Awakened By A Kiss (Once Upon A Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Awakened By A Kiss (Once Upon A Romance)
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She pulled back, looking up at him. Still gently swaying to the romantic music, Shane couldn’t help but search her gaze. Those eyes held so much empathy it took his breath away.

“I need you.” Was it a plea for more than just her help? His body warmed.

“I…I don’t know if I can anymore.”

“Why, Ev?” His whisper-soft question fanned over her face.

She shivered in his arms. “I can’t think.” Her hands left his shoulders and were trailing a path along his black shirt, pushing aside his gray suit jacket. “Your heart is beating so fast.” Her voice held awe.

“It’s funny how it does that when you’re near me.” He whispered the words close to her ear. Her hair smelled like jasmine. He pulled back slightly to look down at her.

“Could it be because you’re always on alert mode with me?” A soft smile teased her lips. “I am kinda clumsy. You know…” She shrugged, not finishing. “It’s just not a game to you?”

“Not this. Not us.” When she tilted her head back, he captured her wide-eyed gaze. “You distract me.” He frowned.

“You don’t like that, do you?” Her half smile did the strangest things to him.
Could a heart turn over?
He wanted to kiss her.

Reaching out, he traced his thumb along her cute little chin and raised her face. “I’m going to kiss you.”

“In the middle of the dance floor?”

“The first time, yes.” He leaned in, feathering kisses along her lips. Her moan spurred him on. He settled his lips on hers. The softness of hers was nearly his undoing.

Her response took him by surprise. Her boldness, her eagerness swept away any lingering doubts. She wanted this as much as he did, as much as he craved it. He cupped her face in his hands, loving the feel of her delicate satiny flesh and silky hair tickling his hands.

She deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue along the seam of his. The tip of hers touched his and he fell head first into the warmth and silkiness of Evelyn White.

Thoughts and words he’d been about to string together emptied from his mind. All his senses sparked to life. God, she tasted sweet and sultry, if that combo was even possible. Her light feminine perfume surrounded him, like a heady mist. Her small, warm body pressed against the length of his, creating a flashflood of desire to sweep over him.

She tugged at the sides of his jacket, yanking him back to the here and now. He drew away, but remained inches from her lips. Her hot breath mingled with his. “I think we should take this outside,” she said softly, looking around now.

Shane froze, becoming aware of the other couples’ stares. They’d stopped in their tracks, even though the music still played the sensuous notes. Before he could extract himself from Ev, he noticed Dex and Candace, statue-like, beside them.

Dex grinned from ear to ear. Candace’s mouth hung open.

“Our plan’s working,” Shane said under his breath.

Evelyn lightly jabbed him in the ribs. “That was not a score for your team, Weston!”




Chapter 8



Evelyn White was certain she bore bruises for all the times she’d kicked herself mentally after storming out of the restaurant last night.

“He has some nerve using me,” she muttered, rushing into the conference room. She pulled up short when she spotted him lounging against the sleek table.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” Shane said with his arms folded over his chest. “We have unfinished business.”

She gulped, recalling that very hot, very sensuous kiss. Her legs still shook. “Where is everyone? Rico said we were meeting in here.”

“Ah, Rico, he’s quite a guy. I asked him to help me out. He did.”

“Traitor.” Now it was her turn to fold her arms across her chest, only her jam-packed tote bag jabbed her in the belly.

He nodded to her. “Maybe we can trade war wound stories.” He grinned. It made her heart flutter. “Or even compare bruises. You are dangerous, you know. In more ways than one.”

It felt as if a hundred butterflies flapped their wings inside her as she sat on a roller coaster ride. “Flirt,” she said, tapping her foot.
How could he do the strangest things to her? Even with just words? 
“This is pointless. Let’s get to the meeting and be done with it.” She uncrossed her arms, and turned on her heel.

“Ev, wait.” His soft plea tore through her. He was there behind her, touching her shoulders.

She got the wobbly legs again, like Ruby’s dancing legs. Slowly, Shane turned her toward him. Her tote bag swung and punched him in the gut.

He let out a curse. “Should have dodged that one. Another scar among many.”

“Sorry,” she mumbled, feeling the warmth rush to her cheeks.

“You left before I could thank you.”

“Forget it, okay,” she said between gritted teeth.

