Ask For It (24 page)

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Authors: Selena Blake

Tags: #Amazon, #contemporary romance novel

BOOK: Ask For It
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“That’s the first I’ve heard of it,” she admitted.

Surely there was any truth to it he would have mentioned it. They’d been together two of the last three days.

“Maybe they’re just making shit up,” Cindy said. “Some reporters do that. Someone probably saw him at the airport and made it up. You know it goes.”

“Was it a tabloid?”

Cindy made a sound to the negative. “A sports blog I think.”

“Well, he hasn’t said anything to me about it. Some days I think blogs are the new tabloids,” JJ said, feeling a little disappointed.

“Would you want him to, you know, buy a house down here?”

“Of course,” JJ said immediately.

“Would you ever consider moving up north to be with him?” The way she asked the question made JJ wonder if there was a deeper meaning behind it.

“Honestly, I’ve not thought about it.” She thought more in terms of them being together than where they would be. Something to consider. “I would miss seeing you guys each week. And all my family is here.”

She had a big extended family but it would be her brothers and father that she’d miss the most. A knot twisted in her stomach.

“What about you? Have you thought about moving to Vegas with Adam? You guys have been dating, what? Four months?”

If their relationship was anything like hers and Trevor’s, Cindy would be eager to take it to the next level. JJ had tried to play it cool so far, demanding little of the man who’d stolen her heart.

The question was, was Cindy ready to settle down?

“I’ve thought about it.”

She didn’t say anything else and JJ got the impression from her silence that Cindy had thought about it a

“So what’s stopping you?”

“I hate the desert for starters. So much sand. Brutally hot. And I’d miss all the trees.”

“But Vegas sounds fun. And besides, where else should ‘Cindy’ live if not Sin City?” JJ tried to lighten the mood.

“I don’t know many people there. You guys are here. Long distance sucks,” she said in a choked whisper.

“Oh honey. You really like this guy, huh?”

“Yeah. I really do.” Cindy sounded miserable.

JJ knew the feeling. They were two peas in a pod. Yearning for men who lived half a country away, with no conclusion in sight. “What can I do?”

“Want to come over for some ice cream?”

“I’ll bring some wine too,” JJ said.






A week after his conversation with Justin Sherwood, Trevor had Julia by his side as he drove north from her loft. After the leak from Witticker’s office, Trevor had asked JJ to pick him up at the airport. The less people he saw, and the fewer places he had to sign down his name, the better.

Using a fake identity was a necessary evil, but he detested the complication. But the next house he bought would be under the guise of a shell corp. He didn’t want to risk having his name in the papers again.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” she asked.

She looked adorable and sexy in her long, red coat. Very Christmassy and the crisp December air lent a blush to her cheeks. He laced his fingers with hers and kissed the back of her hand.

“Nope.” Luckily, the media zoo outside his door had quieted down after a few days and so far they hadn’t connected him with Julia. And fortunately, there hadn’t been another letter, so he could breathe easier on that front to. But he wouldn’t be totally at ease until he had them both protected behind a security gate in a house with a top notch security system.

She sighed good-naturedly.

“I wish you lived closer,” she said as he turned off the exit. “The flight time wouldn’t be so bad, but when you factor in traffic and security…” She let the words dangle out there and he could tell the topic was heavy on her mind. There was something she wanted to ask. He was starting to wonder if all southern girls skirted around a topic the way she did.

He didn’t say a word, though he was dying to. It’d be worth it to see the look on her face when his plan unfolded. He’d memorized the directions before he left home so his phone’s navigation system wouldn’t give it away.

Three lefts and a right later he turned into a gated community. Stopping at the gate house, he rolled down the window. “Trevor Wyatt. Justin Sherwood is expecting us.”

The security guard nodded and pressed a button that opened the heavy iron gates.

“What’s going on?” Julia asked, sounding nervous.

“You’ll see.”

He navigated to the house and stopped behind Justin’s car in the circular drive. Trevor definitely liked that feature; no more parking deck to contend with. And there was a good hundred and fifty feet between the front door and the cul-de-sac. More space between the house and the neighbors.

