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Authors: Rissa Blakeley

Awakened Desires (11 page)

BOOK: Awakened Desires
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Carly stood in the hallway for a moment, trying to collect herself. She knew that he wasn’t going to be in the baby’s life. He was willing to foot the bill, but that was it. Her body began to tremble. She had to make it work for her and the little life that was growing inside of her. She felt nauseous. It was more of an anxiety nausea than morning sickness.

The elevator chimed and out came Marlee, one of the hotel’s kitchen employees, with Gunther’s breakfast on a room service cart. “Oh, god.” She had to get out of there.

“Ms. Reede?” Marlee looked at her with some confusion.

“Oh, hey, Marlee.” Carly plastered a fake smile on her face.

“Are you okay?”

“Ah…yeah. I’m just checking out a few things that were phoned in at the front desk.”

“Are you sure? You look upset?”

“Oh, I’m fine. Just having a bad few days.”

“I’m sorry. I hope it gets better for you.” Marlee smiled at her.

“Thank you for your concern. Is that Mr. Erikkson’s breakfast?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Carly put on her fake smile again. “Excellent. See you later, Marlee.”

She smiled back at Carly and headed down the hall to Gunther’s room. Carly watched her knock on the door and Gunther answered. He peered out and looked directly at her. He was shirtless, but at least he had pants on. She turned around and headed to the bank of elevators before either one of them saw the tears that ran down her face.

I ate my breakfast and thought about what was about to transpire. I was writing out the death certificates for twenty-something plus one. I felt kind of weird about the situation, but I knew I had to flush it from my mind or it would take over my thoughts. As I was jamming the last bite of bacon into my mouth, a text came through from Drew.

Heritage Family Worship Center

It had to be the church at which they were marrying. My focus returned to my job. I immediately Googled it and got the address. “Well, looky here. It’s right around the corner.” I tidied up and gave the worship center a call.

“Heritage Family Worship.”

I cleared my throat, prepping myself for my American accent. Which I rock, by the way. Charm turned on in three, two, one…

“Hello there. My fiancée and I are in a major pickle here. We are looking for a place to get married. We’re victims of a double-booking and, unfortunately, we lost our date. I was wondering if you had any dates open in October. I know it’s a lot to ask on such a short notice.” I deserved a motherfucking Oscar.

“Well, let’s see…” I heard some papers rustling. “Pastor Jones is currently in a meeting with another couple. I may be able to squeeze you in to chat with him right after. He has a lunch appointment, so he won’t have too much time to meet with you.”

“Oh, that would be amazing. Just so you know, my fiancée is not in town. She is out of the country on business.”

“That’s fine. Let me put you on hold for a moment so I can talk with the pastor.”

“Yes, thank you. I really appreciate this.”

The receptionist had me on hold for at least ten minutes. I was pacing the floor like a wild man, worrying that I was going to miss the window of opportunity.

“Sir?” I nearly pissed myself when she came back because I was so deep in thought.


“Oh good, you’re still on the line. I apologize for the long hold. I spoke to the pastor and he said please come in now, if you can. He wants to meet with you and see if he can help you out.”

“Oh, you have no idea what this means to us. Thank you so much. I’m not that far away and can head over in the next few minutes.”

“Excellent. I will see you then. Oh, what’s your name?”

“Christian. Christian Seaver.” It just rolled off of my tongue.

“Okay. I will see you soon, Mr. Seaver.” I decided just to walk to the church since it was just around the corner from the hotel.

Chapter 8

I opened the doors of the church and hoped that lightning wouldn’t strike me down as I entered. That was the first time I had ever been in a church. I wasn’t sure which way to go, but decided to follow the signs to the main office. As I approached, I heard voices coming from the congregational area. I paused and realized it was the fox’s voice. A smarmy grin ran across my face.

“Thank you so much, pastor. I really do appreciate this. I know it was short notice to meet.”

“No problem. If you ever need to talk again before the big day, please feel free to come to me.” The door started to open. I hightailed it to the office and stepped in.

“Can I help you?” The woman behind the desk had “biscuit granny” written all over her, like she made the biscuits for her grandkids, then ate all of them herself.

“I’m Christian Seaver.” I slapped on my best smile.

“Oh, yes! Do come in and have a seat, Mr. Seaver. I’m Mary.”

“Pleased to meet you,” I said as I stepped further into the office, grabbing a chair that was facing the door.

“I believe Pastor Jones is just finishing up his meeting. I will go seek him out before he heads off to lunch.”

“Thank you,” I murmured.

Mary walked out of the office and, moments later, came back in with the pastor. I stood up. “Hello, Mr. Seaver. Mary tells me you and your fiancée are having an issue?”

“Yes. Our wedding was a double-book and we were the lucky ones who were cancelled. So we need a place, like, A.S.A.P.”

“For what dates are you looking?”

