Awakened Desires (8 page)

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Authors: Rissa Blakeley

BOOK: Awakened Desires
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Immediately after we entered my suite, I yanked off the frock Vanessa was wearing and started ordering her around like every real man should. I decided to strip down, as well…of my own accord, of course.

“On your knees,” I growled at Vanessa, who was looking mighty dandy lying across the bed.

“Maybe I don’t want to.” She nibbled on her finger while looking up at my towering naked figure. I grabbed her and flipped her over. She screeched and started giggling.

“Now…on your knees,” I commanded.

“Yes, sir.”

Positioning myself behind her, I grabbed her hair and yanked her head back, causing her to gasp. “Sit back on me…now!” I held my John Thomas while she slowly accepted me into her heat. She moaned. I licked her from her collarbone to her jaw. Her body shuddered. “Now, fuck me.” She started circling her hips. I grabbed them. “Not like that. Fuck me, Vanessa. Like this.” I pushed her hips forward and pulled them back, slamming her onto me so hard that she yelped as J.T’s tip punched her inner limits.

“Oh fuck, Gunther.” She rocked me into herself over and over again. Her groan was earth-shatteringly delicious. I grabbed her hips and made her stop for a moment. My breathing was off the charts. I didn’t want to come too early. I wanted—check that—I
her good and fucked…and tired.

“I need a sec, love.”

“Am I driving you insane?” She turned back and looked at me struggling.

“God, yes.” I pushed her forward and popped out. I took a momentary breather and stood up to grab a bottle of water. I shook off some of the erotic feelings and physical sensations.

“Noooo…come back. I need you in me.” She begged me from a kneeling position on the edge of the bed.

“Oh, you will get me in you.” I set down the water and stormed up to the edge of the bed with my rock hard J.T. leading the way. She got on all fours, and I pushed the small of her back down, which popped her fit fanny up high, spreading her hips wide. “Bloody hell. Look at you.” She twisted her head around as I admired her in all of her glory.

“Hurry, baby,” she moaned. “I need to come.”

No problem.
I grabbed her hips and slammed into her. She cried out in pleasure as I pumped into her hard. So hard, I chased her up the bed with each thrust, pushing her up against the headboard. She pressed her palms against it as I fucked her. The strangled moans that were escaping her throat said it all. She was about there and loving every second of it.

“Come on, Vanessa. Give it up for me!” I was shattering myself. I needed that bird to come because I wasn’t sure how long I could keep the pace up. My joints and muscles were screaming at me. My spine was on fire and my head was throbbing more than J.T.

“More! Give me more!” I laid across her back and just beat the hell out of her with my hips. I growled as she clenched down on me. Finally, her body trembled and shook from top to bottom. She was near there.

I lost it. “Fuuuuuck…” I had no intentions of shattering like that before her, but she felt so goddamn amazing. My seed punched out of me as I pulled out, jetting all over her fit arse.

She was so fucking hot.

I jammed my fist into her and she screamed. I massaged her spot and, finally, she exploded.
Thank God
, I thought. I couldn’t take it anymore. I never thought a woman could beat me at my own game. My joints and muscles were beyond hostile at that point. As Vanessa collapsed onto the bed, I grabbed a towel and cleaned her up. She groaned as she rolled over.

After a few minutes of heavy silence, she asked, “I’m so sleepy. Is it okay if I sleep off some of this booze before I catch a cab?”

“Of course. Maybe when you wake, we can go at it again.” I hoped not. She was stellar, but I needed to push her out the door. Look at what two dips did with twenty-something.

“Hmmmmmm…that sounds like a plan. You were unreal…” Her voice faded as she spoke.

I waited for another half-hour and was sure she was out like a light. Her body was like a wet noodle, which was exactly what I was looking for.

Pulling out a fresh needle and a few vials, I hooked her up. I had mastered my technique years ago, so she didn’t move an inch. After drawing three large vials and tipped them back, I hid the supplies and laid back down next to her.