After helping her out of the car he held her hand and led her up the stone path to the front porch. Justin was waiting with the door open.

“Since the owners still live here the house is furnished but I’m hoping you can get an idea of the space despite that,” Justin said as they approached, sounding a little apologetic. He extended a hand to Julia. “You must be Julia. I’m Justin Sherwood.”

“Nice to meet you,” she said but Trevor could tell the wheels were churning in her head. She was trying desperately to figure out who Justin was and what they were doing in this house. He decided to take pity on her.

“I’m planning to buy a house here in Atlanta. I was hoping you’d help me pick it out.”

“What?” Her tone was both shrill and hopeful as she rounded on him, those pretty blue-gray eyes big and expressive.

“Which part?” he said with a laugh.

“I’ll give you two a moment,” Justin said and made himself scarce. Trevor really liked that guy. Maybe second time was a charm.

“You’re really buying a house here? I thought the reporters were chasing a false lead thanks to that blogger.”

“You read that?”

She nodded. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about it but—”

“We’ve been pretty busy this week,” he finished for her. Too busy. All the money in the world and the best endorsement deals meant nothing if he couldn’t spend time with her.

Her lips curved up in a sexy pout. “You’ve been showing off your body again.”

“I hate modeling that stuff,” he said. They oiled him up and bent him around like a mannequin. He was the canvas he supposed, but he felt too exposed.

“Oh, but every woman in the world wishes she was those Kevin Kurtland briefs. Trust me on that one.” She rose up and brushed her lips against his. “Sales will be through the roof.”

That didn’t matter to him. It was nice, though, that Kurtland still wanted Trevor to model for him. Growing up, he’d never thought he’d have to list underwear model on his resume. The deal was certainly lucrative and Brady would probably cry when that relationship broke up. He loved the free swag.

Trevor would rather boxers or even commando than have something hugging his junk all day. Unless of course, that something was a special someone.

“About buying a house here…I’d like to, yes.”

“I—” She paused and looked around at the large foyer, then craned her head to look into the wood paneled study.

“What are you thinking? You have to help me, beautiful. I’m still learning your expressions.”

“I—” Rather than finish the sentence she launched herself into his arms and held on tight.

“I take it you like the idea.”

She nodded quickly and her lush vanilla scent filled his nose.

“You could have told me when we were in the car and I was going on and on about flight times and traffic…”

“Oh, but then I couldn’t have seen the look on your face and believe me, it was worth waiting for.” He’d never thought another person’s excitement could make his whole day but the instant that her eyes had widened with hope… he’d be walking on air for days.

“Should we have a look around?” he asked a moment later. She nodded again. “Do you want me to carry you?”

“Sorry,” she whispered and took a step back.

He cupped her cheeks in his hands and lowered his lips to hers. “Never apologize for wrapping yourself around me like that.”

She smiled up at him.

“Have I mentioned how glad I am you took out those contacts and switched back to your natural hair color?”

She snickered. “You might have mentioned it once or twice.”

“Come on. Let’s have a look around,” he said so he wouldn’t be tempted to haul her off to some corner and have his way with her.

Julia ultimately declared that it was a lovely house, but not ‘Trevor.’

He agreed. The next house was in the same neighborhood and they followed Justin over.

Julia declared it “too big.” Trevor agreed with that too. He was pretty sure you could park his whole apartment in the kitchen. Twice. Who needed that much space? Unless you were catering parties every night.

He’d asked Justin to save the best for last.

As they pulled up to the less imposing but still secure private gate, Julia gasped.

“That’s magnificent.” He wasn’t sure if she was talking about the contemporary black gate or the stone house behind it, but either way, he liked her response.

“Want to see it?”

“Yes please.”

Smiling, he followed Justin through the heavy wrought iron and up the driveway. Another circular drive. Plus one.

“This is in a more European style. Stone on all sides,” Justin said as they approached. “Not as big as the last house and more modern than the first. But still traditional enough to fit in with the area.”


