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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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1980 - The Fires of Vulcan

The archaeologist Scalini excavated a police box from the ruins of Pompeii. The seventh Doctor and Mel were inside, and exited the ship when no-one was looking. Captain Muriel Frost of UNIT called in the fifth Doctor to investigate.

c 1980 (October) - Shada

Answering a distress signal from Professor Chronotis, the fourth Doctor and Romana arrived in Cambridge. They discovered that the geneticist Skagra had taken
The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey
, the key to the Time Lord prison planet of Shada, and ended his scheme to mentally dominate the universe.

or ...

c 1980 (October) - The Five Doctors / Shada

Borusa attempted to abduct the fourth Doctor (and possibly Romana) while they were punting in Cambridge. The abduction failed, and they were caught in a time eddy.
This averted their visit to Chronotis, but the eighth Doctor and Romana later arrived and stopped Skagra as scheduled.

1980 - TW: Trace Memory

A five-year-old Toshiko Sato was very pleased when her father returned to Osaka for the Tenjin Festival. The next day, she briefly met the time-hopping Michael Bellini and the Vondrax pursuing him.

John Frobisher joined the civil service in 1980. Bridget Spears worked with him for six months; it would be another ten years before he requested that she work in his office.

c 1980 - Meglos

On the planet Tigella, the fourth Doctor, Romana and K9 prevented Meglos, the last Zolfa-Thuran, from recovering the Dodecahedron - the power source that would let him use the Screens of Zolfa-Thura to destroy planets. The Screens, the Dodecahedron and Meglos himself were destroyed. The Doctor returned home an Earthling that a band of Gaztaks had kidnapped as a host body for Meglos.

@ c 1980 (winter) - Father Time

Rumours of mysterious lights and flying saucers drew UFO spotters to the Derbyshire village of Greyfrith. This had been caused by the arrival of a Klade saucer from the far, far future. The Klade Prefect Zevron and his deputy, Sallak, were hunting down the ten-year-old Miranda - the last survivor of the Imperial Family, brought to Earth by her nanny.

Aided by the Hunters Rum and Thelash, plus the giant robot Mr Gibson, Zevron tracked Miranda down. The eighth Doctor was staying just outside the village, and with the help of Miranda’s teacher, Debbie Castle, he defeated Zevron and his henchmen. Zevron died, but Sallak survived and was arrested. Debbie’s husband Barry was rendered mindless. The Doctor pledged to protect Miranda, who - like him - had two hearts.

After the Doctor officially adopted Miranda, they moved south to a large house. The Doctor worked as a business consultant, very quickly becoming a millionaire as he solved economic problems that confounded everyone else.

Following a remark from the Doctor, the barman of the Dragon pub in Greyfrith started selling bottled water. Within five years, he was making twenty million pounds a year from sales of Dragonwater.

In November 1980,
Prey for a Miracle
was released. It was a movie version of the “gods hoax” of 1965, starring Peter Cushing as the Doctor.
Shortly before he died, John Lennon told the Doctor, “Talent borrows, genius steals”.
John Lennon was murdered on 8th December, 1980, by Mark Chapman. Huitzilin fed off the trauma of the event.

Professor Edward Travers CBE died on Christmas Day the same year.


The Union of Traken now stretched over five or six planets in one solar system.
All diseases had been eradicated on Traken by this time.
Lisa Hallett of Torchwood London was born.

c 1981 - The Keeper of Traken

Traken was a peaceful planet in Mettula Orionsis. Two of the consuls of Traken - Tremas and Kassia - married.

Kassia had tended to the Melkur, a creature of evil that had calcified in Traken’s serene environment, since she was a child. But now the Melkur had begun to move again. Hypnotically controlling Kassia, the Melkur - in reality the Master - attempted to take control of the Source, the power of the Keeper of Traken. The Master was at the end of his regeneration cycle, and was desperate to obtain the power necessary to gain a new body. Kassia was killed, but the fourth Doctor and Adric prevented the Master from acquiring the Source, and Consul Luvic became the new Keeper. The Master escaped, and took the body of Tremas as his new form.

Survivors from Traken would found the colony of Serenity, a verdant world of peace and isolation.
The Doctor visited Terminal Three of Heathrow Airport around this time.

1981 (28th February) - Logopolis

The fourth Doctor and Adric landed on Earth and took the measurements of a genuine police box to help repairs to the TARDIS’ chameleon circuit. The Doctor had previously visited the planet Logopolis, hoping they could help him with their mathematical expertise and mastery of block transfer computation. Tegan Jovanka, an airline stewardess, found herself aboard the TARDIS after the Master murdered her Aunt Vanessa.

The Doctor learnt from the Monitor of Logopolis that the universe had already passed the natural point of heat death. All closed systems succumb to heat death, and the universe was such a closed system. Or rather it used to be: the Logopolitans had opened up CVEs into other universes, such as E-Space. When the Master learnt of this, he recognised a chance to blackmail the entire universe. The Master’s interference halted Logopolis’ operations, which caused the CVEs to collapse. Entropy began to accumulate and destroyed a vast region of space, including Logopolis and Traken.

The Watcher observed these events, and brought Nyssa of Traken to Logopolis to join the Doctor.

