Attraction (Love & War, Part I) (14 page)

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Authors: Katrina Liss

Tags: #erotic romance, #romantic fiction, #sexy romance, #modern romance, #romance series, #millionaire romance, #romance sex, #romance contemporary sensual, #romance adult contemporary, #romance adult erotic

BOOK: Attraction (Love & War, Part I)
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Her whole
being erupted with pleasure as his finger stroked down her chin and
around her jaw and ear. She forced her eyes open and battled within
herself to gain control.

Like that, the heated response I can feel to my touch. The
way you react when I look at you, and the things your eyes are
telling me when you smile at me.” His eyes bored into

I find you attractive... that's no big deal...”

He shook his

No, we both know there's a lot more than simple attraction
going on here. I don't know what it is about you. Call it
fascination, if you will. That and a powerful primal magnetism,
which I just can't deny.” His eyes continued to bore into hers
almost hypnotising her. “I can't stop thinking about you,

Is that so?” she whispered, barely able to get the words

Her chest
heaved with her breathing and an excitement so strong she felt
light headed. The element of the dangerous shot through her,
elevating her feelings further.

Ashton was so
dangerous; a heart breaker; a man to steer clear of.

Her breath
caught in her throat as she stared into his eyes. Eyes that burned
with a steely determination to have her.

At that moment
she knew, she could never fight him. He may be feeding her a well
used line, and playing a game he played all the time, but even so,
she was completely fascinated by him. He may be her client, a
womanising bastard and treat her as a plaything, but that wasn't
near enough reason to stop him playing with her.

She'd never
met anyone like him before. So rich, so handsome, intelligent,
talented and so goddamn charming it was unfair.

He was
completely dazzling. Blinding her to logic and reason. And she
wanted him in that primal, animal sense he mentioned. Her mind
started to flow into that zone, deeply into it, where they were
together, naked, wrapped around each other, and things were very
primal, intense and hotter than flames. A groan bubbled up fast and
escaped her mouth.

She stopped
breathing as he leaned towards her, his face just a few inches from
hers. She could feel his heated breath on her face, he was that

Her heart
pounding wildly in her chest as his finger traced the outline of
her lips, his eyes following it.

You're so beautiful, and intriguing. I'm already hooked. All
you've got to do is reel me in.” He licked his lips and his eyes
roamed sensuously all around her face. Her eyes fastened on his
slightly open mouth. She was thinking of things she'd like to do to
that. The look he was giving her was serious and highly erotic, and
one she was enjoying with every part of her soul.

He placed his
fingertip on the end of her nose. “Don't make me wait too long.” A
wide grin appeared on his handsome mouth. His teeth glowed
beautifully white and his grey eyes twinkled wickedly.

Like to speak your mind, don't you?” she said slowly and in a
measured tone of voice, which surprised her, considering how much
of a heated emotional storm was going on inside.

But despite
the calm of her words, Nicole knew she would have given herself to
him, there and then, if he'd pushed it. She would have been all
over him like a rash if he'd so much as kissed her. The air between
them throbbed with a raging raw sexuality, and she had a lot of
trouble concealing her feelings.

He took a deep
breath, staring out the window and very obviously calming himself
for a few seconds, before returning his attention to the controls,
with steady hands.

Mmm, I always speak my mind. Honesty is the best policy. We
could have some fun together, you and I. A lot of free fun. And I
think we're on the same page, aren't we?”


I think you prrsume too much Mr Gates.”

I think not.” he replied confidently, his eyes probing hers
and seeing the barefaced lie. But no more distractions now, I have
a jet to land.”

As she calmed
her racing heart and her temperature slowly returned to its normal
level she tried to rationalise with herself. Ashton was like two
sticks of dynamite, one about to explode in her head and the other
in her soaking wet panties. The best she could hope for was keep
her heart and mind protected and at a safe distance during the
whole white-hot affair.

It was bound
to happen.

