Awakening the Beast (19 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

BOOK: Awakening the Beast
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Vorhan glanced at the dragon and with one hand gestured for his vultures to descend. She felt the wind stir and with a simple request asked it to keep the vultures from attacking. A bubble of air formed around her. They dived, but each time they came at the barrier repelled them. Illiana caught movement out of the corner of her eye. The cougars were stalking closer. She stirred the ground so it cracked. They stopped when it rumbled again. She stared at Vorhan until he motioned for his goons to stop. Once the cougars ceased their advance and the raptors backed off, Illiana took control of the elements once more.

“Very good show. What else can you do?” Vorhan asked.

“Don’t listen to her. She’s a demon!” someone yelled.

Illiana glanced in the direction of the voice and saw the shaman from the cougar clan. “Right. I’m a demon because I can shift into two different animals. But you don’t know anything else about me.” She felt the shaman try to enter her mind the way he had when they first met, but this time she was prepared for it. When the first blast hit her, she returned it with a blast of fire so strong that he jumped back. His skin began to smolder. She sensed the fire in his veins. When she latched onto it, he screamed and burst into flames. He dropped to the ground and stopped moving. A hush fell over the crowd and she did not back down from Vorhan.

“You don’t want to mess with me. Heed my warning and know that I can do the same thing I did to the shaman to you. Leave this place and let the ravens and the wolves go. Or there will be a war and you won’t win it. If you value your people’s lives, do what I ask.”

Vorhan did not seem intimidated. “And what if we don’t? What is your pet going to do?”

Daruk spun his head around so that he was eye to eye with the vulture leader and opened his mouth. Illiana smelled the sulfur of his flame and white smoke appeared from his nostrils. He blasted a stream of fire at the nearest tree and it went up in flames. He turned back at the leader. “I burn the forest down.”

“You wouldn’t do that. You woodland types love the trees too much.” Vorhan chuckled. “Besides, I know what you are, dragon. I have traveled far and seen your kind before. And by sheer numbers alone, we can take you. You wouldn’t survive.”

Daruk’s laughed. “You may have traveled, vulture, but killing me wouldn’t be as easy as you think it will be. Do as Illiana says and get out. Your sparrows and little kittens don’t scare me.”

Vorhan grimaced. “We’re not leaving.”

Illiana shook her head. “I was hoping that you’d see reason, but I guess you won’t.”

She climbed onto Daruk’s back and in an instant they were airborne. They flew over the forest, heading back to the camp. Her mates would be worried about her. She could deal with them. The only course of action was to take them head on. They did not care about the forest. They were there to use up the land and the resources and that was it. Back at camp, everyone came out and barraged her with questions. Illiana held up her hand, stopped the interrogation, and told them all what happened. Once she was done, there was more commotion.

“How could you go there and kill their shaman?” Lelana asked.

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“It’s about time that someone made them see that we’re not going to back down,” Christopher said.

Belik and Ohanzee remained silent.

“He set his vultures and cougars on me. The shaman was forcing his will upon me. I had to show him what he was going up against. It was a warning. The aeries are already half burned or gone, but you know that. We need to take action. I didn’t come all this way to go back to the village and not have our people retake them.”

“So what do you suggest?” Coret asked.

“There’s only one course of action. We have to take the fight to them. I suggest that we rescue those who are being held captive first. Rescue all those who are left. Do either of you know where that is? I didn’t see anything in the village.”

“They’re keeping the ravens in cages near the edge of the village. The wolves are being held in pens on the opposite side. Ever since we started raiding, they doubled the guards. There are twenty cages with five ravens in them. They’re too small for them to shift back so they remain in raven form. In the wolf pens they’re keeping everyone chained. I have to talk to Jalisa and Tullin. They have been there before.”

“Do that and then we can formulate a plan,” Illiana told him.

“Come with us. Those we’ve freed will be glad to see that you’ve come back, Lelana. They miss you and you are the leader,” Christopher suggested.

