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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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Captain Jack discovered that in addition to disgorging objects, the Rift sometimes relocated people in Cardiff to alien locales. Some later returned through the Rift, mentally unstable or otherwise altered owing to their experiences.
On 27th October, 2000,
Jack purchased Flat Holm, a property on an island in the Bristol Channel, to serve as a shelter for such persons.

2000 (4th November) - Touched by an Angel

The Weeping Angels nearly disrupted the wedding of Mark Whitaker and Rebecca Coles, but the eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory saw that she got to the church on time. The Doctor wiped Rebecca’s memory of their having used the TARDIS four times to achieve this.

In early November 2000, a man named Tom jumped aboard a bus in London and found he’d entered Iris Wildthyme’s TARDIS. He became her travelling companion.
Martha Jones visited the Millennium Dome with her family and secretly enjoyed it.
On Christmas Day 2000, a serious earthquake called the Little Big One hit San Francisco.


Lavinia Smith, Sarah Jane’s aunt
in 2001. Lavinia’s ward, Brendan, was in San Francisco at the time. Sarah Jane inherited Lavinia’s house and the royalties on her patents.

Amelia Pond’s best friend Mels got into trouble in history classes because she kept mentioning the Doctor.
In 2001, Samuel Lloyd’s parents died in a car accident. He was sent to the St. Anthony’s Children’s Home, and became friends with Rani Chandra.

Following his defeat of Jane Blythe, the eleventh Doctor was deposited on Earth more than five years prior to his starting point. He spent the intervening time waiting to reunite with Amy and Rory in 2007, and foiled a few plots to destroy mankind along the way.

In 2001, the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics estimated that a comet that had visited Earth five hundred years ago would return, and that Earth would pass through its tail - the first such event since Halley’s Comet in 1910. Sir Donald Wakefield, a billionaire and the leader of the White Chapter, viewed the comet as a sign of salvation. He poured his fortune into building a spacecraft, the
, to make a private journey into space.

The Grid, a means of pooling the unused processing power of Internet computers to create unlimited memory space, came online in 2001. Paul Kairos, a classmate of Melanie Bush, learned to manipulate photons in a way that rendered the transistor and micro-monolithic circuit obsolete. Anjelique Whitefriar stole Kairos’ design and patented it as the Whitefriar Lattice.

@ 2001 (February) - Escape Velocity

Compassion dropped Fitz in London on 6th February, 2001 - two days ahead of his scheduled rendezvous with the amnesiac eighth Doctor. By now, the Doctor owned the St. Louis Bar and Restaurant in London to facilitate his meeting with Fitz. After their rendezvous, the Doctor gave the bar to its manager, Sheff.

Competition between the Kulan factions increased, as the first group to report to the Kulan leadership would be likely to persuade them to either invade or spare Earth.

Anji Kapoor, a 28-year-old futures analyst, took a break in Brussels with her boyfriend Dave and became embroiled in the Kulan conflict. The Doctor, Fitz and Anji allied with the benevolent Kulan faction and blew up Yves-Dudoin’s Star Dart. A pro-invasion Kulan member named Fray’kon killed Dave.

A Kulan warfleet arrived in Earth orbit, but the TARDIS completed its century of healing and became functional again. The Doctor, Fitz and Anji travelled to the flagship and tricked the Kulan ships into annihilating one another. Arthur Tyler III and Fray’kon died in the fighting. The TARDIS had departed Earth with Anji aboard, but the Doctor promised to try and return her home...

After many adventures, the Doctor returned Anji home three weeks after she left, and she resumed her life. She would not see him again for eighteen months.

2001 - The Shadow in the Glass

Historical journalist Claire Aldwych discovered evidence of the Vvormak cruiser located in Turelhampton, England, which prompted the sixth Doctor and the Brigadier to investigate. Suspecting Nazi involvement, the Brigadier stole pieces of Hitler and Eva Braun’s remains from the State Special Trophy Archive in Moscow for comparison.

The Doctor and his allies discovered the existence of a Nazi organisation at an Antarctic base, led by the son of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. The Doctor retrieved the Scrying Glass from the base, but it depicted the Doctor taking Hitler’s son back in time to 1945. To fulfill the Glass’ visions, the Doctor, the Brigadier, Claire and Hitler’s son travelled back to that year.

After their return, the Doctor and the Brigadier helped the sleeping Vvormak awaken and depart Earth. UNIT assisted with breaking up the exposed Fourth Reich cells.

w - c 2001 - FP: This Town Will Never Let Us Go

A timeship involved in the War in Heaven buried itself beneath an unnamed town in England, and took root in its culture. Rocket attacks sometimes besieged the town. The public believed that Faction Paradox was a powerful conspiracy group, and Faction iconography was increasingly in use as a fashion statement. An episode of
The Muppet Show
was broadcast that perplexingly featured special guest-star George Orwell (who died in 1950). Orwell’s appearance on screen followed a Muppet re-enactment of the Room 101 scene from
, starring Rizzo the Rat.

A paramedic named Valentine Bregman believed that damaging the timeship would trigger a cultural event that would endow the public with a greater awareness of the War. He procured a half-critical mass of Red Uranium - a mythic substance that existed in totemic form. A young woman named Inangela Marrero alternatively wanted to wake the Ship up with a ritual, and tried to stop Bregman. The Red Uranium went off accidentally, and although this only caused a relatively small physical explosion, the totemic nature of the Red Uranium damaged humanity’s collective psyche, threatening to curtail its future potential.

