Atlantis Beneath the Ice (36 page)

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Authors: Rand Flem-Ath

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Guzman de Rojas, Ivan, 86

Gwaii, 74–76

Hadji Ahmed world map, 102–3,
, 105

Haida, 2, 70–78, 174

Hapgood, Charles, 1–2, 173, 192–93

Air Force cartographic office and, 16–17

center of Piri Reis map and, 21–23

correspondences of, 8–11, 17–19, 23–27

data on extinctions, 153–54

Einstein and, 30–32

roe deer skin map and, 11–13

Haplogroup D4h3a, 156–57, 158

hare god, 38–39, 40

Harrison, John, 19, 104

Heaton, Tim, 156

Helios, 51–52

Henry of Portugal, Prince, 102–3, 111–13

Hieda no Are, 93–94

History of the Byzantine Empire: 324-1453,

HLA-B27, 76–78

House of Wisdom, 102

Hughes, Phillip, 133

Hutton, James, 147–49, 152

Hyksos, 77

ice ages, 92–93, 150–51, 190–94

ice sheets, 35–36, 161–62,

Inan, Afet, 12–13

Inca, 47–50, 130

Innocent III, Pope, 107

Internet, 4

Ipurina, 47

island paradise myths, 91–97

Jefferson, Mount, 44,

Jesuits, 115–17

Jung, Carl, 171–72

Kennedy, John, 27

Kircher, Athanasius, 2–3, 115–18, 119–20

Kitabi Bahriye,


Kuhn, Thomas S., 34, 35, 173

Kuk, 132–34

Kukusu Cult, 158

Kutenai, 40–41

land bridge, 160–67,

languages, ancient, 85–87

La Rábida Monastery, 28–29

Latin America, 129–31

Lauritzen, Stein-Erik, 140

legends, 4–5

Lesser Antarctica, 135–39,
, 173

Leverrier, Urbain, 190–91

Levi-Strauss, Claude, 171, 172

libraries, 101–6

Libya, 64–65, 68, 178

Lie, Rolv, 140

Life and Works of the Turkish Admiral,

line of greatest displacement (LGD), 154–55,

lithosphere, 33

Little Men, 45

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 27

Lodge, John David, 27

Loeb, E. M., 158


Lopez de Gomara, Francisco, 159

Lost City of the Incas, The,

Luce, I. V., 178

Lyell, Charles, 149–50, 152, 177, 189–90

Machu Picchu, 49–50, 79

MacNeish, Richard S., 164–65

Magellan, Ferdinand, 61, 114–15

magic, 168

Mallery, Arlington, 10, 14–15, 21

mammoth, frozen, 143

Ma’mun, al-, Caliph, 106–7

Manco II, 48

mappa mundus, 11–13

maps, Atlantean, 98–102

Egyptians and, 115–19

in Islamic lands, 101–6,

North as down, 119–22,

role in Age of Discovery, 106–15

Varangians and, 100–101

Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings,
18, 27–28, 180

Marcos (friar), 48–49

Mari, 50–51

Marinatos, Spyridon, 178

marine chronometers, 19

Martin, Paul S., 152

Massingham, Harold John, 179

Mathews, Cynthia, 28

megaliths, 51

Mela, Pomponius, 58–59,

Merenptah, 76, 77

Milankovitch, Milutin, 191–92

Monte Verde site, 166–67

Montezuma, 87–90

Montgomery, Shawn, 28

Mouse-Woman, 75

Muller, F, Max, 92

Mundus Subterraneus,
118, 119–22

Mystery of the Sphinx, The,

myths, 4–5, 38–53

Na-Dene language, 72

Native Americans, 38–53

Navel of the Earth,

Navy, U.S., 14–15, 21

Nelson, Ray, 164

New Guinea, 132–34

New World, 159–67,

Noah’s ark, 159

Norovgorod, 101

North, 119–22

North America, 105, 153, 158–59, 166–67

North Atlantic Ocean, 174–76, 180

North Pole, 137, 153–54,

North Star, 103

Oannes, 75

Ohlmeyer, Harold Z., 10, 16–17, 24

Okanagan, 41–42, 45–46, 95–97, 174

Omar, Caliph, 100

Onogorojima, 93–94

On Your Knees Cave, 156–57, 158

order, 40

Ossip Shumakhov, 143–55

overkill hypothesis, 152–53

Ovid, 58

Palmer Peninsula, 10, 14

Paradise Found,

Pendejo Cave, 164–65

Phaethon, 52, 60

Pillars of Heracles, 64, 67, 178, 180

Piri Reis World Map, 8–11, 22

accuracy of, 19–21,

authors’ search for, 28–29

center of, 21–23

Columbus controversy and, 13–14

conclusions by Mallery, 14–15

Hapgood and, 16–17

rediscovery of, 11–13

source maps for, 19–21

plate tectonics, 33, 194

Plato, 5–6, 55–56, 69, 85, 124–26, 166, 173–74, 186

Pleistocene extinctions, 151–54

Plumed Serpent, 89–90

Plutarch, 56–57

polar bear bones, 140

Polo, Marco, 108–10

Poseidon, 169

Posnansky, Arthur, 79–80, 82, 87

potlaches, 70–71

precession of the equinoxes, 80, 190

priest class, 84

Prince of Wales Island, 156

