Ask For It (15 page)

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Authors: Selena Blake

Tags: #Amazon, #contemporary romance novel

BOOK: Ask For It
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He’d been shocked at the news of course, but she’d only been back in his life for a month. Hardly time to learn everything there was to know about her. Especially when he was starting to realize that although she was sweet, beautiful and charming, she was also a complex woman. And the last few times they’d been together, there hadn’t been much time for talking.

She leaned against the opposite wall and twisted her lips, as if trying to come up with an answer. “I didn’t tell anyone I was writing it. Cindy’s the fiction writer. Always has been.”

“Your book isn’t fiction?” He fought an irrational wave of panic.

“Of course it is. It’s just… I don’t know. I didn’t want to steal her thunder I guess. I’m a journalist. I write fact. I create stories from hard numbers and quotable quotes.”

“I’m not following.”

She sighed just as the elevator stopped at her floor. “I’m crazy. I know.”

“Maybe so. But you’re cute.”

He laced his fingers with hers again and tugged her down the hall, eager to get her into her apartment and into his arms again.

“I guess I just didn’t want to make a big deal out of it if nothing came of it.”

“But you have an agent, right?”

She nodded.

“Isn’t that, like, a big deal?”

He wasn’t really up on the publishing industry, but he assumed it worked much the same way as sports. An agent wasn’t going to keep you on his roster if you weren’t going to make him any money.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“You don’t like disappointing people.”

“No. I don’t. I don’t like getting their hopes up and then not being able to live up.”

“I know that feeling. Remember that pass I missed my first year out?” he asked as he took the keys from her and unlocked her door. He liked that she let him do things like open doors for her.

She’d probably been a junior or senior in high school at that point, but she nodded and it warmed him to know that she actually did remember. She knew so much about his career and football in general. He’d never met another woman like her.

“That changed me. All those expectations. Hopes resting on my shoulders and I dropped the ball. Literally.”

“In the scheme of things…” She sighed quietly and then pursed her lips. “I wasn’t really trying to keep it a secret. You know, the way people do when they’re ashamed of something. Or something could get them into trouble. Or even keeping a party a secret so it’ll be a surprise. I just didn’t mention it. And it seems silly now, but sometimes you share your dreams and they don’t come true. It’s harder. It’s harder because then people feel bad for you. They pity you.”

When had she ever had anyone pity her? But her tone said she spoke from experience about broken dreams. He wanted to ask her about it but right now, she didn’t need to relive the past. She may never be ready to.

But he could certainly sympathize, because what she’d said was oh-so-true. After that missed pass he’d felt a dozen emotions pummeling him. And that was nothing compared to the experience of letting his team down.

Some of the guys had been downright pissed at the young, cocky rookie who’d screwed up and lost them the biggest game of their season. Others had been quietly upset. Others had made jokes, trying to ease the tension in the locker room. But the people he’d resented the most were the ones who quietly offered their reassurance that he’d do better next time.

He should have caught the damn ball the first time. It’d taken him years to understand that sometimes people just messed up and if you were lucky, you got a second chance.

“Pity sucks,” he admitted.

“The token ‘everything happens for a reason.’ That sucks too,” she added.

“When one door closes, another one opens.” He sat down on the sofa and pulled her into his arms.

“Better luck next time,” she said with a nod.

“Practice makes perfect…although, I did practice that catch a million times after that game.”

“I would say the practice helped.” She gave him one of those looks that made something inside of him tighten.

She fit so perfectly against him he remained silent for a long moment, trying to find something wrong with the situation. A gorgeous woman who laughed at his jokes and knew more about football than his own brothers was snuggled up against him, her arms around his waist and her cheek pressed against his heart. Nope. Nothing wrong here.

Right now he needed to get back on topic, because as tempting as she was, they needed to have this conversation. No matter what a certain part of his anatomy said.

“When did you plan to tell everyone?”

“If the book sold, I would have told people. That would’ve gotten me at least ten sales.” He felt her grin against his chest.