Four average people (the so-called “Faction Four”) were implicated in the explosion; media coverage of their arrest caused Faction Paradox to be perceived as nothing more than a little band of terrorists with no influence, and its reputation plummeted. Some hope remained that the timeship would repair itself, and that its awakening and launch would help to revive human ingenuity.

2001 - The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories: “Special Features”

The fifth Doctor and Nyssa attended the DVD commentary recording for
Doctor Demonic’s Tales of Terror
, and banished the Racht still living within Joanna Munro.

(=) c 2001 - Psi-Ence Fiction
The TARDIS landed at the University of East Wessex, where researcher Barry Hitchens was studying psychic powers. One of his students, Josh Randall, had secretly become a formidable psychic and was viciously making other students hallucinate. Hitchens was being funded by physicist John Finer, who was trying to build a time machine to go back six years to prevent his daughter from dying.
The fourth Doctor inspected the machine and deduced that its use would destroy the timelines. Randall was driven insane, and deemed himself a god. The TARDIS materialised around the time machine, fixing history. Finer never started his time travel research, and the Doctor and Leela, along with everyone else, forgot that these events ever happened.

2001 (May to 5th June) - Touched by an Angel

Rory arrived in May 2001, having been sent there from 2003 by a Weeping Angel. Working to the Doctor’s instructions and armed with a psychic credit card, he arranged for a series of lights, cameras and monitors to be set up in a field in April 2003. Rory was astonished at what could be achieved, if one was willing to prepay.

On 5th June, the same Rory tracked down the eleventh Doctor, Amy and his earlier self. The quartet went to 21st April, 2003: the day Rebecca Whitaker was fated to die.

2001 (23rd August) - Project: Twilight

The Forge-created vampires Amelia Doory and Reggie Mead now owned and operated The Dusk casino in London, and had converted its basement into a secret medical research facility. The sixth Doctor and Evelyn arrived as Nimrod returned to stalk the vampires, and Amelia convinced the Doctor to help her find a cure to vampirism. However, Amelia instead used the Doctor’s discoveries to create The Twilight Virus, an airborne virus capable of converting humans into vampires on contact. She converted Cassie Schofield, now a waitress at The Dusk, into a vampire as a test, but a vengeful Cassie killed Reggie. Nimrod destroyed Amelia’s laboratory and the Doctor confiscated the last vial of Twilight Virus. Amelia went missing in the Thames, and the Doctor helped Cassie relocate to a remote part of Norway.

2001 - Animal

Margrave University researchers experimented on ravenous tree-like creatures that originated from a crashed spaceship, in a forest in Mauritania. The alien Numlok walled Margrave off with a force field, presenting themselves as peace-loving herbivores who opposed the eating of animal flesh. The seventh Doctor, Ace and Raine investigated Margrave’s operations, and met with Brigadier Bambera. They discovered that the Numlok were conducting blood tests on people at Margrave to identify the meat-eaters - and then turn them into a dietary supplement the Numlok required. The Doctor prevented a slaughterhouse by allowing the tree-creatures to consume the Numlok, then sent the Numlok’s spaceship - with the tree-creatures aboard - back to the Numlok homeworld as a warning to leave Earth alone.

The Metatraxi had now become the objects of ridicule following the Doctor’s irreversibly switching their translator to “surfer dude” mode in 1989, and refused his request for assistance. Raine looked up her father on the Internet... and discovered that he had died. Nonetheless, she continued travelling with the Doctor and Ace.

Raine eventually left the TARDIS to investigate her father’s affairs. She was breaking into a hotel safe in Johannesburg when the Metatraxi captured her, and used the rudimentary time technology they’d developed to take her to the future - as bait for the Doctor.

2001 - Head Games

General Lethbridge-Stewart was semi-retired. Ace met up with a future version of the seventh Doctor, who informed her that his evil duplicate Dr Who was planning to assassinate the Queen. The Queen was shot in Sheffield, but wasn’t even slightly injured. Meanwhile, UNIT forces were involved in an assault on Buckingham Palace. Brigadier Bambera arrived in a Merlin T-22 VTOL aircraft and penetrated a force field surrounding the palace.

Dr Who had been created by a spiteful Jason, the ex-Master of the Land of Fiction. The Doctor counselled Jason and convinced him to dissipate Dr Who. Jason and Dr Who had rescued Melanie Bush from the planet Avalone in the future - she decried the violent, manipulative methods used by the seventh Doctor and his new companions (Benny, Roz and Chris) to solve problems, and parted on bad terms with him on modern-day Earth.

At this time, Bernice kicked a mangled drinks can into the middle of a path. Four and a half hours later, a young man stumbled over it on his bike and suffered slight bruising. This instigated a chain reaction of small historical alterations that climaxed directly before the Draconian War in the twenty-sixth century.

By now, Bambera and Ancelyn had given birth to twins.
In September 2001, Owen Harper had been qualified as a physician for six months. The alien Mary tore the heart out of 43-year-old Lucy Marmer, and Owen was present when Lucy’s body was brought into Cardiff General Hospital.
The elder Mark Whitaker had foreknowledge of the destruction of the World Trade Center, but held his tongue, fearful of interfering with history.
After 11th September, 2001, the American CIA cross-referenced its 456 files under “Worldwide Incursion” and designation JF323B.

The Rutan Host occasionally separated and exiled individual Rutans, including those that were exposed to neural toxins from a Sontaran bioweapon. A ship containing one such rogue Rutan crashed in Algeria in November, and was retrieved by the United Kingdom.

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