Avenged (Hostage Rescue Team Series) (Volume 5) (22 page)

BOOK: Avenged (Hostage Rescue Team Series) (Volume 5)
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All he had to do was commit a murder first.




After placing the rushed room service order, Nathan got off the bed and crossed to the bathroom door, knocking once. “I ordered us breakfast. Food’ll be here in a few minutes,” he said to Taya. The shower was still running, had been for the last five minutes.

“Can you cancel it?” she called back. “I’ll grab something at the hospital later.”

“You need to eat first. It’ll only take a few minutes and then we’ll go see your dad.” She hadn’t eaten much at dinner last night and needed to keep her strength up. The faster they ate and got going, the better, and with her father now awake and able to talk, he knew she wanted to see him as soon as possible.

“All right,” she answered, not sounding too happy about it.

Nate glanced at his watch. He’d already talked with Cruz and Vance this morning, who’d opted to take turns running to the lobby for a bite to eat rather than get room service. He’d spoken to the head of hotel security personally last night when they’d checked in.

Placing a guard outside Taya’s door would only draw unwanted attention and possibly flag her presence, so instead they’d opted to have two hotel security guards come up and check the floor at scheduled intervals. Also, someone was monitoring the video cameras on this floor.

Tuck was due in town shortly and would meet them at the hospital. After her visit this morning, they’d move Taya to a new location, whatever safe house the Bureau could secure for them, then get her back to D.C. and another safe house in time for the start of the trial two days from now.

The shower continued to run. Standing before the closed door, he was having trouble thinking about much of anything besides Taya naked beneath the flow of water. Need and desire curled inside him at the image that conjured, of rivulets cascading over every delectable inch of her skin, tracing all her curves. Now that he’d seen her completely naked and run his hands over her gorgeous body, slid his fingers into her heat and brought her to orgasm, it was impossible to stop thinking about it.

He’d crossed a line last night that he shouldn’t have crossed while on this job, but he didn’t regret it. Last night with Taya had been the most emotionally satisfying sexual experience he could ever remember having, and he’d barely scratched the surface of what he wanted to do to her.

Even suffering from an arousal so acute it had kept him from sleeping most of the night, he’d refused to act on it. She could never be a one-night stand to him and he wanted no confusion about that. She’d also been through so much emotional upheaval over the past few days, he’d just wanted to take care of her, have the pleasure be all about her. He’d happily have taken care of her multiple times throughout the night but she’d slept right through and it was probably for the best.

It had also been the most peaceful night he’d spent in months. Having her snuggled against him so warm and soft and trusting last night had soothed him on the deepest level. Being able to hold her all night had made the torture he suffered completely worthwhile. It only made him want her more.

Getting her off with just his fingers had been gratifying, and he’d thoroughly enjoyed the experience of making her come, but he wanted way more. He wanted his tongue between her legs next time, to taste and tease, then feel her clench around his cock as he buried himself inside her and watched her eyes go hazy with pleasure while he took her on the climb to ecstasy.

She’d begged him so sweetly for release, just the memory of it made him hard. He couldn’t wait to make her his completely, burn the feel of his body and touch into her memory.

And not just because he knew intuitively the sex would be the best he’d ever had. He wanted a real relationship with her once this was all over. Wanted to take her on dates. To dinner. Dancing. Movies, whatever. Hold her and kiss her and seduce her in public until she was all hot and bothered for him, then take her home and make love to her in his bed, a place that he’d begun to dread being in.

But he wanted Taya there now, wanted her scent all over the sheets and her hair fanning out across one of his pillows. To erase what he’d done before her and replace it with something pure and good.

I can’t just be another notch on your belt, Nathan.

God, those words had knifed him right in the heart, even though he’d understood why she’d felt the need to say them. He wanted the chance to prove to her just how much he cared, show her how different she was compared to all the other women he’d been with. He knew how special the connection between them was, and he was pretty sure she did to. He’d fight for the right to nurture it, but hoped he wouldn’t have to.

