Ask For It (31 page)

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Authors: Selena Blake

Tags: #Amazon, #contemporary romance novel

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She nodded. “Yes. As an occupation. I discovered that a great many strippers are actually housewives, elementary school teachers, and students putting themselves through college or med school. Such quote, unquote, respectable jobs.”

This was about the point when most of the radio interviews went south. Most show hosts didn’t believe her research and they were more interested in asking her out than educating the public or promoting her book.

But Garrett Vartan simply stared at her and nodded.

“We’ve got to cut to a commercial, but we’ll be right back with more about Crystal and her research. Don’t touch that dial.”

The On Air sign flicked off and Garrett tore off his headphones. Crystal slowly removed hers and then smoothed her hair, trying not to stare at the gorgeous man across the table. Why on earth was he in radio? He had a fabulous voice, but he had movie star good looks.

For the first time in years, her confidence failed her. Sweat moistened her palms even after she smoothed them down the pale pink silk of her pencil skirt. There was something about him that set off warning bells in her head. While she had a thousand retorts ready to go against a chauvinist swine, she was completely unprepared for a genuine male whose smile could melt the rubber off her tires.

What was worse, she knew there had to be a catch. He couldn’t really be that perfect. That dreamy. So potently male. So understanding. Could he?

He spoke to the producer for a few moments and then turned his dark gaze back to her. She actually felt her temperature rise.

“You really
look like any librarian I’ve ever seen.”

“Have you spent much time in libraries?”

He clasped his hands together and leaned across the table in a conspiratorial manner. “Believe it or not, yes. I have a Bachelor’s in Journalism and a Masters in Philosophy.”

“Interesting combination.” She tilted her head to the side and regarded him. The corner of his handsome mouth hitched up in an arrogant smile.

An image of her kissing that mouth slammed into her, so real and intense that she forced her gaze away from his.

“Do you want me to put on my reading glasses?” she asked, getting back on topic. “Would that make me look more like a librarian?”

This time it was his gaze that roamed over her. He looked at her so long, so slowly, she could imagine molasses pouring out of a jar faster than it took him to look his fill.

“No. You look just fine.” That disarming smile hovered over his lips, threatening to melt her insides all over again. Instead, he sat back in his chair and looked over at the producer.

“We’re back on in ten…” the producer said. “Nine. Eight...”

“Good. Because I don’t have any reading glasses,” she said with a smile of her own.

They put the ear crushing headphones back on and stared at the On Air sign.

“We’re back with Crystal Reed. Librarian, Author, and Stripper. Crystal is telling us about her decision to become a stripper. Crystal?”

“I did research on the work environment and take-home pay. I even looked into the different types of stripping and regulations.”

“You sound very analytical.”

“I try to be.”

“Did it interest you at that point?”


“You don’t mind taking your clothes off…in front of an audience?”

“No. Not really.”

“Crystal, you probably just caused half a dozen traffic accidents across Dade County. Can you tell us why you don’t mind taking your clothes off for the audience?”

She managed not to laugh at the eagerness in his voice. Most of the men she’d met on her tour had wondered and gotten excited about her unabashed nature.

 “I think the human form is beautiful. Otherwise why would it be the model for so many sculptures, paintings and photos throughout history? No, there’s nothing to be ashamed of by being in the nude.”

“But what about stripping? You come out on stage, with clothes on, right?”

“Clothes or lingerie. Correct.”

“And you take it off.”

“To music. Yes.”

“And you dance.”

“Very seductively, I’m told.”

She waited for his next comment, his next question, but he merely stared at her with his mouth hanging open slightly. Perhaps she’d short-circuited his brain.

His reactions were amusing. “So after a few months of stripping, I got a job as a librarian. Things went really well for a few years. My library was far enough away from the club that I didn’t really think anything of it.”

“But you were fired, correct? From the library?”

“Right. One Friday night one of the other librarian’s husbands came in. We’d met a couple of times. Anyway, he reported, anonymously, to the library that I was seen dancing at a strip club and the rest, as they say, is history.”

“So they fired you for being a stripper?”


“How do you know who reported you?”

“Well, he was at the club, he gave me a twenty-dollar tip, and the next day I was fired, so I’d say those facts pretty much lead to one person. Him.”

“Not to sound like a shrink, but how did you feel about that?”

Was she mistaken, or were his eyes beginning to glitter? His jet-black hair fell in unruly waves across his forehead giving him the ultimate bad-boy surfer look. If he was playing doctor, she’d love to lay down on his black leather couch for his professional, and not-so-professional, observation. And exploration. Her nipples hardened at the thought.


“Bad, obviously. At the time it really hurt, but now it almost seems like a blessing in disguise.”

“How so?”

Crystal uncrossed and re-crossed her legs and leaned back toward the mike. His eyes followed the movement.

“Well, it gave me the opportunity and the drive to write, which I’d never done before. It also made me take a look at my morals. The switch led me down a different path, an unexpected one. One that I’m glad I’m on.”

