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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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The Mind of Evil

Incognito as “Professor Emil Keller”, the Master developed the Keller Process: a means of rehabilitating convicts by having their “evil” brain impulses transferred into a machine. However, the machine actually housed an alien parasite that fed off the evil in mankind. The Master hoped to put the parasite’s powers at his command. After a riot at Stangmoor Prison, the Master’s scheme was exposed and the Keller Process abandoned.

UNIT were now involved with security of the World Peace Conference in London. The Master sought to steal Thunderbolt, an outlawed nuclear missile slated for destruction. He nearly succeeded and triggered a World War, but the third Doctor and UNIT destroyed both the missile and the Master’s alien parasite.

Deadly Reunion

The former Greek gods Demeter, Persephone and Hermes were now living as nobility in the English village of Hob’s Haven. Hades had founded a cult named the Children of Light as a means of spreading anarchy among mankind, and coerced the Master into helping him. The Master supplied an alien drug, sarg, that drove its users to commit acts of violence at a pop festival. The third Doctor aided Demeter in summoning Zeus from his abode in another dimension, and the king of the gods exiled Hades from Earth forever. Demeter’s trio departed Earth for Zeus’ realm. The Brigadier remembered his time spent as Persephone’s lover in the nineteen forties.

In December, James Stevens met Dodo Chaplet, who was homeless. He invited her to stay with him.

Unit Year 4

(January) - “Change of Mind”

The third Doctor and Liz flew to Prague for a Psi conference, but the plane’s wing was torn off in a psychic attack. The Doctor realised that one of the passengers was keeping the plane intact using the power of her mind, but she died from the effort.

Hamlet Macbeth investigated Professor Hardin, a Cambridge professor of Paranormal Sciences, leaving just as the Doctor and Liz arrived. Hardin was using technology to boost latent psychic powers, and was experimenting on his students. He tried to kill the Doctor, but the Brigadier shot him.

In late February, James Stevens started writing a book about UNIT. In March, Liz Shaw, who was working on the genetic engineering of reptiles, contacted Stevens and warned him not to research C19. His house was ransacked.

(spring or summer?) - The Claws of Axos

The Washington UNIT HQ sent one of their agents, Bill Filer, to help UNIT UK to search for the Master. Meanwhile, the civil servant Chinn investigated UNIT.

UNIT radar stations detected a UFO one million miles out, on a direct bearing for Earth. The alarm bells started to ring when it got within five hundred miles. UNIT HQ sent the order to launch an ICBM strike against the UFO, but the ship vanished before the missiles hit. It landed on the south east coast of England close to the National Power Complex at Nuton, amid freak weather conditions. As the army arrived to seal off the area, the UFO began to broadcast a signal:

“Axos calling Earth, request immediate assistance. Axos calling Earth...”

The Axons made contact with the UNIT party. They claimed that solar flares had damaged their planet, and that they possessed an advanced organic technology. Their ship had been damaged. In return for help, the Axons offered humanity Axonite - a substance that was “the chameleon of the elements”. It could be programmed to absorb all forms of radiation, and to replicate and transmute matter. In theory, it would end the world’s food and energy problems. In reality, the Axons had captured the Master in space, and he had led them to Earth - a rich feeding ground - in return for his freedom and a chance to kill the third Doctor. The Axos ship was banished from Earth and time-looped, but the Nuton Complex was destroyed.

Private Erskine was attacked by an Axon and left for dead, but survived. He was rescued by C19’s Vault, and bore a grudge against the Brigadier. He ended up working for SeneNet.
The National Power Complex at Nuton was rebuilt.
Chinn was blamed for the disaster at Nuton and was pensioned off.

UNIT went hunting for the Master and accidentally arrested the Spanish ambassador, mistaking him for the renegade Time Lord.
Marnal’s son - who was on the run at the time - visited his father during the nineteen seventies, and told him exactly why the Doctor left Gallifrey.

Colony in Space

The TARDIS left the third Doctor’s laboratory in UNIT HQ for a matter of seconds, en route to 2472.

“The Forgotten”

The third Doctor, Jo and the Brigadier were in Bessie, being chased by greyhound-like aliens in walking machines. The Doctor immobilised the aliens with sound from his sonic screwdriver.

The parish council of Devil’s End converted the cavern below the church into a witchcraft museum. The Master arrived in Devil’s End, killed the vicar Canon Smallwood, and buried him in his own churchyard. He adopted the identity of the new vicar, “Mr Magister”.
The Master stole a book from the Cabal of the Horned Beast, and it aided him in summoning the Daemon Azal.

(29th April - 1st May) - The Daemons

At midnight on the major occult festival of Beltane, noted archaeologist Professor Gilbert Horner attempted to open the Devil’s Hump - an ancient burial mount outside the village of Devil’s End. BBC3 broadcast Horner’s endeavour, but the mount was actually the buried spaceship of Azal, the last of the Daemons. Horner was killed by a blast of subzero temperatures that resulted when he opened the ship.

As the Reverend Magister, the Master organised a coven to awaken Azal so he could receive the Daemon’s power. The Master succeeded, and Azal prepared, per his instructions, to pass his power on to a creature worthy of overseeing the planet. Azal deemed the third Doctor, not the Master, a worthy recipient, but the Doctor refused to accept such authority. Azal moved to destroy the Doctor as a nuisance, but Jo Grant offered her life in the Doctor’s place. Her “irrational and illogical” move drove Azal to self-destruct. UNIT apprehended the Master soon afterwards.