The high slammed through my body. I relaxed as my joints and muscles freed up. My brain stopped the vexatious buzzing, and I felt like I could sink right through the bed. Pretty fucking trippy. I groaned with satisfaction. Finally, my night was set. Things were going so well, I could dance a jig, but I don’t do the whole dance thing.

I must have nodded off because I was jarred awake. Vanessa was lying across my body, running her fingers over the taser scars on my chest where Kellan or Drew would rip the probes out. “What are these from?” she asked softly.

I rubbed my face with my free hand, my beard growth scratching at my palm. When I looked down, I grumbled, “I’d rather not talk about it.”


“Shhh…” I pressed my finger to her lips. “And it’s Gunther.”

She batted her mascara-laden lashes at me. “Whatever it was, it looks like it was painful.”

“It was.”

“Tell me.”

“Why do you care? You’ve known me for less than twelve hours.”

“And I just had the best sex of my life.”

I shook my head.
Think, goddamn it.
I couldn’t tell her they are scars from being tased. “I don’t understand what that has to do with anything.” I sighed. “It was a car wreck…the glass from the windshield.”

“Did you lose anyone?”

“It was just me. I nodded off and hit a tree. It’s just embarrassing, and I totaled my Aston Martin.” I was hoping that explanation would have been enough.

“Did you have any other injuries?”

“A few. My spine has never been the same. As a matter of fact, while we were fucking, I felt it bad in my spine.”

“I’m sorry. Maybe I can be a little tender and take care of you.”

And there it was. My John Thomas was ready for the next session. She ran her hand over me. I closed my eyes and exhaled. Her warm hands felt good against my cool skin.

Vanessa straddled me and leaned down to kiss me. I tried pulling away, but I couldn’t. Some liked the bottle, others liked the needle—women were my drug of choice. I took her face in my hands and we kissed. She sat up and held J.T., slowly sinking down on me.

“Ohhh, fffuuuck,” I moaned. My eyes rolled back and my big body sank into the bed.

“That’s it, baby. Lie back and relax.”
No problemo
. Her tits bounced as she rode me luxuriously slow and with such precision. Bloody hell, she was sexy. “Let me know when you are about to come.”

“Okay…,” I breathed out heavily.

Vanessa rode me until I gripped the hell out of her thighs. I was barely able to moan out that I was about to blow it. When she put my breathy words together, she hopped off and took me into her mouth. I groaned as she sucked me dry. What a good woman she was.

After swallowing all of what I gave her, she looked up at me and smiled. “How was that? Relaxing?”

“God, yes. Thank you.” I had never been treated like that. Ever. Usually, it was me doing all the work. I had no idea submission could be so fucking brill.

“You, sir, are very welcome.” She stood up and walked to the bathroom. I needed a few minutes to collect myself.

The shower turned on and I rolled on my side. She was only in there about five minutes before she came back out to get dressed. I watched her meticulously dress and primp in front of the mirror.

“All right, lover. I’m out of here.” She sat down on the bed next to me to put on her shoes.

“Need some cash for a cab?”

“I’m all set. Thank you for the amazing time. Maybe I will see you around.”

“Maybe.” She leaned down and kissed me. She tapped me on the nose and left the room. “Well, that was easy,” I mumbled to myself as the door shut behind her. I decided to roll over and go back to sleep.

I was rudely awakened by my phone chirping at me and wanted to smash the fucking thing against the wall. I grumbled, searching blindly until I found it. I cranked open one eye and looked at the text from Drew.

Blood bank

I rolled out of bed and, butt-
-naked, walked to the shower. I stretched out my muscles, then washed the sex off of me. My body was feeling better than the day prior. I was less achy and ready for some stalking.

Within fifteen minutes, I was leaving my room—gun in place—with a hop in my step. I made it down to the lobby and there was Carly. I should have gone to a different hotel. The run-ins were getting to be too much on her. I acted like I didn’t see her, but she called out to me. I cursed under my breath.

“Mr. Erikkson.” I stopped and ran my hand over my head. “I need to speak with you for a moment.” She stepped out from around the desk and approached me in a professional manner. She cleared her throat.

“Yes, Ms. Reede?” Two could play that game.

