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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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During the twenty-seventh century, a Haitian deciphered the Rihanssu language, allowing a peace treaty that ended the war between Earth and that race.
There had been examples of humanity oppressing native species for centuries. The Swampies of Delta Magna, for example, had been displaced and oppressed. Slavery was formally reintroduced on many worlds.
The time-sensitive Tharils had once been the owners of a mighty Empire, with territory stretching across several universes including N-Space and E-Space. Now slavers had captured them. The Tharils were a valuable commodity, as they alone could navigate the ships using warp drive based on Implicate Theory. Many humans became rich trading in Tharils. One privateer, a veteran of Tharil hunts on Shapia commanded by Captain Rorvik, vanished without trace following a warp drive malfunction.

Twenty families founded the colony of Kaldor City. The people there came to forget their origins, and had no contact with other planets.

2680 - The Highest Science

Authorities on Checkley’s World had made the planet Hogsumm to resemble the fabled planet Sakkrat, hoping to capture the criminal Sheldukher and retrieve the Cell that he stole. A slow time converter set up on Hogsumm created a Fortean Flicker that moved objects through time, including a group of hostile Chelonians and some train-riders taking the 8:12 from Chorleywood in 2003.

In 2680, Sheldukher and his crew revived from stasis and landed on “Sakkrat”. Sheldukher committed suicide while resisting arrest, and the Cell was killed also. Sheldukher’s Hercules devastator atomised a large area of the planet. The Chelonians and the train-riders, known to the Chelonians as the EightTwelves, were left frozen in a stasis field.

The Master sabotaged the slow time converter on Hogsumm, creating a Fortean Flicker. President Romana of Gallifrey located the source of the disturbance on Hogsumm, and released the trapped humans and Chelonians. The Chelonians weren’t grateful, so Romana marooned them there and took the humans home.
The abandoned Chelonians survived and created a viable colony that made contact with the rest of their kind after a few thousand years.

? 2684 - Mission of the Viyrans

The Viyrans cured Peri of a virus that she contracted while attending a party on the planet Gralista Social, then wiped her and the fifth Doctor’s memories of the event. This was the first time that the Viyrans came into contact with humanity.

c 2690 - “Bus Stop!”

Scientists on Mars invented a crude time machine. Mutant assassins captured the device and attempted to retroactively eradicate the ancestors of Martian President Lithops. The tenth Doctor followed the killers to the twenty-first century and stymied them while Martha and D.I. Moloch re-captured the time machine and recalled the Doctor to this time zone. The Doctor destroyed the time machine, which by extension exterminated the assassins.

The Battle of the Rigel Wastes took place in 2697. The seventh Doctor, Bernice, Roz and Chris witnessed the massacre. In the twenty-seven and twenty-eight hundreds, New Earth Feudalism was established. This social system would lead to the thirtieth-century Overcities.

The Twenty-Eighth Century

In the twenty-eighth century, the Legions tried to undermine the business consortia of the galaxy using their multidimensional abilities. The Time Lords intervened, sending Mortimus to imprison the Legion homeworld for eight thousand years. Around this time, the Wine Lords of Chardon had the best wine cellars in the galaxy.
By the twenty-eighth century, interest in Mozart was so low, his work was pretty much restricted to the bargain bin.

Earth claimed the planet Dust on the Dead Frontier, but never developed it.
The renegade Time Lord Koschei visited Earth in the twenty-eighth century and met Ailla, a woman who joined him on his travels. It was a time of food riots and constant war.

The great-great-grandchildren of the shareholders of Omni-Spatial Mercantile Dynamics thought that their ancestors had blown a deal concerning the Labyrinth of Kerykeion, and sent a murderous cyborg back in time to secure a better result.

2708 - “By Hook or By Crook”

The eighth Doctor and Izzy landed in the City-State of Tor-Ka-Nom. The Doctor chided Izzy for being more interested in the guidebook than seeing the sights, but changed his tune upon being arrested for a murder that he didn’t commit. Izzy freed him by looking up the identity of the real murderer in her guidebook, which wouldn’t be written for another twenty-three years.

A human hospital ship in the Dravidian war zone crashed “a long way from Earth” on the planet Chodor, at the eastern edge of Haldevron. The crew attempted to stop the ship’s mechanical drones, a.k.a. Takers, from euthanising forty-four patients to contain the Richter’s Syndrome they carried. This damaged the ship’s quantum flux generator and released warp energy, turning the infected into ghostly beings. The surviving patients and their descendants - forgetting their past, and adopting hospital and sterilisation procedures as societal rituals - founded the colony of Purity.

= The sixth Doctor visited the planet Narrah in 2721.

The Doctor met the mad scientist Linus Leofrix on Ricarus in 2723.

c 2725 - “Warlord of the Ogrons”

The brilliant if misguided surgeon Linus Leofrix landed on the planet of the Ogrons, along with his pilot Rostow, and captured one of the natives: Gnork. Leofrix used a surgical implantation technique to make Gnork super-intelligent, planning to use him to conquer half the galaxy. Gnork challenged Gwunn for the leadership of the tribe, sparing his life because he wanted his help to defeat the Earthmen. Gnork stole the ship, leaving the humans at the mercy of Gwunn.

The middle Sumaran era produced some exquisite artwork, including a headpiece entitled the “Six Faces of Delusion”.

