B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (246 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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Hostilities between humans and the Daleks flared up, and raged for over a hundred years.
Following a galaxy-wide armistice, the Valdigians - a civilised insect species - created a system in which kings could only rule from age 23, with a provisional government ruling before then. The Valdigians limited the monarchy by electing children who agreed to stand down at age 22, in return for a generous pension.
Cloning was discovered in the part of the galaxy containing Helhine.

The first human clone was created in 3922 using the Kilbracken holograph-cloning technique. The process was unreliable; the longest a clone ever lived was ten minutes, fifty-five seconds. Most serious scientists thought of it as “a circus trick of no practical value”.

? 3906 - The Resurrection Casket

The tenth Doctor and Rose arrived in an area of space, the Zeg, where electromagnetic pulses made conventional technology break down. The inhabitants - keen to mine the rare minerals found there - used steam and wind-powered spaceships instead. They became involved with the quest for the treasure of Hamlek Glint, who had a robot crew.

c 3907 - The Infinite Quest

The space pirate Baltazar attempted to convert the Earth’s population into diamonds, but the tenth Doctor and Martha destroyed the ship with a rust fungus. Baltazar’s robot parrot, Caw, set them on a quest to find
The Infinite
- a legendary ancient spaceship that could grant their heart’s desire.

Their first destination was Boukan, a planet that supplied Earth’s oil. The second was Myarr, which was the scene of a conflict between humanity and the Mantasphids. The third was on the coldest planet in the galaxy, the prison planet Volag-Noc. The Doctor obtained the co-ordinates of
The Infinite
, but the promised “heart’s desire” was simply an illusion. Baltazar was exiled to Volag-Noc.

c 3920 - Sontarans: Conduct Unbecoming

The Sontarans were now governed by a Grand Strategic Council composed of their greatest warriors, each of whom had survived six hundred battles. A kamikaze attack five years previous had greatly razed facilities on the Sontaran homeworld, Sontar, and prompted the building of underground installations. Sontaran forces conquered the human colony on Haigen V, claimed the uninhabited planet Jogana, and were engaged in a “three-way battle of Arcturus”.

For two years, the Council had known that their cloning process had been producing inferior stocks, as their master template - that of General Sontar - had become too corrupt after centuries of use. General Kreel outmanoeuvred his rival, General Bestok, to become the new template.

The Daleks slaughtered a garrison on Alpha Millennia. Sixth months later, a Dalek space vessel was identified near Mars.

The Ood were native to the Ood-Sphere, a planet close to the Sense-Sphere. They were born with hand-held secondary brains (which functioned much like the amygdala in humans, processing memories and emotions), and were mentally connected by a giant Ood Brain. The Earth corporation Ood Operations established itself on the Ood-Sphere - it found the Ood Brain beneath the planet’s Northern Glacier, and placed it within a telepathic inhibitor field. Many Ood were lobotomised, their secondary brains replaced with translator units. Before long, Ood were bred to be slaves, household servants and soldiers.

In 3932,
Zephon became all-powerful in his own galaxy, the Fifth, when he defeated Fisar and the Embodiment Gris, both of which had tried to depose him.

& 3935 - The Monster of Peladon

When Federation scientists surveyed Peladon, they discovered that planet was rich in trisilicate: a mineral previously only found on Mars, and which was the basis of Federation technology. Electronic circuitry, heat shields, inert microcell fibres and radionic crystals all used the mineral. Duralinium was still used as armour-plating.

King Peladon had died and been replaced by his daughter, the child Thalira. As she grew up, Federation mining engineers came to her world. Although Thalira’s people were resistant to change, advanced technology such as the sonic lance was gradually introduced to Peladon.

The Federation was subject to a vicious and unprovoked attack from Galaxy Five, who refused to negotiate. The Federation armed for war, with Martian shock troops being mobilised. Peladon’s trisilicate supplies would prove crucial in this struggle. The planet was still prone to superstition, however, and when the spirit of Aggedor began to walk once more, killing miners that used the advanced technology, many saw it as a sign that Peladon should leave the Federation. For a time, production in the mines halted.

The third Doctor and Sarah Jane exposed the murders as the work of a breakaway faction of Martians, led by Azaxyr, who were working for Galaxy Five. When the plot was uncovered, Galaxy Five quickly sued for peace.

c 3935 - The Blue Angel

The eighth Doctor, Fitz and Compassion arrived on the Federation ship
, which was en route to Peladon. The crew discovered the Valcean City of Glass had become connected to the Federation through space-time corridors. As the glass city was located within the Enclave, a pocket universe within the larger Obverse, the Federation feared this could destablise the region.

The Doctor joined the Federation mission to meet the Glass Men, and also met their leader, Daedalus, a giant jade elephant who planned to make war with the Federation. Daedalus had opened up forty-three space-time corridors from the Enclave to planets such as Telosa, Skaro, Wertherkund and Sonturak. The
launched a preemptive strike with sonic cannons, shattering the Glass Men, but was counter-attacked by the Sahmbekarts, a race of lizards. The
crashed near the Valcean city, and the people of the Obverse rushed to defend their territory. The Doctor attempted to intervene, but Iris Wildthyme tricked him into leaving the area. He would never know how the situation was resolved.

c 3940 - “A Cold Day in Hell”

Ice Lord Arryx and a small squad of Ice Warriors captured the weather control station on the pleasure planet A-Lux. They transformed A-Lux into an arctic wilderness, wiping out almost the entire population. The Martian homeworld was uninhabitable at this time, and Arryx - who opposed Martian membership of the Federation - wanted this to become a home base.

