Awakening the Beast (12 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

BOOK: Awakening the Beast
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“I understand why you feel that way. I do find you very intriguing. You’re like nothing I’ve ever seen before. While I appreciate you carrying us, I can’t take you up on your offer. There are too many factors and—”

Daruk held up his hand. “You don’t have to explain. I understand, but will you kiss me at least once so I can say I’ve been touched by a goddess.”

Illiana felt her cheeks warm. “I am no goddess.”

“You are to me. Let it cement the relationship between our two clans then.”

One kiss would not hurt anything. With everything he had done for her and them, it was not a bad thing. She glanced at her mates and assumed they would object.
It’s not like I’m going to keep it from them. I’ll tell them when the moment is right.
“One kiss.”

Daruk took her face in his hands. The length of his hands covered the sides of her face. His soft skin was hot against hers. So close to him, the strength of the fire spirit within him blasted against her trying to gain her attentions. She sighed and stared into his purple eyes. For a moment she entertained the fantasy of settling into his arms and letting him comfort her. However, the longer she gazed into those beautiful eyes, she knew that her heart was not attached to him. He called her a goddess and no one had ever called her that before. It was flattering, but he was not one of her mates. Daruk pressed his lips to hers and kissed her gently, putting a little bit of pressure on her mouth until she could feel the smallest indentations of his lips along hers. Warmth melted through her being from his touch and woke the fire within her. He deepened the kiss and the fire washed down her throat. Illiana pulled away and grabbed her neck, gagging. It spread throughout all of her and she felt it more in her foot where her bones were mending. It burned there strongest as if it knew she was injured. She coughed until the heat nestled inside of her.

“What did you do?”

“Forgive me. I wanted to be sure of something.”

“Be sure of what?”

“You can handle the fire I breathe. You take it inside of you as no others. The soothsayers would love to talk to you. You truly are something magical. Your mates have no idea of what you are to become.”

“And you do?” Illiana asked.

“No. I don’t know the exact legends. When I was a child it was said a great leader would emerge. This dragon would form an alliance with many powerful tribes. From there, he would bring the dragons into a new age of wisdom and wonder. You must come back to meet my people when you are done.”

“I’m a great leader who will unite all the tribes and clans of this land? That’s silly. I can’t even bring together the wolves and ravens. Look what happened, I gave the cougars and the vultures an in to taking over my land.”

“Which you will get back.”

“I hope so. Will there be any ramifications to what you did?”

“None at all. I only breathed a small amount of fire into you. I can’t do much more when I’m in human form. Only someone who can control the flame spirit can handle the living fire and only then if the dragon decides to give it to them. It isn’t something a dragon does outside of our clans.”

“Then why me?” Illiana asked.

“Because you
the one. You might not be able to breathe fire, but you can control it. It’s your primary element. You can conjure it if you really needed it.”

What he was saying was unbelievable. How could she pull fire from thin air? “The first element I ever used or communicated with was air. How can fire be my primary element? And how can I conjure it?”

“All beings are ruled by a primary element. I think you know that, but pulling it into the air for you is something I don’t know how to show you.”

“Of course I know each person is ruled by all the elements. They have to be in perfect balance in order to be healed. How can fire be my first element when air has been there for me always?”

“Fire purifies when it baptizes you.” He took her hand, turned it over, and traced the scar on her wrist. His light touch sent the fire racing through her veins faster and hotter than she had ever felt it before. It ignited her heart and crept up her throat. The bonfire jumped higher into the night with her surprise. Daruk pulled her close until she was only inches from his lips once more.

“How do you know that?”

“I’m a beast of the fire. Even I have to learn how to control it. Dragons may be born with the ability to breathe fire, but we have to master it. If we can’t, the power is taken from us. It’s bound by our soothsayers. It is said that if the fire is not controlled then it can eat us up from the inside out.”

“What happens in that case?”

