At Canaan's Edge (120 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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“This is stupid”: Fager,
Selma, 1965,
p. 144.

“at least we had good music”: NYT, March 20, 1965, p. 13.

“No white churchman is going to be free”: Transcript, “The Saga of Selma: A Tape Recording by ESCRU,” JDC, p. 3.

“with good hearts, good feet”: Ibid., p. 7.

James Bevel followed with a featured address: “The Saga of Selma: A Tape Recording by ESCRU,” AEC.

soul tune by Garnet Mimms & the Enchanters: “Quiet Place,” as identified courtesy of blues scholar Guido van Rijn of the Netherlands.

“Call your missionaries from Africa”: Ibid.

“but I have a problem with shabbat”: Int. Isreal Dresner, July 31, 1991.

had found seeds of a surprising bond: Branch,
pp. 21–32.

Heschel consulted fellow authorities: Int. Sylvia Heschel, Feb. 4, 1991.

visit friends at five different ranches: PDD, March 19, 1965, LBJ.

“likely to leak some time”: Moyers to LBJ, with 7:00
. cover note, March 19, 1965, Legislative Background, VRA '65, Box 1, LBJ.

“Cy Vance strongly”: Ibid.

suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion: NYT, March 21, 1965, p. 71.

Sixty-eight of them landed: Ibid. Also SAC, San Antonio, to Director, 9:09
., March 19, 1965, FSMM-12; BAA, March 27, 1965, p. 1.

retired at three o'clock: PDD, March 19, 1965, LBJ.

Lady Bird sitting nearby under a shawl: NYT, March 21, 1965, p. 1.

“Over the next several days”: “The President's News Conference at the LBJ Ranch,” 11:00
, March 20, 1965, PPP, pp. 299–307.

“somewhat of a family quarrel”: Transcript, “The Saga of Selma: A Tape Recording by ESCRU,” JDC, pp. 5–9.

the bishops conducted Communion services: Shattuck,
p. 155.

homemade sausages and fifty more sandwiches were ready: Charles V. Willie, “Reflections on a Saturday in Selma,” RSP2, BIR/C15f30.

Viola Liuzzo processed newcomers at one of the welcome tables: Stanton,
From Selma,
p. 155.

Hank Thomas wandered carefully: Int. Hank Thomas, March 14, 1991.

“By late Saturday”: Fager,
Selma, 1965,
p. 149.

“not particularly tense”: NYT, March 21, 1965, p. 76.

FBI agents reported the Leo Haley incident: Mobile LHM dated March 22, 1965, FDCA-721; NYT, March 21, 1965, p. 76.

“get that damn nigger Martin Luther King”: McGowan to Rosen, March 20, 1965, FSMM-118.

immensely relieved that military units: Hoover first resisted the idea that FBI agents

would have any contact at all with the politically dangerous Alabama authorities, scrawling on a memo, “I thought the military (Federal) was in control.” However, Inspector Joseph Sullivan bravely argued that the Bureau must have contact with both warring sides in Alabama in order to fulfill its duties as observers, in case there were violations of the federal court order. Hoover, under pressure from LBJ, permitted carefully limited contact behind a great show of FBI presence. See Belmont to Tolson, March 19, 1965, FSMM-177; Rosen to Belmont, March 20, 1965, FDCA-759.

“Immediately contact airlines”: Director to “All SACs, Continental Offices,” March 19, 1965, FSMM-45.

“a total of 1,856 persons are already in Selma”: Rosen to Belmont, March 20, 1965, FSMM-179.

priests from Connecticut: SAC, Mobile, to Director, March 20, 1965, FSMM-105.

Greyhound bus from Dallas: SAC, Jackson, to Director, March 19, 1965, FSMM-91.

Assistant Director DeLoach summarized: DeLoach to Hoover, March 20, 1965, FRW-NR; M. A. Jones to DeLoach, March 16, 1965, FRW-NR.

“the best truck farmers in America”: M. A. Jones to Nichols, Aug. 30, 1956, FRW-NR.

They joined Vice President Humphrey: WS, March 21, 1965, p. 1.

had contrived his Texas retreat: NYT, March 20, 1965, p. 13.

“We're havin' a small war”: WS, March 21, 1965, p. 15.

Atlanta Journal and Constitution
resolved to boycott: Comments of Bill Shipp, “Covering the South: A National Symposium on the Media and the Civil Rights Movement,” Center for the Study of Southern Culture, University of Mississippi, 1987.

