Awakening the Beast (23 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

BOOK: Awakening the Beast
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Illiana was astounded to hear the admission from the wolf. If she were to leave again, it would damage Christopher. After everything they had been through, she could not leave him again. Of course she wanted to return to the village and check on her father. Those decisions would come later when everyone was healed. “I appreciate the apology. We don’t have to fight anymore. I don’t plan on leaving. At least not right away. There’s too much here to do. Besides, I think you have another love interest. I saw how you looked at Tullin when we were at camp.”

Jalisa blushed, which surprised Illiana. “It just kinda happened. I wasn’t planning on it. With all the laws forbidding us to be together we were secretive. Then all this started to happen and we couldn’t keep it secret any longer. No one stopped us. I do love him. We want to be together. Do you really believe that if we had children they’d be monstrous?”

“No. They’d either be wolf or raven. They wouldn’t be both or a mixture of the two.”

“What about you? You’re both.”

“I can shift into two different animals because my father can. It’s an inherited trait so nothing you have to worry about. We should think about gathering the wounded and getting them treated.”

“What about those vultures and cougars who are injured? Are you going to treat them too?” Jalisa asked.

“Of course. We need to have them gone from here.”

“What if some want to stay?”

Illiana sighed. “There’s been enough killing. If they weren’t involved in the slaughter of our people, then we can let them go on their way. The forest is big enough in the north that they can worry about finding a place there. Can we blame husbands who dragged their children and wives here? Can we blame anyone who wanted a better life? Many of them were afraid of Vorhan.” Illiana stood up, knowing that her work had only begun. She pushed a strand of Christopher’s blond hair out of his face and he stirred. At least he would be okay.

“What about disposing of the bodies?” Jalisa asked.

“I’ve already thought of that. I need you to gather those who are well enough to walk to head back to the village. Spread to the word and bring back anyone that can be moved. If not, I’m going to have to go to them when I can. We take care of those wounded first and start to rebuild the flock and the pack.”

“Whatever you need, I’m here for you,” the other woman responded.

“Can you find Daruk and send him back here, too?” Illiana asked.

“Of course.”

Illiana took one last look at Christopher and went back into the village to the first person she could find who was hurt. Some were in need of major healing. Some were beyond her help. Christopher had been on the precipice of dying, but she was not about to let them go. Those who were ready to join the spirits, she eased their pain and let the pass peacefully. Daruk found her healing a female vulture with a broken her arm. The elements leant her their strength so she could use them to heal. The longer she did the healing, the more it sapped her strength until Daruk’s pulled her away one of her patients.

“I have to heal them,” she murmured.

“And if you don’t stop, eat, and rest what good are you going to be to anyone? You’ve helped plenty already. You can barely stand. No matter how much you rely on the other elements, they can only bolster your strength for so long. Besides, your other mates have returned. You need to go see them. Come.”

She nodded. Her other mates would want to be sure that she was okay. Illiana let Daruk lead her away. She had to lean on him for support. When she saw Ohanzee and Belik with the bodies of her mother and her aunt, all the emotions she had been holding back came in a great flood. Tears flooded her cheeks. Illiana sank between them and realized that she would never talk to them again. The flock had no one to lead it now.

“We found them this way. Rama said they freed all those who were captive and died trying to do it. The cages were horrible. The vultures were slaughtering the captives when they came and attacked. We gathered that from some of the others who came back with us. We’ve instructed everyone to come back to the village because this is where we are going to bring back the dead when we can,” Belik said.

She only nodded, hardly hearing them. She was glad that her mother and aunt had helped free those who were being held captive, but it seemed a huge part of her had been ripped out. “Thank you for bringing them back to me.”

“Of course,” Ohanzee said.

“Did you find Christopher?” Belik asked.

“He’s resting.” She stared at the wounds on her mother’s body. There was a slash across her throat and one across her leg. Illiana hoped that her death was swift and that she did not suffer.

“You should be, too,” Daruk said.

