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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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A time-travelling squad of Daleks and Ogron footsoldiers attacked the House, attempting to guarantee that their version of history prevailed. The guerrilla Shura detonated a Dalekanium bomb and wiped out the invaders, but only after the delegates had been evacuated. With the delegates’ survival, the guerrillas’ history ceased to be.

Two Ogrons escaped and ended up in the village of Little Caldwell.
UNIT recovered a Dalek casing.
SeneNet recovered twenty-second century weaponry from the site.
James Rafferty wrote a paper about dust samples from the site.
The third Doctor, the Brigadier and Jo defeated a demonic-looking villain, the Mentor.

The Cold War was brought to an end.

Surgeon-Lieutenant Harold Sullivan was posted to Faslane.
The Doctor took Jo on a test flight of the TARDIS. Under the Time Lords’ guidance, the TARDIS headed for Peladon.

= The Face of the Enemy
The Conclave, the surviving members of the parallel Earth devastated by Project: Inferno, captured the Koschei of their reality and used his TARDIS to open dimensional portals to Earth.

The Conclave members began replacing their parallel duplicates to gain positions of power, but UNIT came to suspect the plan. With the Doctor offworld, the Brigadier allied himself with Royal Air Force lecturer Ian Chesterton and the imprisoned Master. The trio travelled to the parallel Earth, euthanised the dissected Koschei and severed the Conclave’s link with the other Earth.

UNIT eliminated most of the Conclave members now stranded on Earth, but Marianne Kyle, the Conclave’s Secretary General, remained at liberty.

By now, the Brigadier was in a relationship with Doris, an old friend from Sandhurst. Liz Shaw was in the US on a lecture tour. Ian Chesterton and Barbara had a son, John.

The Sea Devils

Imprisoned at Fortress Island, the Master attempted to contact a dormant colony of Sea Devils in the English Channel, hoping to direct them to attack mankind. The Master won the confidence of Colonel Trenchard, the governor of the prison, by claiming the creatures were terrorists that threatened Britain’s national security. Trenchard acceded to the Master’s requests, enabling him to contact the Sea Devils and engineer his escape. Trenchard died when a team of Sea Devils overran the prison.

The third Doctor intervened and implored the Sea Devil leader to make peace with humankind, but a sneak Navy attack engineered by Robert Walker, the Parliamentary Private Secretary, convinced the Sea Devil leader to make war instead. Unable to contain the impending violence, the Doctor destroyed the underwater base and the Sea Devils within. The Master escaped shortly afterwards.

“Under Pressure”

The fourth Doctor landed on a submarine, quickly deduced it was on the trail of Sea Devils and convinced the crew he was the scientific advisor... unfortunately, the third Doctor was also involved. The fourth Doctor realised he had to play his part in history without giving away his identity. The Sea Devils attacked the submarine, and the two Doctors worked together over a radio link to translate a message to the Sea Devils, who withdrew.

The Eight Doctors

The Master evaded capture by the third Doctor and Jo and reached his TARDIS, which was disguised as the sacrificial stone at Devil’s End. The Doctor met his eighth incarnation at UNIT HQ.

“Target Practice”

The third Doctor and Jo headed to UN airbase 43, ostensibly UNIT’s new training centre. They thought the Brigadier was there, but he was in Geneva and instead they met Colonel Ashe. But Ashe served tea to the Doctor before Jo, and misidentified an Auton as an Ogron - tipping the Doctor off that he was a bounder. He was a Russian spy, sent to abduct the Doctor. The Brigadier arrived in time to see the Doctor capture Ashe.

The Doctor went on Professor Gibbs’ lecture on electro-particles.

Tales from the Vault

Roddy Fletcher, a friend of Jo Grant, was briefly possessed by the mind of Kalicarache when he bought and donned the army jacket of Tommy Watkins. The third Doctor wrested the jacket off Roddy, and the item was relegated to the UNIT Vault.

The Time Lords assigned the third Doctor and Jo the task of delivering a message pod, and they departed for the planet Solos.
All UNIT HQs received a new standing order, priority A1, to be on the lookout for the Master.
The Coal Board closed Llanfairfach Colliery in South Wales.

(29th September) - The Time Monster

For several months, the Master had posed as one “Professor Thascales” to conduct research into the science of interstitial time at the Newton Institute in Wootton. He succeeded in developing TOM-TIT (Transmission of Matter Through Interstitial Time), a device capable of moving matter through the cracks between “now” and “now”. However, the Master’s true intentions were to use TOM-TIT to put Kronos, the ancient Chronovore, at his command.

The Master succeeded in bringing the Atlantean priest Krasis through time to assist him. The Master and Krasis set off back to Atlantis circa 1500 BC, and the third Doctor and Jo Grant pursued them there.

The Thascales Theorem was held by the United Nations for security purposes.
The Doctor and UNIT investigated abductions in Memphis, and were aided by singer Dusty Springfield.

Unit Year 6

(May) - Rags

At Dartmoor, a bloody conflict between a punk band and a group of university students freed the Ragman, who animated their corpses. They staged punk band performances as part of the Unwashed and Unforgiving tour, mentally stimulating persons in the area to commit violence. The group’s performances caused a riot at Dartmoor Prison, and saw a group of fox hunters massacred by escapees from an asylum. UNIT was called in to investigate as the band reached Cirbury, and the Ragman also incited violence at Stonehenge. Kane Sawyer, a local ruffian and one of the Ragman’s descendents, sacrificed himself to re-bind the Ragman in some standing stones.

