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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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A space battle led to two of the four Krotons serving aboard a dynatrope being “exhausted”, i.e. killed. The dynatrope was largely composed of tellurium, and required the mental power of four “high brains” to function. Per standard procedure, the dynatrope put down on a nearby planet. The two surviving Krotons entered stasis while the dynatrope operated on automatic. It regularly culled the most gifted students that the humanoids living on the planet - the Gonds - could offer, hoping to find a pair smart enough to function as high brains. No such Gonds were found, and the mental energy harvested from the students was only enough to keep the dynatrope functioning.

c 2895 - “Supernature”

Following a massacre on Nigella IV, the Earth Empire adopted a policy of not risking innocent lives on colony worlds. Transports filled with outcasts - thieves, the bankrupted, political dissidents, etc. - were sent on a one-way trip to confirm that potential colony planets were viable. If so, traction factories would follow and lay concrete.

One such transport arrived on a world where an alien terraforming effort had gone awry. An alien gene-splicer caused people to hybridise with the local wildlife; when the eleventh Doctor and Amy showed up en route to Basingstoke, she was transformed into a butterfly person. The Doctor destroyed the gene-splicer, returning everyone to normal. On his recommendation, the colonists maintained their quarantine warning, keeping the Empire at bay from what was now paradise. They also accepted the Doctor’s proposed name for the planet: Basingstoke.

The TARDIS was tainted with the genetic transfer effect. It would absorb lifeforms in its travels to follow, leading to the creation of Chiyoko, the “child of time”.

Around 2900, the Vargeld family became prominent in the politics of the Yquatine system.
Early Hollywood comedy star Archibald Maplin was known in the thirtieth century; a holograph of him appeared on the uniweb.

c 2900 - Sontarans: Silent Warrior

Humanity now used cloning transports to supply its colony planets with livestock. The advent of the Sigma 3, a.k.a. Sentinel, AI series meant that such transports required only a gene tech and an engineer as crew. An adversary of the Sontarans had early warning systems and graviton mines stationed on a frontier at Sigma 150, impeding the Sontarans from waging full-scale war against humanity. Field Major Starn attempted to smuggle a Sontaran army through human space aboard the cloning transport
, but an advanced android named Alex diverted the
through a field of life-sucking Plasmites, killing them.

Decline and Fall

By the beginning of the thirtieth century, the Empire had become utterly corrupt. Planetary governors, such as the one on Solos, would routinely oppress the native races of the planet.
Humans were often little more than “work units”, fit only for manning factories or mines where using humanoid robots was uneconomic. Humanity was exploiting other worlds and “going through the universe like a plague of interplanetary locusts”. Mogar, in the Perseus Arm of the galaxy, was a rich source of rare metals such as vionesium, but although Earth assured the Mogarians that they only required limited mining concessions, they were soon strip-mining the planet. The vionesium shipments to Earth received Grade One security.

Every native animal species died out except humanity and the rat.
The humans of Earth in the thirtieth century had no appendix or wisdom teeth, and most racial differences had been smoothed out in the general population.
Humans had a lifespan of around one hundred and forty years.
Suspensor pools were fashionable in the Earth Empire.
In the thirtieth century, the Cybermen built a time capsule, but a test flight left them stranded in Jersey in 1940.

In 2905, Chris Cwej’s father graduated from the Academy. He served in the Adjudication Service, as his ancestors had for centuries, until 2971.
Nerva Beacon completed its mission at Voga. The space station remained operational for many centuries afterwards.

& 2944 - Robophobia

Kaldor City now had a thriving interstellar trade, and exported its robots to many other planets. A string of murders occurred aboard the factory starship
, which had set out to deliver approximately one hundred fifty-seven thousand robots and five construction plant kits to the planet Ventalis. Robots were suspected as having committed the killings, but the truth was that Security Chief Farel had contracted Grimwade’s Syndrome following his wife’s death in a storm mine scoop - an incident where robots had tried and failed to save her. Farel sought to end all human dependence on robots by faking transmissions that a robot revolution was in progress, then destroying Ventalis by driving the
into it. The seventh Doctor thwarted the scheme.

The Overcity Era

The pollution levels on the surface of Earth reached such a level that the population was forced to live in vast sky cities.

The Manussan people had been reduced to barbarism and degradation under the Mara’s rule. The Mara was overthrown, and banished to the “dark places of the inside”. The outsider who defeated the Mara founded and ruled over a three-world Federation, the third planet of which was Manussa. A legend said that the Mara would return in a dream.
Around 2945, the Wars of Acquisition fought by the Empire reached Earth itself. The Overcities were built over the battle-torn Earth using a new form of cheap and effective null-gravity. They floated around a kilometre from the surface, supported on stilts and by null-grav beams.

Half the Earth’s population, everyone that could afford it, lived in the Overcities and Seacities. The wealthier you were, the higher the levels that you were allowed to access. Earth’s surface became the Undertown: a flooded, ruined landscape. The Vigilant belt of defence space stations proved invaluable at repelling alien attacks, and within ten years the front had shifted so far away from Earth that humanity had almost forgotten they were taking place.

