Awakening the Beast (14 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

BOOK: Awakening the Beast
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“What’s a volcano?” Rama asked.

“It’s a mountain that spits fire,” Daruk told her.

“It’s okay. We’ll figure it out,” Belik said.

“This is the first vision you’ve had outside of your dreams, right?” her mother asked.

“Yes. Why?” Illiana asked.

“Our parents called them fits before Coret entered into the priesthood. They started out as nightmares, eventually growing stronger until she learned to harness her ability. You really need to talk to her and she’s gone.”

Illiana heard the sorrow in her mother’s tone, but remembered her dream. “She might not be.”

“What do you mean? You saw her?” Lelana asked, hope brimming in her eyes.

Illiana thought back to her dream and of Christopher rescuing her aunt. Her dreams were true about the volcano so the other dreams had to be accurate, too. She told her mother about the dream that she had Christopher rescuing her aunt.

“Is that even possible? I saw her die,” said Lelana.

you saw her die,” Belik said.

Illiana threw up her hands. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is getting to the forest first. Can we get there and then deal with all of this?” She got up and stared the sky. “I need some air. Excuse me.” She marched off into the shadows away from the fire. She slipped out of her clothes and once feathers had encompassed her body she took to the skies. Illiana pumped her wings faster and faster, trying to outrun her fears. However, no matter how far or how fast she flew, she would still have to face all the events yet to come.

Chapter Ten

Rama held onto Ohanzee’s waist as Daruk flew faster. He was not sure if the dragon shifter could carry another, but it appeared Rama was not too heavy. Ever since Illiana’s vision, his thoughts lingered on his sister and if the village had survived the catastrophe. Ranolo’s words rebounded in his brain about Illiana needing to take control of her abilities because they might lose her. If they could find her aunt then maybe they had a chance of her showing Illiana how to control her gifts.

In the distance, he could see the forest with the sun setting as a backdrop. The trees were taller than any he had seen, reaching like fingers to brush the clouds. The trees were so close together he did not see how any light could penetrate the canopy. Within those trees were creatures who were taking over Illiana’s home. Daruk flew them over the woods and toward the ocean. He had been to the Great Lake and knew the vastness of it. The closer they came to the sea, the more awestruck he was at the sheer size of it. The blue waters glinted in the last light of the sun. Was there something on the other side? Who were the people that lived along the coast? Seeing so much in the days he had been traveling, had made him realize there was more beyond the village life he had known. Illiana wanted them to alight on the outskirts of the forest close to the cliffs.

Daruk landed in a clearing near the ocean where the trees had thinned and were not as dense as they had been in the center of the woods. It was cooler here and he shivered as the breeze went over him. The others set up camp. Illiana laughed with Belik and Rama. It seemed she was relaxed and at ease, but he was not so sure.

“Nervous?” Daruk asked.

“Why should I be nervous?” Ohanzee handed him his clothes.

“Your beloved mate is finally home. Soon she’ll be going to find her old mate and facing face down the vultures and the cougars. Are you sure that you’re up for all that? It’s going to be interesting to see how things play out.”

“Are you going to leave because we have reached our destination?” Ohanzee asked the dragon shifter.

Daruk slipped on his pants. “No, my friend. A dragon always keeps his word. I’m here to defend her and you all. I won’t let anything happen to my friends. But you have to be prepared for what the future will hold. Will she and the wolves retake the woodland? Will anyone be killed? Are you up to handling that? I don’t think you’ve ever been away from your village for any great amount of time. I know you’re worried about your people because of the eruption.”

“What would you have me do? I’m not going to leave Illiana to be devoured by some insane vulture leader. And yes, I wish to go back home and check on my family, but Illiana is my first priority. Her father will make sure the villagers are safe. Whatever the future holds, I’ll do whatever I have to do.”

“Now all we have to do is wait for the battle.” Daruk joined the rest of the group.

