Read Awakening (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #3) Online

Authors: Alexandra Anthony

Tags: #Erotica

Awakening (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #3) (24 page)

BOOK: Awakening (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #3)
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  What kind of question is that?” I hissed.  “After everything I just said to you, the only thing you ask me is ‘how’?”

“What you know.  What you can do.  How?” Kian sputtered.  His fangs were fully exposed and finally, his smooth veneer had completely disappeared.  The true monster he kept tightly under wraps was revealed.  I knew instantly that this was what my mother had seen before she met her death.

“It’s not about what I can do.  You’ve made enemies, Kian.  Centuries of arrogance and disregard for others will eventually cause dissension in the ranks,”  I pointed out.  My eyes met his and his murderous stare was unwavering.  “So choose, Kian.  Kill me or let me go.”

“You know too much,”  Kian muttered, more to himself than to me.  “This cannot be happening.  Not here.  Not now.”

“You chose an unfortunate place to murder your daughter with all of the witnesses in the next room.  How will you explain that a half-human vampire attacked you?  You can’t,”  I clicked my tongue against my teeth.  “No one will believe that you own daughter came after you, and a half-human one at that.  Seems to be unfortunate planning on your part.  You’ve made your messy little bed, and now you have to sleep in it.  The clock is ticking.  Before you decide one way or the other, remember that I’m not the only one that knows what you’ve done.  You can silence me, but it’s a drop in the bucket.”

His head moved in towards my neck and in that instant, my shield shot out of me, slamming into Kian with enough force to knock him into the wall on the opposite side of the hallway.  It pinned him in place, wrapping around him like an invisible snake.  I let it squeeze around him, watching with undisguised glee as his body moved against its will.  His body constricted and contorted, the pain apparent on his face.

Kian watched me with undisguised horror and amazement.  His voice sounded weak when he finally spoke in a series of grunts.  “What are you?”

Grinning widely, I stood in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders.  Leaning in one final time, I placed a kiss on his cheek.  “I can’t answer that now, but in the interim I’m going to be your worst fucking nightmare, Daddy.  All of your sick little experiments finally paid off, didn’t they?  You just didn’t expect your finest creations to turn on you.  First Nikolaus and now me.”

A burst of strength flooded my body as Stefan rushed into the hallway.  I turned my head slightly to see his eyes focused on me intently as he blurred to my side.  Stefan’s face was murderous, his blue eyes blazing a bright blue in his fury.  His mind was intent on killing Kian.  I was amazed when I was able to wrap my shield around Stefan as well, effectively holding both of them in place.

The link between us bellowed out in anger at my ability to thwart his plans.  Now I had two vampires to hold and they both struggled frantically to break free, but I found my mental hold was stronger than their physical strength.

Refocusing on Kian, I jutted my chin at Stefan.  “This man standing here is my life.  I’ll kill for him and I’ll die for him if given the choice to protect him.  You mean nothing to me, Kian.  Don’t ever underestimate me and what I’ll do if you continue to threaten me.”

Tensing the grasp my shield had on Kian a little tighter, I heard him audibly groan.  It would only take a little more pressure to crush him like dry tinder.

“This is the way it’s going to be.  I’m going to let you go, Kian.  And you’re going to stay the hell out of my family’s life.  And when I say family that doesn’t include you.  You leave my brother, Stefan and my friends alone.  If I even suspect that you’re causing problems I’ll be back and only one of us will walk away.  Do we understand each other?”

Kian glared at me, powerless against my ability.  Part of me wanted to gloat at being able to hold my own with him.  The other part of me knew I’d provoked a madman with my demands.  To allow my father to leave with the knowledge of my strength and potential was a dangerous risk.  I was not only leaving myself exposed, I was putting those I loved at risk: Stefan, Anna, Nikolaus, Lukas.  But what other choice did I have?  I couldn’t kill my father in such close proximity of the Council.  I’d be signing my own death warrant.  No matter how badly I wanted Kian dead, I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my own life to take him down.

I’d have to let him go.  But the next time, I’d be better prepared.  He wouldn’t walk away, and I knew he’d be planning my own demise as I plotted out his.

He hadn’t answered me.  My shield closed squeezed tighter and Kian struggled, gasping loudly.  My voice was shrill as I screeched at him.  “Answer me!”

Stefan refused to stop struggling, shoving at the shield.  Increasing my hold on him, I stopped him with a slight shake of my head.  
“Let me handle this.  Stop fighting me, Stefan.  This is difficult enough without you working against me too.”

The struggle from his side stopped instantly, relieving some of the tension I was feeling.  It was easier to control one person than trying to direct the shield around two struggling bodies.

“Understood,”  Kian agreed.  Reluctantly letting him go, I watched as he backed away from me slowly.  He didn’t turn his back on me until he was at the end of the hallway.  He scurried out of eyeshot, disappearing behind a set of double doors.

Only then did I release Stefan from my shield.  He was infuriated with me, unable to believe I’d held him back.

“We need to leave.  Now,” Stefan growled through his clenched teeth.  He stormed ahead of me, his wide shoulders rigid as he stalked quickly towards the elevator.  As I stepped inside, he pressed the button for the main lobby and stared straight ahead at the metal doors.  He refused to look at me, the bond between us seething with his fury.  Not only was he incensed at being bound, he was furious that I’d revealed my ability to Kian.  To him, I’d given Kian an advantage the next time we met.  He’d find a way to neutralize my shield.

I'd only used my shield to stop them both.  Kian had intended to kill me.  Stefan had intended to kill Kian.  I knew I'd only postponed the inevitable.  It was just a matter of time before they faced off again.