She stepped closer and lowered her voice, “We had some complaints from your neighboring suite last night.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “The noise level was, umm…rather loud. And it wasn’t the first time. They’ve asked me to move you.”

“Perfect,” I mumbled.

“They are of high value to our hotel.”

“I have a meeting to go to and when I come back, I will pack up and check out.” I started to walk away.

“I told them that you were of high value to us, as well.” I stopped in my tracks. She needed to stop behaving like she wanted me. I already told her to move on.

“Why?” I turned around.

“Because you are, and you said you’ll be staying for an unlimited amount of time.” She approached me again and whispered, “Look, to be honest, we are in need of the funds. Our hotel has taken a huge hit since the economy took a shit. I just wanted to let you know. Next time, try not to fuck her through the wall. Okay?”

“Got it.” I tried to walk away again, but she grabbed my arm. “Look, Ms. Reede, I appreciate you standing up for me, but I really have to go. I have a pressing meeting.”

“I’m sorry to embarrass you in this manner.” A pained expression enveloped her face. I wanted to make it go away, but I couldn’t. I didn’t know how. After accepting her apology, I left.

Chapter 6

I had the cabbie drop me off about a block from the blood bank. As I got closer to the building, I saw Cock-up’s company-issued Tahoe in the parking lot. My lips curled up into a rather dodgy smile, adrenaline started coursing through my body and, thinking about what was going to transpire, I nearly became hard.

When I entered the building, I decided to keep my aviators on to hide my eyes. I couldn’t afford for anyone to notice that Cock-up and I had the same eyes. The receptionist greeted me with a rather happy sing-song voice. I tried not to chuckle. It would surely be a pleasurable visit for me, but not for Cock-up. I couldn’t wait to surprise him. Maybe I should have brought him flowers and chocolates.

“Good morning,” she purred. “Welcome to New York Blood Bank. Are you here to donate today?” She adjusted her blouse so I could get a better view of the valley between her tits. I’ve seen better, but hers weren’t bad. I made myself look nervous by shifting my weight a few times, rubbing my head, and looking around the room. And the Oscar goes to…

“Ahh, well…I’ve never donated before so I’m a bit nervous. I was wondering if I could speak to someone in charge about it. Maybe your head phlebotomist?”

“Let me check to see if he’s available.” She smiled at me. Her mouth was wide and luscious, and her crystal blue eyes sparkled in the bright light.

“Certainly. Thank you.” The receptionist…name plate says Jennifer…looked me up and down. Typical. I threw her my half-smile as she fumbled with the intercom.

“Hey, bossman?”

“What can I do for my favorite receptionist?” Ahhh, sweet victory was heading my way. I could taste it on the tip of my tongue. My heart pitter-pattered with some serious motherfucking joy.

“I have a possible donator here, but he would like to speak to our head phlebotomist first. It would be his first time.” I stood there, leaning against the desk, pretending to be waiting patiently.

“Excellent. Give me a few minutes. Take him to the lounge and make him comfortable.”

“Will do.” She hung up. “Follow me. Would you like a cup of coffee?” She stood up and slowly sauntered around the desk, giving me the old one finger follow me signal. Abso-

“Yeah, that would be great. Thank you.” I gave her my best church boy smile. Not that I knew what a church boy smile was, but I was imagining that my pearly white, toothy grin was what it would look like.

“Don’t worry. It’s the good stuff. Henry treats us well here.” She laughed a little. I would imagine that was the case, considering he was spending the program’s quid.

She was quite fit. Blonde, late thirties, and a killer arse swaying to and fro in a black pencil skirt. She made sure I noticed that as she took me back to the lounge. I’d fuck her from New York to London, but that’s not what I was there for. I needed to focus.

“Have a seat, and I will grab you that coffee.” She waved toward a small table and chair, but I was still hung up on that arse of hers. “Cream or sugar?”

“Pardon?” Then I realized she was waving a packet of sugar in the air. “Oh…no, thank you, Jennifer. I greatly appreciate this.” I sat down in the chair across from the door and rested my elbows on the table. It was a small cafeteria-like lounge, equipped with a refrigerator, microwave, cabinets, and a countertop. Maybe it was the place where they put donors for a little pick-me-up before they ushered them out. Whatever. I only needed a few minutes to get my point across.