Ohanzee remained by himself and contemplated what the dragon had said. He was worried about his sister and the rest of the village, but wherever Illiana was he would go. Hence the reason he had come to the forest with her. Although it harrowed him to hear what the vultures and cougars did to their visitors. How much had the wolves fought back? Illiana said they were skilled hunters. How many had fallen victim to the vultures’ and the cougars’ reign of terror? What would have happened to his community if the same thing had occurred? Ohanzee shook his head. Ranolo and the others would not let it happen. There were hunters and warriors among them.

The others had started a fire and he realized that he needed to get away. Shifting into a lion would not be a good thing in case he was mistaken for one of the cougars the wolves were fighting. Illiana was occupied with Belik and her mother. Ohanzee slipped off his clothes and took to the skies as a hawk. Feathers sprouted through his skin and once the air touched his flesh he was happy to feel the wind sifting through his feathers. As he went up, he could truly see the greatness of the forest. It spanned for miles as did the desert that bordered the mountains on the other side where more of the two-natured tribes lived. He circled around, keeping the sea to his right so he could follow the coastline to find his way back to the campsite. He flew for a while and settled down in one of the trees. He heard squirrels scampering about. A fox dashed across his field of vision and two wolves darted by, following the foxes.

Ohanzee slipped from the branch and followed them. If they were part of the pack Illiana cared about, it would be good to see where they were holed up. He did not know how long he followed them, but they stopped in a thicket where there was only one way in and out, at least by ground that he could see. There was at least a dozen wolves around the perimeter of the camp. More people were in the center caring for others. A couple of women in white robes tended to the wounded.

“Did you find any others?” A man came out from the brush. He was tall with blond hair and well-muscled. He had a fresh scar across his face. His hair fell around his shoulders and he had a few more scratches along his torso.

A woman came up to him with long red hair. “There were no more that we could find. There were bones and…” she leaned up close to the leader’s ear so that Ohanzee could not hear any more. The leader’s face grew more lined. Ohanzee saw the worry etched in the leader’s face and from what the woman told him.

The other man wavered a moment and then returned the stone mask to his expression. “No. There has to be others. Other wolves reported back, they saw a great beast in the sky. If the vultures control this beast, we’ll have no chance to defend the others waiting to be rescued. We need more information on the beast.”

Ohanzee chuckled. They had seen Daruk soaring over the forest and assumed he was working for the vultures. If he could tell them, he could bring them some good news, but dropping down before this man would not be the smartest thing.

While he waited, a few ravens transformed with wolves and they went about their business mending the wounded. The ravens resembled Belik in looks. He could see Illiana reflected in them, but there was something unique about her. It was odd seeing how much they looked like, almost reflections of one another. The night ventured on and the wolves thinned. The leader went off alone. Ohanzee saw his chance and jumped from the boughs, following him into the wood. The leader stopped and stared into the darkness. Whatever he was thinking, it weighed heavy on his thoughts.

He transformed and stayed in the shadows behind a tree. “The burdens you carry are great.”

The leader turned toward him. “Who’s there?”

“I’m a friend, Christopher.”

The wolf snorted. “Friends. I don’t have many of those anymore.”

“I’m one. I can promise you that. And we have one in common. I think you know her,” Ohanzee told him.

“I don’t know who you’re referring to. Why don’t you come into the light so I can see if you’re truly the friend that you say you are? I would like to hope you are an ally and not an enemy.”

“I’m not. As I said, you and I have a mate in common and she’s eager to see you. She—”

Christopher launched himself at Ohanzee and grabbed his arms. Ohanzee thought he was well hidden from the wolf, but apparently not. The wolf growled and gnashed his teeth at his throat. His eyes glowed amber and his skin rippled. “I don’t find that amusing. I don’t know who you are. You don’t smell like one of those foul cougars although you have the feline stench. I don’t know who you are
, but I have no mate.”

When Christopher said mate, the hurt that flashed in his eyes told Ohanzee that Christopher still loved Illiana. Seeing how the wolf still cared for Illiana also made him feel a little less jealous. Now that he saw the man, he knew that Christopher was honorable. Illiana had chosen him because she loved him.

“If you permit me.” Ohanzee reached into his hair and undid the raven feather braided into his locks. He handed it to the other man. “Surely, you recognize this considering you have one, too.”

