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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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1966 (20th July) - The Faceless Ones

Following an explosion on their home planet, a generation of aliens were rendered faceless, and lacked any true identity. As scientifically advanced beings, they concocted an elaborate plan to kidnap young humans and absorb their personalities. Youngsters on chartered Chameleon Flights to holiday destinations would instead be flown to a space station in orbit, where they would be processed. Although the Chameleons covered their tracks carefully - sending postcards to the missing youngsters’ families, hypnotising people, and even murdering them - their plan was exposed. The second Doctor promised to help the Chameleons find a solution to their problem, and the aliens left.

Back in their own time, on the very same day that they had joined the TARDIS, Ben and Polly left the Doctor and Jamie’s company.

1966 (20th July) - The Evil of the Daleks

The TARDIS was stolen from Gatwick airport. In tracking it down, the second Doctor and Jamie were transported a hundred years into the past.

1966 (30th July) - “They Think It’s All Over”

The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory attended the World Cup Final, on the Doctor’s second attempt to reach it (the first had been a thousand years off the mark).

1966 - “The Love Invasion”

The ninth Doctor and Rose found a group of beautiful women in London doing good deeds while working for the Lend-A-Hand agency. The Doctor realised that these were aliens, and they’d been killing leading scientists. The girls were clones, controlled by a Kustollon named Igrix, who had stolen a time machine. His race was destined to fight a devastating war with humanity, and so he had come back to make humanity less aggressive and to destroy Earth’s moon. The Doctor sabotaged Igrix’s ship so that it would indulge its curiosity to explore, and it took Igrix with it.

Perpugilliam “Peri ” Brown, a companion of the fifth and sixth Doctors, was born
on 15th November, 1966.

Aliens from a planet orbiting Epsilon Eridani had developed slower-than-light space travel and established many colony worlds. The Eridani had been routing robot ships through Earth’s solar system for centuries, deeming the region of little import. But circa 1966, an Eridani robot ship sent to a colony orbiting Van Maanen’s star became confused by Earth’s radio signals and landed there instead. Five components of an Eridani super-computer went missing. The Eridani sent agents to retrieve the components, but it took them eleven years to reach Earth.


Two alien objects - the Resurrection Gauntlet and the Life Knife - fell through the Cardiff Rift.

The Silence took young Melody Pond to Earth, the 1960s, so she could be raised in a human-norm environment. She was kept at Graystark Hall Orphanage, which closed down in 1967.
The Silence influenced mankind to go to the moon; they lacked the ability to develop their own technology, and needed to adapt a space suit as a life-support container for Melody.

The Doctor suggested that George Harrison see the Maharishi for spiritual guidance. He also gave LSD guru Timothy Leary advice about tuning into the mind’s “god centre”. The Doctor probably inspired Leary’s infamous tag line of “Tune in, turn on and drop out.”
@ In Bangor, the eighth Doctor showed the Beatles how to meditate.

When Patrick Jefferson was four, his mother was arrested for prostitution, and he was placed in foster care. He’d reside at the Bluebell Field Children’s Home in Swansea for the next ten years.

During the Vietnam conflict, American CIA agents altered information in newsrooms and networks across the country. No agent was more successful than Harry Bosco - while unable to actively censor information, Bosco had a talent for manipulating the English translation of news reports to put the government in a better light. His name became synonymous with the process of revising reports to bury the truth.

Mr Wynter signed off on the Phoenix Program, a controversial counter-insurgency programme used during the Vietnam War.

Brendan Richards, later a ward of Lavinia Smith, was born in 1967.
magazine was founded in 1967. Sarah Jane Smith would later be a regular writer for it.
Fitz saw Jimi Hendrix perform several times during 1967.
During the late nineteen-sixties, Professor Fendelman was working on missile guidance.

1967 (January) - Wonderland

Some grey-suited men, agents of an shadow organisation alleged to run America and the entire world, captured an alien that became known as the Colour-Beast. The grey-suited men distilled the creature’s essence and distributed it as an illicit drug, Blue Moonbeams, to learn how to turn humans into invisible alien killing machines. The Blue Moonbeams became popular, but combusted rather than morphed the users.

The grey-suited men sought to refine the process by distributing Blue Moonbeams at the Human-Be-In rock festival/anti-war protest held in San Francisco on 14th January, 1967. The Moonbeam-users started to mutate, but the second Doctor intervened and freed the Colour-Beast. The creature nullified the drugs’ effects on the afflicted humans and departed for home.

1967 (late summer) - TW: Trace Memory

Jack Harkness encountered the time-jumping Michael Bellini, and the two of them spent a night together in a Cardiff hotel. Russian agents captured them, and interrogated Jack about aliens and Torchwood at a substation established by KVI (the Russian Committee for Extraterrestrial Research) in a former Hamilton’s Sugar warehouse. The Vondrax slaughtered the Russians while attempting to collect the trachyon energy in Bellini’s body. Bellini realised the Vondrax would continue initiating such massacres to get at him, and Jack held Bellini as he leapt to his death. Afterwards, Charles Arthur Cromwell and a team from Torchwood Cardiff closed down the KVI operation. Jack killed Kenneth Valentine, a treasonous Torchwood associate who was working for the Russians.

c 1967 - Renaissance of the Daleks

The fifth Doctor and Nyssa came to the aid of Major Alice Hunniford - the survivor of a downed Cobra 3 aircraft during the Vietnam War.

