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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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Civil war broke out between the “Human” and “Dalek” factions. Every Dalek had been recalled to Skaro in preparation for the conquest of humanity, and in the ensuing battle they were all wiped out. The Emperor was exterminated by his own kind. The Doctor named this the “final end” of the Daleks.

Victoria Waterfield joined the Doctor and Jamie on their travels after her father, Edward Waterfield, died while saving the Doctor’s life.

& c 2970 - “Bringer of Darkness”

The second Doctor, Jamie and Victoria encountered a group of Daleks who taunted them with the news that the humanised Daleks had all been exterminated.

However, one saucer of humanised Daleks did survive, and travelled to the planet Kyrol.
During the 2970s, anti-magnetic cohesion was developed.
The Landsknechte - Earth’s official security force - fought the Aspenal Campaign in 2970. The seventh Doctor, Chris and Roz helped the Jithra repel the Jeopards, but the Earth Empire conquered Jithra and Jeopardy. The Jithra were wiped out, but a few hundred thousand Jeopards survived. Leabie Forrester began plotting to usurp the Empress.

The Earth’s oceans were heavily polluted in the thirtieth century.
Humanity and the Silurians were now working together.
The seventh Doctor hired two Silurian musicians, Jacquilian and Sanki, to play at Benny’s wedding.

2975 - Original Sin

In the early 2970s, mankind fought a short but brutal war with the Hith, a sluglike race. The Empire annexed Hithis and terraformed it. The Hith were displaced, becoming servants and menial workers on hundreds of worlds. They adopted names to denote their displaced status, such as Powerless Friendless and Homeless Forsaken Betrayed and Alone.

The last Wars of Acquisition ended shortly afterwards, when Sense-Sphere finally capitulated. The Earth Empire now stretched across half the galaxy.

Soon after the Hith pacification, Roz Forrester saw a man kill a Ditz (a Centaurian pet akin to a bee, but the size of a small dog). When he denied it, she ate his ident and arrested him for perjury and not having valid ID. The incident entered Adjudicator folklore. Forrester eventually killed her partner Fenn Martle when she discovered he had betrayed the Adjudication Service and was on the payroll of Tobias Vaughn. She attended Martle’s funeral, and shortly afterwards the Birastrop Doc Dantalion wiped her memories of Martle’s death, replacing them with false memories that the Falardi had killed him.

Christopher Cwej graduated from the Academy in 2974. During his training on Ponten IV, he had achieved some of the highest marksmanship and piloting scores ever recorded. Cwej’s first assignment was a traffic detail. A year later, he was squired to Roz Forrester.

The very same day, serious riots started throughout the Empire, particularly on Earth itself. Insurance claims were estimated at five hundred trillion Imperial schillings, a total that would bankrupt the First Galactic Bank. Worst of all, it was revealled that the Adjudication Service was rife with corruption. The riots had been sparked by the release of icaron particles from a Hith battleship, the
, which had been captured by INITEC corporation and kept in hyperspace in Overcity Five.

When the source of the radiation was destroyed, it was clear that the Empire was collapsing. At the time of the rioting on Earth, the Rim World Alliance had applied to leave the Empire. Over the years, all the major corporations had moved from Earth to the outer Rim planets. An Imperial Landsknecht flotilla was sent to pacify them. Rioting also began on Allis Five, Heaven, Murtaugh and Riggs Alpha. Colony worlds took the opportunity to rebel, stretching the resources of the Landsknecht to their limit.

The seventh Doctor again encountered the now-robotic Tobias Vaughn, leading to a conflict in which Vaughn was decapitated. The Doctor used Vaughn’s brain crystal to repair the Cwej family’s food irradiator.

The corrupt head of the Adjudicators, Rashid, feared exposure. She named Roz Forrester and Chris Cwej as rogue Adjudicators, and placed a death sentence on them. Roz and Chris departed with the Doctor and Bernice.