“Gene, let's go over and catch the bus”: Int. Eugene Patterson, April 6, 1991. 139 had wrestled with the race issue in prize-winning columns: Egerton,
pp. 256–58, 331–34.

“the most melancholy aspect”: Shattuck,
p. 118. 139 “Damn, it would be fun”: Int. Eugene Patterson, April 6, 1991.


Our Lady of the Universe: Moyers to LBJ, March 21, 1965, Box 56, WH Confidential, LBJ.

demolition team arrived from the Third Army's 142nd Ordnance Detachment: Mayor Albert Boutwell to LBJ, March 23, 1965, Ex HU2/ST1, Box 24, LBJ.

“dashed up the hill to Mr. Shores's house”: NYT, March 22, 1965, pp. 1, 27.

over special hotlines: “Field Commanders in Alabama Linked by ‘Hot Line' to Pentagon,” NYT, March 22, 1965, p. 1.

turning out specialized breakfasts: Int. Jean Jackson, May 29, 1990.

FBI agents recorded: FBI Selma to Director, March 21, 1965, FSMM-83.

doctors completed medical exams: McGowan to Rosen, March 21, 1965, FSMM-154, p. 2.

Heschel from the Hebrew scriptures: Benjamin R. Epstein, “Notes on a Visit to Selma,” RSP1, p. 3.

A high delegation of Episcopalians returned from St. Paul's: Transcript, “The Saga of Selma: A Tape Recording by ESCRU,” JDC, p. 10.

“Hawaii Knows Integration Works”: WP, March 22, 1965, p. 10.

King wore one around his neck: Ibid. Also Webb and Nelson,
Selma, Lord, Selma,
p. 124.

Attorney General Katzenbach funneled to the White House: Katzenbach memo unheaded, closed “3-21-65, 12:15
,” HU/ST1, FG/35, Box 28, LBJ.

would take longer: McGowan to Rosen, March 21, 1965, FSMM-154, p. 3.

“C. P. T., Colored People Time”: Renata Adler, “Letter from Selma,”
New Yorker,
April 10, 1965, p. 121.

lurched forward at 12:46
: FBI Selma to Director, March 21, 1965, FSMM-48. The
New York Times
put the start time a minute later at 12:47, NYT, March 21, 1965, p. 26.

the networks would fire anyone who missed impact footage: Int. Frank Soracco, Sept. 12–14, 1990; Young,
p. 364.

a moving shield of volunteer marshals: Int. Ivanhoe Donaldson, Nov. 30, 2000; Fager,
Selma, 1965,
pp. 150–51.

with nineteen jeeps and four military trucks: FBI Selma to Director, March 21, 1965, FSMM-48.

a red roadster played “Dixie”: WP, March 22, 1965, p. 10.

Demonstrative females seemed comparatively undaunted: “Great Day at Trickem Fork,”
Saturday Evening Post,
May 22, 1965, p. 89.

A well-dressed woman got out of her Chrysler: Renata Adler, “Letter from Selma,”
New Yorker,
April 10, 1965, p. 124.

Silas Norman shellacked the floor: Int. Silas Norman, June 28, 2000; int. Ivanhoe Donaldson, Nov. 30, 2000.

“The federal government has given them everything”: NYT, March 22, 1965, p. 26; WP, March 22, 1965, p. 10.

Brigadier General Henry Graham: Ibid. Also Branch,
pp. 463–65, 471.

Jonathan Daniels and Judith Upham approached Selma: Judy Upham oral history dated June 6, 1966, p. 19, JDC.

“another mood—jubilation”: Adler, “Letter from Selma,”
New Yorker,
April 10, 1965, p. 124.

Harris Wofford trotted among latecomers: Wofford,
Kennedys and Kings,
p. 187.

“felt my legs were praying”: Int. Sylvia Heschel, Feb. 4, 1991; Neusner,
p. 206.

the youngest participant in a stroller: Lisa Maria Stone of Pasadena, California, age fifteen months, as identified in WP, March 22, 1965, p. 10.

FBI agents photographed seventeen cars: FBI Selma to Director, March 21, 1965, FSMM-48.

“Coonsville, USA”:
April 8, 1965, p. 8.

galloped wildly toward the march: Wofford,
Kennedys and Kings,
p. 189.