“Dragon fire can melt stone. When we get particularly angry, it can decimate whole civilizations. That’s one reason why we try to befriend those around us. That’s also another reason why many people leave us be. But there are many who avoid us. You’re father said you knew nothing of us. It makes sense because we don’t normally come this far north. With a volcano here now we might have to send someone here to monitor the flaming mountain. But you asked about the power possessing our bodies.” Daruk pulled away and ran his hand through the flames of the bonfire. “It’s something like the eruption that I told you about, spouting fire everywhere. It starts first in our lower heart. The fire builds and builds until our heart can’t pump it anymore. Then in one big boom, we’re gone. Normally, the dragon tries to go to a place where there is no one around, but sometimes there are causalities. My grandmother used to tell me stories of other fire shifters who’d burst into flames, fly away, and they’d be reborn from their ashes.”

“Those are some interesting stories. What do you think they have to do with me? Surely you don’t think I’m one of these creatures?” She could not think of what he was saying.

“No. I don’t think you’re one of these creatures. No one really knows for sure. I would think they would live deep within the desert if they do. What I am saying, is that you might be something only heard of in legends.”

“Whatever I am, or whatever it is that I can do, I’ll figure it out.” Ohanzee stirred and Illiana looked over at him seeing the peaceful expression he had in sleep.

Daruk trailed his finger down her cheek and slid his thumb over the burn on her wrist once more. “Yes, you will. And I promise from now on, you have an ally in me. Nothing will ever change that. You have my fire, my wings, and my loyalty.” He got up and returned to his side of the fire, leaving Illiana wondering about what he said, and feeling the fire that warmed her from the inside.

Chapter Nine

The sun was setting when they finally stopped for the day at the edge of the grasslands. Daruk had not said it to them, but Ohanzee assumed he was tired after all the flying. Illiana handed the dragon his clothes. He sat down and closed his eyes after dressing. Ohanzee wanted to ask the other man about his intentions with Illiana, but one smack of the man’s fist would knock him out. The way Daruk looked at her, it made Ohanzee uncomfortable. Illiana had said nothing was going on between them. She explained they had shared a kiss, but she felt nothing for him.

As they made camp, Ohanzee wondered if the cougars or the vultures had seen the large shape approaching their village. How could they not see a large black shape soaring above them?

“What are you worried about?” Illiana whispered in his ear.

“We’re close to the cougar village,” Ohanzee replied.

“I know. I was wondering if there was going to be a welcoming party. Someone is bound to notice. Daruk got close to the sailors on the lake. Their shocked expressions were priceless.”

“You shouldn’t be making fun of them. We probably scared them out of their wits.” Lelana set up the wood for the fire.

“Mother, please. I realize that, but can’t we at least lift the mood here?” Illiana responded to the older woman.

Belik knelt next to Ohanzee. “Why don’t we go and see if anyone’s home? Do you remember the way to the village?”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Lelana asked.

“They don’t know who I am,” Ohanzee replied. “Belik, they never saw you turn into a raven, but I’m not sure you want to take that risk… That doesn’t mean we can’t get an aerial view while I go into the village as a cougar.”

Illiana shook her head. “No. If you run into the shaman, he’ll know you’re two-natured. I don’t want you sacrificed because they think you’re a demon.”

“You’ll need some fire power in case you come across something, and I’m dying to get into a fight.”

“What about me?” Belik asked.

“It’d be best that you stay here. Keep an eye on Illiana,” Ohanzee assured the other man.

“You afraid that I can’t take care of myself?” Belik asked, bristling at the comment.

His co-mate was capable of taking care of himself. Ohanzee put a hand on his arm for reassurance. “I know you can, but they’ve seen your face. It might’ve been a year ago, but I’m sure they’ll remember it. If we go into the village, they won’t suspect who we are. We need to protect Illiana and get back to your forest before they know about it.”

Belik nodded. “I understand that, but I’m not useless.”

Illiana slid her hand over his chest. “No one is saying you are. They want to scout ahead and make sure that everything’s okay. Besides,” she whispered something in his ear. His eyebrows lifted in surprise.

“I take it you’ll be occupied until we can get back and let you know what we find out,” Ohanzee said and swallowed his jealousy and the urge to join them. “What is the best way to the village from here?”

