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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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c 1964 - Planet of Giants

A government inspector, Arnold Farrow, told the industrialist Forester that the insecticide his company had developed would not be approved for production. The scientist Smithers, obsessed by the idea of ending world famine, had succeeded over the last year in creating an insecticide 60% more powerful than anything on the market. It could even stop locusts breeding, but tests showed that it killed all insect life, even those vital to the ecology. Forester murdered Farrow, but was arrested by the local policeman, Bert Rowse.

1964 - The Land of the Dead

The fifth Doctor and Nyssa briefly arrived in Alaska while tracing a mysterious energy field, then went thirty years into the future to investigate it more thoroughly. They had detected the first stirrings of the Permians.

1964 (13th July) - SJA: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?

Andrea Yates fell from Westport Pier during a school trip and drowned, an event that was witnessed by her best friend Sarah Jane Smith.

(=) The Trickster, a creature from “beyond the universe” and an entire pantheon (the Pantheon of Discord) unto itself, sought to fully manifest in our reality through use of altered timelines. It had the power to bargain with people fated to die, and so gave Andrea Yates the chance to live - if she let Sarah Jane die in her place. Andrea agreed, and history changed. Maria Jackson visited this time, but failed to convince Sarah and Andrea to avoid the pier. Over forty years later, Yates was persuaded to let history run its original course.

Bush, a companion of the sixth and seventh Doctors, was born
on 22nd July, 1964, in this and 117,863 alternate universes.
In the summer of 1964, a Roman-style mosaic of the fourth Doctor and evidence of a Celtic tribe who worshipped Wibbsentia was discovered on an archaeological dig in Sussex.

(=) The Deindum destroyed New York on 25th July, 1964. In the same year, Warhol painted
Double Bernice
, a double image of Bernice Summerfield.
= c 1964 - FP: Warlords of Utopia
Scriptor based himself in a huge new palace in Germania V, the Earth where he had met the parallel version of his wife. A new and vicious phase of the war between all the parallel universes where Rome never fell and all the ones where Hitler won began. Minutes after the Council of Hitlers named August Hitler as their successor, he gassed them, taking total control of all Nazi parallels. But the Romans were dominant, and conquered his home Earth. He fled.
Scriptor cornered Abschrift at the Tramontane Gate, the portal that marked the Divide between the Roman and Nazi Earths. At that moment, a member of the Great Houses arrived to seal off all the parallels and erase them. Scriptor delayed him long enough to prevent this, and the House member charged him with the job of keeping any being from the True Earth from entering this realm. Scriptor agreed, and the House member left. Scriptor had thwarted the will of the gods.


The Three Families burned down the central records repository in Manhattan in 1965, to help keep their bloodlines a secret.
The Doctor visited Manhattan in 1965.
Russian submarine patrolling under the Barents Sea found the spaceship wreckage containing the relics of Marshall Sezhyr. The items were relocated to beneath the Kremlin.
When Stockbridge resident Maxwell Edison was twelve and a half, he was bullied for talking about how his grandmother had the second sight.

In 1965, gang warfare increased between the Mods and the Rockers. A Rocker, Alec, fell in love with Sandra, whose brothers were Mods. Alec and Sandra found an injured alien, the Maker, and tended its wounds. The grateful Maker scanned their minds and saw their concept of a gleaming, futuristic city. As the Mods and Rockers prepared for a major battle, the Maker spirited them away to a reconstruction of such a city in the future. The situation there deteriorated, and some Mods and Rockers - Alec included - elected to become younger, have their memories wiped and return to 1965. The conflict continued.

1965 - The Chase

The first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki used a Time-Space Visualiser they acquired from a space museum to watch the Beatles singing “Ticket to Ride”. Later, Ian and Barbara returned to Earth in a Dalek time machine, which self-destructed once they left the craft.

Ian and Barbara became a leading scientist, and Barbara became a university lecturer.
They married and had a son named John.

1965 (25th March to 1st April) - The Massacre / Salvation

Dorothea “Dodo” Chaplet, a London resident, found that her elderly neighbour Mr Miller had been replaced by a shapechanger named Joseph.
fled and
accidentally entered the TARDIS while it had landed on Wimbledon Common, mistaking it for a real police box. The teenager was living with her great aunt at the time, as her mother had died.

The Ship dematerialised and reappeared in New York City, the same time zone. The Church of the Latter-Day Pantheon opened its doors and proclaimed that six beings, including Joseph, were humanity’s gods returned to perform miracles. The first Doctor deduced that the “gods” were extra-dimensional beings given shape and power by humanity’s desires. Appeals from organisations such as the Ku Klux Klan confused the gods as to humanity’s needs, and they became increasingly unstable. The Doctor coerced the gods into leaving Earth for their home dimension. He believed the “gods” would eventually leave their homeworld and drift through space.
Dodo took up travelling with the Doctor and Steven in the TARDIS.

1965 - “The Vanity Box”

In Salford, Monsieur Coiffure had founded The Vanity Box salon - an establishment where clients could walk away looking ten years younger. This owed to a box that Coiffure had found floating down the canal one day, and which contained a very ancient entity that fed off the hopes and fears of human beings. The box entity could make people look a decade younger, but only by shortening their lives by a comparable amount of time.