On Earth, the Doctor and the Master worked to re-open a CVE in Cassiopeia at co-ordinates 3C461-3044. The Master threatened to close off even this CVE, and broadcast a message to the entire universe:

“Peoples of the universe please attend carefully, the message that follows is vital to the future of you all. The choice for you all is simple: a continued existence under my guidance, or total annihilation. At the time of speaking, the fate of the universe lies in the balance at the fulcrum point, the Pharos Project on Earth...”

The Doctor prevented the Master from closing the CVE, but fell to his death. As he regenerated, the Watcher merged with him...

1981 - Castrovalva

... the newly-regenerated fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan returned to the TARDIS. The Master kidnapped Adric.

1981 (28th February) - Four to Doomsday

The fifth Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa and Adric defeated Monarch’s plans to travel back to the creation of the universe. Monarch’s android crew opted to find a habitable world and settle on it.

A formless race of explorers sent seeds the size of acorns into space. Each of these would land on a planet, analyse the environment and grow a creature that could survive there. One such seed bank, later named the Juniper Tree, was adopted into a UK military programme that hoped to develop disposable soldiers. The first child grown from it, Sebastian, was born on 3rd March, 1981, and met Jack Harkness of Torchwood a few days later.

Cassandra Hope Schofield, the future mother of the Doctor’s companion Hex, was born on 7th April, 1981.

(=) 1981 (28th August) - Nuclear Time
The US military’s obliteration of Appletown, Colorado, and the killer androids gathered there, resulted in the deaths of Amy Pond, Rory Williams, and Albert Gilroy... and triggered a full-fledged war between the US and the Soviet Union.

The explosion caused the eleventh Doctor to experience time backward, and he altered history. The energy of the bomb’s detonation was dispersed over a ninety-minute window, generating radiation but not a full-fledged mushroom cloud. The android Isley developed feelings for Gilroy, her creator, and they went into hiding together.

In 1981, UNIT encountered the Zygons in the Kalahari Desert and the Ice Warriors in Northampton.
The Jex arrived on Earth on 4th December, 1981, and took shelter in California.

@ Even with the help of character references from people such as Graham Greene and Lawrence Olivier, the eighth Doctor needed nearly a year to formally adopt Miranda. Shortly after that, he defeated the Great Provider’s plan to use evil mobile telephones to take over the world.

c 1981 - The Hollows of Time

The sixth Doctor and Peri detected gravitational anomalies in the English village of Hollowdean, and paid a visit to the Doctor’s old friend, the Reverend Foxwell. The villainous Professor Stream attempted to engineer a Quantum Gravity Engine: a device that would make Stream
all of space and time. Stream incorporated eleven Tractators into the Engine, and used the Doctor’s TARDIS to retrieve most important Tractator - the Gravis - from the future. The Gravis and his Tractators turned on Stream, making him swell up like a balloon and explode.

1981 (18th-22nd December) - K9 and Company: A Girl’s Best Friend

In September, a hailstorm lasting thirteen seconds destroyed Commander Pollock’s crop. He was renting the East Wing of Lavinia Smith’s house at the time. On 6th December, Lavinia Smith left for America, phoning her ward Brendan Richards on the 10th to tell him that he would be spending Christmas with her niece, Sarah Jane. The next day, Brendan’s term ended and he began waiting for Sarah to pick him up, but she had spent the first two weeks of December working abroad for Reuters.

Sarah Jane found a crate waiting for her at Moreton Harwood. It contained K9 Mk III, sent as a gift from the Doctor. Working together, Sarah, Brendan and K9 exposed a local coven of witches who conducted human sacrifices. On 29th December, the cultists appeared in court on an attempted murder charge.

1981 (23rd December) - Blue Box

Eridani agents on Earth had recovered three of the five computer components that went missing circa 1966. The sixth Doctor allied with the Eridani to recover the last two, fearing they could affect Earth’s development. However, he discovered that the components, part of a system named “the Savant”, could usurp control of the human brain’s “hardware/software”, and had been dispatched to the Eridani colony to mentally dominate it.

The Doctor and the Eridani retrieved the last two components from the formidable hacker Sarah Swan and her friend Luis Perez. However, the Savant had mentally dominated Swan and Perez, who were left near-catatonic. By late 1982, Swan was reportedly in the Bainbridge Hospital, a facility where the American government kept persons with dangerous information. Perez’s family cared for him in Mexico.

The journalist Charles “Chick” Peters later wrote
Blue Box
, a chronicle of these events.

In 1982, a Betamax recorder fell into the Rift.
The parents of Simon, a future companion of Iris Wildthyme, died in a plane crash while on “the trip of a lifetime” that they’d won on a game show.

c 1982 - Time-Flight

Following the disappearance of Speedbird Concorde 192 down a time contour, the fifth Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa arrived at Heathrow Airport. At the insistence of Sir John Sudbury at C19, the Doctor and his friends were allowed to take a second Concorde into the contour, and travelled back one hundred and forty million years. Upon their return, the fifth Doctor and Nyssa had to leave Heathrow in such a hurry, Tegan was left behind.

The Master’s TARDIS was propelled to Xeraphas, where he discovered Kamelion, a tool of a previous invader of that planet.
Tegan Jovanka resumed being an air stewardess, but was sacked shortly afterwards.

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