The shower stopped running. Nate shifted and rolled his shoulders to alleviate the tightness there. He went back to the bed, was just about to turn on the TV when a tentative knock came at the door.

“Room service.”

Nate tossed aside the remote at the soft male voice and rose.

“It’s here?” Taya asked through the door.

“Yeah, but stay put while I bring it in,” he said, receiving a quiet “okay” before he crossed to the door. As a precaution he reached back one hand for the weapon in his waistband and checked the peephole.

A fair-skinned, clean-shaven guy in his early twenties stood there wearing a hotel uniform, a silver-domed tray on the cart before him. His eyes were dark brown, thickly lashed. He resembled one of the men DeLuca had sent pictures and partial files of to Nate and the others last night, upon arrival at the hospital. But missing the dark beard they’d all had, it was impossible for Nate to be certain.

“Show me your ID,” he said to him.

The guy’s eyebrows jumped a fraction before drawing together. “Sir?”

“Your ID. Let me see it.”

He seemed taken aback by the request for a moment, then glanced down at his waist and fumbled around in his pocket. He pulled out a card and held it up at peephole level. The credentials looked legit but Nate couldn’t get a good look at the photo ID and that made him uneasy. “Step back across the hall and stay where I can see you.”

The waiter blinked at him, his eyebrows drawing together in confusion. “I…across the hall?”


Slowly the man did as he was told and backed away to the opposite wall, glancing uncertainly around him. Nate watched his hands, which were empty. He couldn’t see a bulge beneath the jacket that indicated a hidden weapon, but he could have one tucked behind him or under the dome.

Sliding the security chain over, Nate undid the deadbolt and unlocked the door. He pulled it open a few inches and stopped. Again the guy blinked at him, his hands now twitching restlessly at his sides.

Nate reached out to grasp the handle of the serving tray and the man visibly swallowed. Nate held his stare for a moment, then lifted the lid and took a quick glance. Nothing there but two servings of pancakes, sliced berries, a pitcher of syrup, some butter and a bowl of whipped cream.

He set it back down and settled his gaze on the waiter, who seemed frozen there across the hall. Could be surprise or nerves because Nate wasn’t exactly being friendly…or it could mean something more dangerous.

He didn’t take his eyes off the waiter. “I’ll take it from here. Just charge it to the room.”

The guy licked his lips. “But it’s my job to bring it in for you…”

“Not today.” He stared into his eyes. Nobody was getting inside that room with Taya in it.

Even from where he stood Nate could see the sheen of sweat that popped out on the younger man’s upper lip and brow. “Sir, really, I’d—”

“No, we’re done.” He took a step forward into the open doorway, the motion deliberately menacing, and caught the way the guy’s gaze flashed down to the hand Nate had behind his back.

The move set off alarm bells in his head.

His hand tightened a fraction more around the pistol’s grip, the muscles in his arm tensing as he prepared to draw. But then the server pivoted without a word and strode away at a rapid pace, heading toward the elevator.

Something was definitely off though and Nate wasn’t going to let it go.

Staring after him, Nate tapped his earpiece. There was something underneath the back of his jacket, but he couldn’t tell whether it was a weapon or not. “Cruz,” he murmured, “there’s a server passing by your room. Follow him. I’m gonna stay in here and call security. I want him questioned.”

“What’s up?”

“Just follow him.”

A second later Cruz opened his door, two rooms down and across the hall, and stepped out, his gaze immediately locking on the server. Halfway down the hall, the guy glanced back over his shoulder, saw both him and Nate watching him…then turned and bolted.

Nate tore out of his room, letting the door slam shut behind him as Cruz raced ahead of him. “Stop right there!” his teammate shouted.

The waiter put on a burst of speed.

Running full out, Nate spoke over his earpiece. “Vance, watch my room,” he ordered, not wanting to say Taya’s name in case anyone else was close by and listening, “and alert security.” If this fucker was part of a plot to get her, there’d likely be others at the hotel. Protectiveness surged through him in a torrential rush.

“I’m on it.” A door opened behind him and Nate knew without looking that it was his other teammate, already moving into position outside Taya’s door. He wouldn’t let her out until they’d secured the place.

