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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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After this time, the Brigadier reunited with Doris. They married and the Brigadier gave up teaching.

1995 - P.R.O.B.E.: The Devil of Winterborne

Liz Shaw’s father, Reuben Shaw, had recently died. P.R.O.B.E. investigated a number of killings at the Winterborne boys’ school. Christian Purcell, a student there, thought he was the cult-leader Isaac Greatorex reincarnated, and was murdering people to ritualistically attain immortality. Confronted, Purcell seemingly leapt to his death on a motorway, but his body vanished...

(=) Around 1995, physicist John Finer accidentally killed his daughter Amelia. He began researching time travel, hoping to go back in time to prevent this. Events circa 2001 nullified this timeline.

In 1995, Ironside Industries purchased British Rocket Group and the former Space Defence Station at Devesham.
While the fourth Doctor and Romana were in Cornwall in 1995, the Doctor read of the suicide of David Brown, captain of the English cricket team and a native of Hexen Bridge.
In 1995, Katherine Chambers started up her own practice, Chambers Pharmaceuticals, in Brisbane.

1995 (20th December) - “Memorial”

The seventh Doctor and Ace landed in Westmouth. The Doctor freed the Telphin consciousness from Simon Galway, in whom it had resided in peace for exactly sixty years.


Iris Wildthyme and her companion Jenny parted ways following an escapade with jellyfish creatures, their secluded moonbase and the cast of a daytime soap that Iris watched. Jenny would eventually head the Darlington branch of MIAOW.

The fourth segment of the Key to Time, disguised as a meteoroid, passed through the Cronquist system. The Cronquist charged the meteoroid with their power, and it later impacted a NASA shuttle. Astronaut Millicent Drake, the only survivor, came under Cronquist’s control and furthered their invasion plans.

In January 1996, James Stevens retrieved his time ring from his safety deposit box at a bank in London. Rifle in hand, he departed into the past to assassinate Kennedy.
A set of army barracks in Wales was closed down in 1996, but would be reopened as the Cowbridge Overflow Camp in 2011.

c 1996 (12th January) - Night Thoughts

On Gravonax Island in Scotland, J.J. Bartholomew developed the prototype Bartholomew Transactor, a device that could send a subatomic particle back in time to an identical piece of equipment. By this method, audio messages from the future could be heard in the past.

Major Dickens theorised that if the device were used to retroactively halt an established death, then the closely related timelines would overlap and the deceased’s body would re-animate. When a destitute woman named Maude appeared with her two daughters, Edie and Ruth, Dickens decided to test this and deliberately misdiagnosed Edie’s eye infection as Gravonax gas poisoning. Dickens’ colleagues were moved to euthanise Edie rather than let her suffer what they believed was an inevitable, agonizing death.

A Bartholomew Transactor was present as Dickens gave Edie a lethal dose of anaesthetic. The veterinary scientist Hartley chemically preserved Edie’s body on Dickens’ behalf, and her corpse was placed inside a taxidermied bear. Maude discovered Dickens’ deception and committed suicide. Ruth was shuffled between foster homes. Dickens held Bartholomew prisoner so she could perfect her device; she tried to escape, but was permanently crippled by a bear trap. The world believed that she was dead.

As Dickens desired, the Transactor relayed a message from ten years in the future and caused a temporal anomaly. The seventh Doctor arrived from that period, tasked with conclusively ensuring Edie’s death, but found himself unable to kill her.

1996 (17th April) - Touched by an Angel

Mark Whitaker and Rebecca Coles impulsively slept together, which had a chilling effect on their friendship.

1996 - Benny: The End of the World

When Jason Kane was nearly 13, he responded to his father’s physical abuse by catching a train out of town, leaving his mother and sister Lucy behind. As an adult, Jason travelled back from 2607 and arrived at his family home two days after his younger self fled. Posing as a detective-inspector from the “Child Protection Taskforce”, Jason told Peter Kane that young Jason’s disappearance was being investigated - and that the Kane household would be under surveillance. Jason hoped this would curtail his father’s abuse of Lucy, and he also established a trust fund for her.

Shug, the leader of the Skrak, was betrayed by his subordinate Gleka and transmatted to the Dagellan Cluster in 1996. The beam also swept up Jason Kane, who was living on the streets of London. Jason became a rogue and spent the next fifteen years away from Earth, thinking that Shug was his small, furry pet.
Amy Pond went to the National Museum when she was little.

1996 - Interference

The eighth Doctor was summoned by the United Nations, who had been offered a weapon - the Cold - by a race of alien arms dealers. The aliens were members of the Remote, a Faction Paradox colony. Sarah Jane Smith, who was now involved with a man named Paul, investigated the matter and met Samantha Jones, who was taken to the Remote. Fitz was frozen in suspended animation and wouldn’t awaken until the twenty-sixth century. He would become Father Kreiner of Faction Paradox.

The Saudis captured and tortured the Doctor. He sent an emergency message to his third incarnation, who was on the planet Dust in the thirty-eighth century. Sarah rescued the Doctor and he travelled to the Remote, who had built a settlement on a Time Lord warship. This ship was designed to destroy the original home planet of their Enemy - Earth - in the future War. The Doctor convinced the people of the Remote that they were being used. The ship was sent to a place of safety.

Sam accepted an offer to stay with Sarah Jane Smith and left the Doctor’s company. The Doctor was joined on his travels by two members of the Remote: Compassion and Kode, the latter of whom had been generated from a Remote remembrance tank and endowed with much of Fitz’s personality. The Doctor used the TARDIS to revise Kode into a copy of Fitz as he had been prior to his joining Faction Paradox.