“When your book sells, I'll be first in line to get my copy autographed,” he murmured, trailing his fingertips down her spine.

“You might have to fight my dad for that spot.”

“Okay, second seat. But that's final.”

She laughed softly.



“Can I read it?”


“Sometime. Maybe you can send a copy home with me. I'll read it on the plane.”

“Good. Because I'm not moving from this spot.”

“Sounds good to me.” Sounded perfect, actually.

“Want to see what's on ESPN?” she whispered.

“Nah. It's supposed to start storming again soon. I'd rather just lay here with you and listen to the rain.”

She pushed herself up and glanced at him.

“What?” he asked, trying to read her expression.

“You're too perfect. I'm looking for a flaw.”

He laughed. “I have plenty of flaws, sweetheart.”

“None that I can see from here.”

He didn't want to tell her that he had a hard time trusting people. And he could be a jealous lover. Or...well, he didn't want to tell her anything that would take that star-struck dreaminess out of her eyes. She'd learn all that on her own. And right now, he just wanted to enjoy the warm glow of a new relationship.

“How did Greg know?” he queried sometime later. The rain was just starting to hit the big window behind them, adding to the coziness.

“About the book? I’d printed out the first half to revise it and had chapters scattered all over the coffee table. He came over to measure the kitchen in my last condo while I was out and being the nosy brother he is, he read the damn thing. And didn’t even get the kitchen measured. After that, I kinda had to let him finish it because he wouldn’t stop pestering me.”

There was a wealth of love in her tone and he understood that love/hate sibling dynamic. But at the end of the day, he was there for his brothers and they were there for him.

Being with Julia’s family today made him miss Marcus and Kyle and rough housing with them. They hadn’t done much of that since his accident. It was Trevor’s fault of course. He’d withdrawn from everyone for a few months. His family, friends, his agent. And he’d let them all think it was because he’d left the sport he loved so much.

Gosh, they were a pair. He and Julia and their secrets. Momentarily, he wondered what other secrets she was hiding. But it wasn’t like he could ask her. He didn’t have any right to. Not until he was ready to come clean. So he pushed that worry away too.

Damn, he was getting good at that.





JJ stretched and her hand hit something hard…and hot. Her eyes snapped open and she turned to find Trevor sleeping beside her, his big body curled around an extra pillow.

Her body warmed, reminding her of the long carefree evening of snuggling and listening to the rain before he’d finally swept her up into his arms and hauled her off to bed. It was official; she needed a bigger bed if they were going to keep seeing each other.

After he’d snuggled up next to her the night before, he’d kept her in his arms, obviously content just to hold her. Sleeping with him, against him…actually sleeping with not a hint of something more physical was the sweetest experience she could imagine.

He looked so peaceful now. So relaxed. She let her gaze sweep over his body. His skin was smooth and almost completely tan. Well-muscled and perfectly proportioned. And he had a morning hard-on to inspire fantasies.

The sight of him against the crisp white sheets of her bed would certainly play a starring role in her future fantasies.

“Are you just going to stare at him or are ya gonna touch him?” The deep voice startled her and her gaze swerved to his. He was awake. And watching her. Heat infused her cheeks and he chuckled.

In a lightning fast move, his hand snaked out, cupped her head and pulled her in for a kiss. She ran a hand over his chest and then detoured south. When she closed her fingers around his erection he tore his lips from hers and leaned back, groaning with pleasure.

His responsiveness thrilled her. Ready to take advantage of all his secret spots, payback was only fair; she rolled toward him, planting a kiss in the middle of his chest. Tucking a knee beneath her, she let both hands roam over his pecks, teasing his nipples. He sucked in a shuddering breath.

Then he grinned at her, lighting up her world and making her heart ache at the handsome sight. His warm hands caressed her skin but didn’t interfere with her quest. Smart man.

She trailed her lips over his abs, loving the play of muscle beneath his skin.

When she arrived at his cock, she wrapped both hands around the thick shaft and looked up the length of his body. He was watching her intently.