Ahead of him, the surprisingly quick bastard had reached the metal door leading to a stairwell. Nate lengthened his stride, pushing his legs to move faster. The waiter plunged through the stairwell door and disappeared from view. Nate raced after him, Cruz right behind him, fury and adrenaline blasting through his body.

No way, asshole. You’re mine.




Chapter Sixteen



Nate halted when he reached the door, his pistol gripped in both hands. He put his back to the wall opposite the door handle and waited for Cruz to mirror him on the other side, his weapon also at the ready.

He reached one hand up to tap his earpiece. “We’re moving down the east stairwell,” he said so Vance would know their position.

“Got it. Security’s been alerted.”


Waiting in position, Nate focused on the area that opening the door would reveal, and nodded at Cruz. His teammate gripped the handle and pushed the door open, then stepped back to hug the wall.

Nate crept slowly forward, his gaze pinned to the space revealed to the left of the open doorway as Cruz covered the other side, their combined angles forming an X pattern. He held his pistol in front of him, wishing he had an M4 or MP5 instead. Clearing a stairwell with a pistol wasn’t tactically ideal.

The stairwell below him was empty but he could hear running footsteps moving away from them. No telling if someone else was waiting down there, preparing to take a shot. Or if the server might turn and attack if he felt trapped or desperate. Nate had every intention of stopping the bastard before that happened, and every intention of getting back to Taya in one piece.

“Clear,” he murmured, just loud enough for Cruz to hear him.

“Clear,” his teammate responded. Together they moved down the first set of stairs, clearing each section as they moved. It took precious time that allowed the tango to gain more of a lead, but better that than getting shot by being careless or sloppy.

Vance’s voice came through his earpiece. “Security’s on the way up, and they’re sealing off the exits near the east stairwell. Local field office is sending us more agents, en route now.”

“Copy.” It would take the field agents some time to get here. Hopefully hotel security would stay the hell out of their way until they’d cleared the entire stairwell. He and Cruz moved as fast as possible, smoothly working together as a unit.

Somewhere below them came the hollow, metallic clang of a door hitting the concrete wall. “He’s near the kitchens,” Nate said to Vance.

“Copy that.”

They reached the last flight of stairs and took up position on opposite sides of the door, as they had upstairs. Nate was just about to nod for Cruz to throw it open when two gunshots cracked through the stillness. Nate stilled. “Shots fired outside the kitchen area.” He looked at Cruz, nodded.

His teammate threw the door wide. Two more shots exploded. Small plumes of dust burst free where the rounds buried themselves into the concrete wall next to them.

Nate set his jaw. Their tango had just changed the rules of engagement. Nate and Cruz played to win.

Game on, motherfucker.
With Cruz covering him, he burst around the corner with his weapon up, just in time to see a dark-haired man race through the exit and out of sight.




Ayman tore down the west side stairs, his boots thudding on the concrete steps. His heart was in his freaking throat, nearly choking him as he ran, pistol in hand. Jaleel had fucking blown it by taking off like that, making it obvious he’d been up to something. Now they were all at risk. He had to get out, meet up with the others and get the hell out of here.

He skidded around the last turn and raced down the final set of steps. Just as he hit the bottom, two gunshots rang out. Muffled, but unmistakable. Not in the stairwell, but somewhere close by.

Ayman stopped, his heart thundering in his ears as he listened.

Pop, pop. Pop, pop
. In rapid succession.

The place had to be crawling with security personnel by now. He wasn’t waiting to find out who’d fired.

Shoving through the metal safety door, he burst into the loading area off the kitchen. Other uniformed employees were in the narrow entryway, transporting boxes of foodstuffs. They shouted when Ayman plowed through them, knocking the boxes out of their arms and sending them reeling.

Vegetables and fruits rained to the floor. His right foot landed on one. He slipped, barely caught himself against the wall before pushing up and aiming straight for the exit.

Someone blocked the doorway. A big man in a hotel uniform. Weapon in his hand.

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