1967 - Revolution Man

The anarchist Jean-Pierre Rex had secured a quantity of the reality-warping drug Om-Tsor, and used it to psionically deface global monuments with the letter “R”. Between 5th November, 1967, and 29th April, 1968, the symbol appeared on the Great Pyramid in Egypt, the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, a stone at Stonehenge, the white cliffs of Dover, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the floor of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome and Red Square in Moscow. Various world governments attributed the incidents to a messianic figure named the Revolution Man, and international tensions increased.

1967 (7th November) - Thin Ice

The seventh Doctor promised to take Ace to London in 1967, during the summer of love, but instead landed in Moscow. The Martian strategist Sezhyr was mentally reborn in the body of Lt Raina Kerenskaya, who was some weeks pregnant with the child of Markus Creevy, a thief. The possession sped up Kerenskya’s metabolism, and she gave birth to a daughter: Raine. Sezhyr’s mind died, preventing him from raising a new Ice Army to conquer Earth with. The Doctor entrusted Raine’s parents with some of Sezhyr’s relics to pay for her upbringing.

The Doctor became a godfather of sorts to Raine, always remembering her early birthdays. Her parents related many stories about him. Raine herself wouldn’t meet the Doctor until 1989.
Raine’s childhood holidays involved scuba diving in the Red Sea.


Donna Noble, a companion of the tenth Doctor, was born in Chiswick.
Lucia Moretti joined Torchwood in 1968
The tenth Doctor wore a coat that Janis Joplin gave him.

The Monk placed £200 in a London bank in 1968. He would travel two hundred years into the future and withdraw the money and compound interest.
The Mexico Olympics were held.
In 1968, the Doctor was a Tufty Club member.

In 1968, the United Nations designed a first contact policy. It stipulated that such an event could not take place on sovereign soil.
The Time Lord Simpson interviewed a survivor of the Banquo Manor murders on her deathbed, and obtained the seed code for Compassion’s Randomiser - enabling Gallifrey to track her movements.

During the 1960s, Iris Wildthyme worked for a government organisation, the Ministry for Incursions and other Alien Ontological Wonders (MIAOW) and met the Beatles while dealing with a robot guru at a holiday camp in Wales. She also intervened when the cast of
was transported to the moon by samurai jellyfish.
Iris appeared on
Animal Magic
, and had a thing for Johnny Morris in his zookeeper’s uniform.
Iris and Panda went to the London Zoo in the sixties, and Panda visited the well-known lady Panda named Chi Chi.

1968 - Nightshade

The seventh Doctor and Ace found murders and hauntings in the Yorkshire town of Crook Marsham. The retired actor Edmund Trevithick, former star of the Nightshade series, had been seeing monsters from his old show. Energy beings sealed off the village and began a rampage. The Doctor discovered the Sentience, an ancient creature, was feeding on the lifeforce of humans. He convinced it to transmit itself to a supernova in Bellatrix, where it became trapped. Afterwards, the Doctor prevented Ace from leaving him to stay on Earth with her new boyfriend, Robin Yeadon, instead taking the TARDIS to a planet with three moons.

1968 - The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories: “The Entropy Composition”

Guitarist Geoffrey Belvedere Cooper (a.k.a. “The Coop”) enjoyed commercial success with his quartet. The BBC banned one of their songs, “You Can See My Pad, Doll”. The Coop pursued a solo career, and an Entropy Siren inserted primal sonics into his last composition, “White Wave, Soft Haze” - part of a scheme to similarly infect the music repository Concordium in future. The fifth Doctor and Nyssa destroyed the Siren, but primal sound disintegrated The Coop.

In 1968, Jean-Pierre Rex had given up being the Revolution Man. The singer Ed Hill murdered Rex and used the drug Om-Tsor to continue the Revolution Man’s anarchist activities. The Revolution Man symbol appeared on the deck of the US
on 12th November. On 4th January, 1969, it appeared at a US Air Force base in High Raccoon, Tennessee.

The Doctor bought a beach house in Sydney in 1969, and rented a green VW that he conveniently forgot to return.
The Victorian villa at 39 Bannerman Road was demolished in 1969, and replaced with a plain family home.
Paper from the planet Papyria in the Proxima Centauri system - a substance used by the long-dead, psionic Papyrians to rewrite reality for entertainment purposes - made its way to Earth. The budding author Gregory P. Wilkinson bought the paper as a journal from a Charing Cross Road bookshop in 1969, and the paper filled his head with such imaginings that he produced the
Wraith World
novel series.

The tenth Doctor and Martha planned to see the Beatles’ rooftop concert at Savile Row on 30th January, 1969, but ended up in 1669 instead.
Canton Delaware III was fired from the FBI in February 1969, as he wished to marry a black man.

c 1969 - Iris: The Sound of Fear

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