Ask For It (28 page)

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Authors: Selena Blake

Tags: #Amazon, #contemporary romance novel

BOOK: Ask For It
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“Working on it.” She hadn’t been here much to really need one. Until now.

“Tell Trevor I made it and I’m having a look around now.”

Oh you are, are you… “Joe’s here. Having a look around,” she relayed, eyebrow raised as she watched him circle her apartment.

“Good.” She could actually hear the relief in his voice. “I’ll see you at the airport tomorrow.”

“Okay. Night. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

She ended the call and watched as Joe poked his head into her bathroom and then her closet before he came back out and looked out the windows.

“Do you think we’re… in danger?” she asked. Part of her wanted to shake off the notion. She was boring and mostly harmless. But after what Trevor had told her about that terrible night with Stephanie, the agony in his voice made her realize anything was possible. And that her simple ho-hum life wouldn’t be as simple with him in it.

But that was just the way it’d have to be, because she wasn’t going anywhere.

Joe turned around and gave her his attention but she wondered if he was keenly aware of his surroundings. He seemed intense and ‘on’ in a way she’d never experienced before.

“Hard to say, but I live by the rule that there’s always danger around.”

How very… sad. But she supposed in his line of work, it felt that way.

She wanted to ask him more questions but exhaustion was weighing on her. Suddenly she wondered where he would sleep. Glancing from his tall, broad shouldered frame to the couch, she didn’t think he’d fit.

He must have noticed because he said “don’t worry about me. I come prepared.” He nodded toward his bag.

Of course, he did. Why didn’t that surprise her?

“Anything else you need from me before I go to bed?”

“I think we can cover everything in the morning. Feel free to lock your door.”

“Excuse me?”

“You’ve got nothing to fear from me, but you’d be crazy to take my word for it. You won’t hurt my feelings if you lock your bedroom door.”

He stalked across the room to gather his bag.

“Okay, well… help yourself to anything in the kitchen.” She headed for her bedroom and saw him unroll an air bed. In his line of work, it was probably dangerous not to have a good night’s sleep. Her respect for him went up, knowing he made sure he was well rested.

Realizing he was right about her not knowing him well enough to trust him, though if Trevor trusted him, she did too… she locked her bedroom door. Thought again how piddly the chain on her front door had seemed when compared with the man in her living room. She scooted her favorite tufted chair in front of the door and then got back into bed.

Sitting there wide awake, she finally realized what it was that put her on edge where Joe Catrell was concerned. He reminded her of a storm cloud, strong and dark that bore down on you whether you were ready or not.




JJ was running behind and still getting used to having a shadow that stuck to her movements like glue. She had to give Joe credit though, he’d yet to annoy her or get in her way. Game day chaos had once embraced her like a fuzzy blanket, pumping her full of excitement. But today it seemed like the universe was conspiring against her. Throwing one obstacle after another in her path, getting dirty looks from some of the other journalists, raised eyebrows in Joe’s direction. Luckily he was good at smooth-talking himself through any situation.

But right now she had a short, floppy haired kid chasing alongside her like a dog who chased cars. She’d been surprised when one of the internet bloggers who’d managed to get closer access to the action had turned his camera her way and started peppering her with questions.

Problem with bloggers was they weren’t bound by the same standards as journalists usually were.

“How about an exclusive? I can get you some incredible promotion for your book.”

She doubted that, but what did she know about promotion? Or his blog stats? Hard as it was, she tamped down on her frustration. Calling on years of her mother’s
southern lady
training, she stopped short and felt Joe almost run into her.

“That’s so sweet of you. I’ll be sure to give my publicist your information. I’ve got to run right now, but maybe closer to publication day we can chat. K? Thanks.” She gave him what she hoped was a sweet smile and saw the puzzled expression cross his face.

She took that second-long break and made her escape, motoring forward again. She hated that she was late for her lunch with Trevor.

As they burst out into the sunlight she heard Joe’s chuckle.

She smiled up at him. “Something on your mind, Joe?”

“Just haven’t seen many people handle reporters the way you do, that’s all. Color me impressed.”

“It’s all part of my charm. That and I’m a journalist, so that helps.”

“I thought that guy’s eyes were going to cross.”

“Too bad they won’t stay that way.”

He escorted her to the car Trevor had hired. She didn’t blame Trevor for wanting to stay out of the chaos. He planned to attend the game, from the relative sanity of a box with a few friends, but there were too many people around that would no doubt want to “chat” with him right now.

Having Chastity give a statement that Trevor and JJ were dating had only piqued the interest of the more entertainment style reporters. Bloggers were eating it up.

Yesterday they’d confirmed that Trevor had indeed purchased a home in Atlanta to be closer to JJ. She couldn’t believe people were interested in stuff like that. For her, the game had always been about the war on the field. Or on the court. Or in the boxing ring. Whatever the conflict was between the players or the coaches, she’d found

This fascination with her personal life… it was crazy.

How did Trevor stand it? How did any celebrity? How had he managed to keep the details of his accident such a secret? Carson’s family must have a ton of sway…

How wearing that must be on him. It’s not like he’d done anything wrong. Feeling like he had to keep it a secret… why did he keep it a secret? Had Carson asked him to? Had they signed an agreement?

He hadn’t mentioned anything about that.

It’s not like other celebrities hadn’t come forward about their stalkers. And there was nothing to be embarrassed about. Not really, despite what he thought.

She knew he didn’t think a big tough football player should admit to being scared, but how could he not have been?

“Can I ask you something, Joe?”

He inclined his head. He would’ve looked right at home in a cowboy hat, she decided.

“What happened to Trevor that night…”

He nodded again.

“Were you working for him at the time?”

She saw a muscle tick in his jaw.

