Avalon (12 page)

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Authors: Lana Davison

BOOK: Avalon
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“Funny, there was no room before. I want you to hold me as tight as you want.”

The instructor kicked back with his head but missed Leo completely as he moved back at the same time having anticipated the instructor’s move. He tried to free one of his arms to grab hold of Leo’s hand but there was no use, he was locked. He used both of his heels on both of Leo’s shins, again Leo did not move. The class looked amused as we watched the instructor try and free himself from Leo.

“OK, loosen your grip a little then.”

Leo loosened his grip, and the instructor moved his arms up quickly, pushing back with his elbow to get free, he jumped around to face Leo quickly and went for a kick at his waist, but Leo blocked it away. He tried again, Leo blocked it again, this time he tried a double kick, both times Leo effortlessly pushed both his feet to the ground. The instructor continued, with chops, punches, with everything he had and he still couldn’t touch Leo, and Leo wasn’t even trying.

“Right well that’s enough. Class I was just trying to show you all the kinds of moves you could try...
Thank you, you can sit down.” H
e told Leo. “Now in a moment I want you to improvise with scenarios and defence blocking.”

Leo and I played around with some defence moves, and he showed me a couple of really good ones; fingers in the eyes and in the nose, jamming the throat and he showed me a pressure point near the shoulder which could make someone unable to move. I tried to find it on Leo, but to no avail.

“Anyway, Holly, you don’t have to worry too much because I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

“Still it’s good to know those moves. Not that the instructor was much help, you made a fool of him.”

“No, he made a fool of himself.”

“So he did, you’re right. How did you learn all that?”

He shrugged. “I’ve been doing martial arts since I was a little kid, one on one lessons for years.”

“You never told me that.”

“It never came up. There’s a lot for both of us to learn about each other.

The school day came to a quick end. I had a stack of homework piling up, so I went to the library to finish as much as I could. I organised to meet Leo for dinner and afterwards we found a place under a tree in the back fields on the school ground. It was just the two of us, no one else in sight. He put his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder.

“Hol, do you want to come to my place this weekend?”

“I’d love to.” I said. “B
ut I’ll have to speak to Sara. I’ll tell her I’m going to Emily’s.”

I got up and dialled home.

“Sara, it’s Holly. How are you?”

“I’m good, and you?”

“I’m really good. Sara, remember when you said I could go to Emily’s another weekend?”


“Well I’d like to go this weekend.”

“Oh, right, um, sure, yes that should be fine.”

“Great. I’ll be home the following weekend.” I couldn’t contain my excitement.

“Good, I look forward to it. You have fun and remember to call me from time to time.” I could tell Sara was smiling
on the other end of the phone

“I will and thanks, Sara. Love to Stuart.” I hung up.



I couldn’t wait to see where Leo lived and was also keen to meet his uncle, Ryan. I packed up a few things to take; some clothes, toiletries bag, hair brush and my purse and put it in my overnight bag. I collected my duffel coat, just in case I needed it and made my way out of the door.

Leo waited for me outside the dorm. I opened the door and grinned wide at the sight of him.

“All ready?” he asked taking my bag for me and using his free hand to put around my shoulders.


He kissed the top of my head, and guided me to the car.

“Nice wheels,” I said commenting on the Land Rover. Leo opened the back door for me and I hopped up and got inside.

“Holly, this is Ryan,” he said introducing me. “Ryan, this is Holly.” I moved over so Leo could get in next to me.

“Nice to meet you, Holly,” Ryan said raising his eyebrows to Leo in the rear view mirror.

“Nice to meet you too, Ryan.” I put my seat belt on and caught the glances between the two men, Leo nodded and Ryan winked. I immediately noticed how fit Ryan looked for a guy in his late thirties or early forties, with his grey hair leading to an overall distinguished look.

“Your parents didn’t mind you spending the weekend with us?” Ryan asked.

“No, they are OK with it,” I lied.

“You didn’t tell me that,” Leo quietly spoke into my ear joking. He knew I had told them I was going to Emily’s.

I playfully nudged him back.

We drove down a long street, and took a left, then a right. I looked at some of the beautiful houses – they were all different. Ryan turned into a
small cul-de-sac and drove down a small
driveway. He pressed a button on a small remote and the garage doors opened up, then Ryan drove in and parked up.

“Come on, this way,” Leo said leading me into the house from the garage and straight upstairs so he could drop off my bag. He put it down in one of the bedrooms.

“Is that your room?”

“Yes it is. Do you want to see it?”

I nodded.

He opened the door for me and let me walk in. I felt like I might discover something extraordinary given Leo was an exceptional wonder in my life. He watched me look around. There were no posters on the wall, a few books on the bookshelf, but there was an emptiness to the room, like it hadn’t been lived in.

“What are you thinking?”

“Actually I’m thinking there should be more in here. I thought you would have loads of books because you’re an avid reader.”

He picked up a Kindle and said, “I do read, on this.”

“I don’t know what else I was looking for. I suppose more of an insight into you.”

He walked over to me and kissed me. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

I wasn’t sure where to start, but there was more to Leo than met the eye. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I would have to dig deeper, but that would be hard if I didn’t know what I was looking for. Perhaps it was nothing. “Well, what kind of music do you like?”

“I like...” he opened his wardrobe door and picked up a classic ipod and handed it to me. I turned it on and discovered it was full of music. He had thousands of songs, covering several genres.

