At My Door (6 page)

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Authors: Deb Fitzpatrick

BOOK: At My Door
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‘But it's not like they want another baby or anything … is it? Or does Mum think we could keep … You know? I mean, you can't just keep a kid, even if it does come to your place. She belongs to someone else.'

I nod.


‘No. Yes. I mean: I don't think she wants a baby. I just think Mum's really worried for her. I mean, what will happen to her?'

‘No, no, Mei, don't touch that, it's my Arctic Helicrane, don't —'

I can imagine Mei's grabby little hands crushing Harry's helicrane.

‘Maybe we can make her dinner or something.'

‘Huh?' I say. ‘Can you repeat that, Harry?'

‘Just … If Mum's feeling sad … maybe we could make dinner tonight to cheer her up.'

Woah. I'm silent for a moment, then say, ‘I think she would love that.'

‘Right,' he says. ‘Harry's legendary stir-fry coming up!'

Mum's in the study, on the computer. I go in quietly and stand next to her. Up on the screen is an internet news site. And a picture of Mei, again. I read over her shoulder.

A Belleview man who answered his doorbell to find a baby girl abandoned on his doorstep said
the discovery had been a ‘complete surprise'.

Police are now searching for the parents or guardian of the child, who they estimate is about eighteen months old and appears to be in good health.

The girl was wrapped in a light green blanket with a teddy bear embroidered on the front. A note asking that she be looked after had been pinned to it, police said.

The man told police he was at his home on Hammond Road in Belleview with his family about 9.50 pm on Monday when the doorbell rang.

As he answered the front door he heard a car speeding away and found the abandoned child.

‘It was a complete surprise,' he told radio station 2VE. ‘We called the police and they came over straight away. We just hope that she'll be okay.'

Police believe whoever abandoned the child must have been ‘under considerable stress', the spokeswoman said.

The car seen leaving the area at the time has been described as a late model white sedan.

Police are doorknocking homes in Hammond Road in a bid to track down the baby's parents.

Police have urged anyone with information that may help to identify the child and locate the child's parents or guardian to call Crime Stoppers. Callers can remain anonymous.

Mum watches my reflection in the screen till my eyes have reached the bottom of the article. Then she turns to look at me.

The Ultimate Poppy karate move is getting smoother the more I practise. I'm in front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom, getting my hand actions right. Serge, my karate teacher, will be pleased to know I'm practising so much!

As I raise my arm and stretch it out towards my invisible attacker, I whisper my signature sound –
– and bring my leg up and out.

I repeat, checking out my karate self in the mirror with satisfaction.

I return to standing position and prepare to go through it again. I hear a mini ‘ya!' sound
behind me and turn to see Mei in the doorway, pudgy arm and leg out, copying me. She falls on her bum and giggles hard.

I do a quick chop for her and say, louder this time, ‘

She giggles again, and I help her up. ‘Like this,' I say, extending her arm and adjusting her feet. ‘That's it!'

‘Ya-ya!' she says, wobbling as her leg tries to hold her up.

‘That's it!' I say. ‘That's great!'

‘Ya-YA!' she says again, repeating the move, taking her feet too far apart and ending up doing the splits.

‘Nice try!' I say, and she gives me a big gappy grin.

Then I hear the slamming of a thousand car doors, and the doorbell rings.

‘Mama?' Mei says.

Mei makes a beeline for Noula as everyone comes in and says, ‘Mama?'

‘We're doing our best to find her, sweetheart.'

Mei is not happy. She drags her green blanket up towards her face, and rubs it over her cheeks and cries.

Mum looks across at Liz and says, ‘How do you want to do this?'

‘As quickly and painlessly as possible. Do you have everything she came with?'

‘There was just the blanket,' Dad says, nodding at it.

‘Okay. I need one of you to sign this
document which confirms we are taking Mei into our guardianship.'

Dad reads it as he walks to the kitchen where all the pens are. I see him bend down to the counter and scribble. He smiles at Mei when he hands the paper back to Liz.

