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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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Glasst City on Nocturne had canals and smelt like Venice. The Sol system, Zeta Reticula, the Hessa Cloud and the Foucoo home system and were all visible to the naked eye from Nocturne. The Doctor was involved when the Foucoo attempted to assassinate members of the War Department, and officials on Nocturne covered up two mysterious deaths.

Will Alloran, a student of Korbin Thessenger, went looking in the Nocturne archives and found alien scripts bearing the bioharmonics of the extinct Ultani race. He feared the documents’ power and purged them - but his brother Lomas secretly made copies. Will signed up to fight in the war with the Foucoo. He spent eight months travelling to the front, and lost his leg during a skirmish on the planet Zocus.

c 2799 - Companion Piece

Philosophical questions about alien civilisations, such as whether nonhumans possessed souls and could be baptised, caused a rift in the Catholic Church. Social and political instability compelled Pope Athanasius to relocate to Rome, a mobile space station with a replica of Vatican City. The Catholics who remained on Earth elected Pope Urban IX as their leader, and each side declared the other false.

Missionaries from the Catholic Church had arrived on the planet Haven and converted much of the indigenous population. However, a malfunctioning TARDIS landed there and exploded, devastating the planet. The Church in response branded all Time Lords as witches. Grand Inquisitor Guii del Toro rose to power in the church on Haven, and instigated the Good Shepherd project, using human-like robots to evangelise.

A Carthian bandit chief named Brotak took control of most of the planets in the Magellanic system, and named himself Tsar of all the Magellanic Clouds. He converted to Roman Catholicism, and favoured the Cetacean Brrteet’k (a.k.a. Celestine VI) as the next Pope.

The seventh Doctor and his companion Catherine Broome repaired the malfunctioning TARDIS by stealing some mercury from the Weirdarbi, a race of cybernetic insects. They then arrived on Haven to do some shopping, but the Doctor, identified as a Time Lord, was quickly arrested by del Toro. The Doctor and Cat were dispatched to Earth aboard an Inquisition spaceship to face a papal conclave, but Pope John Paul XXIII was declared soul-dead at this time. Forces supporting either Celestine VI or Pope Urban XII as John Paul’s successor fell into open conflict. Del Toro died amid the warfare.

The Inquisition ship took heavy damage, and the Doctor, Cat and their allies had minutes to live unless a robot could go through the ship’s toxic areas and use the bridge controls to release the sealed-off TARDIS. With the Inquisition’s robots nonfunctional, the Doctor resigned himself to telling Cat about her true nature.

c 2800 - Nocturne

The Far Renaissance was one of the Doctor’s favourite periods of history, and he visited the locale in more than one incarnation. The security force on Nocturne - the Overwatch - had eight separate reports of the Doctor’s visits, dating back thirty years. Tegan was present during one such stopover.

Lomas Alloran sought to achieve great music with his copy of the Ultani bioharmonics, but Nocturne was a planet that inherently contained more discord than the Ultani homeworld. Use of the bioharmonics created a creature of pure noise - this entity sought works of artistry, but killed the artists themselves.

The TARDIS arrived on Nocturne, and Ace and Hex expressed scepticism that the seventh Doctor lacked an ulterior motive for the visit. Previously, the Doctor had taken them to Breearos to “return some library books”, then spent a fortnight negotiating a ceasefire in the Orbit Wars. On another occasion, the Doctor said he wanted to use the infallible laundry services of Tau Sartos, but in fact worked to prevent the spawning of a Zylax swarm (an incident that left Hex covered in mucus).

The noise creature killed the celebrated composer Lucas Erphan Moret. Lomas Alloran also perished, and his brother Will - upon realising that his actions had caused some deaths - goaded the creature to killing him.

The Doctor devised a means of echoing and cancelling out the noise creature’s harmonics. Will’s mentor, Korbin Thessenger, was moved to write his Great Mass - it would be the last great work of his career, and celebrated for as long as humanity persisted. History forgot the manner of Will’s death, and it was speculated that he died in the war.

The war would continue for “a long time”, but the Far Renaissance lasted a total of thirty years. It gave rise to the plays of Casto, Cinder’s Odes, the Quantum Movement, Luminalism, all but one of Thessenger’s symphonies, the Zeitists and the novels of Elber Rocas. Also, the sculptor Shumac took eight years to carve “Man Triumphant Above the Rigours of Space” from a single block of Lympian Onyx.

Nocturne was home to the Museum of Culture, the Lazlo Collection and the College of Music. Data pads were in use. Robotic “familiars” - fashioned after the female form, as research showed that people were more comfortable with representations of the female gender - performed menial tasks for the populace.

c 2800 - EarthWorld

Earth Heritage had established around the galaxy thousands of EarthWorld theme parks, where lifelike androids would replicate - albeit in a rather garbled form - the history of Earth. Many of the people of New Jupiter wanted independence from Earth, and the Association for New Jupitan Independence (ANJI) was gaining support. The eighth Doctor, Fitz and Anji were arrested on suspicion of sympathy with the independence movement, but the Doctor stopped an android rampage.

Elizabethan revived from her coma, and although her daughter Asia died, she pledged to help her remaining two children.

The Doctor was a drinking buddy of Henry XII.
Colonists seeking independence from Federation officials settled on Phoenix, the fourth planet in the Paledies system. Terraforming machinery automatically engaged while most of the colonists remained in hibernation, but sunspot activity hampered development of an ozone layer and set the process back by decades. Space station
was set up in geostationary orbit.

c 2800 - The Story of Martha: “Star-Crossed”

The tenth Doctor and Martha arrived on generation ship 374926-slash-GN66, which was full of frozen Earth colonists. The Artificials - vat-grown clones engineered to perform maintenance - had become “the Breed” and now ran the ship. The human colonists had woken up two years previous, and war had broken out between them and the Breed. The Doctor learned that the colonists had died when their cryogenics failed, and that the Breed had used what raw material was available to create Artifical bodies for as many colonists as possible, downloading their memories into the new forms. The realisation that all of those present were Artificial stopped the conflict. The Doctor repaired the ship’s energy cells enough to get the vessel to its destination.