The car ride home was still filled with silence, but his anger had morphed into heavy sexual tension that slammed into me like a brick wall.  Stefan had been both furious and aroused at my growing power.  He was warring over which emotion he wanted to take over.

Stefan had made the decision to channel his anger into lust.  It radiated from him like a pulsing heartbeat as he drove back to our apartment.  His hands gripped the steering wheel of the Mercedes, his jaw clenched tightly.  He refused to look at me, staring straight ahead as he drove.  Even as he pulled into the underground parking, he averted my eyes.  During the elevator ride, the intensity between us increased.

We stepped off the elevator and headed towards our apartment.  My eyes were drawn to his sexy, confident stride as he swaggered down the hall.  It was only after he unlocked the door that he finally met my anxious stare.  His eyes were nearly black and heavy-lidded.  He didn't look like the Stefan that I loved.  He reminded me of a lion stalking his prey, waiting for the right moment to strike.

He held the door open for me and I rushed inside.  He shut the door, methodically securing each lock. He rested his hand against the wall with his head lowered.

"Stefan?"  I breathed, my voice coming out in a raspy gasp.

He slowly turned on his heel, sauntering slowly towards me with his head slightly lowered.  His hands grasped my waist and he drew me to him roughly.  His mouth was hot, his lips brushing against mine as he spoke in a primal growl.  "I cannot talk to you sensibly.  I need to lose myself in you.  I need to hear you scream my name until your voice is hoarse."  He paused for a moment and my own arousal spiked, wet heat spreading between my legs.  "I will give you a head start."

He yanked my sweater over my head and tossed it aside.  His eyes caressed the swell of my breasts before meeting my gaze.  The familiar sea blue of his eyes had disappeared into the black abyss of his unbridled need.

"What was it you said to your father?  Ah, tick, tock."

Backing away from him gradually, excitement surged through my body as I spun on my heel and dashed down the hallway, glancing eagerly over my shoulder.  I wanted him to catch me.  A sadistic part of me wanted to feel the wrath of his pent up anger.

In all fairness, he did give me a five second head start before he raced after me.  I'd made it to the bedroom before he tackled me, spreading me across the bed on my back.  My own need arose as his quick fingers unfastened my jeans, roughly wrenching them from my legs.  He stood at the side of the bed, letting his eyes run greedily over the length of my body.  A cold smile of approval curled at the corners of his mouth.

"Every single inch of you is beautiful.  And every single inch of it belongs to me.  Say it," Stefan ordered softly.  He slowly began removing his clothes, his soft blue cashmere sweater falling to the floor.  I didn't see his fingers unbutton his jeans, but I watched with rapt attention as he pushed them over his narrow hips to pool around his feet.

"I am waiting.  Tell me."

My mind was scrambled.  Fear, lust and desire had clouded my mind.  "I'm yours, Stefan.  Only yours."

His prideful smile was beautiful as his hands pushed my thighs apart.  They tickled up the inside of my thighs until he reached my panties.  He slid them over my legs and ran his fingertips over my swollen clit.  My body jerked at his touch, my back arching off the bed.

“Stefan..." I whimpered.  One moment I was totally in control, able to hold my own with him.  The next I was completely at his mercy, begging for him to please me.

"Look how strongly you want me.  You defy me, yet now you shamelessly beg for me to fuck you.  You provoke your father while I am with the Council, leaving me helpless and unable to assist you.  You infuriate me."  He placed my legs over his shoulders, burying his face into my pussy.  His tongue flicked circles around my clit until my thighs trembled, ready to come apart at the seams.  He'd slowly back off, his tongue thrusting and licking along my folds.  My hips bucked frantically under his ministrations, wanting more.  Always more.

He looked up at me deviously, his eyes glittering.  "You are not going to stop me now?  Suddenly you are anxious for me to control you."

He was a blur as he flipped me onto my stomach.  He held me on the bed with my legs together, each of his arms braced on either side of me.  He hovered over me, sliding into me from behind until his hips met the curve of my ass.

Moaning, I turned my face to one side, my hands grasping at the the silky cover beneath us.  My closed thighs intensified the friction of his cock as he began to thrust at a merciless pace.

"Why do you have this effect on me?  You frustrate me, yet when I am buried inside of you, you manage to shatter my resolve," he hissed, forcing himself deeper inside my willing flesh.  "I wanted to make you beg for me to take you.  This bond we have punishes me; it makes me only want to please you.  Denna obligation har bojor mig.  Men jag vill aldrig bli fri.”

Releasing a wanton cry, I struggled to rise to my hands and knees, but he held me flat on the bed.  "No," he instructed into my ear.  "This is the only thing I can control."

"Stefan..."  I pleaded again, my voice breaking.  The combination of him inside of me and the power of his words had shattered me once again.

"You were glorious as you confronted Kian.  Even though I was furious with you, you were like a Valkyrie.  Your powers are increasing.  Tell me, where is that power now?"

He was goading me with his arrogance.  I was unable to resist him and he was well aware of his power.  He grabbed my hands and trapped them flat under his own.  I was pinned in three places, crucified to the floor and screaming in ecstasy as he stroked harder.

“Du är min. Min att knulla, mig att älska, min för evigt.”

His switch to his native tongue rocked me to my very core.  Moaning his name, I raised my hips under his assault and asked for more as he pounded harder still.

"Jag älskar dig, dumma kvinna.  Mitt hjärta tillhör dig, " he moaned as if the words pained him.  "I love you, foolish woman.  My soul belongs to you."

I cried out, coming hard and squeezing around him tightly.  Even the violence of my climax didn't cause him to relent.  He roared loudly as he placed more of his weight against me, his cock slipping deeper.

BOOK: Awakening (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #3)
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