She nodded. Seeing them before her it seemed she was outside of her body looking down at the world around her. It was hard to keep all of it straight. “I will soon. Others need to be tended to.”

“There are other healers for that. Look around and see.” Belik helped her up and turned her around.

Illiana glanced at the injured and saw they were being tended to. She recognized some of the priests. They had hidden deep within the forest. She did not begrudge them that; instead she was happy to see they had returned. Things were going to be okay, at least for a little while and she could get sleep. At that moment, she collapsed into the arms of the man she loved and trusted.

Chapter Sixteen

Christopher watched the woman he loved directing both wolves and ravens alike, organizing them into their strengths and their weaknesses. Tonight, they were honoring their dead. In only a few days they had gotten a lot done. Everyone looked toward Illiana to lead them. He was still sore from where he had been shot, but he could use his arm. He was amazed that Illiana had done the miraculous and brought him back from the dead. It was one of the many different traits she had acquired while she was gone.

Three large pyres had been built and the bodies laid on top of them. The priests had gathered around them. Lelana and Coret were in the center pyre. Daruk was in his dragon form waited for Illiana to signal him. She said her goodbyes, as did they all, and the dragon blasted the pyres with his fire. It almost reminded him of the day he had been celebrating when Illiana left. Bonfires blazed into the night and the morning when she left. He had raced to the edge of the forest and howled until his throat was raw.

Now as he watched the fires burn that same forlorn cry was ripped from his throat. In a few moments, he let the sadness envelope him and he was joined by the others. When he stopped, he looked over at Illiana. Tears streamed down her face and glistened in the firelight. He glanced at Belik and Ohanzee. Their eyes were trained on Illiana, probably waiting to see what was going to happen. Tearing her way from Ohanzee would break her heart. Christopher would have to accept the other man into his life.

He slipped his arm around Illiana’s waist and held her close. She glanced at him and smiled. He swiped his thumb over her cheek and wiped a tear away. “Are you okay?”

“I’ll be okay. It’s just so much. All of this.”

“You’re doing great with it. Everyone’s listening to you.”

She shook her head. “They listen to you, too. You’re the leader of the wolf pack. Of course, they’re going to follow by your example.”

“It’s not my example that they’re following. They know you were the one who killed Vorhan. They’ll follow you. I’ll follow you anywhere you want to go.”

She touched his face. “Does that mean you’ll accept Ohanzee and Belik in my life, too? Share me with them?”

“I’d share you with anyone,” he whispered to her and meant it.

“Thank you.” She turned away and stared into the fire, watching them burn higher and higher.

The fire crackled and the heat blasted against his skin. They were saying something, but he could not understand them. It seemed they were doing some sort of sad dance. Even though the wolf howls had ceased, the wind whistled a sorrowful tune. Was Illiana paying any attention to it? Christopher noticed a light energy around her. It radiated around her. Or it was some inner power that she never had before. He was grateful that Illiana had killed Vorhan and she was respected among the wolf pack. No one could say she was not courageous.

All that was left was rebuilding. Some of the huts could be salvaged, but most of the others were not. Most of the aeries were also uninhabitable. Christopher did not know if she would want to stay or that they would build elsewhere. The center of their people’s lives had been there. Maybe they would want to move the village away from the Mother Tree. There were older parts of the forest, but it was all up in the air. As the fires died down a few cougars and vultures lingered. They had been allowed to stay although the wolves and ravens were uneasy about them. There was only a handful. They had elected Rama for their leader. For now the wolves and ravens were keeping away from them.

When the smoke cleared from the trees, the wolves and ravens moved off to the camps they had set up and the other places to spend the night and share their grief. The dragon was staying with a wolf and Christopher was left with Illiana and her two other men.

Illiana turned to them. “I don’t think I can be alone tonight.”

“We’re all here for you, love,” Ohanzee said.

“What do you need from us?” Belik asked.

“I need all of you. I need to know that I’m connected to something and not floating around with the spirits. I might have this gift to control the elements and know the future, but I don’t want to look into it. I just want to know you three will be there. Will want to be together with me.”