(=) The eleventh Doctor was present when archaeologists dug up an empty coffin that was supposed to contain the remains of a Hawkshaw Manor nursing home resident. Finding this suspicious, he went with Amy to investigate the matter in 2011.

2815 - Festival of Death

The leisure cruiser
, with a thousand passengers onboard, was trapped in hyperspace between Teredekethon and Murgatroyd. Nearly one hundred ships crashed into it, including a prison ship containing dangerous Arachnopods. They escaped and went on the rampage. The Repulsion - an extra-dimensional creature that existed between life and death - offered the survivors of
the chance to escape. They agreed, and the Repulsion exchanged them with participants of the “Beautiful Death” in 3012. Rescue missions would discover only empty ships, prompting “the mystery of the

The wrecked spaceships were rebuilt inside the hyperspace tunnel as the G-Lock station.

A mysterious planetoid was detected entering the solar system, and it eventually became the thirteenth moon of Jupiter. It was named Neo-Phobus by humans, and the Nerva Beacon was set up to warn shipping of this new navigational hazard. Nerva was one of a chain of navigational beacons, which also included Ganymede Beacon at vector 1906702.

c 2820 - The Whispering Forest

The fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan and Turlough arrived at the Purity colony so Nyssa could test a potential cure for Richter’s Syndrome. They destroyed the Takers and the ghostly beings who had been afflicting the colony for generations.

ID implants were mandatory in citizens of the Empire, except for those exempted by the Corporate Faiths Amendment Act 2820.
The Privacy of Sentient Beings Act was passed in 2830.
Earth President Helen Kristiansen declared herself Empress. Helen I would be kept alive by life support systems, and her brain would be controlled by the computer Centcomp, which gave her access to the memories of all previous Earth Presidents. She became aware of the Doctor.

2847 - Dark Progeny

The telepathic inhabitants of Ceres Alpha died out long ago, but survived as a psychic gestalt. Much later, the planet - the closest ever found to Earth’s natural conditions - was colonised by humans. Earth was overcrowded and polluted at this time, and terraforming corporations like Worldcorp and Planetscape make planets suitable for human colonisation.

Influenced by the gestalt, the colonists’ children began developing psychic powers. Worldcorp encouraged this, hoping that the children’s telekinesis could be used to transform planets. The eighth Doctor, Fitz and Anji exposed the plan. The children rebelled against Worldcorp’s corrupt leader, Gaskill Tyran, who died when the children made him mentally relive his acts of murder. The parents of one of the children, Veta and Josef Manni, took custody of the entire group.

The accelerator, a device than could heal wounds and change people’s appearances, had been invented.

2850 - “Time Bomb”

The scientists of the City of Light on Hedron reached complete control of their environment, and the genetic cleansing of their race. They banished impurities with their time cannon. The sixth Doctor and Frobisher were caught in the weapon’s effect - which sent them two hundred million years into Earth’s past.

The pilgrims of the
Arrow of Righteousness
arrived at their destination, but although their bodies were sound, their minds had gone. The ship crashed into the City of Light and devastated it, killing the population when its microbes and poisons were released.

The Doctor and Frobisher learned that the Hedrons had located the origin of the
Arrow of Righteousness
- Earth - and deliberately targeted their time cannon. In doing so, the Hedrons allowed mankind to evolve, and didn’t destroy it.

? 2850 - The Mind’s Eye

The Earth Empire Space Marines established a base on a planet designated YT45, which had a diurnal cycle lasting one hundred fourteen hours. YT45 was home to a type of flower - “kyropites” - that emitted a sleep-inducing gas; their victims experienced very detailed dream-realities while the kyropites fed upon their alpha waves, then their bodies. The fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem were present when jekylls - monkey-like creatures who were immune to the kyropites - destroyed the marines’ base. An agent of the Federation Drugs Administration thwarted a plan to derive mind-controlling drugs and telepathic enhancers from the kyropites.

The Dreamwavers of the Goyanna system had devices that could monitor dreams.

c 2850 - Three’s a Crowd

A group of militaristic, reptilian Khellians happened across the Phoenix colony, and the Khellian Queen laid a clutch of eggs aboard the colony ship. The colony leader, Auntie, bargained with the Khellians and allowed them to feed off humans in stasis; in return, they were to spare her family. The number of humans who were awake dwindled down to sixteen. They became agoraphobic and lived intensely isolated lives, unaware of the Khellian presence and what had befallen their fellows.

The fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem exposed the Khellian threat. The Khellians were wiped out and the colony ship destroyed, but the terraforming process improved the planet’s sustainability. Humans sleeping in a dozen habitat domes were slated for revival.

In the mid-twenty-ninth century, zigma photography proved reconstructions of the Temple of Zeus to be inaccurate.
The Forrester palace was built on Io.
The Earth Empire annexed the Schirr homeworld and renamed it Idaho. Some Schirr - the Ten-Strong - formed a resistance movement. They stole knowledge of black arts from the non-corporeal Morphieans, who failed to distinguish between the Ten-Strong and the other corporeal beings. The Morphieans initiated retaliatory strikes against human worlds such as New Beijing, and the Ten-Strong launched terrorist strikes on planets such as New Jersey and Toronto, often killing millions.

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