“I'm going out of service!”: NYT, March 22, 1965, p. 26.

multitude ate bologna sandwiches: WP, March 22, 1965, p. 10.

John Doar argued: Int. John Doar, May 12, 1986.

halted the run fifteen miles outside Montgomery: McGowan to Rosen, March 21, 1965, FSMM-154; Hoover to Katzenbach, March 22, 1965, FSMM-3.

David Hall's field at 5:07
: FBI Selma to Director, March 21, 1965, FSMM-48, p. 5.

donated by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union: McGowan to Rosen, March 21, 1965, FSMM-154, p. 6.

three tons of supper: Fager,
Selma, 1965,
p. 151; WP, March 22, 1965, p. 10.

nine-car train special loaded a thousand people: Mobile LHM dated March 26, 1965, FSMM-374, p. 14; NYT, March 22, 1965, p. 26.

Bill Moyers notified President Johnson: Moyers to LBJ, “Bombing Devices Found in Birmingham,” 10:45
, March 21, 1965, WH Confidential, Box 56, LBJ.

a penniless rebellion trip at the age of seventeen: Caro,
pp. 123–29.

“we ate pork and beans three times a day”: PDD, March 22, 1965, p. 2, LBJ.

his foreman about a newborn goat kid: PDD, March 21, 1965, p. 2, LBJ.

cans of oatmeal before six o'clock: FBI Selma to Director, March 22, 1965, FSMM-157; Fager,
Selma, 1965,
p. 153.

some walked barefoot: Associated Press,
Year in 1965,
pp. 52–53, WP, March 22, 1965, p. 1.

“There are about 392 people”: Joseph A. Califano, Jr., the Special Assistant, to McNamara et al., “Report as of 1200,” March 22, 1965, Ex HU2/ST1, Box 24, LBJ.

a lone Piper Cub: Rosen to Belmont, March 22, 1965, FSMM-226. “This is the same leaflet that was dropped on demonstrators in Selma on March 13, 1965,” Rosen noted.

“noticeably increased”: WP, March 22, 1965, p. 1.

A demolition team took lead position: FBI Selma to Director, March 22, 1965, FSMM-200.

Major General Carl Turner: Ibid. 146 Andrew Young's announcement: Ibid., p. 3; Wofford,
Kennedys and Kings,
p. 189.

from Dallas: FBI Selma to Director, March 22, 1965, FSMM-135, p. 2.

“Dr. King's Special Guests”: Wofford,
Kennedys and Kings,
p. 189; Mobile LHM dated March 26, 1965, FSMM-374, p. 18. The FBI compiled a partial list of the “notables”: George Fowler, chairman, New York State Commission on Human Rights; Theodore Gill, San Francisco Theological Seminary; Dr. J. Alfred Cannon, professor of psychology, UCLA Medical School; Robert Gist, Screen Directors Guild; Jeremiah Gutman, Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee; Reverend Rodney Shaw, Christian Social Conference, Methodist Church; Henry D. Ginigini, assistant to Senator Dan Inonyi [sic]. FBI documents from the previous day's march called Rabbi Heschel “Abraham Hersch.”

“Pick it up, now!”: WP, March 22, 1965, p. 1.

FBI agents counted 308 marchers: Mobile LHM dated March 26, 1965, FSMM-374, p. 19.

“Report No. 2 as of 1400”: Califano to McNamara et al., “Report No. 2 as of 1400,” March 22, 1965, Ex HU2/ST1, Box 24, LBJ. Califano's military sources put the number of whites on the march at thirty-seven. There is a discrepancy of fifteen from the preceding FBI count at approximately the same time, due to error, the continuous flux of arrivals, and perhaps confusion over marchers versus staff.

“opaque waters dotted with lily pads”: Fager,
Selma, 1965,
p. 154.

of the marchers needed medical treatment: Mobile LHM dated March 26, 1965,

FSMM-374, p. 18. 146 King removed his green marching hat: Int. John Lewis by Archie E. Allen, Jan. 20, 1979, AAP.

Negro teenagers wrote “VOTE”: Kasher,
p. 187; Moore,
p. 188.

Sister Mary Leoline of Kansas City:
April 8, 1965, pp. 11–12; WP, March 22, 1965, p. 1.

hopped on one leg with crutches: Adler, “Letter from Selma,”
New Yorker,
April 10, 1965, p. 131; Moore,
pp. 192–93; Associated Press,
Year in 1965,
p. 51.

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