“Our intention was to marry in October. We’re ready. We just need a place to wed now. I know it’s short notice, but it would mean the world to us.”

“Oh. Hmm…” The pastor tapped his forefinger on his lips. “The couple that just left is marrying in two weeks.”
Bloody hell, I got it. I motherfucking got it.
I worked hard to contain my excitement. “The week after that should be okay. But, please, tell me about yourselves.”

“Well, my Evangeline is out of the country on business. We’re both consultants for a European organization. We help Europeans who are coming to the States to live get adjusted, find homes, jobs, et cetera.” Again, I slapped on my best smile and hoped it was convincing.

“I didn’t realize something like that existed.”

“You would be surprised at what exists, pastor.” Wasn’t that the truth?

“Let me get you some paperwork to fill out. You can fill it out here, or take it home with you and bring it back when you can.” My pocket vibrated as a text came in. Christ.

“I will take it with me. Can you write down the dates that are available so when I speak with my Evangeline, she will be in the know?”

“Certainly.” The pastor smiled at me as he pulled several papers out of the filing cabinet. I couldn’t believe how easy it was. He penned the available dates at the top of the first sheet. “Here you are.” He handed them over.

“Thank you
very much.”

“You’re very welcome.” I nodded and Pastor Jones showed me to the door. “God bless.” I smirked. Yeah, sure. Not going to help me in the least. I would imagine when I finally am standing at those pearly gates, He would laugh hysterically, then send me on my merry fucking way to go become best mates with the devil.

“You, as well.” I jogged down the steps to the sidewalk. Cock-up was leaning against his truck, holding the fox. He was stroking her hair while her face was buried into his chest. I took a step closer and he saw me. His lip snarled in anger. I chuckled, waved, and headed toward the coffee shop to grab a cup. Damn, that was fun.

Mere minutes after I sat down in the shop, Cock-up stormed in and looked around. When he saw where I was sitting, he walked right up to me and sat down. “Now, I didn’t even ask you if you would care to have a seat. Obviously, you haven’t learned the simplest of manners,” I murmured as I put my extra bold blend to my lips.

“You need to cut the shit.
!” he whispered heatedly.

“I’m just doing my job.” My eyes danced with danger. “Obviously something you cannot do.”

“What did you do with it?”

Time to play dumb. “Whatever are you talking about, mate?”

your fucking mate. You know what I’m talking about. When are you going to let it go?” he growled.

“If you are talking about your sanity, that went years ago.” When I winked at him, he growled at me again. Tsk, tsk. The manners on the lad. I swear. “Apparently, Mummy never taught you proper manners.” I smirked. Those comments always made him snap.

“Fuck you, asshole. You stay away from Elaina. I swear I will tear your goddamned throat out,” he growled yet again.

I chuckled. “Calm down, little lad. I’m not after your fox.” Then I quirked a brow, leaning towards him. “Then again, maybe I am. Guess you will have to wait and see.” My voice was calm and dripping with confidence.

“You stay away from my wedding, you

“I already have the date committed to memory.” I pointed to my temple and took another sip. “And I would appreciate a little more respect than what you’re showing, or I may have to remind you what it’s all about—
.” My lips curled up into a devious smile.

“Fuck off,” he growled. Everyone in the coffee shop looked when he stood up in haste.

“If you will excuse me, I need to telephone my boss and fill him in on some very important dates.” Cock-up turned around and blew through the doors.

I chuckled and pulled out my phone. I dialed Drew’s number and waited for him to pick up. “What’s going down, mate? I was waiting for a response from you. I texted you,” Drew muttered.

“I was in the middle of a situation, but they are marrying on the twenty-fifth.”

“Brilliant. And you will be attending the lovely services?”

“Of course. It will happen then. The only thing that I need to find out is the time, but that should be easy enough. I’ll have that done today and book my flight back to Atlanta.”

“Absolutely brilliant. Well done. Now, enjoy yourself until your big moment.”

My voice rang with a vicious twist. “You better fucking believe it.”

I quickly called the church and asked “Biscuit Granny” if there were any available times on October twenty-fifth. Eleven in the morning was already booked. And I was now officially on vacation until Z-Day. There was still plenty of women left to fuck and plenty of blood to drink in that big city. After I hung up the phone, I left the coffee shop, allowing the swagger to be seen.

Over the next two weeks, I laid low. I decided to stay out of Cock-up’s hair and make him think his threats made me decide to leave town. He should have known better, and I was willing to bet my left bollock that he would end up carrying something cool and steel on his wedding day. There was no doubt in my mind that it was going to be fucking epic.

Chapter 9

After a fortnight of fucking, drinking, and waiting, I rolled out of bed at nine in the morning. I did my usual shower routine, then put on the trousers and shirt from the suit I wore for my first date with Carly. I pulled on my shoulder holster and tucked my Sig into it. I shrugged on the jacket and carefully placed the injection in the inside pocket. At around ten¸ I headed down to the lobby.