“All righty, folks. We’ll be right back to hear about Crystal Reed’s début book,
The Sex Life of a Stripper

This time when the On Air sign went off, Crystal leaned forward. “So how long have you been in Miami?” she asked.

“Two years. Why do you ask?”

“Your accent.”

A pitch-black eyebrow shot up.

“You’re from Texas, right?”

That arrogant smile returned, and he nodded. “Where are you from?”

“I’m a Miami girl.”

It didn’t take a lot of imagination to envision him in cowboy boots atop a big horse. His jet-black hair would glint in the sunlight and blow in the breeze. He kept it a little on the long side, a few unruly locks curled over his ears.

“So why does a Miami girl go to Illinois for school?”

“To get away for a while,” she said.

“Why do I get the feeling there’s more to it than that?”

Crystal just smiled and waited, as the producer began his countdown.

“Afternoon, everyone. We’re talking with Crystal Reed today. Crystal’s new book,
The Sex Life of a Stripper
, is on shelves now. Crystal, I was really surprised that the title has nothing to do with the book’s content.”

“Yeah, most guys are disappointed by that. But you have to admit it’s a catchy title.”

She glanced over at him and felt her heart falter. He was smiling at her again. An honest-to-God, melt-in-your-seat-smile. Heaven help her.


“The book is actually about discovering myself. About finding confidence, grace, acceptance.”

“Chapter nine is titled, ‘Have Him Eating Out Of Your Hand In No Time.’ Can you tell us about it?”

She felt her eyebrows arch. He’d actually read the book? No way. Most likely he’d just skimmed the table of contents.

“That was a fun chapter to write. It’s kind of like a crash course in being confident as a woman—not really about making men your love slave or anything. There are so many things that can just kill your confidence. Things that make you feel undesirable. Society’s image of what’s beautiful, for instance.”

“You mean the push to be super thin?”

“Exactly. Super thin. Super beautiful. Suddenly normal size average women are made to feel like ugly ducklings, and it’s just not true. But because the attitude is deemed acceptable, it kills the confidence of some women. And that stinks. So chapter nine is my tribute to normal women everywhere who need to take back their confidence.”

“No offense, Crystal, but you sound like you’re speaking from the heart—”

“I am.”

“—yet, you’re a knockout.”

“Ahh, but Mr. Vartan, you’ve just judged a book by its cover. I didn’t always look this way. It was after I decided, ‘to hell with Hollywood I like my curves’ and started paying attention to myself, my body, my appearance, that things changed for me.”

“It’s Hollywood’s loss that they don’t like curvy women.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“You actually have pictures of yourself from when you were younger in your book.”

Of course he would have looked at the pictures. The picture section was on extra glossy paper right in the middle of the book.


“Why did you include them?”

“So people can see that I’m real. I’m not some bimbo Barbie. I’m not super thin. I’m not super beautiful. And I don’t wear a D-cup.”

Crystal saw the producer out of the corner of her eye. He appeared to be choking.

“Inquiring minds want to know more…” Garrett said, his dreamy brown eyes getting impossibly darker.

“I’ll bet they would.” She gave him a little smirk.

“Well, put us out of our misery, Crystal. Every single man in Miami has one question on their mind right now. Ok, two. Number one, do you have a boyfriend? And Number two, what’s your phone number?”


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An action movie buff with a penchant for all things supernatural and sexy, Selena Blake combines her love for adventure, travel and romance into steamy paranormal romance. Selena’s books have been called “a steamy escape” and  have appeared on bestseller lists,  been nominated for awards, and won contests.  When she’s not writing you can find her by the pool soaking up some sun, day dreaming about new characters, and watching the cabana boy (aka her muse), Derek. Fan mail keeps her going when the diet soda wears off so write to her at
[email protected]


Visit her online at
or if you’re on Facebook, become a fan at



Series: Stormy Weather

The Cajun’s Captive  (erotic paranormal romance novella)

Bitten in the Bayou (paranormal romance novella, ménage)

Seduced by a Cajun Werewolf (previously titled Bound & Determined,  erotic paranormal romance, long novella)

Mated to a Cajun Werewolf (erotic paranormal romance, long novella)

Stranded with a Cajun Werewolf (erotic paranormal romance novel)

A Cajun Werewolf Christmas (paranormal romance short story)


Series: Mystic Isle

Fangs, Fur & Mistletoe (erotic paranormal romance novella)

A Werewolf to Call Her Own (erotic paranormal romance novella)

Games Demons Play (
erotic paranormal romance novel



Stormy Weather anthology (5-in-1)

Stormy Weather Collector’s Edition (5-in-1, plus interviews, deleted scenes and more)

Double The Pleasure (2-in-1, ménage edition)


Ready & Willing (erotic paranormal romance novel)

Surprising Darcy (short contemporary erotica ménage)

Just a Little Taste (short contemporary erotica)


Series: Deep Space Encounters

Reclaiming Isis

Rescuing Natacha

Azula’s Rebellion


Table of Contents































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