors: Phillip Jones

Tags: #Science Fiction, #midevial, #Fantasy

Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1) (91 page)

BOOK: Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1)
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The gods were taking wagers. Lasidious was first to speak. “I bet he takes him prisoner.”

Yaloom hoped to be able to put on his robe. “I say he kills him.”

Mosley was next. “Taking him prisoner is the wisest move.”

Mieonus laughed as she chimed in. “I agree with Yaloom. George will kill him. The mortal’s emotions will get the best of him.”

George spoke with coldness that Kepler had heard only once. The cat had heard this wickedness on the Peak that George’s eyes changed color.

“Did you really think I’d come unprepared, Senchae? You’re not all powerful. I should snap you in half,” he hissed.

As George spoke, his voice grew louder. “Maybe I’ll allow my friends to tear you apart!” George waved his free hand, and the cats appeared below Senchae as he hung suspended. “Do you really want to die, King of Barbarians?”

Senchae searched for the breath to respond. “I’ll pass before I serve you. End me now.”

George lowered the big man to the ground, but instead of choking him, he bound his arms and legs with unseen cords. With a calculated approach, he moved his face only inches from the bound king’s. “You’ll perish, don’t worry about that, but not before I use you as my puppet. There are many ways I can make you cooperate.” George thought back to another movie he had seen. He could not resist. “We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the real easy way. You choose.”

Senchae did not respond. Instead, he just stared George in the eyes.

George chuckled. “Real easy it is. When I’m done, you’re the only one that’s going to pass. I’ll spare your family, but they’ll live in service to me. They’ll never know another peaceful Peak in their lives.”

“My family would rather perish than serve you,” Senchae refuted. The king tried to spit in George’s face, but the mage was too quick. He rocked back and used his magic to foil the attempt.

Senchae glared at the spit as it hovered between them. The king did not allow George’s dominance of the moment to thwart his proclamation of defiance. “Even my son would not serve a swine like you,” he boasted.

George allowed the spit to fall to the ground. He took a deep breath and thought about how he should react. He did not want to let his emotions control him or the situation. What would he do if he was in the big man’s shoes? He definitely would not have spoken about a son of his own if he had one.

I wonder how old his son is?
George thought.
If he’s young, it’s an opportunity to use Senchae’s slip against him. But I need to know more.

“So,” George led in, “how is your son, Senchae? Is he as proud as his father?”

The reaction was what George expected. “Of course, he’s proud ... and strong! He’s a barbarian. He’s a king’s son.”

“Hmmm! Funny that you should say he’s strong,” George replied. “From where I stand, I don’t see strength. I see a defeated king. I see a fool who would rather have his family ended before he admitted weakness.”

The barbarian’s rage intensified. “Take your magic away, and you’re nothing! You’re just another coward from the south!”

George laughed. He would not allow himself to be baited into Senchae’s argument. He continued to probe to exploit the potential that Senchae’s son may be young and vulnerable. “Does your boy have the same weakness as his father?”

“You don’t know my son!” Senchae barked. “All barbarians are strong. I’ll have you tied between my horses and ripped apart.”

The king twisted and turned as he struggled to break free of his magical bonds. Once again the mage laughed, and then he returned Senchae’s insult. He spit in the big barbarian’s face to amplify the king’s rage further.

“My daughter is only five seasons. Let’s let our children decide our disagreement.” George hoped the king’s son was close to Abbie’s age.
She may not be on Grayham, but she could battle with me,
he thought.

“The big man scoffed. “Your child commands magic, or you wouldn’t be wasting my moments with such nonsense.”

“She commands some, but she won’t need to use it,” George rebutted. She’s a scrapper. I’d be willing to wager my last Yaloom that she would destroy your son in your arena.”

Senchae scoffed, “Without magic, your child is no match for a barbarian. You’re wasting my valuable moments. My family would rather pass than serve you, you piece of garesh.”

Once again, the king spit, but during this moment, George simply dodged and let it fly past his face. Senchae’s reaction confirmed George’s suspicion that his son was not old enough to fight, or the king would’ve accepted the challenge. The moment had come for the second phase of his plan. He turned to Kepler and spoke to the demon as if the barbarian was not present.