“That’s a good idea. It’d be easier to talk to your people directly and gather those who will fight. I know some are wounded,” Illiana replied. She glanced at her mother.

“Sure. I’ll come,” Lelana finally answered.

“It’s settled then. Let’s head back with Christopher and we can formulate a better plan.” Illiana felt that she had gotten something accomplished. Now it was only a matter of time.

Chapter Thirteen

Ohanzee listened to Illiana’s plan and was proud of the woman he loved. He had seen her come so far in the time they had been together. The way she held herself among the wolves and the ravens who had gathered it seemed she was more their leader than Lelana was. Her mother had withdrawn into the background. All the fight had drained out of her. Illiana had come into full bloom now that she had taken control of the other side of herself. She was calmer, if not stronger, than she had ever been before.

“What happens if they win?” Rama asked him.

“Are you afraid what’s going to happen to your mother and the rest of the cougars?” Ohanzee asked the young woman.

“No, they stopped caring about me a long time ago. I’ll even help the others take back the village. There are too many things wrong with my people and they need to return to the plains. Illiana was right. They want to eat up the resources here. They want nothing more than to take over and spit out the gristle of the forest.”

He nodded. “I agree.”

“What are you talking about?” Belik asked.

Ohanzee turned toward his co-mate. “We were agreeing that we have to drive out the enemy. When are we going to attack?”

Belik glanced back at Illiana and the others gathered around the fire. Daruk was there giving advice because he had some experience with battle being the son of a king, or at least that was what he had said to the others. Ohanzee knew nothing about strategies except that he could control a couple of the elements. Belik did not know anything about war. Christopher and the others had learned from being in the middle of it.

“We’re leaving before dawn to get the drop on them. Jalisa is out gathering other wolves who have gone to other camps and Tullin is trying to get more ravens to come,” Belik told him.

“We have a long night ahead of us,” Ohanzee replied.

“We do,” Illiana said. “Ohanzee, can I talk to you?”

“Sure. What’s going on?”

Illiana took his hand and led him away from the camp until they were in a quiet part of the forest. They were far enough away from the ocean that he could not hear it. He had enjoyed the sound of the waves crashing against the cliff. He enjoyed the fragrance of the salt air because it sat on his tongue and made him wonder what was on the other side of the great water. He had stood on the cliffs and gazed out into the horizon. Fish skimmed across the waves and ships sailed in the distance. He did not think he could ever live on the water, but there were many things that he was not sure that he could have done.

“If I asked you to stay behind, would you do it for me?” Illiana asked.

“You don’t think that I can help you?”

She cupped his face. “No, it’s not that at all. True, I don’t want you to get hurt, but I know that you can help us from afar. And I’m going to need your kind of assistance.”

“How can I help if I’m not in the middle of the battle?” Ohanzee frowned.

She drew him down to the ground and placed a hand on the loose earth. “You can help me control it. We’re already linked so it’d be easier for us to connect and have greater control of the earth element. For whatever reason we can amplify them. If we can make the earth shake, we can help the cougars lose their footing and hopefully give us an advantage. All we need to do is ask it to hear us.”

He sighed. “You and I both know how stubborn earth is. How do we know it will listen?”

“It will.”

He closed his eyes and reached down into the ground to feel the ancient spirit of the element. It was there and it was also more than anything he had felt before. Normally he used his abilities to help find the right stones and other materials to carve with. Sometimes the earth would bring the stones to the surface. The water was the same. It would come to the surface, but the voice of the water was challenging to hear because it came in images or sometimes had a voice. The energy ran up his spine and pulled him deep within the dirt. It nearly suffocated him, but he took control and could also feel Illiana’s influence. When they connected, the instant surge of pleasure was stronger than anything he had felt before. It also made the earth rumble underneath his feet.

“What is it you seek?”
the voice of the earth asked.

Ohanzee had never heard it so clear before. He could feel Illiana with him and was sure how to answer.