Christopher smiled. “I’ve already seen them naked and I have to say I’m still better looking. I think I can deal with them as long as you’ll be there. I’m not much into being with both of them. Sorry, Belik.”

Illiana giggled. “I never figured that, but it would mean a great deal knowing you’re with me.”

“Of course we’re with you,” Ohanzee said.

She smiled. “Good. Now you just have to catch me.”

Christopher rolled her eyes as she undid the belt on her dress and let it drop to the ground.

“Do you know where she’s going?” Ohanzee asked.

The wolf grinned. “I have an idea. Come on.”

* * * *

Illiana took to her feathers first and raced along the wind enjoying the freedom that it brought. Knowing that her mates were behind her and wanting to be with her was also a very good feeling. It meant they loved her and they did not seem to mind sharing her. She needed a break from the responsibility that had been put on her shoulders. She needed to reconnect to the place where she had come from. Ever since the battle, the ability to summon the elements was like breathing. Their power flowed through her and she felt right at home communicating with them. She was in complete control. Right now she needed to be out of control. Illiana flew to the pond. The place was sacred with Belik and Christopher. She flew lower to the ground and let her wings give way to legs so she could run along as a wolf.

The pool had not changed. It still held the magic and the peace that she remembered. She morphed into human form and slipped into the water. The coolness enveloped her and quieted the fire inside of her. She stayed underwater and listened to the water in the pond. It giggled as she swam and it recognized her. The welcome was noticed as sit wrapped around her and caressed her. She broke the surface, life giving air filled her lungs, and waited for her loves to find her.

Christopher was the first to break through the trees. He was the silver wolf to her black one. He came to the water’s edge and took a drink and stared at her as he lapped the water. He changed back to his human form just in time for Belik and Ohanzee to fly into the glade. She stepped from the water and stood before her men. They all stopped and stared at her with lust, love, and passion in their eyes. She felt her cheeks flush and thought back to the girl she had once been wondering how any man could wish to be with her. Now she had three to handle.

“You make us run all this way for a pond?” Ohanzee asked.

Christopher glanced at him and shook his head. “This is our place.”

Illiana walked over to Ohanzee and understood that he did not know the significance of this place. She trailed her fingers down his face. “This was where Belik, Christopher, and I first came together. It’s special. It’s where we all come together and celebrate as one.” She flashed him a smile and trailed her fingers down his chest until she cupped his shaft. “Unless, you would rather go elsewhere?”

His eyes fluttered and he shook his head. “No. This is fine. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay. We’ll just have to show you how magical this place can be.” Belik clapped him on the back. He pulled Illiana from Ohanzee and kissed her. She pressed against him and wrapped her around his neck. She trailed her fingers down his arms and felt the scars he carried from the battle. They all carried battle wounds now and they had seen horrors and grieved. Together, they would forge a new beginning that this was only the start.

She felt another’s hands around her waist and when she broke her kiss, she turned and saw Christopher behind her. Illiana met his lips and brushed her tongue across the bottom one. He captured her and held him as kissed her harder, drawing the very breath from her lungs until she had to pull away. She glanced at Ohanzee and beckoned him to join them. Ohanzee trailed his fingers along her arm and she shivered being so close to all of them. A moment of doubt had lingered in her mind that they could all three be together, but this proved her wrong. Illiana kissed him lightly turning from Belik and kissed her other mate. Christopher and Belik kissed her shoulders, not leaving her side.

“I love you. All three of you. Always know that.” Illiana broke away from them and beckoned the two of them toward her.

Ohanzee grinned from ear to ear and pleasure lit his eyes. He was the first to go to her and slid behind her. His body warmed her back as he trailed his fingers along the curve of her spine that made her quake. His lips pressed against her shoulder. Ohanzee’s tongue dragged along the line of her collarbone while his hands moseyed lower until they slid around her chest and cupped her breasts.

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