The seventh Doctor and Frobisher arrived and reversed the weather control, killing the Ice Warriors. Frobisher stayed behind to help the natives rebuild their lives, and the Doctor was joined by a young woman - Olla - that Frobisher had met.

& 3940 - “Redemption”

The TARDIS was caught in the null beams of a Federation ship captained by the Vachysian Skaroux. Olla confided that she used to be Skaroux’s servant. The seventh Doctor was shocked to learn that her people, the Dreilyn, had no legal status in the Federation because they were heat vampires ... but this was a lie. Olla was Skaroux’s consort, and had stolen all his money. The Doctor handed her over for trial.

? 3950 - Bang-Bang-a-Boom!

The 308th Intergalactic Song Contest was broadcast to over a quinquillion homes across the universe. Contestants included the Architects of Algol (“Don’t Push Your Tentacle Too Far”), the Angvia of the Hearth of Celsitor (“My Love is as Limitless as a Black Hole, and I’m Pulling You Over the Event Horizon”), the Breebles, the Cissadian Cephalopods, Cyrene, the Freznixx of Braal and Maaga 29 of Drahva (“Clone Love”). The jury included a Martian. Earth’s national anthem at this time was “I Will Survive”.

The matriarchal warlords of Angvia and the transcendental gestalt Gholos had been feuding for thirty generations. A peace conference between the two was supposedly being held on Achilles 4, but this was a feint for the real conference, which was taking place at the Song Contest on the Dark Space 8 station. A Gholos nationalist tried to disrupt the proceedings, but both sides sued for peace.

Earth discovered and surveyed the planet Antalin.
In the mid-fortieth century, a “Cyber-fad” swept the Federation. The Martian archaeologist Rhukk proved that both Telos and New Mondas had been destroyed, meaning the Cyber Race had been eradicated. The public were briefly fascinated by the Cybermen. Documentary holovid crews went to the dead worlds of Voga and Telos.

In 3950,
Mavic Chen became the Guardian of the Solar System, ruling over the forty billion people living on Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and the moon colonies from his complex in Central City. At this time, the prison planet Desperus was set up to house the most dangerous criminals in the solar system.

sought alternatives to the giant clock that enabled humanity to travel through hyperspace, and established a secret mining operation to find taranium, “the rarest mineral in the universe”, and which was found only on Uranus. Taranium, he suspected, was the vital component for a device that could bend time akin to the giant clock. Many in the solar system showed an almost religious devotion to Chen. His reputation was enhanced in 3975, when all the planets of the solar system signed a non-aggression pact. For the next twenty-five years, they lived in peace under the Guardianship, and the solar system - though “only part of one galaxy” - now had a status that was “exceptional... it had influences far outside its own sphere”. It was hoped that by following Chen’s example, peace would spread throughout the universe.

? 3951 - Iris: The Sound of Fear

Iris Wildthyme met a man named Sam Gold at the Intergalactic Song Competition and wound up marrying him. On the night of their wedding, the Master Bakers of Barastabon took Iris out of time and tasked her with finding the six lost slices of the Celestial Gateaux. Six months later, Iris and Panda arrived on Radio Yesterday, a space station broadcasting golden oldies to Earth’s colonies; Gold was the manager and DJ there. The evil Naxian hordes sought to strip a mood-altering harmonic into the Radio Yesterday broadcasts and make everyone in human space terribly depressed, paving the way for an invasion. The Naxian warlord made Iris, along with Gold, take him back to the 1960s in a bid to rewrite history. Iris returned after Panda had turned the Naxians’ signals against them, and the ones aboard the station threw themselves out the airlock.

After the Radio Yesterday incident, Iris and a Naxian named Roger had a relationship. While Iris was off gallivanting around the cosmos, Roger and a Naxian beachhead were sent back to 2108.

Around 3970, the Hiinds overthrew the Mufls. The Reverend Lukas established The Church of the Way Forward, and preached that marriage between alien species was unholy.
In 3972, Sirius-One-Bee University Press published Albrecht’s
Of Finders and Seekers - a users guide to being lost in time
Strantana was the site of an orbital mining facility that later became Station 7, where humans carried out experiments on Dalek artifacts.

(=) Circa 3979, emaciated, grotesque beings named the Unnoticed had constructed a Tent City, made from invulnerable taffeta, on the photosphere of Earth’s sun and set about breeding a colony of human time sensitives there. Uncertain as to their origins, the Unnoticed used the time sensitives to keep watch for time distortion and time travellers - wary that contact with such phenomena could somehow avert their own creation. The human Carmodi Litian was born as one of the Unnoticed’s sensitives and served for fifteen years before being left for dead on the planet Porconine. She swore revenge against her former masters.

The Varlon Empire tried to establish itself in the Sirius system, and fought a war with the Kith - a highly advanced spore-producing, sponge-like race (each of which had four progenitors) in the neighbouring system. Both sides were nearly wiped out before a treaty was signed at Pluvikerr-Hinton. The Varlon were made to apologise and pay compensation for the ruination of the Kith home system.

? 3980 - “Deathworld”

An Ice Warrior mission to Yama 10 scouted for trisilicate until a Cyberman space-craft arrived to stake a rival claim. The Ice Warriors retreated to the polar areas and set a trap for the Cybermen, destroying them with rising water. As a last act of retaliation, the Cybermen buried the Ice Warriors in ice. The Martian commander, Yinak, remained conscious and waited patiently for the spring thaw.

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