After a few years of austerity, Earth benefited from a technological and economic upsurge. It was “a time of peace and prosperity: well, for the peaceful and prosperous, at least”. Earth was a cosmopolitan place, with races such as Alpha Centauri, Arcturans, Foamasi and Thrillip living in the lower areas of the Overcities, although aliens were treated as second-class citizens. Earth at this time had a human population of thirty billion, with almost as many robot workers. The data protection act was modified in 2945 to reflect the changes in technology and society.

Over the generations, a semi-feudal system had developed. A Baron was responsible for sections of an Overcity, typically controlling a few hundred levels. A Viscount ran the whole city (an area the size of an old nation state); a Count or Countess was responsible for ten Cities (equivalent to a continent). Earth, and each of the other planets, was ruled by a Marquis or Marquessa. The solar system and its Environs were under the authority of its Lord Protector, the Duke Marmion. The Divine Empress ruled over the whole of the Earth Empire, in which thousands of suns never set, and which stretched across half the galaxy. Few on Earth knew that the Empress was Centcomp - the computer network that ran the solar system - setting judicial sentences, running navigational and library databases, co-ordinating virtually every aspect of life.

Roslyn Sarah Forrester, a companion of the seventh Doctor, was born.

The Glass Men of Valcea established their Glass City, and defended it against many enemies.
The second Doctor and Jamie arrived at a communications centre on Mendeb Two’s equator. They pocketed the main communications relay device as a reminder that they should re-visit the area, but this altered history. Without the device, Mendeb Two’s disparate settlements were unable to pool their resources and skills, and thus failed to match technological developments on Mendeb Three.

Roz Forrester joined the Adjudicator service, against the wishes of her aristocratic family. She spent two years training on Ponten IV, then five more years training with an offworld Adjudicator

c 2950 - Independence Day

The Mendeb colonies regressed to a feudal, agricultural society without the corporations’ advanced technology. On Mendeb Three, the tiny region of Gonfallon declared itself a duchy, and came to dominate the planet within a generation.

Military commander Kedin Ashar - the Duke of Jerrissar - helped King Vethran rise to power. Vethran enslaved Mendeb Two, using the drug SS10 to brainwash the populace into submission, but became increasingly tyrannical. Ashar launched a revolt against Vethran, and the seventh Doctor and Ace, hoping to atone for the Doctor’s previous error in hindering Mendeb Two’s development, helped Ashar achieve victory. Ashar formally ended the slave trade and ordered reparations be made to Mendeb Two.

c 2950 - Master

The seventh Doctor brokered a deal with Death, having come to recognise the entity’s hold over the Master. Their agreement was that the Master would remain outside of Death’s purview for ten years, and live his days as a contented man. At the end of that time, the Doctor was required to kill his old friend.

The physically scarred Master consequently turned up in the colony of Perfugium with no memory of his past. He became known as “John Smith”, settled into a happy life and became a physician.

In Perfugium, a serial killer slaughtered eleven prostitutes and an ordinary teenage girl. Green was the colour of death in the colony, and the bodies were found wrapped in green blankets. On the tenth anniversary of John Smith’s arrival, his friends - the Adjudicator Victor Schaeffer and his wife Jacqueline - gathered at Smith’s house to celebrate his “birthday”. Their festivities were interrupted by the Doctor, who begrudgingly admitted Smith’s previous identity as the Master. Victor was exposed as the serial killer and further murdered his wife - who was secretly in love with Smith.

The Doctor and Death amended their deal so Smith could choose his fate. Death presented Smith with the option of either killing Victor before he slew Jacqueline, an act that would retroactively save Smith’s beloved but make him Death’s agent again, or refraining from action and thus saving his benevolent personality. Death expelled the Doctor from Perfugium before he could learn of Smith’s decision.

Christopher Rodamonte Cwej, a companion of the seventh Doctor, was born on 5th September, 2954, in Spaceport Nine Overcity.
Roz Forrester was squired to Fenn Martle. She would be his partner for fifteen years, and he would save her life on five occasions.
When Roz was 20, the
Schirron Dream
took her through time to the future. She returned with no memory of the event.

The Black Dalek and the Renegade Dalek Faction may have used the Time Controller to hide from Davros a trillion miles from Earth in the mid-2960s.

? 2965 - The Space Museum

The TARDIS jumped a time track and the first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki found their future selves on exhibit in the Space Museum of the Morok Empire, located on Xeros. The Moroks had executed the adult population of the planet and set the children to work as slaves. The temporal anomaly ended, and the travellers came under risk of the future they’d glimpsed. Vicki incited revolution among some Xeron rebels, and the travellers made their escape once the Moroks were overpowered.

The Morok Empire collapsed thanks to human intervention, with criminal gangs like the Morok Nostra filling the power vacuum.
The Daleks exterminated the inhabitants of Santhorius.

? 2966 - The Evil of the Daleks

The Dalek Emperor made plans to capitalise on the difference between the Daleks and humanity. The Daleks were unable to make this distinction on their own, and so the Emperor hatched an elaborate trap in three timezones for their old enemy, the second Doctor. The Daleks tricked the Doctor - who was accompanied by Jamie - into believing that they wished to become more human. He was all too willing to educate the Daleks about the “Human Factor”, highlighting the difference between the two races: humans were not blindly obedient and showed mercy to their enemies. However, as the Emperor planned, this merely enabled the distillation of the “Dalek Factor”. The Emperor planned to install this into all humans throughout the history of Earth, forcing them to become Daleks, but the Doctor managed to “humanise” a number of Daleks.

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