Principles of Geology,
149–50, 177

progress, 58

Psenophis of Heliopolis, 57

Ptolemy, 99

pyramids, 52–53, 80

Pythagoras, 57–58, 111

Queen Charlotte Islands, 70–73

Queen Maud Land, 10, 15

Quetzalcoatl, 89–90

quinoa, 130

Rainer, Mount, 44,

Ramses II (Ramses the Great), 76–77

Ramusio, John Baptist, 109–10

Reading Room, 3

Reiche, Harald A. T., 178–79

Reilly, Conor, 116–17

Reis, Kemal, 12

religion, 84


rice, 131

ring of death, 154–55,

roe deer skin map, 11–13

Royal Canadian Yacht Club, 28

Ryan, Frank, 21

Sacred History,

Santa Maria,
23–24, 25–26, 28

Santiago, 47

Sarmiento, Pedro, 159–60

Scheinshon, Vivian, 166

Schmidt, Klaus, 83–85

Schoch, Robert M., 81

Schwaller de Lubicz, R. A., 81

science, 168–69

Scomalt, 41

Sequoya, 45

Serpent in the Sky,

Seven Daughters of Eve, The,

Shasta, Mount, 44,

shipbuilding, 159–60

Shumakhov, Ossip, 143–55

Siberia, 55, 143–45, 153, 160–62,

Sobel, Dava, 19

solar megaliths, 49–50

solar typhoons, 195–96

Solon, 5, 55–57, 63–64, 186

Sonchis of Sais, 57, 58–60, 63–64, 68

South America, 153, 158–59, 166–67

Southern Hemisphere, 103, 110–11

South Pole, 137, 153–54,

Spain, 23–27

Stalin, Josef, 128

Stimson, Henry, 9

Stonehenge, 51

Story as Sharp as a Knife, A,

Strategic Air Command (SAC), 16–17

Stykes, Bryan, 77–78

sugar, 132–34

Sumer and Sumerians, 72–78

sun, 49–53, 99–100, 117

sun god, 38–40

survivors of Atlantis, 123–29,
See also

Syene, Egypt, 21–23

Ta-wats, 38–39, 40

Tell Abu Hureya, 72

Temnu, Emperor, 91–92

Temple of the Sun, 79–80, 90

Thailand, 131

Thales, 169–70

Theory of the Earth with Proofs and

Thera, 178

Tiahuanaco, 79–80, 85–86

Tierra del Fuego, 157–58

Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, 91–92


Titicaca, Lake, 47–48, 86, 130–31

Toltecs, 89

Torrid Zone, 111–12

Transactions of the Royal Society of

Tropic of Cancer, 21–23

tsunamis, 42

Tylor, Edward Burnett, 171

Ute, 38–40, 41–42

Varangians, 100–101

Vasiliev, A. A., 107

Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 127–28

Vedas, 92

Vega, Carcilasso de la, 47

Velho, Goncalo, 113

Venice, Italy, 106–7

Venus, 89

Vico, Giambattista, 170–71

Vikings, 100–101

Virgins of the Sun, 48

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 152

Walters, M. I., 15

Warren, Matthew, 15

Warren, William Fairfield, 92–94, 95–96,
, 176–77

water-management systems, 3

West, John Anthony, 81–82, 176, 203–4

When the Sky Fell,
1, 201–2

White House, 27–28

Woelfli, Emeritus W., 142–43, 197

World Ocean, 62

Yaghan people, 157–58

Yana, 142–43

Yima, 92

Yusuf, Akcura, 13–14


Zeus, 52, 60

Ziusudra, 73


Rand Flem-Ath
is a librarian and coauthor of
The Atlantis Blueprint
. He has appeared on the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, NBC, CBC, and the BBC as well as on numerous radio shows. He lives on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

Rose Flem-Ath
is a novelist, non-fiction writer, and two-time winner of the prestigious Canada Arts Council Grant for fiction. She lives on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.



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Copyright © 1995, 2012 by Rose and Rand Flem-Ath

Originally published in 1995 by Stoddart Publishing Co. Limited under the title
When the Sky Fell: In Search of Atlantis

Revised and expanded edition published by Bear and Company in 2012

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Flem-Ath, Rand.

Atlantis beneath the ice / Rand Flem-Ath and Rose Flem-Ath. — Rev. and expanded ed.

       p.   cm.

“Originally published in 1995 by Stoddart Publishing Co. Limited under the title When the Sky Fell: In Search of Atlantis.”

Includes bibliographical references and index.

print ISBN 978-1-59143-137-4 (pbk.) — ISBN 978-1-59143-895-3 (e-book)

1. Atlantis (Legendary place) 2. Antarctica. 3. Lost continents. I. Flem-Ath, Rose. II. Title.

GN751.F54 2012



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