Amelia “Amy” Pond had grown up with a Crack in Time in her bedroom wall. It erased her parents from existence; Amy would remember scant details about them, but didn’t know their fate. Her Aunt Sharon raised her.
Amy went to the National Museum when she was little.

1996 (Easter) - The Eleventh Hour

The newly regenerated eleventh Doctor crashed to Earth in the backyard of Amelia Pond, age seven, and the falling TARDIS destroyed her garden shed. She asked the Doctor to investigate a crack in her wall - actually a Crack in Time, through which a voice could be heard saying, “Prisoner Zero has escaped.” The Doctor recognised it as a message from a prison, but had to attend to the healing TARDIS when its engines misphased. He told Amelia that he would right the TARDIS by taking a short hop five minutes into the future - she packed to go away with him, and waited for him in the back yard. Instead of reappearing in five minutes, the Doctor would return twelve years later.

1996 (Easter) - The Big Bang

Amelia fell asleep in her backyard while waiting for the Doctor. As the eleventh Doctor’s timeline came undone after he sealed the Cracks in Time, he carried Amelia into her house and put her to bed. The words he spoke while she slept would help her to remember him in future.

Amelia Pond told her best friends Rory and Mels about meeting the Doctor.
In the years to follow, the persistence with which Amy clung to the existence of her imaginary friend - her “raggedy Doctor” - caused her to be taken to four psychiatrists.

(=) 1996 - The Big Bang
The explosion of the Doctor’s TARDIS in 2010 caused every sun to supernova at every moment in history, obliterating the universe. Only the Earth and its moon remained, lit by the energy from the exploding TARDIS. In this eye of the storm, the people of Earth lived beneath a starless sky. All of the races allied against the Doctor in 102 AD had been wiped out, although a few “never-were” vestiges of them remained, resembling statues.
The Pandorica, having held Amy Pond in stasis ever since 102 AD, was now kept in the National Museum. The eleventh Doctor left a note that made Amy’s seven-year-old self insist that her aunt take her to see the Pandorica exhibit. The younger Amy touched the Pandorica, which used a sample of her DNA to resurrect the older Amy. The Doctor freed River Song, who had been time-looped inside the exploding TARDIS; Rory the Last Centurion, who was still guarding the Pandorica after two millennia, joined them.
History continued to collapse... the Doctor’s group realised that the Pandorica contained some atoms from the universe before it was destroyed, and that the Pandorica’s light - if given an infinite power source - could extrapolate the whole universe from just one of them. The Doctor piloted the Pandorica into the exploding TARDIS, providing the power necessary to (effectively) trigger the second Big Bang. The Cracks of Time were sealed, but the Doctor was on the wrong side of them when this happened - and so everyone in the universe forgot about him.

The eleventh Doctor claimed that Vortis could be seen from Earth.
When Owen Harper was 16, he packed his bags and left his emotionally abusive household.
Yvonne Hartman became the head of Torchwood London
in 1996.
Alex Hopkins took charge of Torchwood Cardiff
no later than 1996.

1996 - P.R.O.B.E.: Unnatural Selection / P.R.O.B.E.: The Ghosts of Winterborne

The genetically advanced man Alfred began harvesting organs from humans in a bid to give his benefactor, Professor Julius Quilter, extended life. The ailing Quilter died anyway, and P.R.O.B.E. ended Aldred’s murder spree by killing him.

Christian Purcell’s body was found by the motorway where he’d jumped. The ghost of Isaac Greatorex sought to return to life and gain great powers, but Liz Shaw oversaw a ritual that banished him.

1996 - The Chase

One of the exhibits at the 1996 Festival of Ghana, “Frankenstein’s House of Horror”, featured roboticFac versions of a number of Gothic characters. For $10, visitors could wander around an animated haunted house, be frightened by mechanical bats and meet Frankenstein’s monster, Dracula and the Grey Lady. The exhibition was cancelled by Peking. The first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki briefly visited the exhibition while fleeing through time from the Daleks.

Tobias Vaughn claimed he saw the Dalek Time Machine at the “1995 Earth Fair in Ghana”.
The robots were programmed by Microsoft, who later faced lawsuits.
The Doctor attended the crowded Festival of Ghana.

1996 - The Sands of Time

Nyssa’s awakening drew near, and the agents of Nephthys made ready for her resurrection. Nephthys’ intelligence resided within Nyssa, but her instinct resided in a Nephthys clone named Vanessa Prior. The fifth Doctor tricked the instinct part of Nephthys into thinking its intelligence had dissipated in 1926. The Nephthys-instinct went back in time but failed to reunite with itself. It circled back and forth between 1926 and 1996 until it aged to death. The Doctor removed Nephthys’ intelligence from Nyssa and woke up his companion, then buried the intelligence at Nephthys’ pyramid.

The seventh Doctor, Roz and Chris rested in Sydney in 1996.
The same Doctor returned Peri to the late twentieth century.

1996 (19th December) - “End Game” / “Oblivion” (

The eighth Doctor landed in Stockbridge and was attacked by giant doll-like figures that resembled a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker. He was rescued by his old friend Maxwell Edison and a fellow UFO spotter named Izzy. They had acquired a strange medallion called the “focus”, but were soon rounded up by humanoid foxes in hunting gear and brought to the Celestial Toymaker - who had created a surreal version of Stockbridge, and stuffed the real one in a snowglobe.

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