Autumn in the Dark Meadows (The Autumn Series) (32 page)

BOOK: Autumn in the Dark Meadows (The Autumn Series)
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He stepped to the railing beside me and pulled out binoculars from the holder still snapped to his belt.  He peered through them and down at the ground.

“There’s a sign down there.  A red sign with black letters.  Near those benches,” he said loudly through the wind and pointed toward the ground.

Shivering in the gusting wind, I took the binoculars from him and found what he’d described.  A single pure white flag snapped in the strong wind.  Beneath it, black letters on a red wooden sign read, “
Bienvenue tous les survivants! Nous sommes Le Front de Reconstruction!

My blood went as cold as the ice coating the metal railing before us.  The Reconstruction Front was here.

I looked at Grey, eyes wide.  “What’s he doing here?”  My warm breath formed clouds in front of me that were immediately ripped away by the wind.  I ran my hands up and down my bare arms, trying to rub warmth into them.

“The same thing he’s doing in Los Angeles.  And if he’s here, that means he’s probably in other cities around the globe, too,” Grey said, clipping the binoculars back onto his belt and wrapping his arms around me to give me some warmth.

“How are we supposed to stop him?” I asked.

“I’m not sure,” Grey stated simply, and we looked out, staring at the chilly City of Lights. be continued in

Autumn in the City of Lights



Dana Melton and Jessica Alexander, who write under the name Kirby Howell, have been writing together since 2000 when they met as freshman in their first scriptwriting class at the University of Alabama. Dana, a native Southerner, quickly showed Jessica the ropes and the joys of living below the Mason Dixon Line. Having lived in nearly every other part of the country, it didn’t take Jessica long to acclimate to sweet tea, grits and football. Four years later, with a couple film degrees under their belts, they moved to Los Angeles to pursue their professional writing careers.

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It is a testament to our family and our friends that we were able to write this book. Your support, input, excitement, and snacks made it possible for us to add one more book to this series that began with a weird dream and ended with a dream come true.

We’d like to first thank our dedicated beta readers: Amanda, Anna, Ashley, Beth, Brian, Cara, Connie, Courtney, Dan, Debbie, Izza, James, Jen E, Jen K, JR, Judy, June, Karen, Katie D, Katie G, Kristin, Laura, Lush, Matt, Megan, Morgan, Sarah, Todd, Wendy, Yuya, and always last but never least, Momma Howell and Momma Kirby. You all stuck with us through the City of Angels beta process, then came back for more with Dark Meadows. Keeping up with your demand for another chapter was like laying the track in front of a speeding train. Thank you for your unparalleled enthusiasm.

We called upon the talents of Kristin Walters once more and were amazing (yet again) at the speed and clarity with which she edits with a toddler and a newborn in the room.

Judy Bogdonove was tireless in her review of our chapters for incorrect uses of lay and lie. We will never learn.

Thank you, Raine McNeil, for another gorgeous cover. You continue to impress us.

Brent Wainscott – you brave, brave man. Thank you for being Grey for the cover. We’ll pay for your relocation when the screaming girls find you. Katie, thank you for letting us borrow your man for the photo shoot.

Cheers to Brian Alexander for taking such awesome pictures of our models. Have we gotten you that Scotch yet?

A hearty thank you to our astrophysics and aeronautics advisor, Eric Melton, and our amateur radio advisor, Dan Howell, for patiently answering the same questions repeatedly.

Thank you to Richard Payne for allowing us to incorporate his stunning photo of the Milky Way into our cover. This picture really is worth a thousand words, actually just over one hundred and four thousand, to be more precise.

We’re pleased to thank Amanda Mazur, of Sweet Reverie, for allowing us to use her handmade vial pendant on the cover. Even though it’s really moss inside, we like to think it contains Grey’s E-Vitamin crystal. Thank you for bringing Grey to life.

Thank you to Heather Whidden, owner of “Reflections Of” Photography, for our author picture. You literally make us look good.

And finally, Her Royal Highness Bethany Jones, Countess of Oxford (who asked jokingly to be credited this way and thinks we won’t do it) thanks for the French lesson! Merci!

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