Read Asher: Heartless Devils MC Online

Authors: Kathryn Thomas

Asher: Heartless Devils MC (29 page)

BOOK: Asher: Heartless Devils MC
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“Yes! Harder! Fuck me harder!”


He kissed her, his tongue darting and slithering as he burned in erotic fire. He was giving her everything he had, and she was begging for more. He felt her begin to stiffen, her kissing becoming harder as her hand dug at his hair until she began to cry out into his mouth as her hand held his mouth to hers.


Her orgasm washed out of her and she felt weak, her legs sagging as they trembled, unable to summon the strength to stand. Asher was holding her tight, his cock deep inside as he held her to his chest and helped her support her weight.


“Shit…” she gasped as she returned to herself, her legs taking her weight again. She was nowhere near finished, but they couldn’t continue in the shower. Another orgasm like that one and she would surely fall. She shoved Asher hard back, forcing him to take a step backwards, then pulled forward, pulling him from inside her. He struggled to hold her, to insert himself again, but she fought him off, turned, and kissed him passionately, her flames of desire beginning to roar again.


Taking her fill of the kiss she pushed him backwards once more, then reached around him to slap off the water. Without word she flung the shower curtain back and stepped out, water dripping from her, as she pulled strongly at his hand. He followed and she led him to the small bedroom, turned, and once again kissed him with as much passion as she could muster.


As she pulled out of kiss she pushed him towards the bed. She pushed him again, harder, and he dropped to the bed, Jenny following him as he twisted and scooted back. The bed was small, but that didn’t matter. It didn’t appear there was going to be any daylight between them for some time.


As Asher aligned himself on the bed, Jenny followed, the water standing on his body, turning her on in a way she didn’t expect. He was gorgeous, hung, sweet, brave, and strong…and he was hers. The moment he became still she fell to his chest, loving the feel of him beneath her, almost squirming with the press of his hardness against the inside of her thigh, and kissed him. His hand tangled in her hair, pulling her harder into the kiss, her heat rising to levels she had never experienced before. She was being consumed by her desire.


He never wanted to stop tasting her lips, but she forced her head back and stared deep into his eyes.


“You want me?” she whispered.


“Yes…” he breathed.


She smiled softly at the power she held over him. “You want to fuck me hard?”




“Tell me what you want.”


“I want you. I want to be inside of you,” he murmured, his eyes never leaving hers.


She moved, adjusting her position and, as he watched, lowered herself onto him again. Her head tipped back as her eyes closed and her mouth opened just slightly, the perfect picture of a woman in the throes of ecstasy. He reached for her, taking her head into his hands and held her. Her eyes opened and she smiled as she leaned forward, bracing against his forearms, the pressure of his arms against her breasts another source of pleasure as she rose slightly on her knees to give him room to move.


“I love you,” she mouthed, no sound leaving her.


“I love you,” he mouthed in return, as he began to thrust, slowly at first, but harder and faster, his lust for her overriding any control he had left. She gripped his arms, locking them together, her face a mask of untamed beauty. He began to growl, low and deep in his chest as he drove into her, the feel of her breasts sloshing against his arm with their movement and her soft groans as they gave and took pleasure, stripping him bare before her.


She gripped his arms to steady herself as he drove into her furiously hard. When he began to growl, his lips pulling back to bare his teeth, she felt another orgasm swell within her. She could contain her voice no longer and began to snarl back at him, the deep rumble issuing from him the sexiest sound she had ever heard. The world had focused down to this moment, this tick in time, and nothing existed outside this bed. As she watched, his face began to twist with a mixture of pain and pleasure.


“I’m going to come,” he grunted, unable to fight the pleasure any longer.


His words washed over her like a flame, burning away the last of her reserve. With a gasping shudder, she fell into a raging orgasm, her body out of control as it bucked and thrust of its own accord, unable to contain the pleasure as it seared along her nerves. Only Asher’s loving grip prevented her from flying away and being lost forever as she channeled the howl of the mating animal inside of her into a long and loud moan.


Asher roared in completion as Jenny began to thrust and shake, groaning as she struggled against him and the pleasure he was giving her. He arched his back, driving as deep into her as possible as he endured one of the hardest orgasms of his life, coming so hard he burned the entire length of his shaft with each pulse, the twisting of her face as she raptured the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.


They gasped at very nearly the same time, Jenny sagging into his arms as if she no longer had the strength to hold herself erect. They were both panting from their excursions and their mind-warping orgasms as she collapsed onto his chest.


“Fuck…” he breathed as he wrapped her up and held her tight.


She lacked the strength to do anything other than nod slightly.


They lay together a moment, their breathing falling into rhythm as they came down from their emotional high. Finally Jenny found the strength to raise her head and bring her lips to his, lips that were eager for their touch. As they kissed they heard some whispers beyond the door then the sound of steps fading away. Jenny pulled back, looked briefly at the door then turned her attention back to Asher.


“I think we had an audience,” she smiled.


Asher looked into her eyes and returned her smile. “Do you care?”


