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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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1983 - Mawdryn Undead

The Brigadier regained his memory, but lost his beloved car when he met the fifth Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa. When the Brigadier met his past self from 1977, he unwittingly provided the energy that released Mawdryn and his followers from their curse of immortality. The Black Guardian forged a deal in secret with Turlough, and tasked him with killing the Doctor. Turlough left Brendon to join the TARDIS crew.

1983 - Kiss of Death

Trion repatriation squads were now in operation on various worlds.

Turlough’s old flame Deela became engaged to a ruthless entrepreneur named Halquin Rennol. When Deela’s father disavowed the union and froze her assets, the pair coveted the royal treasure rumoured to reside in the dimensional vault established by Turlough’s ancestor. Only Turlough and Deela’s DNA in combination - through a simple kiss, for instance - would open the vault, and so Rennol’s mercenaries captured Turlough when the TARDIS landed on the vacation world of Vektris. The vault’s security system went haywire - Rennol killed Deela, and was probably killed himself when the vault resealed.

1983 (9th June) - Rat Trap

The Rat King living beneath Cardogan Castle attempted to release a variant of the Black Death that would wipe out humanity. The fifth Doctor, Tegan, Turlough and Nyssa helped to destroy the Rat King, and UNIT was summoned to clear up the mess.

1983 - Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma

After departing the fifth Doctor’s company, a time-travelling Turlough encountered the dictator Rechtaht while she ruled Trion. Rechtaht tried to transfer her mind into Turlough, but his ally - a Time Lord named the Magician - helped Turlough to expel Rechtaht from his mind. This averted a timeline that included the destruction of Earth, Trion and New Trion. Turlough learned that as he had altered history, he couldn’t remain in this timeline without causing a paradox.

= With the Magician’s help, Turlough found a reality in which he had died and took up residence there. He was reunited with his old friend, Juras Maateh, of that reality.

c 1983 - The Five Doctors

The second Doctor and the Brigadier were kidnapped by Borusa in the grounds of UNIT HQ. The next day, the second Doctor bought a copy of “The Times” that reported the UNIT reunion. Colonel Crichton was running UNIT at this point. Despite K9’s warnings, Sarah Jane Smith was also kidnapped by Borusa.

Masie Hawk, Hamlet Macbeth, Liz Shaw and Sir John Sudbury also attended the reunion. Benton had returned to active duty. Carol Bell was married with a child. Mike Yates and Tom Osgood had opened a tearoom together.
Lethbridge-Stewart spent some time in Haiti.

1983 - “4-Dimensional Vistas”

A British Airways 747 crashed in the Arctic, shot down by the test firing of a Martian cannon. The Meddling Monk and a group of Ice Warriors led by Autek had a base there, and were manipulating time. The fifth Doctor homed in on them, but was attacked by the beam weapon. SAG3 arrived by plane to investigate.

Meanwhile, the Doctor and Gus discovered that the Ice Warriors had drilled a vast shaft. Gus and SAG3 launched an attack on the Ice Warrior base, but Autek and the Meddling Monk got away. They had activated “the Crucible”, then jumped five million years forwards in time. As they returned, the Doctor chased the Monk’s TARDIS in his own and set up a Time Ram - apparently annihilating the Monk and destroying the Ice Warrior base.

His vigil on Earth ended, the Doctor pledged to get Gus home.

In 1983, a 13-year-old Ace was friends with an Asian girl, Manisha, whose flat was firebombed in a racist attack. In anger because of this, Ace burnt down Gabriel Chase. She was assigned a probation officer and social worker.

Joel Mintz had been thrown back in time to 1983 from 1993. He ended up in New York, where Isaac Summerfield found him.
Jason Kane, a future rogue and husband of Bernice Summerfield, was born in 1983.
In 1983, Faction Paradox agents wrecked the Blue Peter garden.

c 1983 (summer) - “City of Devils”

Aunt Lavinia sent Sarah Jane and K9 to Egypt to write a story about her friend Warren Martyn. An archaeological dig there had experienced some mysterious deaths and disappearances. Entering the tomb, Sarah and K9 encountered a group of Silurians and Sea Devils in a vast subterranean city. Sarah opened diplomatic relations with the Silurians, and it was hoped that this would lead to an accommodation between the two civilisations. Returning to England, Sarah Jane contacted Lethbridge-Stewart, who was keen to make amends for the mistakes of the past.

c 1983 (July) - Heart of TARDIS

Crowley lured the fourth Doctor and Romana to the Tollsham USAF base, as he needed the Doctor to open the Golgotha gateway.

Ianto Jones of Torchwood was born on 19th August, 1983.
Peri Brown, a 17-year-old student at Boston University, bought a handgun.
A Nestene sphere fell to Earth, injured. A little girl, Elizabeth Sarah Devonshire, found the sphere - it would influence her mind and manipulate her career path in future.

1983 - Return of the Living Dad

The seventh Doctor, Benny, Jason, Chris and Roz discovered that Benny’s father, Isaac, was alive and well in the village of Little Caldwell. He was running an underground movement that helped stranded aliens on Earth return home.

Albinex the Navarino paid one of Isaac’s allies to retrieve nuclear launch codes from the Doctor. Albinex and Isaac were working together to detonate a nuclear device, which Isaac hoped would spur an arms race so humanity would have more advanced weapons to use against the Daleks in the twenty-second century. However, Albinex was actually a Dalek agent, and planned to destroy the Earth. The Doctor, Isaac and Benny captured the Navarino and thwarted the plan. Benny made peace with her father.

