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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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Dancing the Code

There were reports of “unorthodox weapons” in the North Africa country of Kebiria. UNIT sent a Superhawk jet fighter to investigate, and discovered a nest of Xarax - an insect hivemind. The Xarax began to infest the rest of the country, including the capital, Kebir City. The US Navy prepared a nuclear strike, but a UNIT team from the United Kingdom deactivated the nest using synthesised chemical instructions.

Defence astronaut Guy Crayford’s XK5 space freighter, launched from Devesham Control, was lost during a test flight. It was believed to have collided with an asteroid. Sarah Jane Smith reported on the story.

Last of the Gaderene

By now, the surviving Gaderene numbered only three hundred thousand. The Gaderene scout Bliss had founded the aeronautics manufacturer Legion International as a front for her operations, and enslaved residents of the British town Culverton by implanting them with Gaderene embryos. Bliss repaired the Gaderene transmat, intending to bring thousands of adult Gaderene through to Earth as an invasion force. However, UNIT’s involvement resulted in the deaths of Bliss, her towering brother and the Gaderene embryos. The transmat was destroyed, and the resultant energy backlash further annihilated the Gaderene invasion force and homeworld.

Speed of Flight

The Doctor, Jo Grant and Mike Yates departed in the TARDIS for the planet Karfel, but arrived on the planet Nooma in the far future by mistake.

At some point, the Doctor and Jo (and possibly someone else) succeeded in visiting Karfel.
Tobias Vaughn helped develop the BOSS computer for Global Chemicals.

The Green Death

The Doctor succeeded in reaching Metebelis III, and acquired one of its famed blue sapphires.

The government gave the green light to Global Chemicals’ experiments into the Stevens Process, which produced 25% more petrol from a given amount of crude oil. The “Nutcake Professor” Clifford Jones - who had won the Nobel prize for his work on DNA synthesis - protested that the process would double air pollution, but Global Chemicals claimed that the pollution generated was negligible.

UNIT were sent to investigate a body that was discovered in the abandoned coal mine - a body that was glowing green. They discovered Global Chemicals had been dumping the pollution created by the Stevens Process into the mine, and that it had mutated the maggots down there. The giant maggots produced a slime that was toxic to humans, but the Doctor and Professor Jones discovered a fungus that killed them.

Global Chemicals was run by the BOSS, or Bimorphic Organisational Systems Supervisor, a computer linked to the brain of Stevens. In an effort to help the world achieve “maximum efficiency”, the BOSS attempted to mentally dominate Global staff at seven sites throughout the world, including Llanfairfach, New York, Moscow and Zurich. Global Chemicals was destroyed when the BOSS blew up. Professor Jones’ Nuthutch was given UN Priority One research status, leading to “unlimited funding”.

The Prime Minister was called Jeremy. Jo Grant left UNIT at this time to marry Professor Jones.

The newlyweds went on an expedition to the Amazon.

Deep Blue

The fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough landed in Tayborough Sands for a holiday and met up with UNIT. With “their” Doctor away, UNIT recruited his later incarnation to investigate a mutilated corpse. The Xaranti were attempting to convert Earth into a new homeworld, but they were defeated. Most of the UNIT staff involved in this adventure lost their memories of it, with only Captain Yates remembering the Doctor’s future incarnation.

The Three Companions

The Brigadier accompanied the third Doctor to answer a distress call from deep-space freighter 621 Gamma Delta in the Deuteronomy Quadrant. The freighter contained a large representation of London and various Earth icons - including the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, Queen Victoria, etc - as part of an alien game intended for children. The Doctor again encountered Jerry Lenz, a.k.a. “Garry Lendler,” who had been hired to maintain the representation and purchase props for it. The representation was on its last legs, and the Doctor terminated the simulation.

Unit Year 7

The Time Warrior

British research scientists began to mysteriously disappear. UNIT were called in and the leading research scientists were all confined to the same barracks in a secret location. Nevertheless, the press got wind of the story. A young reporter named Sarah Jane Smith smuggled herself into the complex by posing as her Aunt Lavinia, the noted virologist. Before long, Sarah and the third Doctor had followed a time disturbance back to the Middle Ages.

The Paradise of Death

The Parakon Corporation opened Space World on Hampstead Heath. It offered many attractions based on space and space travel, including twenty-one alien creatures such as the Giant Ostroid, the crab-clawed Kamelius from Aldebaran Two, Piranhatel Beetles and Stinksloths. Using Experienced Reality techniques, Parakon could give people guided tours of the Gargatuan Caverns of Southern Mars and the wild side of Mercury.

UNIT investigated the death of a young man whose thighbone had been bitten clean through, and exposed the Parakon Corporation as an extra-terrestrial organisation. Parakon had been negotiating with Earth for a number of years, hoping to sign a trading agreement. Parakon would supply a wonder material named rapine in exchange for human bodies to fertilise their world, which had been devastated by the rapine harvests. Parakon had already sacked many worlds, including Blestinu, but UNIT defeated it.

Invasion of the Dinosaurs

Eight million Londoners were evacuated after dinosaurs began to terrorise the population. The government decamped to Harrogate. UNIT helped with the security operation, which was under the command of General Finch and the Minister for Special Powers, Sir Charles Grover.