“Do you?” she asked playfully by way of answer.


His smile spread wider, lighting up his face. “No.”


Jenny snickered. “Me neither,” she said as lowered her lips to his once more.


Chapter 23


“No, his eyes are more rounded,” Jenny said. It was Sunday morning and Asher was trying to draw a picture of Hamasaki junior from Jenny’s description.


“Like this?” he asked as his pencil moved swiftly on the paper.


“Yes…but they’re still not quite right. More rounded, like you have them now, but more narrow, too. It’s hard to describe.”


Asher stared at Jenny a moment. He could draw what he could see, but the last ninety minutes had been a study in frustration. “Are you sure you’re not jacking me off just so you can go tonight?”


“No!” she protested. “I don’t really want to go, to tell the truth. I still have nightmares about what happened the last time. But this is hard. I can’t draw, so I don’t know how to describe what I want you to draw.”


He sighed. “It’s not your fault. I have a new respect for police sketch artists. I wouldn’t have guessed this would be so hard.”


Jenny pouted. She didn’t like the way this was going at all. The Bucs and the Trifectas, along with all the Devils except for Chains, Kenny, and Asher, were taking on the Demonios de Sangre. Will and Thomas wouldn’t leave their club, and since she was the only other person to get a good look at Hamasaki the younger, they had been trying to figure out how to positively ID the man. Chances were good he would be the other man in the Hamasaki house, but once you kill a man, there were no do-overs if you made a mistake.


Asher had hit upon the idea of drawing a picture of him from Jenny’s description, but as he looked at the mess on the drawing pad in front of him, the man could be any man with an Asian background. Actually, it could be anybody with dark hair, the only part he was able to get right according to Jenny.


“Shit. Maybe we can—” he began.


“No. There is nothing for it, and we both know it. I have to go.”


“I don’t like that idea.”


“I’m not too fond of it myself. But there is no other way. With Dad out, and Will and Thomas busy elsewhere, what choice do we have?”


“Maybe we should bring in more guys,” he mumbled as he thought out loud.


“More guys, more chance of someone getting suspicious. Asher, we’ve been over this a thousand times. The drawing was a good idea, but if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. Look, I’ll hang back out of the way until you get everything settled, okay?”


He looked at her, thinking of all the ways this could go wrong. “I guess we don’t have any choice, do we?”


“Not that I can see.”


He stared into her eyes a moment before reaching behind her head and pulling her lips slowly to him. “Come here.”


She moved in and they kissed, a slow loving kiss. “Mmmmm…” she purred as they separated. “I liked that.”


“You have to promise me that you will stay back, out of the way, until I call you in.”


“I promise. And you have to promise me you won’t take any unnecessary chances.”


“I promise.”


They looked at each other a moment. “What are we going to do for the next four hours until we meet at the clubhouse?” Jenny asked, pitching her voice to be the epitome of sweet innocence.


Asher looked up and right as if deep in thought before his eyes returned to hers and he smiled. “I have an idea.”


She giggled as she leaned in close. “So do I,” she breathed.


Four hours twenty minutes later, Jenny, Asher, Kenny, John and Chains watched as the rest of the Heartless Devils rumbled out from the clubhouse compound, most of their old ladies watching, as well. It was never easy starting a war with another club, and even though the Demonios de Sangre were out gunned ten to one, that didn’t mean every member would be coming home. The Demonios wouldn’t go down without a fight, and every member knew it.


“It’s a good plan, Asher,” John said as the rolling thunder faded into the distance.


“We may lose some members tonight,” Asher replied.


“We might. But every man knows what he’s riding into. They know it’s the right call,” John said, slapping Asher on the back. “I wish I was going with them.”


“Yeah. I know the feeling,” Asher said as he turned. “You have the toughest job of all: waiting. Plus, if they counter punch, you’re the last stop.”


John snorted in amusement. “One old man with a bad ticker won’t do much. Besides, they aren’t going to have a chance to counter punch, and you know it. You four have the much bigger task of taking Hamasaki without the neighbors getting wind of it and calling the cops.”


“We can handle it, Boss,” Chains said confidently.


“I know, Chains,” John said. “You better move out. Once the shit starts hitting the fan, there is no knowing what those assholes might do.”


“I love you, Daddy,” Jenny said, hugging her father warmly.


“You three watch out for her,” John warned the men.


“Don’t worry,” Kenny said. “We’ll keep her safe.”


“See that you do,” John replied, his face crinkling as he struggled to not show his worry.


“Let’s mount up,” Asher suggested, turning toward the club’s SUV. They were taking the Tahoe; arriving on hogs would get them fingered in no time.


Jenny and Kenny climbed into the back, Chains and Asher in the front. John stood, leaning in the open passenger window. “This is some nasty shit you four have to do. I know that,” he said softly to the passengers. “But it can’t be helped. This is the only way.”


“We know, Boss,” Chains said. “It’s been almost ten years since we’ve had to do something like this. You knew it was only a matter of time before someone pressed us, checking to see if we still have it. We’re going to show these fuckers that the Devils are still the baddest of the badasses.”