One branch of humanity fell into a futile and stalemated war against the Foucoo - a humourless, burrowing and territorial species that fought with micro-munitions. Such was the conflict that nobody actually knew what the Foucoo looked like. The warfare lasted for decades, and the human colony on Nocturne was used as a departure point for soldiers going to or leaving the warzone.
In 2736, a guidebook to Tor-Ka-Nom was published; a copy of it would end up in the TARDIS library.
A breakaway cell of Ventriki militants believed its enemies were operating from the trading world Crestus V, and deployed the biological agent Saravin there. In response, the Earth Empire destroyed Saravin production plants across an entire sector of space.

2750 - “Time Bomb”

Arrow of Righteousness
was a hundred years from its destination. The TARDIS was nearby and was hit by a time weapon - a Temporal Disruption Pulser. The sixth Doctor and Frobisher traced it to a hundred years in the future on the planet Hedron.

c 2764 - The Sensorites

During the twenty-eighth century, spacecraft from Earth ploughed deeper and deeper into space, searching for minerals and other natural resources. On Earth, air traffic was becoming congested.

A five-man Earth ship discovered the planet Sense-Sphere, a molybdenum-rich planet that was inhabited by the shy, telepathic Sensorites. They feared exploitation, and refused to trade with Earth. The Earth mission left, but shortly afterwards, the Sensorites began dying from a mysterious new disease. Within a decade, two out of ten Sensorites had died.

By the time a second Earth mission arrived, the Sensorites were terrified of outsiders. They used their psychic powers to place the crew of the ship in suspended animation, a process that drove one human, John, mad. The first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan found that the Sensorites were suffering from nightshade poisoning, introduced to the City water supply by the previous Earth expedition. The second expedition left, promising not to return to the planet.

c 2764 - The End of Time (

The Governors of Mygosuria had set up the “Universal Learning System”, and ruled that the children of the Nine Galaxies should be educated to the highest standard. Those with the highest Ability Index were nicknamed The Mind Set and sent to study at the Space Brain, a school for gifted children.

The Krashoks finished construction of the Eternity Device - a machine that would reanimate the dead, when powered by the Eternity Crystal - and calibrated it aboard the Space Brain. The tenth Doctor recalibrated the device to emit an energy blast that turned the Krashoks’ organic components to dust. He also destroyed the Eternity Crystal by tossing it into the Eternity Device, which exploded. Afterward, his companion Gisella elected to stay aboard the Space Brain.

By 2765, INITEC had built the first of a chain of Vigilant laser defence space stations in orbit around Earth. The station proved vital in preventing the Zygons from melting the icecaps and flooding the world.

2775 - The Stealers of Dreams

The ninth Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack found themselves on Colony World 4378976.Delta-Four, where the authorities banned any form of fiction or fantasy. The Doctor discovered that a microscopic native life was feeding on the colonists’ imaginations, overwhelming their ability to distinguish fact from fiction. When the truth emerged, the colony’s scientists quickly came up with a cure.

2789 (10th June) - Paradox Lost

The TARDIS unexpectedly diverted the eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory to the banks of the Thames, 2789. London was now a mixture of the future and the past - glittering metal towers were interspersed between brick houses and churches. Enormous glass domes housed forests and served as oxygen factories. St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Oxford Street, the British Museum, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Bridge were still in existence.

Humanoid constructs housing Artificial Intelligences, as created by the Villiers Artificial Life laboratory in Battersea, cost a small fortune and had been on the market for about three months. One such unit, Arven, was dredged from the Thames after nearly a thousand years spent buried there. Arven expired after warning the Doctor that a timeship created by Professor Celestine Gradius had drilled a hole in space-time through which the Squall - extra-dimensional parasites that fed on psychic energy - were swarming into the Universe. The Doctor sent Amy and Rory to investigate Gradius while he travelled back to the day before Arven fell into the Thames: 16th October, 1910.

Amy and Rory found that the Squall had killed Gradius, and met Arven’s younger self - who had been serving as Gradius’ assistant. They escaped to 1910 in Gradius’ time vessel when the Squall attacked - and thereby created the hole in space-time that granted the Squall access to the Universe.

The Doctor, Amy and Rory returned to 2789 after dealing with the Squall, and loaded a back-up copy of Arven’s intelligence into a new body at the Villiers facility. They then took him to live with a mutual friend in 1923.

Lothar Ragpole established a drinking establishment on Nocturne, and it would serve the developing artistic enclave there.
In the early 2790s, the ten-planet Minerva system was colonised by an Earth ship captained by Julian de Yquatine.

Elizabethan, the wife of President John F Hoover of New Jupiter, gave birth to triplets following fertility treatment. She had used DNA samples from Hanstrum, Hoover’s chief technician, and not her infertile husband. The children were named Asia, Africa and Antarctica. Years later, Hanstrum tried to murder Elizabethan after she began to suspect her triplets were psychopaths, and wanted to confess her infidelity. Elizabethan was rendered comatose, and the triplets were blamed and imprisoned.

The human colony Nocturne was now home to the Department of War, munitions factories and some hospices, but the planet itself was secure, being located eight months of travel from the front. The adversity of the war with the Foucoo attracted to Nocturne the greatest concentration of artists and thinkers since the Florentine Renaissance - this creative revival would become known as the Far Renaissance. The creativity that flourished on Nocturne would only be accomplished about half a dozen times in the whole of human history.

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