Fuck me.
Carly was working at the desk. I needed to make it look good and check out. If she saw me walk past with my bags, she would know I was leaving and come after me. I quietly dropped my bags in front of the desk.

“Hey, beautiful.” I spoke so only she could hear. She looked up at me and pursed her lips. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay.” She gently touched her lower abdomen, indicating to me that the baby was doing fine. I nodded. I couldn’t think about it anymore. I needed to just get the hell out of there and do my job. She looked back down at her computer.

After a few more clicks on the keyboard, I asked, “Not talkative today?”

She let out a loud sigh. “No, actually, I’m not. I’m a busy woman and have a job to do. Is there anything you need, Mr. Erikkson?” She drummed her fingers on the desk next to the keyboard.

“I need to check out.” Her jaw tightened. She stared into my emerald eyes. Her own began swimming. “Carly…”

“Don’t,” she snipped.

“Can we talk for a sec?”

“No, absolutely not. Now, if you will excuse me…” She walked away from the desk and stormed toward the office supply room.

That pissed me right the fuck off. I grabbed her by the arm before she could close the door in my face. My large hand wrapped completely around her bicep, pulling her firmly against my body.

“Let go of me before I call security,” she hissed at me.

My pissed off side had arrived and it was about to trample the situation. I shoved her into the room and slammed the door. “Bring it on because I can snap every one of their fucking necks in an instant.” Towering over her, I fiercely whispered into her ear, “By the way, I’m not a consultant. I’m an assassin. My scars are from battle wounds. Nothing more, nothing less. I don’t want you or the baby getting involved with my bullshit.
is precisely the reason why this is going to work how it is now. I will send you money addressed to this hotel, and you will send me pictures to the return address. Are we clear?”

call security,” she vehemently continued her empty threat.

“Do it. I fucking dare you.” I pressed my hip against her side as I pushed her against the wall. I wrapped her arm around my side. “You feel that? That’s not my fucking cock, and I know just how much you like that. That is a piece of cold steel that has been used in
fucking kills. You call them, and I will show you precisely who the fuck I am.” Her face was millimeters from mine. I peeled my jacket back and showed her my gun to secure in her mind that I wasn’t messing around. She looked up at me with a fierce anger and tears rolled down her face.

“I pray that this child will not look or act like you,” she choked out.

“As well.” My voice rumbled through my chest.

“I regret
with you.” Christ, that stung a little.

“I don’t. But I do regret the circumstances.” I let go of her arm after searching her face for…what? I don’t know. I allowed her to open the door and go back to the desk. I followed directly behind her.

She wiped her tears off of her cheeks and cleared her throat, obviously choking back her sorrow. I wondered what it was like to feel that much emotion—to feel emotion at all. She stood stoic in front of me. She finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence between us.

“Will you be checking out today, Mr. Erikkson?”

Well played, you fiery vixen.
“Yes, that is correct.” I stared at her as I pulled out a wad of cash from my trouser pocket. I peeled off a couple grand and pushed it toward her. Then she pushed it back.

“We do not accept cash as payment here, Mr. Erikkson. Credit only.”

“I understand that, but
will.” I pushed the money toward her again. “Take it…please. There is plenty more where that came from. That should pay for your next appointment and some clothing when you need it.” I figured if she survived, she could use the cash as a bargaining chip of sorts.

She nodded once, took the money, and slipped it into her bra. I signed whatever papers she needed me to sign, then slung the strap of my duffel and briefcase over my shoulder.

“Farewell.” She nodded at me again. Her face pinked up like she was about to cry again. I needed to get the fuck out of there.

I headed out the door without looking back.

The air left the hotel. Carly’s entire body collapsed in on itself and she trembled all over. She would forever have a piece of Gunther with her.

In her already weakened emotional state, she lost what was left of her self-control. Carly ran out the doors and, just before he stepped into the cab, she ran toward him.

“Gunther!” I turned and looked when I heard her. Christ. She jumped at me and held on. I dropped my bags on the sidewalk and embraced her.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
I needed to get out of there so I could finish my job. “I’m sorry,” she cried into my shoulder.

“You have nothing to be sorry about. This is on me,” I whispered as I stroked her wavy locks.

“I said some terrible things to you. I can’t do this by myself.” She turned her face into my chest and cried even more. I had to reassure her. More than likely, she and plus one would be dead or undead by morning.

“I deserved your harsh words.” I pushed her away a little. “And yes, you can. Financially, I have you covered. Don’t you worry about that. You have the support you need here for everything else. Not with me.” I grabbed her face and made her look at me. She needed a reality check. “I’m a ghost, Carly. You won’t ever see me again.”