John slapped Chains on the shoulder through the open window. He didn’t say anything, but the Devils were changing. Members like Chains, Shadow and Razor, hard men used to getting their way through intimidation and blood, were a dying breed in the Devils. The future belonged to the Ashers and the Gators, the members who could put together deals, members who thought ahead and planned.


John stepped back from the Tahoe. He had brought the club this far; it was going to be up to Asher, and those like him, to take the club to the next level, but as the SUV turned onto the road, he knew men like Chains still had their uses for a while longer yet.


“How do we even know they are in there?” Chains grumbled again.


“We don’t.” Asher replied from the driver’s seat.


“Why don’t we go kick the fucking door in and bag them if they are, and be waiting if they’re not?”


“Why don’t we just call the cops ourselves and be done with it?” Kenny said from the backseat.


“The waiting is what drives me crazy,” Chains muttered.


As much as it pained Jenny to admit it, she agreed with Chains. Waiting was by far the worst part, and she had done more than her fair share in the last few months. If it were just her and Asher they could at least talk, but having Kenny, and especially Chains, in the car with them severely limited the conversation. Chains had a knack for taking even the most innocent comment and making it sexual. It had started out funny, but after almost five hours of it, she was ready to kill him herself.


They had taken turns leaving in the SUV, always leaving at least two on watch, as they cycled through the various restaurants, getting something to eat or drink, and using the restrooms. It was nearing nine o’clock at night and they had been waiting in various places on the street for over six hours.


The raid on the Demonios de Sangre had gone as well as could be expected. All but five of the Demonios had been killed in the firefight, the survivors later shot in the head. Twenty-seven men had been shot dead in their clubhouse and then the building doused in gasoline and set ablaze. The bodies would be found, of course, but it would impossible to prove anything. The over one hundred strong attack force had arrived just as the sun set, on foot, and drifted away into the darkness the same way as the building went up in flames.


The combined forces of the Heartless Devils, the Buccaneers, and the Trifectas had routed the Demonios, but they hadn’t escaped unscathed. They had lost two, one from the Bucs and another from the Devils, and the Trifectas had two wounded. A resounding success by any measure, but Asher had been quiet since he had learned of the outcome.


Jenny had tried to cheer him up, but she could see the pain in his eyes. He had been close to Eli Gray, the Devil who had been killed.


“We’ve got movement boys and girls,” Chains said suddenly as a Range Rover pulled into drive and stopped while the garage door of the Hamasaki house rose. The vehicle entered and the door started down.


“What do you think?” Kenny asked.


“Don’t know,” Asher said. “Let’s see what happens. If they leave, we’ll tail them. If they stay, let’s give them a few hours to settle in. Then we’ll pay them a visit.


“Great...more waiting,” Chains muttered, but Jenny could tell from his tone he wasn’t actually pissing and moaning like he had been before.


She scooted down in her seat and wiggled until she got comfortable and closed her eyes. She didn’t think she would sleep, but there wasn’t anything else to do while she waited.


“Jenny. Wake up,” Kenny said, shaking her gently.


“What time is it?” she asked, opening her eyes and sitting up.


“Almost one.”


“Did I go to sleep?” she asked through a yawn.


“Yeah. Your snoring kept the rest of us awake. So good job,” Kenny teased.


“I did not!” she retorted as the rest of the men in the truck chuckled.


“You ready to go?” Asher asked as he opened his door.


“I have to pee,” she realized as she got out.


“You’re either going to have to hold it or find a bush.”


“I’ll go once we are in the house.”


“That’s just fucking great,” Chains muttered as they pulled on their rubber gloves. “Sorry, officer, we broke in because our girl here had to piss.”


“Shut up, Chains,” Asher muttered as the three men screwed suppressors to the end of their weapons.


All the houses were dark and the street was quiet. They had no trouble making their way to their target, the bright glow of the moon providing plenty of illumination.


When they reached the house, Kenny and Chains watched their back while Asher carefully cut a hole in the center window of the garage door, handing the circle of glass to Jenny to hold so it wouldn’t break. She carefully sat the glass aside, then stepped into Asher’s waiting hands, his fingers locked to make a foothold for her. He boosted her up enough so she could peek through the glass as she slide a long piece of aluminum bar through the window, catching the door release handle with the hook on the end.


“Got it,” she said softly.


She stepped out of Asher’s hand, holding the bar over her head until he took it from her. He gave it a quick jerk and the big door rumbled softly as the pressure from the electric opener was released.


“Piece of cake,” Asher whispered as he raised the door just high enough for them to scoot under. Once inside the garage, Asher handed Kenny the toolkit.


“Get started on the glass. We’ll come get you as soon as we secure the house. If you hear shooting, you take her and get the fuck out,” Asher whispered.


“Got it,” Kenny murmured, pulling a screwdriver from the bag and setting to work removing the molding holding the glass in place while Jenny held a penlight close so he could see what he was doing.


BOOK: Asher: Heartless Devils MC
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