“Wasn’t there something you were going to tell me yesterday at dinner?” He asked. “Something…naughty?”

She wished she could utter the naughty words that came to mind, just push them through her lips and watch him writhe like a worm on a hook. She loved it when he got all hot and out of control. She loved being brave and bold and being the woman that inspired his fantasies. But most of all, she loved that he’d never once made her feel silly or inferior or slutty.

No. He made her feel beautiful and sexy, naughty and cherished.

Pulling her lips into what she hoped was a sexy smirk, she whispered “wouldn’t you like to know?”

His cock twitched in her hands. She laughed softly and kissed the tip.

“Very, very much.”

His words were rough and husky.

“I was just thinking that I had extra caramel frosting in my fridge.” She watched him closely and saw the exact second he comprehended the words. His eyes widened a little, then his jaw hardened and at the same time, his erection grew between her fingers.

“Is that right?” She loved how breathless she’d made him.

“I was also thinking that if you were good, I’d have to frost you with it.”

“Julia—” he said on a groan.

Her name had never sounded sexier. She smiled. The power was hers to control. He was hers to conquer. She kind of liked being in the driver’s seat.

“Ask me.”

He squeezed his eyes shut, obviously close to losing control. “What?”

“Ask me.”

“Put him in your mouth.”

Her tongue snaked between her lips and licked him like a Popsicle.

“Oh my god.”

From the corner of her eye, she saw his big hands dig into the bed on either side of his hips.

“Like that?” she murmured, teasing him.

“You have no idea.”

She had an idea all right. He'd taunted her so many times with long tantalizing strokes of his tongue against her clit. Always teasing. Never quite delivering. Holding her at the delicate precipice.

She had exactly the right idea.

She licked him again. And again, until his lips shaped a constant O and he breathed hard, his face wearing a mask of concentration and desire.

“Want me to go get the frosting?”

“No!” His chest heaved. “Stop teasing him Julia and suck him.”


“I can show you bossy, sweetheart. I'm sure you've got panty hose around here somewhere and this headboard...” His words ignited the fire low in her belly and they both went still. “It was made for tying you up.”

She cupped his balls in her hand, rolling them gently. Trevor tossed his head back and a primitive sound erupted from his lips. She wasn't done yet, though. Not by a long shot.

Her lips closed over the purple head of his cock and she immediately swirled her tongue around him, tasting, teasing.

“Damn, sweetheart. You keep that up and I'm going to come.” She twisted her mouth around him, taking him deeper. Then she let him pop free.

“That's the general idea, isn't it?”

He uttered a low curse and she laughed. Pleasuring him was different. Fun. He hadn't expected her to do it. Hadn't begged for it as some of her past lovers had. He didn't criticize her technique, just sat back and enjoyed himself. So she continued driving him wild with her mouth until he warned her to stop.

She didn't stop. With one hand around his shaft and the other cupping his balls, she started a slow suction that had him cursing again.

Then, before she knew how it'd happened, he reached forward, hooking his hands beneath her arms and pulled her up his body until his cock lay nestled beneath her pussy.

“I'd much rather come inside you.” His hands closed over her hips and lifted her onto his straining cock. Inch by glorious inch she sank down onto him until, at last, he was filling her. She stared down at him, loving the look of pleasure on his face, the way he kept his eyes closed as if he were savoring all the sensations.

Then all of a sudden it hit her. It must have registered with him too because his eyelids snapped open.


Lifting her off, he uttered a curse. “I’ve never forgotten before,” he said, leaning up on an elbow, angled toward her. He watched her for a moment and then ran a hand through his hair.

If she hadn’t been so surprised with herself she would have thought his shell shocked expression rather cute.

“Me either.”

They’d both been distracted, seduced, immersed in passion. Totally immersed, evidently. She’d never been
distracted that she’d forgotten all about protection before. She didn’t want to be a single mom. And she didn’t want a baby before she was ready. Those two thoughts always hovered in the back of her mind, a warning…a siren with bright flashing lights waiting to go off.

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