“So you like everything?”

“Pretty much.” He nodded.

He stepped forward and picked up my hand and kissed it. “And what else to do you want to know.”

“Um... I don't know. What do you do for fun when you’re at home? How often do you speak to your parents? Are you going to see them in the holiday? You know, just general stuff.”

“I hang out when I’m at home, sometimes I’ll go into town, nothing exciting. I don’t speak to my parents very often and I’m thinking of going home in the holidays to see them,” he said. “I want to tell them about you.”

Will you be travelling to the Isle of Wight?”

“Yes,” he said without looking at me. “Do you want something to eat.”


“Something to drink?”

“Just a glass of water will be fine.”

“Someone must like cooking,” I commented as we made our way down the stairs.

Leo opened a few cupboards before he found the glasses. “I forgot where they were,” he joked. “Or maybe Ryan changed things around,” he said as if this was a more plausible explanation.

I drank my drink and put the glass back in the sink. Through the window I saw Ryan outside working in the garden. I waved when I saw him, he waved back and then Leo and I returned to his bedroom and laid on the bed together.

I had an intense desire to touch Leo. He could sense it and leane
d his hand over mine and placed
it on his chest. He kissed me as my hand explored his shaped chest.

“You’re beautiful,” he told me, watching my every move.

I stroked one of his arms. “Your body is perfect.” I put my hand under his t.shirt and felt his bare chest, the contours proved he worked out or exercised regularly. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as I felt my way around.

“Take it off,” I said.

He complied without question as I allowed myself to feel and look at the same time. I moved forward and kissed his chest.

He touched my face. “Come here,” he commanded.

I met him at his lips and kissed him deeply, opening my lips to let him in, to feel around my mouth.

“There so much I want to do to you, Holly, but I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because I want it to be right.”

“This is right, there is nothing wrong about what we are doing. Don’t you feel it?”

“God, yes, I feel it. I know you and I are supposed to be together, always.”

“So what’s the problem? Why the wait?”

“Because I want you to remember it forever. What we are doing right now is not good enough for you.”

“I’m no princess, don’t worry about it.”

He touched my cheek. “Oh, but Holly, you’re my princess. And from where I’m from, you will be a princess.”

“Pardon?” I stopped. “What do you mean, ‘where I’m from’?”

Leo had forgotten to think about his words. “You have a way of making me forget who I really am,” he laughed nervously.

“What does that mean?”

“It means nothing.”

“It must mean something. You’re being cryptic again.”

“I’m sorry,” he said touching my cheek with the back of his hand and I ceased to care about his cryptic puzzles, I was just happy to be with him.

“You don’t need to treat me like a princess I’m not that special.”

“You are, you are the most special, wonderful, amazing person I have ever met.”

I smiled and kissed him, “And you are to me.” I placed myself on top of him, his arms fully wrapped around my waist and we kissed again, for a long time, intense and with undeniable passion. He moved one of his arms from my waist, holding me firmly into place with only one arm around me while he ran his fingers through my hair, and I trembled.

He rolled me gently onto my back and held both my wrists, kissing my throat, keeping me still and in place. I laid there desperate to touch him, but I couldn’t, he had me pinned down. I felt heat rush through my body, turned on by his soft, gentle kisses. I began to pant and tried to focus on keeping my breathing normal. He released me, cheekily smiling down at me. He knew exactly what he had done. I shoved him playfully as we laughed at each other.

There was a knock on the door. “Come in,” Leo said.

Ryan opened the door slowly to ensure no one would be caught in an embarrassing position. “Just wanted to know what you two kids want for dinner. Should I order a pizza? What do you think, Holly? You’re the guest. Do you want anything in particular?”

“Pizza would be great, don’t go to any trouble for me.”

“Fine for me too,” Leo said.

“Roger that.” Ryan nodded and shut the door.

We laughed. “Now where was I?” Leo asked me.

“You were ravishing me,” I said jokingly as I tossed my long brown hair from side to side.

“Come here, you.” He grabbed me playfully.

I tried to release myself from his grip, and giggled as he kissed the place between my shoulder and my neck. It tickled and made me laugh uncontrollably.

“Let me go,” I cried out, laughing harder than I have ever laughed.

He let me go and I crashed into his chest, catching my breath after my hysterical laughing.

“Now I know where you’re ticklish.”

“Don’t you do that again.”

He took my wrists and pulled me on top of him. We kissed again, he dropped my wrists, freeing them as I let them flop around his head and Leo wrapped his arms around me and rested his hands on the back pockets of my jeans, right in the centre of both my bottom cheeks. Knowing his hands were on my backside would soon drive me crazy. We continued to kiss each other, intently, with purpose. My legs separated slightly as I straddled him. I pushed myself up, allowing his hands to slide from my bottom to the side of his body. Perhaps it was my turn to tease him back. I held his wrist tight in my grip.

“You know, two can play this game,” I said holding him down smiling.

“No, not really,” he said, giving a heavy sigh.

“What do you mean, ‘not really’?”

He lifted his wrists straight up as if my hands weren’t even there, despite me using all my force. “That’s what I mean.”

“You’re freaky strong. You know that?” I laughed.

Leo stopped for a second, and flipped me over. He tilted his chin, frowned and closed his eyes, as if to take in my words.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said rubbing the back of his neck in deep thought.

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