“No. Few days before he left for the Hamptons he told me I’d fulfilled my responsibility to him and since things had been quiet for so long he didn’t feel he needed me any longer.”

“You didn’t agree?”


“Why’d you agree to work with him again?”

“Trevor’s one of the good guys.”

He was right about that. And those simple words spoke volumes about both Trevor and Joe.


After the third set of fans had interrupted his lunch with Julia, Trevor realized it had been a mistake to eat out. When would he learn?

Usually he could get away with a little anonymity in a city as big at New York, but on a major game weekend… it was like everyone had on player radar.

But he’d eaten here once years ago and thought Julia would enjoy it. So he’d brought her. Not that they’d had much time to enjoy it in peace. He felt guilty for being annoyed with his fans. But there it was. And it wasn’t like Joe could fend everyone off without Trevor looking like a complete asshole.

So he decided it was best to grin and bear it. That’s what Julia seemed to be doing, although he could tell, she was getting a little flustered herself.

He was starting to wonder if his idea to accompany her on her trip was a bad one. His presence was bringing her undo attention. Attention she didn’t want or need right now.

The moment they were back in the car he apologized to her for the chaos at the restaurant, but she just smiled.

“You’re famous. They love you. I understand that.”

Her phone rang in her purse and she quickly sent the call to voice mail. “It’s like every sports blogger in the world thinks I’m today’s story,” she grumbled. “I wouldn’t put it past some of the guys to leak my number.”

“We’ll get you a new number as soon as we get back to Atlanta,” Joe said from the front seat.

“I’d appreciate that,” she said, sounding somewhat relieved.

Once again Trevor questioned the wisdom of accompanying her. Hell, of starting a relationship with her at all. But it was far too late for that thought now. He couldn’t live without her. The sooner they were back in Atlanta and she was situated behind the gates of the new house, the better.

But perhaps he was just fooling himself. Perhaps this constant state of looking over his shoulder was his permanent reality. Perhaps his money would’ve been better spent on a private island far away from photographers.

“Have you gotten any more letters?” Julia asked quietly.

“Not the last time I checked,” Joe said.

It felt so damn good to have Joe back in his life, watching over things, taking over some of the burden. But mostly watching Julia’s back. He didn’t imagine her reception at the game had gone very well with the other reporters today. They obviously thought
was a story.

And though he knew she wouldn’t tell anyone about Stephanie or his accident, he prayed they didn’t press her until something accidentally slipped. He, better than most, knew how the constant barrage of questioning could make you lose your mind.

“Does Chastity think the story will die down soon?”

He shrugged. “She understands that I want it buried. Whether she and Brady are going to let that happen…”

“It’s stressing you out, isn’t it?” She reached for his hand and her cool skin was like a much needed lifeline.

“A little,” he admitted with a slight smile.

“Have— have you ever—”

“Have I ever what?”

“Have you ever considered telling your story about that night? The notes?”

He broke out in a cold sweat. “No.”

“Do you have some sort of agreement with Stephanie’s family?”

“Where’s this coming from, Julia?” His shoulders were tight with tension and his stomach bunched into knots.

“I just… you said it yourself; the best way to get something to blow over is to spin it your way.”

She was using Chastity’s words, words he’d used only two days ago to get her to agree that they should go public about their relationship, against him.

“I don’t want my darkest night— how the hell do you spin something like that?”

“I don’t know. I just thought it might help you not be so stressed about someone finding out. I’m surprised someone hasn’t dug it up already.”

That had him pivoting toward her.

“Don’t look at me like that, Trevor. I’m not going to sell you out. I just think you might find life easier if—”

“What, if I put myself in the limelight so some pyscho bitch can threaten me and my family again?”

“Why did you come with me this weekend? You knew there would be tons of cameras and journalists.”

He tipped his head back and sighed. “Hell if I know.” He couldn’t stand to be away from her and he couldn’t stand the chaos surrounding her job either. Everything had been so much easier before this latest volley of psycho letters. He’d been at peace, not second guessing every person he met. And worse than last time was the possibility of some crazy person coming after Julia. Just the thought made his chest ache like he’d been slammed beneath every linebacker in the NFL.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. I’m sorry.”

“We’re here,” the driver Joe had hired said as the car rolled to a stop.

“Look, I think it’s best if I head back to New York for a while. Maybe this’ll blow over and—”

“What?” Julia and Joe said in unison.

“Joe will stay with you and see you back to Atlanta.”

“And when it blows over? What if it doesn’t blow over Trevor?”

He pulled a hand down his face, not wanting to think about that right now. Wanting to go back in time a week ago when he’d had her in his arms, not worried about anything but making her smile. To a time where she wasn’t in danger simply for being in his life.

“I’m sorry our relationship is inconveniencing you,” she said and jumped out of the car before he could tell her she was wrong. Joe gave him a hard look and leapt out after her.

For an instant he thought about going after her, but he’d gotten what he wanted. Distance. And hopefully, her safety.

Yeah, he was making Joe’s job harder, but hell, Trevor felt like he was in a fucking tail spin.





JJ hustled into the building, tears blinding her. She wiped at them, furious that she’d broken down at all. The man didn’t deserve her tears. After four months of… everything. She’d given him
. Her secrets. Her past. Her heart. Her future.

And he’d wigged out over…over… hell if she knew what exactly.

Her safety? Yes. That was important. As was his. And his family’s. But this
he kept locked inside? The stupid
that he was scared of a crazy woman intent on killing him…

Her heart clenched.

Did he want her to move out? Was this a cool out period? A regroup? A breakup? What?

She headed into the nearest bathroom to pull herself together.

“I’ll be right out here,” Joe called as she ducked into the maze of hallways, stalls, and sinks. There was a fair amount of activity but plenty of empty space in front of the mirrors.

Her phone beeped and she pulled it her of her bag to see a text from Greg.



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