We need your help,”
Illiana responded.

“I help no one. Go away.”

“Others have taken over our home. They’ve burned down the trees and our homes. You might not take sides, but in this case I’d think that you want to.”

“Why would I?”
the earth asked.

“Because eventually they’ll start defiling you and you don’t want anything else destroying what you stand for. It’s bad enough the water eats away at your shores, digging holes into the dirt. Would you have another fire scorch the grass and the trees? You feel their lives because their roots dig deep within your flesh. If they die of unnatural causes then you feel it. Do you want to feel more of them dying?”

Ohanzee felt the silence of the element and it seemed eternal.
“You’re a great element. Surely, what we ask of you will not diminish your magnificent power. We are nothing but ants who crawl upon your surface.”

“True. What is it you want?”
the earth answered.

“When we reach out to you, there will be some who we want to hurt and others that we don’t,”
Illiana said.

Ohanzee was surprised when the earth gave them a positive reply. Once that happened, the power of it receded. When that happened, he opened his eyes and stared at Illiana. “That was something.”

“It was. Are you okay with that?”

“Of course,” he replied. “You know I’d do anything for you.” He claimed her lips, tasting their sweetness. “I missed you the other night.”

Her eyes twinkled with a devilish look. “I hope you didn’t mind that I went with Belik and Christopher.”

“No. I figured that you were rekindling old flames or burning them out.”

“You’re not afraid that I’m going to leave you behind now that I’ve come back here and found Christopher again?”

He glanced up at the sky and ran a hand through his hair. He had thought about it and wondered if that had happened. “No. I’m not worried about that because you would never leave me behind. I want to be sure that you’re safe. When this all happens in the morning, promise me you’ll be careful.”

For a moment her face went blank, and an instant later he had her full attention. “I’ll be careful.” A radiant grin spread on her face. “Besides, I can see the decisions ahead. Although, I’m still learning how to utilize this new element.”

“You’ll get there. We should get back.”

Illiana nodded and she led him back to the campsite. When they arrived, a sea of black filled the green leaves. And the wolves stared at him with amber eyes that glinted in the moonlight. At least four hundred souls lingered in the grove. He did not know if it their numbers would enough to take on the cougars and the vultures, but it would be one fight to remember. Maybe, after this was over, they could go back to the village and check on his people. It would be a long journey back, he knew, but he was up for it. Ohanzee doubted Daruk would be flying them back.

He stood on the outskirts listening to Christopher speak. Illiana wove through the throng and stood by Christopher’s side. A few of the wolves growled. He wanted to go to his mate’s side, but this was something she had to do on her own. She caught his eye and smiled.

“What is
doing here?” one of the pack barked.

“Quiet, Namur. My father accepted her into the pack and she’s still a member of the raven flock. There’s nothing that can stop that. Besides, she has every right to speak regarding the freeing of her people. We’re still working with the ravens. We have not cast them aside nor shall we unless there are those amongst you who wish to venture out on their own.”

The wolves quieted.

“Everyone, please calm yourselves. I understand you have hesitation about me being here. Many never wished me to be a part of the pack. I’m not here to cause any more ripples. I only ask that you hear me out. We’ve called you here to let you know we’re going against the vultures and the cougars. Any of you have the right to move to new shores. No one is stopping you, but I was hoping that you’d stay here and help us rebuild our villages.”

“How do you know we can take them all? We tried fighting them before and we’re the only ones left. Our families are either dead or being held captive,” one raven said.

“And we are going to set them free. I need everyone who is willing to join us. And you ask how I know we’re going to win.” She spread her arms and the earth shook beneath her feet. Illiana rose up in the air like some ancient goddess descending to her people. The wind roused around them and the fire sparked in the pit. Several screams erupted in the clearing. Ohanzee held in a smile because he knew what this looked like.

“There is no need to fear,” Christopher said.

“Christopher is correct. You don’t have anything to be afraid of. Will you help us?” Illiana asked.

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