The wolf took the feather and examined it. Longing flared in his eyes as he trailed his finger over the feather. “This doesn’t prove anything. You could’ve gotten this from any raven.” He handed the feather back to Ohanzee.

Ohanzee wound it back into his hair before continuing. “True, but how’d I know Illiana’s back here with Belik. They came to my village looking for Illiana’s father after your pack told you that you two couldn’t be together. Believe me, I’m telling you the truth. She’s here, along with Belik, her mother, and a couple of friends we happened to pick up on the way. Want to see her?”

“You could be lying to me.”

“I could, but do you
want to take that chance? Illiana’s anxious to see you. Follow me if you can, wolf.” Ohanzee grinned and stepped into the shadows, transforming back into a hawk. He stayed low enough to see if the wolf was following him. Ohanzee listened for the sound of waves crashing and headed back to the ocean. As he covered the distance, the moon was up over the sea giving him enough light to see by. By the shore, the smell of the salt air was something he could get accustomed to. He slowed down once he located the campsite. He circled and finally set back down where he had shed his clothes. When he transformed back into human form, he found Christopher had done the same.

“Where is she?” he growled.

Ohanzee gestured with his head in the direction of the camp. “Over there. Come on.”

They walked into the campsite. Daruk and Lelana were chatting. Belik was with Rama. “Where’s Illiana?” Ohanzee asked.

Belik glanced up. “She went down to one of the beaches she found. She said something about wanting to hear the spirit of the ocean. I don’t think she’s ever had a chance to listen to something so powerful except the volcano. We were wondering where you went.”

“I needed some air. There’s a lot going on in my head and I ran into someone I thought you might know.” Ohanzee stepped away and Christopher walked closer to the campfire.

“Christopher,” Lelana said.

“Lelana, you’re alive!” Christopher exclaimed. “We didn’t find your body and there was no word that the vultures had taken you. I know they were looking. What happened to you?”

“I did the only thing I could think of. I went for help. I went to find Illiana. How are they?” Lelana asked.

“Those that we could save are doing better, but there are many still being held captive. We try to raid them as often as we can, but we have to keep moving. You said Illiana was down the coast?”

“Yes. It’s not far.” Belik got up and extended his hand to Christopher. Ohanzee saw a moment of hesitation between the wolf and the raven. Then the wolf drew Belik into a quick hug.

“It’s good to see you, too. We can catch up later,” Christopher said.

“Of course.”

The wolf turned back to Ohanzee. “Thank you. I’m sorry I doubted you. It’s just that…”

“Don’t worry about it. I understand. She’ll be surprised to see you.”

Christopher left the camp and raced off to find Illiana.

“You went to find him?” Lelana asked.

He shrugged. “I just happened upon him.”

“What you did is a good thing. It must be difficult knowing that Illiana has feelings for him, too,” Belik said.

“No. It’s okay. We’ve talked about what would happen if she ever came back here and I know how much she loves him. You both have a past with Christopher and I won’t do anything to jeopardize that. Besides, she loves me, too. I know that isn’t going to change.”
I hope

Belik’s words ran through his mind. No matter how much he tried to push them aside, he knew that Illiana had loved Christopher before him. What happened after this was something only time would tell. He had to have faith in what Illiana had always told him, that she would never put him aside even if Christopher came into her life. He trusted his mate.

* * * *

After they had set up camp, Illiana had needed to get away from everyone to clear her mind. The vision she had the other day bothered her because she had no control over it. The knowledge that the fifth element could take her was disconcerting. How in the world could she gain control of? She knew there was a way, but her thoughts were swimming. The looming threat of the cougars and the vultures played on her mind. Christopher was somewhere in the woods. With so much going on around her, she needed to get away and clear her mind. With the ocean crashing below her, she felt the call of the water and the howling wind. If she could focus on one thing, then she could formulate a plan. She had gone a little up the coast following the cliff line and saw a beach below her that seemed deserted. With a small amount of power, she lifted herself into the air and glided down to the sand below.

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