Isaac Summerfield’s presence in the twentieth century created historical anomalies that enabled the Daleks to locate and capture him. They took him to the twenty-seventh century and slaved him to battle computers. Following the Daleks’ defeat, Braxiatel returned Isaac to Little Caldwell.
On Oct. 24, 1983, the Welsh Assembly denied allegations of a conspiracy.

The “microchip revolution” took place in the early eighties.
Mark Whitaker, a person of interest to the Weeping Angels, was born.
The fifth Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa visited Hexen Bridge in 1984.
The ninth Doctor and Rose quietly attended the wedding of her parents, Peter Tyler and Jacqueline Andrea Suzette Prentice.
The Doctor said 1984 was “never as good as the book”.
Torchwood constructed a secret base beneath the Thames Barrier.

Laboratories belonging to a French company, Rechauffer, Inc., contaminated the Well of St. Clothide in the village of Cloots Coombe, which made the population sterile. Rechauffer took genetic samples from the villagers, allegedly to clone them children, but actually to work towards the creation of disposable clones for military purposes. The initial experiments produced an abomination that fed off the life force itself, and lived in the well.

w - The third iteration of Cousin Anastasia died as Anna Anderson in Charlottesville, Virginia, 1984.

When Gwen Cooper was about five or six, her father came home after receiving the blame for money that had gone missing from work. He told Gwen that he wasn’t distressed about the money, but that he couldn’t stand anyone thinking that he wasn’t an honest man. She would always remember the incident, as it was the first time anyone had spoken to her like an adult.

1984 (1st May) - The Awakening

The Malus absorbed the psychic energy of a series of war games in Little Hodcombe, amplifying the villagers’ violence. The fifth Doctor prevented the Malus from becoming totally active and blew up the church in which the Malus lay dormant. After this, the Doctor, Tegan and Turlough spent some time in Little Hodcombe with Tegan’s grandfather, Andrew Verney.

The Doctor’s experiences in Little Hodcombe reminded him of Hexen Bridge. He decided to monitor the area.

c 1984 - “The Forgotten”

The fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough spent time at the Doctor’s house at Allen Road, with the Doctor enjoying playing cricket for the local team. A Judoon ship arrived on Earth in defiance of galactic law that put the planet outside their jurisdiction. They were looking for the spherical Eye of Akasha, which was in the Doctor’s possession, but he tricked them into taking a cricket ball instead.

1984 - Resurrection of the Daleks

Daleks from the future arrived in the twentieth century and placed their Duplicates in key positions around the world. They used the timezone as a safe storage place for the Movellan virus that had all but wiped them out. The fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough were present as a pitched battle broke out between the British army and the Daleks. The Doctor released the virus, killing the Daleks. Afterwards, Tegan was appalled by the carnage and left the Doctor’s company. Lytton, an agent of the Daleks, escaped.

Tegan relocated to Brisbane after leaving the Doctor, and eventually took over the family business, Verney Feeds, from her father. The company supplied animal feed to farmers, and Tegan for a time dated one of its employees, Michael Tenaka.

c 1984 (9th May) - Planet of Fire

Professor Howard Foster discovered an archaeologically important wreck off the coast of Lanzarote. His step-daughter, Perpugilliam Brown, travelled to the planet Sarn in the fifth Doctor’s TARDIS. There, the Master attempted to restore his shrunken body using the Numismaton gas of a sacred volcano. The Doctor facilitated the Master’s demise before this could happen. Turlough’s exile was lifted and he returned to Trion. Peri started travelling with the Doctor. In autumn of the same year, she was due back at college.

The Time Lords’ meddling in Peri’s history resulted in a version of her that returned home, her memories of the Doctor wiped save for their first adventure together. This Peri attained a doctorate of biology, wed her college boyfriend (Davy Silverman), escaped what became a physically abusive marriage and moved to Los Angeles. In time, she became “Dr Perpugilliam Brown” - a relationship counsellor with a hit cable show,
Queen of Worries

The tenth Doctor and Emily Winter met Turlough on Trion, and confirmed that he never kept a diary - meaning the Advocate had faked one as a means of manipulating Matthew Finnegan.

Anthony Chambers became undertaker of St. Anne’s Cemetery in Baltimore, and happened upon the Cyber-Leader from the far future there. The Cyber-Leader staged Chambers’ brutal murder to catch the Doctor’s interest. A local vagrant was blamed for the crime, even as Chambers’ body was secretly Cyber-augmented.

? 1984 - “Urban Myths”

Three agents of the Celestial Intervention Agency were infected by a strain of the Tule-Oz virus - which mucked up their memories, and caused them to think that the fifth Doctor and Peri had committed mass slaughter on the planet Poiti. The agents tracked the travellers to a restaurant on Earth and sought to kill them, but the Doctor and Peri served them the antidote throughout a multi-course meal.

1984 (August to September) - Downtime

Victoria Waterfield was mentally compelled to return to the Det-Sen monastery, which was suddenly destroyed. She was later contracted by Professor Travers, unaware that he was dead and animated by the Great Intelligence.

1984 (24th September) - The Reaping

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