“It worked, so far. Candace is so jealous steam is coming out of her ears.”

Ev reared back. “Jealous? You want to poke the green-eyed monster?” She didn’t get it. Was he playing with all of them?

“Not of
. Of
. She wants what we have.”

“Nothing. That’s what we have.”

“Chemistry. Hot, lustful kisses in the middle of anywhere. Heads in the clouds. Swept away. Lost in each other. Head over heels.”

They had chemistry. Yes, they did have that
. The snarky remark teasing her lips stopped in its tracks. “But Dex has a crush on her. That’s not what she wants?”

“It’s not enough for her.”

Smacking her hand to her forehead, she said, “Ouch. Too hard.” She rubbed her head.

“Of course, she wants it all.”

“We showed her what she’s missing. It’s bound to make her question this marriage, at the very least.”

And it had made Evelyn question was having a baby as a single mom enough any longer? She gulped hard as she stared into baby blues.




A few minutes later, ensconced once again in the outer area near Charlie’s office, Evelyn couldn’t see any questions lingering on Candace’s face. She smiled sweetly—too sweet, if Ev gauged it correctly—up at Dex and turned her charm on. The man nearly tripped over himself to do whatever she wanted.

“Tea, Candy? Lots of sugar, just like you like it, too.”

“Thank you, darling. You’re so good to me.”

Evelyn dropped her tote bag beside her chair and held back a gag. Catching Shane’s glance, she wondered if he, too, noticed the change. Whatever had happened had only seemed to bring the couple closer.

“We’re missing people,” Peg said, clutching her clipboard and going down the list. “Griff’s running late. Ruby had a temp—”

“Little Bit? Is she all right?” Evelyn was disappointed the staff meeting had been canceled this morning, but didn’t know the reason why until now.

“Doc said she’s teething again.” Peg’s sympathetic smile matched hers.

“Poor baby.” In the back of her mind, she vowed to call Priscilla on her break and see how the baby was doing. Maybe she’d stop by at lunch and bring them something just to give Prissy a breather and give herself a brief peek at her Ruby.

“Francie should be here any minute.”

“I’m here,” Francie said, breezing into the room. “I brought the fabric samples Paige and I selected for the bridesmaid’s dresses.” She winked at Dex. “But the wedding dress is under wraps. Groom can’t see it until the wedding day.”

“Hey, Francine,” Dex said, waving to her.

King’s wedding dress buyer slid into a comfortable chair beside Evelyn. “Your roomie is a dream come true. Thanks for recommending her to us. Her sketches and designs are out of this world. Charlie loves them, too. With so much demand for King’s wedding dresses, we needed another designer.” She nodded to the wedding party. “How you holding up, friend?”

“Not good,” she whispered back, relieved that her former boss was here. “I may need a Munchkin fix soon.”

Francie chuckled, her blonde sweep of hair swinging smoothly into place. Her face glowed at the mention of her daughter. “Maddie misses her Auntie Ev. Come over and take a tour of our new place. It’s nowhere near done, but it’s better than penthouse living for the baby. Marcus and I do need to slow down some and get back to our regular date night. You game on babysitting every Thursday night?”

“I’m in.”

“You didn’t even have to think about it. No plans?”

At the mention of the word plan, Evelyn glanced over at Shane. He was leaning against the wall, watching her intently. She shivered. “None lately.”

Francie looked from her to Shane and back again. “Soon maybe.”

“Only room for a baby.”

“Still wanting to go it alone?”

Francie knew nearly everything about her, including her deep love of children. Anyone who knew her couldn’t mistake the longing in her eyes when she saw a baby. It was getting harder to hide the deep-seated need.

Now, she chewed on her lip. Time ticked by. Her chances grew slim the longer she waited. Could she do this? On her own? Why, ever since the toe curling kiss with Shane, had she questioned herself?

“Rico wants to go halfsies.” She tried to take away the hollow feeling in her chest by making fun of her situation.

Their chuckles were soon interrupted by more arrivals.

Charlie strode in, pushing a double baby carriage. “Hey, gang, look who’s come to visit today.”

“Faith and Hope,” Evelyn said, rising to go to the little girls. “Hey, Sweet Cheeks and Baby Cakes, remember me? It’s been forever since I’ve seen my beauties.” The girls cried out her name and reached for her. Kneeling beside the carriage, she helped each one escape from their confines. “Your hair has gotten so long.”