James Stevens watched the opening of Devil’s Hump on BBC3 with Dodo, whom he had befriended.
The church in Devil’s End was destroyed, but the cavern beneath was intact.

Public outrage at UNIT’s blowing up of the church at Devil’s End (“The Aldbourne Incident”) led to “questions in the House; a near riot at the General Synod”.
UNIT Private Cleary suffered a nervous breakdown after seeing Azal.
SeneNet acquired the remains of Bok, a stone gargoyle animated by Azal’s power.
After this, the Doctor explored the area around Devil’s End and found Hexen Bridge, where he sensed an oppressive atmosphere.

The public were told that the Master was an anarchist terrorist, Victor Magister. He was remanded at Stangmoor Prison.
The trial took place
in camera
. He was convicted of murder, high treason and numerous other crimes.
While many wanted the Master executed, the Doctor pleaded for clemency at his trial and the Master was instead sent to Fortress Island in the English Channel.
The Master was kept at Aylesbury Grange Detention Centre until Fortress Island was ready.

“The Man in the Ion Mask”

The third Doctor visited the imprisoned Master at Aylesbury Grange, a UNIT prison. With both of them locked in his cell, the Master claimed to have reformed, but the Doctor was suspicious - suspicions that were confirmed when it transpired that the Master had replaced himself with a hologram. The Master was just leaving... when the third Doctor, Lethbridge-Stewart and Benton apprehended him - the Doctor in the cell was also a hologram!

(summer) - The Sentinels of the New Dawn

Liz Shaw was now working in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge. She asked the Doctor to examine the efforts of her friend and former research partner, Terri Billington, to build a time dilator - a device that could open a wormhole through time. The Sentinels of the New Dawn, operating in 2014, linked their dilator to Billington’s prototype and transported the Doctor and Liz into the future. Upon their return, they destroyed Billington’s work, preventing the Sentinels from seizing power. Billington, unaware that her research had nearly allowed a power-mad cabal to take over Earth, never spoke to Liz again.

At the UNIT staff panto, Mike Yates played Widow Twankey.
Mike Yates kissed Jo Grant at the UNIT Christmas party. The Master interrupted the festivities.

Unit Year 5

(July) - The Magician’s Oath

A master criminal - a ten-foot-tall mechanical creature with the power to control space and matter - was exiled to Earth. Its memories were siphoned into a storage unit while its blank mind resided in a human avatar. As the street performer “Diamond Jack”, the criminal used his powers to perform incredible illusions - but this drew heat from the surrounding area, and caused freak weather conditions in Central London. Frosty lawns were reported in mid-July, and the Metropolitan Line was smothered in twenty inches of snow. Finally, on a Saturday, Hyde Park and the Serpentine froze over instantly, killing everyone there. More temperature drops followed; Trafalgar Square was just nine degrees Celsius.

The Doctor and UNIT found Jack’s spaceship buried under Highgate Cemetery. Jack’s original form was accidentally destroyed, and a despondent Jack started draining Jo’s memories - thereby goading Mike Yates into shooting him dead. Jo was comatose in a UNIT medical facility just outside Tunbridge Wells for a week. Her memories of this incident and few other alien incursions would remain in one of Jack’s playing cards for a few decades.

The Doll of Death

The third Doctor and Jo investigated a temporal disturbance at the National Museum in Bloomsbury, where they encountered HannaH (sic), a “future historian” from a parallel Earth where time ran backwards. Our past was her future. HannaH had mentally crossed over to our universe to study the Doctor, the most consistent element that fended off all manner of global disasters, and her consciousness had come to occupy a doll. The Doctor and Jo facilitated HannaH’s return home when Retrievers - dogs the size of ponies - were dispatched to fetch her back.

Jo kept missing her weekly training course because alien invasions typically happened on Fridays. Her instructor regarded her as a data-gathering operative, not a secret agent.

(summer) - Who Killed Kennedy

James Stevens tried to reveal the truth about UNIT in a live broadcast on BBC3’s
The Passing Parade
. His house was torched, and the Master kidnapped him. He was taken to the Glasshouse, a home for traumatised soldiers, and kept sedated for weeks. The Master was the director of the Glasshouse, and had been brainwashing the soldiers to create an army. He planned to send them through time to disrupt Earth’s history.

Upon meeting Francis Cleary, Stevens managed to escape with him. He brought a TV crew back, but the place had been cleared out and Stevens was utterly discredited. Cleary was still under the Master’s control, and killed Dodo on the Master’s orders. The third Doctor instructed Stevens on how to use one of the Master’s time rings, and he went back to 1963 to preserve the course of history. Stevens returned to his native time, haunted with the knowledge that his older self would kill Kennedy.

(12th-13th September) - Day of the Daleks

UNIT were called in to guard the World Peace Conference at Auderly House. On the evening of 12th September, there was an assassination attempt on Sir Reginald Styles. Guerrillas from the future believed that Styles would sabotage the Conference, and that its failure would create a history in which the Daleks ruled Earth two hundred years hence. The third Doctor and Jo discovered that the guerrillas’ interference, not Styles, had foiled the conference and paradoxically created this future.

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