“Kepler, I thought you told me the people from the north were strong. This man won’t let our children fight for the crown. Don’t you think that’s a pathetic display of weakness? I think we should spread word of how weak the barbarian king really is.”

Kepler had an idea of where the mage was going with his questioning. He could already see the barbarian biting his tongue. Senchae’s pride was baiting him.

The undead cat responded, “I agree, George. I, too, am disgusted. I believed the men from the north to have pride. A true barbarian would never cower from a challenge.” Kepler paused for effect. “Perhaps the king’s son is secretly a female of his species.”

George laughed. “Not much of a territorial force, is she?” Out of the corner of his eye, the mage could see the king was about to blow. “I don’t think Senchae knows his son should be wearing a dress.”

George and all the cats were now laughing. Even Maldwin laughed, though the rat did not know why. It just felt like the proper thing to do.

This was all it took for Senchae’s pride to seize control of his emotions. “My son is not a girl! If he were old enough, I would allow them to battle. I would get no greater satisfaction than watching your seed perish in my arena.”

George turned the heat up another notch. He shouted his next statement and took a stab at a confession. “Are you telling me that your son isn’t even old enough to beat a girl of only five seasons? You’re lying, Senchae! You’re scared to put him in the arena!”

Bloodvain cursed. “A boy of three seasons cannot be expected to fight! Let it be! You and I can settle this dispute!”

George took a step back and smiled. “You said too much. Your child is mine now, Senchae.”

The king sighed. He had given George exactly what he was after. Senchae pleaded, “Please. There must be a way to settle this dispute between us. I can give you anything you desire. What is your wish?”

Once again, George laughed and then he spoke in a tone that even sent a chill up the gods’ spines. “I want to end your son!”

The king cried out as George issued the demon-jaguars his orders. “Kepler, take one of your brothers into the city. Find the boy, and bring him to me. Leave one of your brothers behind so that I can communicate with the tigers.”

George leaned over and whispered in Kepler’s ear, “I would prefer the smarter of the two, if you don’t mind.”

“I will take Koffler with me. But what of the noise the child will make when we carry him out of the city?”

George took a piece of cloth from his pack. He tore a long, thin strip from it, and then tied it around Kepler’s neck. He waved his hand across it twice and the strip disappeared. “That will keep him silent. As long as you have the boy in your mouth, he won’t be heard.”

Kepler enjoyed the cries of the Barbarian King for a moment, and then the demons ran toward the city in the fading light.

After a moment, George found the anticipating eyes of the tigers. He asked Keller to give the order for the cats to drag Senchae’s mages into the trees. “Tell the tigers to have at them.”

Keller nodded. “They’ll be happy about that, but I don’t think they’re fond of you.”

“I don’t need them to like me. I just need them to obey. Besides, they’re getting a free meal. They should just shut up and eat.”

“As you wish,” Keller responded. The jaguar moved into the trees to join his feline companions in severing limbs.

George listened to the deep growls of the feeding cats for a moment, awed at the veracity of their snarls. He turned back to the king. “That could’ve been you, Senchae.”

He lifted his hand into the air and used his magic to carry Senchae’s big frame deep into the brush. Taking another piece of cloth from his bag, he used it as a gag. He needed to keep the road clear until Kepler returned with the king’s son.

has fallen across Southern Grayham. George built a fire that he could put out quickly if need be while Maldwin ate his cheese and fell asleep.

The mage has commanded two tigers to stand guard over the Barbarian King and directed the others to watch for unwanted visitors from the edge of the tree line.

Yaloom, Mieonus, and Lasidious are sitting by the fire, invisible to the mortals. Yaloom and Mieonus are in the wagering penalty box. They are wearing each others’ clothes since they were wrong about George killing Senchae.

is 32 Peaks from having her baby. The elven witch family is now pleasant to be around as a result of their last conversation. The goddess has cooked everyone dinner, and despite her obvious lack of talent for the culinary arts, the family appeased her as they eagerly ate the dried-out platter of meat she set before them.

BOOK: Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1)
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