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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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? 3297 - The Beast Below

The eleventh Doctor and Amy found that Starship UK had become a virtual police state; it was monitored by human cyborgs (the Winders) and robot guardians (the Smilers). The Doctor learned that the ship’s drive was a fake, and met Liz X - the British monarch Elizabeth X, who was similarly investigating the truth behind Starship UK. The Doctor discovered that Liz X wasn’t fifty years old as she claimed, she was nearer three hundred, and her own memories had been erased. He, Amy and Liz X learned that Starship UK was powered by the last of the star whales, which was being tortured to drive it forward. Amy released the whale from its torment, and it continued helping Starship UK of its own volition.

Starship UK had candyburgers, clockwork-powered technology and air-balanced porcelain. While on Starship UK, Amy saw a banner for Magpie Electricals.

Various environmental disasters, including radiation storms, rendered Pavonis IV uninhabitable. A handful of the populace escaped in ships carrying cloning facilities. They had also engineered a means of creating AI humanoids with fungal brains. The surviving Pavonians primarily sought to find their hero, the Doctor, thinking he could help restore their planet.

A gravity quake destroyed the planets orbiting the star Gloriana XVI and created the Gloriana Scattering, one of the most beautiful asteroid fields in the universe.
The First Empire of Eternal Victory, a conquering regime from outside the Milky Way, fell when the Synthetic Emperor took the throne. The Emperor retasked the armies of robots the First Empire had created, spurring a new, robot-based Empire.

The Doctor rescued the Rembrandt painting
The Night Watch
from the Reichmuseum in Amsterdam shortly before the facility burned down.
Mechanoids landed on Hesperus, and prepared it for habitation.

c 3312 - “Interstellar Overdrive”

Pakafroon Wabster had become the greatest rock band in recorded history - it was on its sixty-third line-up, around the two hundred album mark. The band’s founder, Wabster, had died fifty years ago in a rollerblading accident, but had been exhumed and animatronically reanimated. The tenth Doctor and Rose met the group aboard a starship that was causing weird time dilations, and realised the group’s manager was trying to eliminate them to cement their reputations. Wabster killed the manager, and the Doctor got the band to lifepods, then destroyed their ship.

Magellan-class starcruisers now used warp induction thrusters.

Officials on Manussa outlawed “snakedancing”, a mental purification dance to resist the Mara’s return.

c 3340 - The Dalek Factor

Thal Search-Destroy squads continued to hunt down the Daleks, but it had been two generations since any significant contact had been made. On an unnamed planet, the Daleks worked to implant the Dalek Factor (or “Dalek-heart”) into all other lifeforms. The Dalek-hearted life on the test planet considered itself superior to the original Daleks, forcing them to quarantine it. The Daleks successfully imprisoned an unidentified incarnation of the Doctor on this planet.

3380 - Forty-Five: “Order of Simplicity”

Dr Verryman, a foremost expert in the field of bioengineering, had helped to found the Sphere of Influence: a world almost completely devoted to the advancement of knowledge. He developed an inductor: a scalpel-less means of performing surgery with energy pulses and gravity manipulation. The Order of Simplicity, a group devoted to destroying technology, acquired an intelligence-destroying virus. The seventh Doctor, Ace and Hex prevented an agent of the Order from manipulating Verryman into broadcasting the virus - an act that would have reduced billions of humans down to an IQ of 45.

The Galactic Federation

Nearly three hundred years after the first steps towards confederation, the Headquarters of the Galactic Federation on Io were officially opened and
the Federation (or Galactic) Charter was signed. Founding members included Earth, Alpha Centauri,
Draconia, New
Mars and Arcturus. Earth was now regarded as “remote and unattractive”. It was ruled by an aristocracy, “in a democratic sort of way”. The Federation prevented armed conflicts, and even the Martians renounced violence (except in self-defence). Under the terms of the Galactic Articles of Peace (paragraph 59, subsection 2), the Federation couldn’t override local laws or interfere in local affairs except in exceptional circumstances, and was hampered by a need for unanimity between members when taking action.

c 3400 - “Cold-Blooded War!”

The galaxy had now enjoyed three centuries of galactic harmony. Draconia had recently joined the Federation, but the coronation of Lady Adjit Kwan as empress of the royal house of Adjit Assan - and by extension the whole Draconian Empire - led Draconia to the brink of civil war. The President of Earth sent Adjudicators Hall and Spane to Draconia with ancient records showing that the Draconian females had only lost their rights following the planet’s industrial revolution, and the Federation denied it had requested intervention from the Shadow Proclamation. Some observers, though, believed that Judoon troops would soon be sent to occupy Draconia’s major cities. The Adjudicators’ ship was destroyed en route, and the tenth Doctor and Donna were subsequently mistaken for that delegation. On Draconia, they worked alongside Martian monitors led by Commander Ixzyptir. Fusek Kljuco, the former head of the Draconian armed forces, accidentally killed his daughter during a botched attempt to assassinate the Empress. It was thought that the royal houses would respond to the tragedy by ratifying the Empress’ ascendance, and put Kljuco on trial for crimes against the Empire.

c 3400 - The Dark Path

The Adjudicators had become the Arbiters, the judicial service of the Federation. The Federation Chair was located on Alpha Centauri. The Federation included the Veltrochni, Terileptils, Draconians and Xarax.