“I need you. The baby will need its father. Please stay. You can stay with me. I will confess to my father. We could buy a house together. We could be a happy family…” She was rattling me. I grabbed her by her shoulders as she rambled on.

“No. Carly, you
do this on your own. You don’t need me. You are strong. You will find someone to take up that role for the baby. I’m not relationship or father material.”

strong, and I am looking directly at that someone at this moment.” I sighed as I watched the tears run down her face. Stubborn bird.

“Carly, you are, and you
find someone. I know you will. You have to see that in yourself. I’m not what you are looking for.” I was practically pleading with her to let me go.

“Gunther…you can throw all of this away.” She waved a hand toward my gun. “You can change your name, get plastic surgery. You could…” Fuck me. She didn’t understand and there was no way I could make her understand. There was nowhere for her to run. The virus would spread at a rapid rate.

“I can’t. I am forever who I am. I can’t change that. No amount of surgery or name changing will transform who I am. They will always find me.” I thought about the tracking device that was implanted in my forearm.

“What about the Witness Protection Program?” She was desperately grasping at nothing. “You could turn yourself in and bargain for protection with names, dates, and whatever else they would need from you. We could go into hiding together. Just the three of us.” I scrubbed my face with my hands, then looked at her again. Her hands shook as she reached for me. Her face was filled with fear and sadness. The tears were pouring out of her eyes.

“I’m sorry. I need to leave. I’m going to miss my flight.”

“Gunther…please.” Jesus, she was pleading for me? No one has ever pleaded for me before. “I love you.”

The wheels screeched in my head. “No, you don’t, Carly. You don’t want to love someone like me. I’m no good for you.” I didn’t know how to deal with it, except to get out of there as quick as possible. I put my stuff in the cab.

“No…” She tried to grab at my bags. I grabbed her frantic arms and made her move away from me.

“Goodbye. Take care,” I said firmly and pointed down at her abdomen.

!” she cried.

I climbed into the cab and shut the door. Jesus, my chest ached. For a moment, I thought I was having a heart attack. Wouldn’t that have been karma at its finest? I wasn’t sure why it hurt so much, but I needed to take a few deep breaths.

“You all right back there?” I looked up and the cabbie was staring at me. I nodded. “Where to then?”

“Heritage Family Worship Center.”

The cab pulled away. I didn’t look back. I
look back. I shut my emotions down like I was trained to. It was time to carry out my mission.

I checked my Omega. Ten-fifty. Perfect. I rolled my neck. Bloody hell. I didn’t have time for my own bullshit. It would have to wait until I made it home.

“Have you seen Carly?” Kevin asked Jessica as he approached the desk.

“She was supposed to be here, but she wasn’t up here when I came in. It’s not like her to leave the desk unattended.”

“I’ve already checked her office, but she’s not there, either.” Kevin decided to head toward the front doors. He thought maybe she was helping a patron. He walked out and saw her.

Carly stood on the sidewalk and watched her life pull away in a yellow cab. Her heart sank and her breath left her chest. She couldn’t breathe. The hyperventilation began and she clutched at her chest. Kevin saw her distress and called out. When she collapsed on the sidewalk, he ran to her.

“Carly!” He grabbed at her. “Jesus. What the hell is going on?!” He ran his hands over her, looking for an obvious reason for her distress. Her breath continued to catch in her throat. He picked her up and ran back into the hotel. He laid her on the couch in the front lobby.

“Oh, my god!” Jessica came running over. “What’s wrong?!”

Kevin dug in his pants pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “I’m calling an ambulance.” Jessica sat down on her knees in front of Carly’s face.

“Carly, look at me.” Jessica grabbed her face and they locked eyes. Carly wrapped her arms around her lower abdomen. “Carly…breathe, sweetheart. Breathe with me.” Jessica began pacing her breath and Carly fought to match it.

She tried her damnedest to breathe normally. It was a struggle, but she was finally able to get a few normal breaths in and out. She slowly sat up. After he hung up with 911, Kevin sat down next to her and rubbed her back.

“Jesus, Carly. What the hell is going on?” he asked.

“H-h-he’s…g-g-gone…f-f-forever.” Her body shuddered violently as she forced out every word.

“Who’s gone?” Kevin asked, confused, then Jessica had a revelation.

“Mr. Erikkson? He checked out?” Carly nodded and the tears flowed down her face. “Sweetheart, he’s just a man. There are plenty of them around.”

“You…you don’t…un-un-understand.”

“Then help me understand.”

“Baby…,” she whispered, shuddering.

“Baby?” Kevin and Jessica said at the same time.

Then Jessica’s face dropped. “Oh shit.” Jessica looked at Kevin. He was obviously still lost. “Carly, are you pregnant?” She nodded and put her face in her hands. “Oh shit. It’s his?” She nodded again. “And he just left you high and dry?”

BOOK: Awakened Desires
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