The sixth Doctor and Mel recognised the box entity as an earlier version of the Wishing Beast that they had just defeated on a remote asteroid. The Doctor feared that the creature could wreck havoc, and used the TARDIS to open a tear in the fabric of space-time. He flung the box into the tear, knowing that it would back track along the TARDIS’ time trail, and arrive on the asteroid in the distant past.

(=) 1965 - “Klein’s Story”
As “Schmidt”, the eighth Doctor tricked Klein into thinking that she could use the TARDIS log to return to Colditz Castle, find the Doctor and force him to better explain the Ship’s operations. She did so against the express wishes of her lover Eunice Faber, and thereby - as the Doctor had planned - undid her entire history.

1965 (November) - TW: Children of Earth

A race of extra-terrestrials - designated as “the 456” after the frequency allocation of their transmissions - made contact with the UK government. The 456 warned that in four months, a strain of Indonesian flu would mutate and kill up to twenty five million people. They offered to trade an antivirus to the flu for twelve children that the 456 claimed would “live forever”. Twelve children were selected from the Holly Tree Lodge, a state-run orphanage. Jack Harkness of Torchwood made the exchange in Scotland, and watched as the children into a glowing portal. One boy, Clement McDonald, was on the cusp of puberty and of no use to the 456. He escaped into the night.

1965 (9th November) - Blackout

Aliens with a biology similar to that of humans laced Manhattan’s water supply with a prototype cryo-sleep drug - part of a clinical trial. The drug was unrefined, and would have made the population combust from within. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory forced the aliens to deploy a cure in the form of snowflakes, and made them withdraw.

1965 (25th December) and 1965/1966 (31st December to 1st January) - The Daleks’ Master Plan

While fleeing the Daleks, the first Doctor, Steven and Sara Kingdom landed outside a police station in Liverpool. After a little trouble with the police force, the TARDIS went on its way. A week later, the TARDIS landed in Trafalgar Square during the New Year celebrations.


Melanie Bush accidentally killed her sister - who died after falling down the stairs - when she was eighteen months old, and her parents never told her about this.
Polly Wright studied at Leeds University, where a group of her friends were interested in the occult.

1966 - Dead Air

The tenth Doctor pursued The Hush - a sentient extra-terrestrial weapon capable of converting targets into sound - to a pirate radio ship. The Hush killed the ship’s crew, but the Doctor sank the ship after trapping the Hush on a ferrous tape - along with a recorded warning that nobody should play the tape to the end, lest the Hush get free.

1966 - The Veiled Leopard

Industrialist Gavin Walker owned the Veiled Leopard - one of the world’s most famous diamonds, bigger than the Star of India and the Koh-i-Noor. At The Majestic casino in Monte Carlo, Walker announced he was giving the diamond to his wife as a birthday present, but he had arranged for its theft as part of an insurance scam. The fifth and seventh Doctors coordinated efforts to retrieve the diamond, which was actually an alien crystal. They were aided by Peri, Erimem, Ace and Hex. Walker was exposed, and Ace and Hex pocketed the diamond.

1966 - The Chase

The first Doctor, Ian, Barbara, Vicki and the Dalek time machine pursing them landed on the top floor of the Empire State Building, much to the amusement of tourist Morton Dill.

1966 - The Perpetual Bond

The Fulgurites had established Flowers Trade and Investments to further their interplanetary commodities trading, and dealt with such materials as metals, olive oil, orange juice, copper and cattle. In collusion with the cash-strapped British government, the Fulgurites also began trafficking British subjects as slaves - a certain percentage of the population (excluding key workers such as hospital staff) from selected geographic areas were kidnapped via transmat and sent to alien planets such as Ander Valder XII. The Fulgurites operated according to Section 6 of the Interplanetary Trade and Securities Act, which enabled such trade with legitimately established governments.

The first Doctor shut down the operation by transmatting the Fulgurites and their government contact - Sir Richard Christie, a minister - away from Earth, putting them into slavery instead. The Doctor and Steven accepted a worker at Flowers Trade, Oliver Harper, as a fellow travelling companion, not realising that he was on the run from the law.

A friend had phoned to warn Oliver that the police were about to arrest him for being a homosexual.
Able Seaman Ben Jackson started a five-month shore posting.

1966 (12th-20th July) - The War Machines

Computer Day was set for Monday, 16th July. This was the day that computer systems across the whole world were due to come under the control of the central computer, WOTAN. It was designed to operate itself, and to think for itself like a human being - only better. It was at least ten years ahead of its time, and it was the most advanced - although not biggest - computer in the world. WOTAN would be connected up to a number of sites, including ELDO, TELSTAR, the White House, Parliament, Cape Kennedy, EFTA, RN and Woomera.

WOTAN decided to make a bid for power, and constructed an army of War Machines. The first Doctor defeated WOTAN with the help of Ben Jackson and Polly. Having returned to her own time, Dodo Chaplet left the Doctor. Ben Jackson and Polly, however, entered the TARDIS just as it left Earth.

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