The level of
attraction between them was tangible, sexual tension and heavy
expectation hung in the air like a nuclear bomb waiting to drop.
Working together and being in such close proximity would only
increase that to meltdown level.

She wasn't the sort of woman to have two men on the go, but
her deeply engrained
self, her naturally modest behaviour, was fast
disappearing with the developing situation she found herself in.
Having two men hot for her and waging a little war of passion
between them turned her on. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't
help the thrill that raced through her, heating the blood in her

It seemed her
sexy and sinful phase was very much of the now.

Ashton and
Adrian were two entirely separate hot flings.

And they were
not dependant of one finishing, before the other started.

She needed her
freedom. To do as she pleased. For so long she'd been committed and

Adrian didn't
have any rights over her. She'd not promised him anything and she'd
make sure she told him that tonight. If he didn't like it, and the
fact she was a free agent, then the fling would be over.

Christ, why am
I even thinking this, we've only known each other one day. And
having one night of sex does not equate to any kind of

But she knew,
that despite the brevity of their relationship, it was a good and
honest one and she didn't want to hurt him.

She didn't
feel any less for him, than she did last night and this morning.
She stilled wanted Adrian with a passion, but in a very different
way than she wanted Ashton.

In truth, she
could see a possible future with Adrian. It was only a possibility
at this stage, but with him she could at least allow her feelings
to grow over time. Adrian was the type of man who loved
unreservedly. He'd been with one woman all through his twenties and
married for most of that time. He was a committed, deep and caring
person, definitely not a player.

He was safe to
feel something for, if she wanted to.

However, as
far as Ashton was concerned, she could never see a future with

He was
dangerous and with that came a fascination like no other.

Ashton was not
of her world. Nor did he belong to anyone. He was a player with a
capital P.

A hot and posh
piece of ass who didn't intend to settle for any one girl.

A very bad
boy. And bad boys were irresistible, weren't they?

Ashton was a
once in a lifetime opportunity for some seriously hot sex and a
whole lot of fun.

But no more
than that.

No woman could
allow herself to get even slightly emotional over Ashton without
losing her heart and self respect. A sensible woman like her,
fucked him a few times, and kicked him out of bed before his eyes
had the opportunity to wander elsewhere, and well before her
feelings developed higher than waist level.

And if it
happened, that was what she intended to do.

It was a
matter of self preservation.

As the plane
approached their destination, and Ashton spoke to the French
traffic control, her thoughts strayed from one to the other.

Ashton... Adrian... Ashton...

She composed
herself rapidly.

This is
ridiculous. What am I thinking?

She was here
to work.

Her mind
should be focused on her career and the task she had to undertake.
She couldn't cloud her mind and operate below par. A huge sum of
money and her future depended on it.

But as the
plane touched down at Ashton's expert hand, she couldn't help but
forget all that and be thrilled at his close presence.

He was
handsome, talented, incredibly rich and probably knew how to press
every female button she had. And a few she didn't.

At that
moment, she knew she had a battle on her hands.

She had to
stay on the front line and keep in control.



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About the


I'm a
loveaholic, but not only that, I like intrigue and drama. My
reading interests are spread across several genres. Romance,
Paranormal, Sci fi, Fantasy, Horror and Erotica.

I read
constantly, developing my craft and pushing myself to improve and
to be a better writer. I love to create real people. People you may
find in everyday life. But these people have secrets, hidden
depths, torture, and a wealth of other hidden characteristics to
their personality and in their lives. I love to create steamy
passion, a heated encounter that will make you wish it were you. :)
And I love to weave a spell, to captivate and entrance you with my
words. To take you to another place in your life, where you can
escape for a few hours with me.


I'm a mother
of four, and worked for many years in a bank, monitoring trading
room activities and risk control. You'll see a brief insight in my
world in my novel, Hot Options. There's reality in that book! It's
a New York trader erotic romance which I hope you'll love.

Many years
commuting by train to London gave me ample opportunity to read
many, many books and I appreciate a good story. I hope I can
continue to create them for you.


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