The Federation ship
Piri Reis
reached the lost colony of Darkheart just as temporal distortion attracted both the second Doctor’s TARDIS and that of the renegade Time Lord Koschei (an old friend of the Doctor’s) and his companion Ailla. The Doctor and Koschei found the Darkheart device, which the colonists were using to make alien beings human.

Koschei accidentally killed Ailla and became stricken with grief. He became increasingly intent on hoarding power, and eradicated the planet Terileptus as a necessary means of testing the Darkheart’s destructive capabilities. Ailla regenerated, and Koschei became even more isolated upon realising that she had spied on him for the High Council of the Time Lords. The Doctor stopped Koschei’s thirst for power by programming the Darkheart to turn the system’s star into a black hole. The colonists evacuated aboard the
Piri Reis
, but Koschei went missing when the black hole consumed his TARDIS.

= These events happened in the Inferno universe, but in a different form that allowed Koschei and Ailla to continue their travels.

? 3410 - The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories: “The Entropy Composition”

The fifth Doctor and Nyssa visited Concordium - a planet-sized repository containing music all the way back to the dawn of time - while en route to see the Terileptus event horizon. They visited 1968 upon examining the songs of Geoffrey Belvedere Cooper, and created a feedback loop between Concordium and Cooper’s studio. This prevented an Entropy Siren from destabilising the entire universe with the primal sonics of creation.

Dojjin, the Director of Historical Research on Manussa, became convinced that the Mara would return. He abandoned his post, and joined the ranks of the snakedancers.

? 3417 - The Menagerie

Over the centuries, the Knights of Kuabris had prevented scientific discovery on their planet, and discouraged historical research. They came to be led by Zaitabor, who was unaware that he was an android. Zaitabor hoped to purge his city of corruption and revived some Mecrim, who initiated a slaughter. The second Doctor - travelling with Jamie and Zoe - arranged to detonate the city’s reactor, which killed Zaitabor and the Mecrim. The Knights fell from power, and negotiations between the planet’s various races were arranged.

& 3426 - Snakedance

The Mara took control of Tegan’s mind a second time, and routed the TARDIS to its homeworld of Manussa. The public held a ceremony, as it did once every decade, to celebrate the Mara’s defeat - this was the 500th anniversary of its downfall. The Federator’s son, Lon, was mentally enthralled by the Mara and arranged that the Great Crystal would be returned to its ceremonial wall socket during the ceremony. This linked the Mara to the minds of those present, and it gained the mental energy required to partly manifest. The snakedancer Dojjin helped the fifth Doctor to resist the Mara by finding the still point within himself. The Doctor removed the Great Crystal from its socket, which caught the Mara in-between states of being and destroyed it.

The Mara survived in Tegan’s mind, and would manifest a third time.

On Trionikus, the brilliant scientist Tobal Reist built a weapon called the Eraser. He attempted to destroy a spittoon on his workbench, but underestimated the device’s power and blasted Trionikus into eighteen billion bits. He was the only survivor, and went mad as a result of his actions.

Christopher Shaw was born on New Celeste, and became the youngest captain in Earth’s Space Corps at age 23. He received a distinguished service medal for his performance in the human-Bavali conflict of 3478.

c 3480 - Paradise 5

Targos Delta, the fourth planet in the Targos system, had become the financial and industrial core of the Earth Alliance. Stock market fluctuations from a thousand worlds were recorded on indestructible plastic tickertape, which could be heated and pressurised to be used as building material.

The Elohim were angelic, multidimensional beings undergoing a civil war; many of their number desired contact with the lower races, but their leadership favoured leaving them alone. The holiday resort Paradise 5, a satellite station in orbit over the toxic Targos Beta, became a recruiting tool for the rebel Elohim. The Paradise Machine there enabled visitors’ minds to ascend and fight in the Elohim conflict, even as their bodies were recycled to become the servile Cherubs.

The sixth Doctor and Peri found that the Doctor’s old friend Professor Albrecht Thompson, the galaxy’s leading expert on the application of string theory to financial derivatives, had become a Cherub. Thompson died as the Elohim’s rivals routed them.

Nyssa post-TARDIS

? 3482 - Terminus

Passenger liners travelled the universe and sometimes fell victim to raiders, often those combat-trained by Colonel Periera.

Lazars’ Disease swept the universe, spreading fear and superstition even among those in the rich sectors. Sufferers were sent secretly to Terminus, a vast structure in the exact centre of the known universe. The station was run by Terminus Incorporated, who extracted massive profits from the operation. The facility was manned by slave workers, the Vanir, who were kept loyal by their need for the drug Hydromel. The Lazars were either killed or cured by a massive burst of radiation from Terminus’ engines.

The fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan and Turlough arrived on Terminus as part of the Black Guardian’s machinations. Nyssa left the TARDIS to create an improved version of Hydromel that would break the Vanir’s dependency on the company, and to help introduce proper diagnoses and controlled treatment to the Lazars.

During her time on Terminus, Nyssa approached one of the Lazars. She’d been unable to synthesise a cure for the disease, but offered to save his life in a manner similar to the Dar Traders - whose abilities she’d partly acquired, owing to her one-time encounter with them.
Nyssa was Timescooped into a pocket dimension of the Death Zone, then returned home.

In 3487, Christopher Shaw was the only survivor of a Space Corps team sent to deal with some Zygons in Antella Orionsis. He was court-martialed for cowardice.

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