At this time, Armstrong Transolar Aerospace were building Starhopper craft on Empire City, Tycho and Luna.
The Empire conquered the Ogron homeworld of Orestes, one of the moons of gas giant Clytemnestra, in the Agamemnon system. When humans engineered pygmy Ogrons, a native uprising started that would last six years.

While searching for secret Ogron bases, the Imperial ship
discovered the Nexus on the moon Iphigenia. This was a Gallifreyan device that could alter reality, and drove the expedition insane.

Roz was declared legally dead in 2976. Her sister Leabie created a clone of Roz, Thandiwe, to raise as her own daughter.
Humberto de Silvestre was born 31st December, 2978. Heavy pollution levels on Earth made him sickly, but his computer skills meant he received medical grants.

2982 - So Vile a Sin

A demilitarised zone existed between the Empires of Earth and the Sontarans. The planet Tara was part of the Empire, and the importance of the nobility had been diminished.

The seventh Doctor, Roz and Chris returned to this time zone and investigated the source of a signal that was awakening Gallifreyan N-forms. Roz discovered an N-form at the Fury colony on planet Aegistus, the Agamemnon system, and crushed it under a slab of dwarf star alloy. Meanwhile, the Doctor found that the moon Cassandra was actually an ancient TARDIS, wounded during the war with the Vampires, and that its distress signal was waking N-forms. The Doctor programmed the TARDIS to self-destruct, destroying the moon.

Back on Earth, the Doctor euthanised Empress Helen I at her request. He was arrested for regicide. The Empress’ death sparked civil war and widespread rioting. The psionic Brotherhood launched a brutal attack on the Forresters’ palace on Io, killing a dozen Forresters. The casualties included Roz’s niece and nephew, Somezi and Mantsebo.

Abu ibn Walid, actually a pawn of the Brotherhood, was crowned Emperor. He offered Roz the office of Pontifex Saecularis, head of the Order of Adjudicators. Roz’s sister Leabie, with army and Unitatus backing, instigated a rebellion against Walid’s rule. Her forces attacked Mars on 26th August. The Battle of Achebe Gorge started. Roz defected to Leabie’s side and was appointed the rank of Colonel.

The Doctor and Cwej were captured by the Grandmaster, a psychic gestalt that hoped to use the reality-altering Nexus. The Doctor defeated the Grandmaster’s plan, and the dozens of bodies that contained parts of the Grandmaster’s persona were either killed or banished to alternate timelines.

Roz lost her life leading a ground assault on the Emperor’s palace on Callisto. The death of the Grandmaster left the Emperor lifeless, and Leabie Forrester was declared Empress. The Doctor suffered a heart attack at Roz’s burial. A year later, the Doctor, Cwej, Benny and Jason attended to Roz’s final funeral rites.

House Forrester had recently resurrected the long-extinct elephant.

Earth’s moon was home to conurbations in the late thirtieth century.
In 2983, Kimber met Investigator Hallett while he was investigating granary shortages on Stella Stora. The Doctor visited this timezone a number of times. He met Hallett and visited the planet Mogar.
On another occasion, he involved Captain Travers in a “web of mayhem and intrigue”, but did save Travers’ ship.
The Doctor was travelling with Evelyn at the time, and convinced her - rightfully, she thought - to turn down Travers’ marriage proposal.

2986 (16th April) - Terror of the Vervoids

Professor Sarah Lasky planned to breed intelligent plants, Vervoids, that would hopefully make robots obsolete. Vervoids bred and grew rapidly, plus were quick to learn and cheap to maintain. For an undisclosed reason, the Vervoids also had a poisonous spike. A consortium was ready to exploit the creatures, but as the Vervoids were being transported back to Earth in the intergalactic liner
Hyperion III
, they went on the rampage and killed a number of the passengers and crew, including Lasky. The sixth Doctor and Mel’s intervention resulted in every example of the species being wiped out using the mineral vionesium, which accelerated their growth cycle.