They threw themselves at her and she hugged them close, stealing noisy kisses. “No more weeks in California, okay?”

Charlie touched Ev’s shoulder. “Not for a while. Alex’s project is complete and we get to come home to Texas for months. He’ll be the one to travel back and forth now and then. But his grandparents, the girls, and I are back.” In an aside, she said, “We left Mother and the Colonel there. Prissy told them about the house needing more work, and Alex and I talked them into staying in the lap of luxury hundreds of miles away until the repairs are finished.”

“Wow, you guys are good. Very, very good.” Evelyn exchanged a smile with her friend.

“Charlie.” Dex’s voice held a mix of reverence and awe.

The girls helped Ev to her feet, so now she was being tugged to go play. But she stilled as she saw the look of rapture on Dex’s face as he looked at Charlie.

“Dex, my friend.” Charlie greeted him warmly and gave him a quick hug. “How have you been? We miss your brilliant work around here. Any chance you’d come back? King’s is developing their own products now. You’d be a godsend for us.”

“Charlie,” he half said, half breathed.

Shane stood tall and then moved to them. He slapped his cousin on the shoulder. “Dex, you haven’t introduced me yet.”

His cousin actually blushed. “Sorry, buddy. Um…Charlotte King, this is my cousin, Shane Weston. Shane, my former…boss, Charlie.”

Leaning over, Shane shook hands. “Nice to meet you. I hear you’re quite a champion of my cousin’s work.”

“He’ll always be part of King’s. His genius lives on here. Now, if only we could get him to return.”

Hope tugged on Ev’s hand. Reaching down, she picked up the little girl and cuddled her close, dropping a kiss on her cheek. But she was highly aware of Candace sliding up to Dex’s side.

“I’m Candace Hightower, Dexter’s fiancée.” Her claws were out.

Turning to her, Charlie didn’t even blink. “How nice. I’m so happy for Dex. I understand that’s the reason for this meeting Griff called.”

Her stance didn’t change, but somehow Ev realized Candace pulled back the nails. “Thank you for joining us. It’s an honor.” She stole a glance at Dex’s beaming face, still trained on Charlie. The little wince did not go unnoticed by either Shane or Ev; she caught his glance and raised an eyebrow.

Who the heck couldn’t tell Dexter Snodgrass still had a massive crush on Charlie?

How could Candace not see how her fiancé still had feelings for his former boss?




“That’s our angle,” Shane muttered to her a few minutes later as he held the tiny chair out for Faith as she sat down at the child’s table.

“Tea,” she said, holding up a flowery plastic teacup for him.

“Thank you.” He took it absently and sipped the invisible brew.

“Hot,” Hope said. She pursed her lips and blew into the empty cup.

Shane mimicked her. The little girl giggled.

Evelyn swallowed hard. Her heart flip-flopped at the sight. He was serving the girls cookies—plastic round blobs, but cookies in their world.

“Yummy,” Shane said, rubbing his tummy.

Faith and Hope did the same. They all chuckled. Butterflies fluttered somewhere in Evelyn’s chest.
He was good with them

With his voice low, Shane said, “Point out the differences to Dex.”

“Dex,” Hope said.

“Shhh!” Shane put his finger to his mouth. “Secret.”

Both little girls followed his motions and tapped their fingers to their lips.

“Differences?” Ev shook her head, hoping it would bring her out of this fog. Shane had her in a trance.

“Who would Dex rather have, someone like Charlie or someone like Candace?”

“Is that even a question? Really?”

“Let’s make sure he has the right answer.” Shane nodded to the group of people milling about.

Candace hung on Dex’s arm, draping herself over him. Dex smiled tightly, and allowed her to put his arm around her shoulder. But his cousin’s body language seemed to contradict his actions. Stiff, wooden, and he didn’t even glance in Candace’s direction. No, Dex only had eyes for Charlie.

Very telling




Griff conducted the meeting with ease, self-assurance, and skillful maneuvers to outdo the bride.

Evelyn smiled inwardly, knowing Priscilla would be proud of how far her gruff hubby had come since he’d gotten the position at King’s. The man was someone to be reckoned with. But, he saved his softer side for his wife and baby girl.

BOOK: Awakened By A Kiss (Once Upon A Romance)
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