Find and Replace

Iris Wildthyme and an older version of Jo Grant learned that the third Doctor - knowing that Jo would leave him some day, and fearing that his enemies would hunt her down to gain knowledge of him - was plotting to put her into a “witness protection programme” of sorts, in which Jo would become Iris’ companion. They discouraged him from doing so, but when Iris tried to return the older Jo home in her bus, they found themselves on an alien locale...

(May) - Verdigris

The third Doctor and the Brigadier fell out after defeating an Arcturan who had arrived on Earth with sinister intent. The Doctor decided to take a break from UNIT and went to an old mansion he owned in the town of Thisis.

The alien Verdigris, who had been drifting towards Earth for thousands of years, contacted a race of refugees named the Meercocks. The Meercocks had decided to settle on Earth disguised as characters from Earth’s fiction.

Iris Wildthyme and her companion Tom called on the Doctor, and they discovered the Meercocks’ plan. They defeated an army of robot sheep and The Children of Destiny, a group of annoying psychic teenagers working for Galactic Federation Supreme Headquarters in Wales.

Verdigris escaped to inform Omega that the Doctor was on Earth.

The third Doctor’s exile ends

The Three Doctors

The stellar engineer Omega, having survived in a universe of anti-matter, began incursions into the matter universe and started draining power from the Time Lord homeworld. With Omega’s attention focused on the exiled third Doctor, the Time Lords decided to violate the First Law of Time and dispatch the Doctor’s previous two incarnations to aid his current self.

The first Doctor was trapped in a time eddy and could only advise on the situation, but the second and third Doctors travelled to Omega’s anti-matter universe. Omega desired to leave his domain, and tried to coerce the Doctors into becoming his successors. The Doctors escaped after triggering a matter/anti-matter explosion that seemingly destroyed Omega. The Time Lord homeworld regained full power.

The Time Lords sent the Doctor’s previous selves back to their native times, and in gratitude ended the Doctor’s exile. They restored his knowledge of time travel, and repaired the TARDIS to its proper function.

The Doctor constructed a force field generator and took the TARDIS on a test flight.
He defeated the Brotherhood of Beltane and blobby aliens called the Talichre, and the encounters went down in UNIT legend.

Miss Gallowglass (later Countess Gallowglass) started running a mail forwarding service for aliens and time travellers alike, operating from a Portakabin in the East End. The Doctor first met her just after his exile on Earth ended. One of her customers, irate at a misplaced parcel, declared war on Earth and stole Britain’s Crown Jewels. The Time Lords replaced the jewels with fakes, preserving history.

The Wages of Sin

The third Doctor offered to take Jo Grant and his former companion Liz Shaw to witness the Siberian meteorite strike in 1908. Instead, they erroneously arrived in St. Petersburg, 1916, shortly before the murder of Rasputin.

The Doctor and Jo meet Iris and Tom in a cocktail joint on a far flung outpost.
Professor Whitaker disappeared when the government refused to fund his time-travel research.
Tobias Vaughn funded Whitaker’s experiments.

The Doctor and Jo set off on another test flight. They landed on Inter Minor, where they became trapped in a MiniScope owned by the Lurman entertainer Vorg.

The Suns of Caresh

Lord Roche, a Gallifreyan, discovered that Caresh would enter a seventy-four year cold period that would extinguish all life on the planet. Roche set about modifying the Careshi time scanner into a stellar manipulator, hoping to save the planet’s Fayon civilisation, which was a curiosity to him. Roche intended to deviate a neutron star and use its gravity to bump Caresh into orbit around its warmer star Beacon, but the Curia of the Nineteen - rulers of the Realm of the Vortex Dwellers - forecast that the diverted neutron star would devastate their territory. They dispatched two Furies to attack Roche, but he trapped the Furies within his TARDIS and sent it back in time thirteen centuries. It was unearthed in 1999, creating a time anomaly that the third Doctor detected.

The Doctor used Roche’s equipment to manoeuvre Caresh closer to its smaller star Ember, avoiding damage to the Curia’s territory. The Curia refrained from sending the Furies to attack Roche, averting the 1999 anomaly.

The Many Deaths of Jo Grant

The Hargarans rebelled against their subjugators, the Xoanthrax Empire. The Xoanthrax had no sense of self-sacrifice, and were perplexed by Hargaran kamikaze runs on their outposts. The Brigadier chafed because a mysterious purple mould was spreading on the outside of Big Ben, and the Doctor was unavailable to investigate it. He was away in the Xoanthrax system, where he rescued a Xoanthrax peace activist: Vorlan. A detachment of the Xoanthrax Stormtroopers - living tanks with a Xoanthrax within directing them - pursued the TARDIS back to UNIT HQ. A Vanguard scientist named Rowe abducted Jo, hoping to study her keen sense of self-sacrifice. She was placed in a mindscape generator - a device that created false scenarios in the mind - and was made to “die” four hundred and twelve times. The Doctor freed Jo and Vorlan, but Rowe harvested much information on self-sacrifice - leaving the Doctor and Jo unsure if the Empire would use the data benevolently, or perpetrate greater atrocities with it.

Before this time, Jo had met a number of alien races including the Methaji, Hoveet, Skraals and Kalekani.
The Kalekani aggressively terra-formed worlds into rolling grasslands using the memetic virus known on Earth as the game “golf”.

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