Illiana dug into her pack, pulled out a worn piece of leather, and unfolded it. Ranolo had made the map long ago to get Lelana from the forest to his village. Illiana had taken it to make her journey, but she had updated it. The cougar village was marked on it. “It’s a couple of hours from here if you walk, shorter if you fly.”

“Then let’s get going.” Ohanzee was eager to get to the village and see how well inhabited it was.

“Come on. It’s easier to ride me and we’ll be there in no time,” Daruk added. He took the map and studied it for a few moments before handing it back to Illiana.

The man transformed back into being a dragon and Ohanzee slipped onto his back. It took a moment and they were in the air. They flew for a half an hour. It was amazing the dragon could cover the distance in half the time it took him. Daruk’s clothing was in his pack and from the air he saw the village. A few ribbons of smoke curled below them. The few people he saw resembled ants from above.

When they landed Ohanzee gave the other man his clothes to dress. “Thank you for the ride, but we could’ve walked.”

“I know, but I also know you don’t want to leave Illiana any longer than you have to.”

He did not know the half of it. “True. Daruk, you’ve been very helpful in letting us use you as a beast of burden. I appreciate that, but what’s in it for you? Do you hope to have Illiana come back with you?”

The dragon shifter shook his head. “You have nothing to fear, friend. Your mate has made it clear that she doesn’t wish me for a mate. As I’ve said, I’m going home anyway, and this was on the way. It’s no problem to carry you. Illiana healed me. It’s the least I can do. She loves both of you too much and she’s worried about the other one who she left behind. What I see in her is an amazing woman and she will become something very special. Dragons make promises for life. I swore to her that we’d be allies and nothing more.”

Ohanzee studied the darker man and saw the truth in his eyes. The dragon did not want to take the woman he loved away from them. With one snap of his powerful jaws, he could make a meal out of him if he wanted to. “Thank you.”

“Come on. Let’s see what we find.” Daruk motioned toward the village.

As they got closer, Ohanzee smelled the aroma of cooking meat. When he walked into the village, it appeared mostly deserted. No one came out to greet them. From the looks of some of the threadbare huts, it seemed no one lived in them. A collection of twenty huts ringed the communal fire pit of the village. When they got to the center, they discovered a young woman with blond hair near the fire. She looked vaguely familiar.

“Hello,” Ohanzee said.

“Who are you?” the girl asked.

“I’m Ohanzee and this is my traveling companion, Daruk. Who are you?”

“I’m Rama.”

“Where’s the leader of your village?”

Rama glanced around and bit her lip. Right then all he could see was Marta. This had to be her big sister.

“My mother is on a trading mission.”

Daruk knelt down by her. “Rama is a beautiful name. A strong name for a strong cougar.”

“How did you know I was a cougar?” The fear in her eyes had dissipated some.

“Because your little sister told me,” Ohanzee replied.

Rama’s eyes held some doubt of what he was telling her. “I don’t have a sister. She died.”

“Really? Then how do I know her name is Marta and you brought her to a man and a woman, both of whom were shape shifters?” Ohanzee winked at her.

Rama leaned in closer to him. “Marta’s alive?”

“Yes. She’s living happily in the village where I’m from.”

“Are you traveling with Illiana?”

Ohanzee put a finger to his lips to quiet her. “Who can I talk to that’s in charge? I don’t want to be seen traipsing into the village and not paying our respects to the chief.”

She shook her head. “There isn’t anyone here. Th-they’ve all gone and left us here, we who aren’t worthy.”

“Aren’t worthy of what?” Daruk asked.

“To go to the new territory,” Rama said. “I wasn’t fit to go.”

“What nonsense is that? Why don’t you come back with us then?” Daruk said.

“Can I?”

“Will anyone know that you’re gone?” Ohanzee did not want to tip off anyone or be accused of kidnapping.

“The cougars won’t care. Some have already run off trying to find new clans. My mother called them traitors. I stayed here because this has always been my home. It’s the other ones.”

“Come with us. I’m sure the others would be happy to see you. They can tell you more about Marta,” Ohanzee said.

Rama nodded. “I can’t leave right now. Someone may see.” She looked up.

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