The ruling Council on Earth
came to realise that Earth was “exhausted... politically, economically, biologically finished”, “fighting for its survival” and was “grey and misty” with “grey cities linked by grey highways across grey deserts... slag, ash, clinker”. Earth’s air was so polluted that the entire population now had to live in the vast sky cities if they wanted to breathe.

By this point, Earth couldn’t afford an Empire any longer. By the end of the thirtieth century, most planets in the Earth Empire had achieved some form of independence from the homeworld.
These were “the declining years of Earth’s planetary empire”.

As the Earth Empire underwent collapse, countless planets were cut off and abandoned.
The Earth Empress granted Eta Centauri 6 the status of a Duchy Royal with the name of Tractis. Humans had committed genocide there during the Empire period, because the natives refused to allow the mineral exploitation of their planet or the growing of narcotic crops. The Silurian governor of the planet, Menarc, tried to establish an elected council, but human colonists formed a separatist party and assassinated key politicians. The decaying Empire tried to restore order, leading to a conflict that killed hundreds of thousands. The eighth Doctor told Sam Jones that matters would improve for Tractis after that.

c 2990 - “Children of the Revolution”

The eighth Doctor and Izzy travelled to the waterworld of Kyrol, and spent time on the submarine
. While swimming at the uncharted Asamda Ridge, Izzy encountered some Daleks - who went on the board the submarine and greeted the Doctor as their saviour.

The Daleks steered the
to Azhra Korr, home of eight thousand Daleks who were the humanised Daleks from the civil war and their descendants. Their leader was Alpha, the first humanised Dalek, and he explained that the Daleks had developed psychokinetic abilities. When the Doctor and Alpha investigated a cavern under Azhra Korr, they discovered Kata-Phobus - the last Kyrolian and a giant octopus with psychic powers. Kata-Phobus had been planning to use the Daleks’ psychic abilities to conquer the human colony.

Meanwhile, the humans rebelled and attempted to escape their Dalek captors. The Daleks were shocked that their saviour, the Doctor, was secretly more loyal to the humans than to them. Nonetheless, they sacrificed themselves to kill Kata-Phobus save the human colony.

c 2990 - The Mutants

One of the last planets to gain independence from Earth was Solos. The native Solonians staged organised resistance, but the Marshal of the planet resisted reform for many years. From his Skybase in orbit above Solos, the Marshal had been conducting experiments on the Solonian atmosphere, attempting to render it more suitable for humans. When the Solonians began mutating into insect-like creatures, the Marshal ordered the “Mutts” destroyed.

An Independence Conference was arranged between the Solonian leaders and the Earth “Overlords”, with Solos to be granted independence. The Administrator was assassinated at the meeting, and martial law was declared. The Time Lords sent the third Doctor and Jo to Solos - they met Professor Sondergaard, who had discovered that the Solonians underwent a radioactive metamorphosis every five hundred years, meaning that the process that was transforming the population into Mutts and altering the atmosphere was seasonal. The Doctor and his allies deduced that the Mutts were a transitional stage as the Solonians turned into advanced beings. One of the Solonians, Ky, completed his transformation and killed the Marshal.

2992 - The Fall of Yquatine

The eighth Doctor attended the inauguration of Stefan Vargeld, who defeated the unpopular Ignatiev to win the Presidency of Yquatine. Four years later, the Doctor returned just as sentient gas creatures named the Omnethoth, constructed millions of years ago as a weapon to conquer the universe, awoke from dormancy and devastated the planet with searing gas bombs. The reptilian Anthaurk attempted to capitalise on this and capture Yquatine space, but the Doctor’s companion Compassion engaged her Chameleon Circuit and impersonated Vargeld, helping to sue for peace. The Doctor mentally reprogrammed the Omnethoth as peaceful cloud-like beings, but a vengeful Vargeld, in retribution for Yquatine’s devastation, destroyed the Omnethoth with ionization weapons.

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