JJ felt like she was dreaming. She only saw houses like these in magazines and on HGTV. Double entry doors. Gleaming dark hardwoods. Giant picture windows. Justin was saying something about a limestone fireplace but JJ was trying to figure out where the overhead balconies went.

“A woman would kill for this closet,” she said ten minutes later. She was pretty sure it was the size of her bedroom. And the organizational system, plus the lighted mirrors… Swoon-worthy.

“The master bath,” Justin said, waving them through to a space dripping in pale marble.

“Wow.” Yep. Dreaming. That explained everything. The herringbone pattern in the shower and the lovely brushed nickel faucets.

“The master suite has an incredible view of course.”

“Of course,” Trevor said dryly.

Was this what he was looking for? All this perfection? All this space? It wasn’t nearly as large as the last place. That one you could have parked a 747 in the living room with space left over.

“How about we head down to the terrace level. I think that’s what will interest you the most.”

Justin certainly wasn’t joking. He might call it a terrace level and he managed to do it without sounding hoity-toity, but it was still a walkout basement. And it had a beautiful bar and several big screen TVs.

“These doors open all the way, leading to the covered terrace. Outdoor kitchen is just around here. Another set of TVs out here.”

He forgot to mention the beautiful outdoor fireplace.

“What do you think? Perfect for a Super Bowl party?” Justin asked.

“Or a Fairchild Super Bowl Extravaganza…” Trevor added, grinning down at her.

JJ smiled, loving that he’d adopted their family slogan.

Despite the spaciousness, the architect and designer had done a good job to make sure the home was still cozy enough. It would cost a fortune to furnish though. Heck, the house cost a fortune. She didn’t need to see the number in black and white to know that.

“This may not be New York, but that’d probably be a little chilly,” she said. February was always the coldest month in Georgia.

“Ahh…” Justin strode over and flicked a button on the wall. There was a low hum and then she started feeling heat.

“Get out!”

“No expense spared,” Justin said with a smile. “The outdoor kitchen and the covered part of the terraces have these heat lamps installed around the perimeter of the ceiling so you can enjoy the fresh air year round.”

“That’s crazy,” she said.

“But handy for a Super Bowl party,” Trevor said.

“Okay, I’ll admit that.”

“While she’s mulling that over, let’s have a look at the pool. It’s heated.”

“I love the yard,” Trevor said as they strode around the long slender pool. “And that it’s so private.”

It was certainly private and JJ chalked that up as being in the house’s favor. Trevor deserved his privacy.

A few minutes later Justin excused himself and JJ perched on the edge of a stone wall and looked over the backyard. She wanted to soak up the perfection while she could.

“What do you think?” Trevor asked. He sat down and covered her hands with his.

She sighed. “I-just…wow. I just keep thinking this is how the other half lives. Not even half. I mean, do you have any idea of the craftsmanship? The appliances in the kitchen cost more than my last condo.”

“So you don’t like it?”

“I love it,” she said miserably.

“Hey…” He leaned over, wrapping his arms around her. “What’s wrong? This was supposed to be fun?”

“It is. It’s just so much. I just…it’s a beautiful property. Dreamy really. But I’m just so—”

“If you had all the money in the world, would you buy it?”

She gave an unladylike snort. “You don’t have all the money in the world and neither do I.”

“Why does money freak you out so much?”

She laid her head on his shoulder and took a deep breath. “My father left my mother when I was young. Like two. Just decided he didn’t want to be a husband and father anymore. It was a complete shock to my mom. They’d met and married three months later. I came along seven months after that. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that I was the catalyst for their marriage.”

He squeezed her shoulders and she had the power to continue. “But my mom insisted that they were deeply in love and that his leaving was totally unexpected. She’d moved across the country with him and was working hard to support us. She said every month we sank a little deeper. One of my first memories is us getting evicted and kicked out on the streets. I remember crying. I remember her struggling with our suitcases. I remember it raining; mom said it was the first time in months. I remember my doll, the one doll I was allowed to bring with me, getting wet and dirty.”

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