“Here you go.” She sauntered back over to me and leaned over as she set the cup of coffee down in front of me. I got a nice peek at her underneath that nearly sheer white blouse. I pulled off my aviators, and she watched my eyes travel to the depths of her valley. I saw why Cock-up kept her around. Luckily enough for me, she hadn’t noticed my eye color. “There is creamer in the fridge and the sugar is by the pot, just in case you change your mind.” Not likely, baby. I nodded at her with a smirk. She blushed and left the room.

I took a sip of the coffee. Jennifer was correct. It
good. I sat back, relaxed, and waited for the moment to arrive. The excitement was almost too much. My legs started bouncing under the table. Another face-to-face meeting would prove to be bloody priceless. The door to the lounge swung open, and the Cock-up storm barreled in. His face was tight in a folder, pulling out some pamphlets.

“Alright, sir. Let’s start with th-” He looked up at me, and I was grinning like a prat. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” he snapped, and a sadistic laugh poured out of my body. “Seriously, what is your malfunction?”

“Hullo, Liam.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Missing something?” My voice was deep and low, rumbling out of my chest.

“It’s Henry, and no, I’m not,” he growled back at me.

“Bollocks. Sit.” I pointed at the chair across from me. He glared at me for a moment, then sat down like a good little lad. I took another sip of coffee. “Thanks for the coffee.” I gestured the cup toward him. “It’s quite flavorful.”

He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Get on with it already,” he growled. I chuckled at his efforts to try to intimidate me.

I sat back in the chair with utmost confidence and casually looked at him. “As you know, I was sent here to ensure that you do your job, since you were already past the deadline. Funny how something like a contagion can grow legs and walk away.”

“You disgust me.”

“Aw, come on now. Be polite. Since you failed miserably, as I expected, maybe I should take you back to the complex and teach you a lesson or two. No skin off my back.” I shrugged and took another sip of coffee. “I sure do miss the old times,” I drawled.

“You going to beat me?” Cock-up leaned forward, really trying to work the intimation factor. “Bring it on, old man.”

“Nice.” I laughed again. Always the funny guy. Then I leaned toward him so I could get my point across. “I can still kick your arse, lad. You surely will not be able to shake me. I am going to follow you all around this entire city until the trigger is pulled. Still deciding on when that will be. I will stalk you so much that you will always be looking behind you. I will ensure you have that creepy-crawly feeling running up your spine, even when I’m not in your shadow. I will even look in your windows to watch you fuck that bird you’re with.” Temper tantrum triggered in three, two…

“You stay away from her! I will put a bullet in your motherfucking head. If I see you breathe on her, I swear to God, you will wish you never set foot in this city. Do you hear me, old man, or do you need to turn up your hearing aids?” I laughed and stared him down. Feisty little bugger.

“You are clever as always…Liam.”

He snarled. “I swear I will give you a true death,” he growled. Feisty, feisty.

The door to the lounge quickly swung open. Cock-up looked up at the pretend tough guy that walked in. “What?” he snapped.

“You alright, bossman? I thought I heard some shouting while I was knocking on your office door.”

“Yes, sorry. What do you need, Steve?” I laughed and they both looked at me. The whole thing was just giving me a case of the jollies, indeed.

“Can you sign off on this, please?” Steve looked between Cock-up and me as he approached the table. He grabbed the pen from Steve and quickly flipped through the paperwork. “It’s approval for the funds for a supply order.”

“Right.” Cock-up John Hancock’ed the paperwork and handed it back.

“You sure everything is alright? Need me to stick around?” Steve pushed his pointy chin toward me. He folded his arms across his titchy chest, trying to make his skinny arse look bigger. Two seconds was all I needed for that bitty duffer.

“No, I’m good. Thanks.” Steve took one last look at me, like he was committing my pretty face to memory, and left the lounge.

Cock-up turned back and looked at me. “Get the fuck out of my life.”