UNIT scientists calculated that someone was operating a time machine that required an atomic reactor. They tracked the Timescoop in question to a hidden bunker near Moorgate Underground Station. The bunker contained an elaborate shelter that served as home to a group of people - including the conservationist Lady Cullingford, the novelist Nigel Castle and the Olympic long jumper John Crichton - who were all convinced they were in a spaceship bound for a new, unpolluted planet. Using the Timescoop, Professor Whitaker hoped to regress Earth back to its primeval days, repopulating it with the people in the bunker. The Doctor and UNIT ended this plan, and Whitaker and Grover were stranded in the past. Mike Yates, a member of the conspiracy, was discharged from UNIT.

During this, the Doctor unveiled his new car.
At the Brigadier’s request, Sarah Jane spread a cover story about the Operation: Golden Age incident, claiming that a “terrorist threat” had ended.
After this time, the temporal scientist Chun Sen was born.
Realising that UNIT might need to contact him in an emergency, the Doctor gave the Brigadier a syonic beam Space-Time Telegraph.
The Brigadier gave Mike Yates a hip flask the day he left the service.

The Five Doctors

While on Earth at this time, the third Doctor was kidnapped by Borusa while driving his sprightly yellow roadster Bessie.

(20th-21st May) - The Ghosts of N-Space

While on holiday in Italy, the third Doctor, Sarah, Jeremy Fitzoliver and the Brigadier prevented Maximillian Vilmio, a wizard, from achieving immortality. Vilmio had planned to use the space-warping effect of Clancy’s comet to match his real body and his N-form in Null-Space.

Island of Death

Sarah investigated the disappearance of Jeremy, and found he had joined a cult that worshipped a reptilian alien called Skang. The third Doctor helped her discover that the cultists’ drinks were laced with psychotropics. They flew to Bombay with the Brigadier, and traced the cult to Stella Island, but the Great Skang was summoned to Earth. It had infected followers with spores - a means of preserving its race. The Doctor placed the Skang gestalt in a time loop to preserve it.

Unit Year 8

To prevent nuclear launches, the US, USSR and China gave their Destructor Codes to Britain. Joseph Chambers was made Special Responsibilities Secretary with responsibility for protecting them.

Three years and eight months after the Doctor and Liz defeated the Sentinels of the New Dawn, Terri Billington had a fatal stroke. She had only been CMS chair for a month and a day, and Liz succeeded her in the post.

Amorality Tale

Sarah Jane discovered a 1952 photograph of the third Doctor while researching a story. The Doctor was intrigued by a “warp shadow” on the photo, and the two of them went to 1952 to investigate.

The Doctor started a project to research the psychic potential of humans.

(mid-March) - Planet of the Spiders

A stage magician, Clegg, died at UNIT HQ as the third Doctor investigated his psychic potential. This was linked to a disturbance at a Tibetan monastery in Mortimer, Mummerset. It was led by Lupton, a man bitter because he was sacked by a company after twenty-five years of service, then saw his own company bankrupted by his previous employers. The Spiders from Metebelis III had contacted Lupton, and compelled him to try and steal a Metebelis crystal that was in the Doctor’s possession. The Doctor pursued Lupton to Metebelis in the future. Upon the Doctor’s return to Earth, he regenerated.

Tobias Vaughn helped fund Kettlewell’s research into robotics.

(4th April) - Robot

UNIT’s limited budget left the organisation unable to afford a Captain to replace Mike Yates. Benton was promoted to Warrant Officer and made the Brigadier’s second-in-command.

The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research, a.k.a. Think-Tank, concentrated many of Britain’s scientists all under one roof. They developed pieces of high technology that included the disintegrator gun - a weapon capable of burning a hole on the moon’s surface - and dynastrene, the hardest material known to science. The most impressive achievement, though, was Professor Kettlewell’s “living metal”, which he used to build the K1: a robot capable of performing tasks in environments where no human could survive. Many Think-Tank personnel were also members of the Scientific Reform Society (SRS), a group that believed in efficiency and logic.

The SRS tried to use the K1 to further their aims, but the newly regenerated fourth Doctor used a metal-eating virus to destroy the robot. He also prevented the SRS from triggering a nuclear holocaust. Afterwards, the Doctor and Sarah left with their new travelling companion, UNIT medic Harry Sullivan.

Several members of Think Tank went to prison for violations of the Official Secrets Act. Hilda Winters’ associate Jellico went down on a murder charge; Winters herself would be incarcerated for fifteen years.
Corporations used Kettlewell’s technology to develop various technologies including nanotech. His family didn’t profit from his discoveries.
Following this time, a woman became Prime Minister.
Mike Yates met the fourth Doctor at the Brigadier’s Christmas Party.

(January) - Terror of the Zygons

Centuries after arriving on Earth, the Zygons in Loch Ness learnt that a stellar explosion had destroyed their home planet. A refugee fleet had been assembled and was looking for a new home. The Zygon leader Broton signalled that Earth would be suitable once the ice caps had been melted, the mean temperature of the planet had been raised and the necessary minerals had been introduced to the water.

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