‘Mum,' I say, pulling her to one side. ‘Mum, can I give Mei something? Something … so she can remember us?'

Mum's eyes fill up and she nods.

I dash down the corridor to my room. Click-clack man is on top of my owl notebook. I put him in my hand and warm him for a moment, then run back to the kitchen.

Noula scoops Mei up onto her hip in a playful way.

‘Thanks for visiting us, Mei,' Dad says.

Mum goes over to her and tucks the blanket around her now-wriggling body. ‘
Shh shh shhhh
,' she says, smiling. ‘You're on your way to finding your mummy, now, Mei. It's been lovely
to meet you – come and visit us again when you're a bit older, okay? Right, kids?'

‘Yeah, see you soon, Mei,' says Harry.

Mei is crying hard now and trying to get down as Liz and Noula make their way out the front door. She reaches out her arms to Mum.

I whisper to her as she is carried past. Her eyes brighten, and I press click-clack man into her little hand. She settles for a moment.

Mum's smile is thin, but still there, as Noula carries a wriggling Mei to the nearest car and positions her carefully in a toddler's car seat.

Liz touches Mum's arm kindly as she leaves and says, ‘I'm sorry; I can see how hard this is. Please know how grateful we all are to you for taking such good care of her.'

Mum nods. ‘Where will she go now?'

‘We've been so lucky – we've found a foster family. We're hoping it will be a very short stay.'

‘Have the police got any leads?' Dad asks.

‘Not as far as we know,' says Liz. ‘But they'll only contact us once they have something solid.' She walks towards the cars and waves. ‘I'll be in touch with you again soon.'

We all wave.

‘Bye,' Mum croaks.

We watch them drive off, then Dad puts his arm around Mum. She puts her arm around me. As quickly as Mei arrived, she's gone. And we all go back inside, back to the way everything was before.

The next morning I sit in the kitchen with Mum and Dad.

‘Is Harry up yet, love?' Mum says to Dad. ‘No. His hormones need a bit more kip than ours this morning, apparently.'

No one laughs. Mum is staring into her mug of tea.

‘Don't forget your library books today, Pops,' she says, after a few minutes.

‘I've got them, Mum, don't worry.'

She looks at Dad. ‘See, they don't need us anymore, these two. They've got it all sorted.'

‘They haven't
got everything sorted,'
Dad says under his breath. ‘Ahh, here he comes: Prince Harry.'

Harry grunts.

Mum says, ‘Don't forget you've got training this arvo, Harry. So have something decent to eat when you get back from school, okay?'

‘Yes, Mum.'

The phone rings. Mum snatches it up. ‘Hello?'

Mum covers the mouthpiece and says, ‘It's Liz from Family Services.'

There's a fair bit of talking on the other end and Mum's body language changes completely as she listens.

‘Right,' she says. ‘Right,' she nods. ‘Right. Okay.' She nods some more. Dad is staring at her. She is staring at us with wide eyes while she listens.

‘Right,' Mum says finally, and hangs up.

She takes a big wobbly breath. ‘They've found her – Mei's mother. She walked into a police station last night on the other side of town.'

‘That's great news,' Dad says.

‘Well,' Mum goes on, ‘Family Services won't return Mei to her family until they've got to the bottom of why she was left with us, apparently. She's with the foster family and will probably be there for at least another few days.'

‘Did they say anything about why this happened?' Dad asks.

‘They couldn't say much … confidentiality and everything. But said there might be some … issues, but it's not clear yet.'

‘What issues?' says Harry.

‘We don't know,' Mum says, looking at him, then me, then Dad. ‘There are so many things that might have gone wrong. Not everyone has life as easy as we do … You know, we always have food on our table and we can always pay our bills, and we're so lucky to be in that situation.'

Through the window, I see the plane tree in our front yard stirring up the sky.

‘For whatever reason, Mei's mum was having trouble coping. She might have had depression, or some other health problem.'

I feel the happiness fall away from me like leaves from a tree.

‘Will Liz ring back once they know what's going to happen to Mei?' I ask.

‘Maybe, love; I don't know,' Mum says.

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