Asher: Heartless Devils MC (30 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Thomas

BOOK: Asher: Heartless Devils MC
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Jenny wanted badly to go with Asher, but she had agreed to stay with Kenny. She watch as he quickly removed the eight screws, handing each one to her so they wouldn’t get lost in the dark, then handed her the glass with the hole it in, taking the other pane from her and putting it in place. She handed him each screw back and in ten minutes, the job was done.


Asher and Chains entered the kitchen moving like ghosts. As they crept into the main room, they could see six suitcases in various sizes sitting just off the kitchen. It looked like someone was planning on taking an extended trip. They froze when they heard a woman moan and a man’s voice, both almost beyond their ability to detect. The sound came from upstairs, presumably from the bedrooms.


With Asher on one side of the steps and Chains on the other, they crept up the steps toward the bedrooms, staying next to the edges to prevent the stairs from squeaking with their weight. At the top they could hear the sound of moving bodies, punctuated occasionally by a man or woman’s voice.


Asher motioned Chains past before stopping at the room with the sounds coming out of it. The door was slightly open and he could see in a mirror a woman on all-fours as a man took her from behind, holding her head back by pulling her hair. The woman moaned again and rose up onto her knees, the man releasing her hair to maul her tits as he kissed her neck.


Asher glanced down the hall as Chains eased a door open and looked carefully inside before silently closing it again with a shake of his head. He began to move to the next door and Asher glanced back into the room to make sure he hadn’t been seen. The couple was still deep in their passion, oblivious to their presence. While he watched, the man tumbled to his back, pulling the woman with him. The woman, still back to front with the man, squatted over him and took him inside again, then leaned back onto her arms and began to thrust her hips as the man’s hands once again began to roughly knead her breasts.


Asher’s eyes flicked back to Chains as he slowly pushed open the third door and looked in, then looked at Asher and nodded. With the bright moon beaming in through the large two story windows overlooking Biscayne Bay, he knew Chains would have no trouble seeing him count backwards on his fingers from three.


When he gripped his fist, both men burst through the door. The moment the door opened, the woman saw him and screamed. “Quiet or you’re both dead!” Asher hissed, his gun trained on the woman’s head. He heard Chains roaring at someone in the other room and then it was quiet.


“What do you want?” the man, Mikio Hamasaki, shouted, shoving the woman off of him.


“What I want? Right now, what I want is for you to get up and come with me downstairs. So move it!” Asher stepped slowly to the side, his weapon never wavering, as the man and woman got to their feet.


“Let me get dressed,” the woman begged, covering herself with her hands. Asher considered it but decided against it. She wouldn’t be embarrassed for long.


“No. Downstairs. Now.”


As the man crossed in front of him, he stared malevolently into Asher’s eyes. “I’ll kill you for this,” the man growled.


“Like you did Melissa Carter?”


The man paused. “Who are you?” he demanded.


“The angel of death. Now move.”


As they stepped out of the room onto the balcony overlooking the lower floor, Chains and Hiero Hamasaki, dressed in violet silk pajamas, were just reaching the bottom of the stairs.


“Downstairs,” Asher ordered.


“What have we here? Looks like someone was enjoying a little
,” Chains muttered as the man and woman joined Chains and Hiero in the kitchen.


“Shut up. This isn’t a game,” Asher growled.


“What are you going to do with us?” Hiero demanded.


“We’re going to kill you,” Chains said simply. “You fuck with the Devils, you get burned.”


“Let Yoshiko go,” the younger man begged. “She doesn’t have anything to do with what happened. Please. She didn’t do anything.”


“No witnesses,” Chains said, his eyes once again roaming the body of the woman.


Asher didn’t like it, but Chains was right. He hadn’t expected there to be anyone in the house other than the two targets. “Go get Slovoski and Jenny,” he ordered, needing time to think.


A moment later Chains returned with Kenny and Jenny behind him. “That’s him,” Jenny said the moment she stepped into the room and shined the light into his face.


“You!” the younger man snarled. “I should have fucked you and then killed you myself!”


Asher resisted the temptation to backhand the man. “Do it,” he said, looking at Chains.


Kenny pulled two small cloth bags from the tote that contained their tools. “What are we going to do about her?” he asked as he stepped up to the older man and slipped the bag over his head. The man never flinched, seeming to accept the inevitable.


“I don’t know. A towel maybe?” Asher replied.


Chains took the older Hamasaki by the shoulder and steered him out of the kitchen onto the patio. As they watched through the large windows, Chains forced the man to his knees then bent him over one of the large terra cotta planters Asher had seen while milling around after Jenny's rescue so many months ago. The dirt in the planter would stop and contain the bullet, the bag the gore. The moment the man was bent over Chains put the gun to the back of his head and pulled the trigger, the pop of the suppressed gun barely audible in the house. The man fell forward immediately, lying over container. Chains pushed him back, allowing him to fall, then tucked his weapon away and began to drag him back inside by the shoulders.


“You fucker!” Mikio raged.


“Jenny. Go upstairs and get some towels,” Kenny said gently. “You don’t want to see this.”