I stood up and smiled. I clapped my hand sharply down on his shoulder. “I will be watching you. I hope I don’t run into that black-haired fox of yours when she is all alone. Gosh, that would just suck.” He was seething at me. “You know me. I have a way with the womenfolk. Wouldn’t it suck if she chose to fuck me to see what it’s like to be with a real man?” That triggered my stellar smirk yet again.

Cock-up jumped out of his chair and pulled his Sig out of the small of his back, pushing it right into the middle of my forehead. His jaw was clenched so hard, his teeth were straining under the pressure.

Again, I smiled at his effort. It was rather adorable, making me swoon with pride. I had taught him well. Then my lip rolled into a snarl. “Do it. I fucking dare you,” I growled.

“You leave her alone,” Cock-up said through his teeth. “You leave her out of this. This is between you and…”

I interrupted, “You and the rest of the world, Liam. Now, if you will excuse me. There’s plenty to do in a big city like this.” I turned on my heels and left the lounge. I wasn’t worried about the Sig pointed at the back of my head. I knew he wouldn’t dare shoot me right there in the blood bank.

Chalk another one up for me.

Henry stood there, seething. It took him several minutes to calm himself down so he could be presentable in front of his staff. He jammed his Sig in the small of his back, making sure his shirt and lab coat concealed it. After a couple more deep breaths and several paced circles, he pulled his phone from the pocket of his jeans, quickly dialing Elaina’s cell.

“Hey, lover! I miss you.” Elaina purred into the phone, “Especially after this morning.”

“Yeah. Do me a favor…” He scrubbed his face, then jammed his hand in his already messed-up hair.

“Anything for my sexy man.”

Henry didn’t say anything. He knew he would sound mental if he let on about all of the bullshit that was happening, or if he told her to go buy a gun…or told her to buy a ticket to fucking Zimbabwe. His brain was scrambled. He hated to admit it, but Gunther got to him. And with him stealing the virus, anything could happen at any moment. He grabbed the phone so hard, it was creaking under his grip.

“Henry? You still there?”

“Yeah, sorry. I’m just having a really bad fucking day. I needed to hear your voice.” He scrubbed his face again.

“Oh, lover. I’m sorry. You haven’t even been at work that long yet. What can I do for you?”

“Nothing really. I just needed to hear your voice.” His eyes filled with tears knowing Gunther could be on his way to her apartment with his thumb on the plunger. He wasn’t sure how to even approach the subject with her. He forced himself to stay in check.

She spoke again, “I love you. I can’t wait to say that you are my husband.”

“I love you so much, Elaina. I can’t even tell you how much.” She always made him feel better, even when circumstances were dire in his own private, fucked-up world.

“You are far too sweet. I don’t deserve you.”

“You have that all wrong, love. I absolutely don’t deserve
,” Henry whispered. He exhaled and cleared his throat. “I have to get back to work. I just needed to give you a call.”

“All right. Well, I hope the rest of your day goes better.”

“Me, too, love. Me, too. I will see you later.” He hoped. “’Bye.”


He hit the CALL END button and hung his head. There was no way he could concentrate. He was too worried about Elaina being alone and unprotected.

Jennifer slowly opened the door to the lounge. “Is everything okay in here?”

Henry forced a smile. “Yeah. I’m just exhausted.”

“Not sleeping well?” Henry grunted in response as he headed out of the lounge. “I take it you scared that guy off?” she asked.

“Yeah. Once he realized how much blood we take, he decided it wasn’t for him.” He turned around and looked at Jennifer. His worry for Elaina was crippling him. He had to see her and be with her, just in case Gunther decided to make an appearance. He still hadn’t figured out a way to tell her about the gun…or anything else, for that matter. “Look, I’m dead tired. I think I’m going to jet for the day. I will do all of my paperwork from home and email it to you.”

“Go home. We have it handled. We’re scheduled light today. I’ll call if we need anything.”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

“Go get some rest.” She started to walk back toward her desk, but stopped and said, “That doesn’t mean sexing it up, either.”

Henry laughed. “Yes, ma’am, but I cannot guarantee that.”

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