Jenny tore her eyes from Chains as he dragged the body back into the house and hurried up the steps. She had just reached the top when she heard the thump of the body hitting the floor like so much meat.


It took her a moment of searching, but she finally found the linen closet and gathered four pale yellow towels and hurried downstairs with them, but not before she had relieved herself. When she arrived, the men already had the body on a tarp.


“Why don’t you wait in the garage,” Asher suggested as he took the towels from Jenny.


“No,” she whispered. “No, I will see this through.” Her bravado didn’t prevent her from turning her back to the body as the men bent and removed the bag, wrapping the towels around the head to contain the blood.


“You next, asshole,” Chains said as he turned toward Mikio.


“No!” the younger Hamasaki screamed. He lunged at Chains but the burly biker clubbed him hard in the face with the gun. Mikio went to the floor in a heap.


“Goddamn it,” Chains swore. “Now we have to clean up the blood
I have to drag his ass out there, too. The stupid fucker. Why did he have to make everything so hard?”


Jenny watched as Chains bent to pick up the unconscious man when movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention.


“Kenny—” she screamed, trying to warn the man, but it was too late. Yoshiko had a knife in her hand from the block on the counter and she drove it deep into Kenny’s back.


Kenny bellowed in pain and went to the floor like a puppet with its string cut. Yoshiko turned to run, but made it only a step before Asher’s gun burped and she fell hard into the counter and then slid down, her eyes wide in pain and shock. Asher took two quick steps toward her and fired another bullet directly into her head.


“Mother fuck!” Chains breathed, dropping Hamasaki and moving toward Kenny. “Hang on, man!” he said as he knelt beside the fallen man.


Jenny couldn’t believe what had happened and she dropped to her knees beside Kenny, taking his hand in her own. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” she sobbed.


“I’m sorry,” he grunted against the pain. “I’ve fucked this all up.”


“No, it’s all good, man,” Chains said, pressing one of the towels into the bleeding wound.


“I can’t feel my legs,” Kenny panted.


“Chains! Finish it,” Asher ordered as he pulled his phone and dialed.


“What about Kenny?” Chains asked.


“Jenny and I’ve got him. We need to finish this shit! Hurry!”


Chains nodded and gently laid Kenny back.


“John! Asher! We’re fucked! Kenny is down and we need some help cleaning up. Send Gator, Jack, and someone to get Kenny to the hospital. It’s bad John, real bad.”


“What happened?”


“Kenny’s been knifed, and I had to shoot someone in the house. We’ve got blood to clean up, and some painting to do. Make it fast, Boss.”


“On it,” John said then hung up.


Asher heard the muffled pop of Chains’ gun and he turned to watch as biker started pulling the man back into the house, before turning back to Jenny.


“Jenny! Go upstairs and make the beds. Chains will bring the luggage up. Unpack it and put everything away. Can you do that?”


Jenny nodded but didn’t release Kenny’s hand. “What about Kenny?”


“Go,” Kenny gasped, pulling feebly at his hand. “I’ll be okay.”


The Devils spent the next several hours putting right what had gone wrong. While Kenny was rushed to the hospital, Chains and Asher wrapped the three bodies in the tarps and loaded them into the Range Rover. While Chains disposed of the bodies, Asher, Gator, Jack, and Jenny scrubbed the area with a strong concentration of bleach where Yoshiko had been killed. There were two holes in the wall where the bullets had passed through Yoshiko’s body, holes covered with the spackling paste that Gator brought after the bullets were dug out of the studs behind the wall.


While the men worked on the wall, Jenny sifted through the planters until she found the two bullets buried in the dirt. She was surprised to find them so near the surface, but was thankful that it made her job easier.


Slightly more than an hour after he left, Chains returned with the Range Rover. The inside of was thoroughly wiped down to remove any trace of his presence in the car, and the back was carefully inspected for any signs that would indicate its grisly cargo.


The sun was beginning to light the horizon when five more Devils arrived, loaded down with painting supplies. With seven men working on it, the walls of the kitchen were repainted in less than an hour. The color was slightly different from what the kitchen was originally, but by the time the job was done, there was no way to tell anything had happened.


“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Asher said, flipping off the lights in the kitchen. He, Chains, and Jenny has stayed behind to look things over one more time, to make sure they hadn’t missed anything. He hadn’t liked using the lights, but they didn’t have any choice while they were cleaning and painting. The entire house reeked of paint and bleach, but that would fade in a day or two as the air conditioning circulated the air in the house.


“It’s over,” Asher murmured as he started the Tahoe.


“Thank God,” Jenny whispered.


“We need to stop and check on Kenny,” Chains said from the back.


“That’s where we’re headed, brother,” Asher said as the SUV surged away from the curb.


“Jenny,” Chains said from the back, his hand touching her shoulder. “You did good back there. Real good.”


Jenny patted Chains on the hand. She would never like him after he had slapped her, but she took his compliment as he meant it. “Thank you, Chains.”


They rode in silence, each lost in his or her thoughts until they arrived at North Shores Medical Center. It had been three hours since Kenny had been whisked away, but he was still in the emergency suite.

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