B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (210 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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In the early twenty-second century, the Guild of Adjudicators was established as a judicial force unrestrained by authority or financial dependence. They were based on the remote planet Ponten IV. Early successes for the “ravens” (so-named because of their black robes) included the execution of fifteen drug dealers on Callisto, the suppression of a revolution in Macedonia and the disciplinary eradication of the energy-wasting population on Frinelli Minor. The Adjudicators also dealt with the Kroagnon Affair, vraxoin raids over Azure, the Macra case and the Vega debacle.
Adjudicator Bishop discovered Paradise Towers.

c 2100 (24th December) - Iris: The Claws of Santa

Father Christmas was bedevilled as humanity expanded into space, leaving him unable to deliver presents on time. Iris Wildthyme provided Santa with Clockworks technology that let him take short cuts through the Vortex, and the two of them had a quick fondle in the back of his sleigh. Santa’s wife, Mary Christmas, became incensed upon finding Iris’ earring there.

Mary found Panda after he’d been lost to the Vortex in 1999. She kicked her husband out of his North Pole factory, and created “Flare Bears” modelled upon Panda. These became the best-selling toys in the multiverse, but contained a device that would regress all adults to children - which in Mary’s opinion make the universe much happier. Iris was reunited with Panda while foiling Mary’s plan, and an adaptation of Mary’s device made her and Father Christmas young and in love again.

The Ceatul Empire’s downfall enabled humans to settle the four planets of the Domus system. The Purpura Pawn - thought to have decorated Ceatul XVI’s sword pommel during his final battle - became a surviving relic of the empire.
War spread throughout the quadrant containing the Imogenella Star Cluster. The Festari were defeated when a woman, Aldebrath, transferred her mind into the systems aboard the spaceship
Fervent Hope
, then emitted a telepathic virus that compelled the Festari to seek a path of love and tranquillity. Legends subsequently arose about Aldebrath, the mighty male warlord who saved Imogenella.

Earth in 2105 was “a bit boring”, according to the Doctor.
Grayvorn escaped the Imperial Museum when someone died there and he mentally inhabited their body. He took a position of authority within the Wardens and instigated a series of sociopolitical changes on Artaris.

c 2106 - “The Cruel Sea”

The ninth Doctor and Rose arrived on Mars - now a leisure planet with artificial seas for the ultra-rich to sail on. They’d landed on the yacht of Alvar Chambers, who owned the air on Earth, the air on Io, air with lime and classic air. A protoplasmic replica of one of Chambers’ ex-wives attacked them, and the Doctor deduced that the sea had become sentient. A dormant ancient Martian organism had been revived by the terraforming process on Mars, but the Doctor dissipated it.

2106 saw the Ozone Purge, the first sign that man had not solved the Earth’s environmental problems. The Purge was caused by a breakdown of weather control technology, and a number of species - including such previously common creatures as sheep, cats and sparrows - were wiped out.

During the twenty-second century, human babies were grown artificially to be used in scientific tests.
Yembe Lethbridge-Stewart died in 2106. His daughter buried him alongside his wife at Achebe Gorge on Mars.

In 2107, Eurogen and the Butler Institute - relatively small corporations for the time - merged to become Eurogen Butler or the “EB Corporation”. Eurogen was a major genetic research facility. After its near-collapse a century before, the Butler Institute had survived by specialising in artificial intelligence, meteorology and weather control. Both companies were expanding into the field of interplanetary exploration, and their services were now required on a dozen worlds.

Humans colonised the planet Sunday in 2107 in the Mk II Worldbuilder
One Small Step
- which was powered by a polluting fission generator, and had launched from the Democratic Republic of Congo. An asteroid caused a tsunami that inundated the colonists’ main settlement, Sunday City, shortly after their arrival. Half of the four hundred settlers drowned, including their leaders.

(=) 2108 (1st January) - Genocide
The eighth Doctor and Sam arrived on Earth in a deviant timeline in which humanity had been eradicated. The relatively passive Tractites now occupied Earth and had named it Paratractis. The Doctor and Sam travelled back to historical junctures 2.5 million years and 3.6 million years in the past to avert this history.

2108 - Wetworld

The tenth Doctor planned to take Martha to Tiffany’s near the Robot Regent’s palace on the planet Arkon, but they ended up on the swampy world of Sunday - where a mindless alien creature, the Slimey, had taken control of the native otterlike creatures. The Slimey planned to blast itself into space by detonating the colony’s nuclear reactor, but the Doctor defeated it.

2108 - Iris: The Two Irises

Iris Wildthyme’s lover Roger had been sent back in time with a Naxian beachhead, but judged that his people were rubbish at conquering the galaxy and instead opened a nightclub in Spain. He unwisely tried to get Iris’ attention by sparking an international incident using the power of disco.

Iris had now retired to a rehab dimension, and left Panda to travel with Iris Hilary Wildthyme, a computer-generated projection made by Iris’ bus. Panda summoned the real Iris when Roger’s actions triggered a nuclear conflict between Earth’s North and South Blocs. Iris and her friends prevented the disaster, and Hilary stayed to help Roger run the nightclub.

In July 2108, the Doctor visited Oxford Street and bought a Xavier Eugene microscope and a pair of wings in the sales.
Marmadons were foul creatures that lived in deep space. A century after Kim Krontska, Tom Braudy and Samuel departed Earth, one such monster broke into their ship and killed Samuel. Tom and Kim revived from cryo-sleep and dealt with the creature, then learned they were far from home. Kim re-entered stasis and returned to Earth, but Tom left in a coffin-shaped escape pod.

Tom crashed on the planet Lucentra, marking the first visit to that world by an extra-terrestrial. The natives were a technologically advanced race with dreadful long-term memories. Two Lucentran entrepreneurs, Lest and Argot, extended Tom’s lifespan and kept him docile in a cell that re-created his childhood. In the decades to come, Lest and Argot would repeatedly haul Tom out and dramatically re-create his arrival for the forgetful Lucentrans’ enjoyment.

The Lucentrans, as with many other races, engineered nano-forms: tiny creatures with limited intelligence, designed to carry out very specific tasks. Such technology always derived from the nature of the species forging it.

Events portrayed in the film
Independence Day
(1996) actually happened, but in 2109.

& 2109 - Legend of the Cybermen

Zoe Heriot deduced that she travelled with the Doctor and Jamie for a time, and her memories returned. The Cybermen re-invaded Space Wheel W3 and Cyber-converted its staff, including Leo Ryan. Zoe modified the Cybership’s propulsion unit and transferred the Cybermen to the Land of Fiction, then enthroned herself as its new Mistress. She marshalled an army of fictional characters against the Cybermen, and pulled the sixth Doctor’s TARDIS into the Land so he could help. He had some side adventures with a fictional version of Jamie McCrimmon, and eventually helped Zoe to resolve the Cybermen into fiction. He returned Zoe to the Wheel - whereupon the Time Lords’ memory blocks renewed themselves, and she forgot her travels with him again.

& 2109 - Echoes of Grey / The Memory Cheats / The Uncertainty Principle

At the Whitaker Institute in central Australia, the second Doctor, Jamie and the Zoe travelling with them shut down research pertaining to the Achromatics - man-made creatures who could heal any disease or injury, but couldn’t refrain from killing both their patients and healthy people. Afterward, Ali, an agent for the Company who backed the Achromatic research, approached Zoe’s contemporary self and used a device to retrieve her memory of the adventure. The agent hoped that Zoe would provide the genetic codes for the Achromatics that she had seen, but Zoe, sensing the Company wanted to turn the Achromatics into weapons of war, said that she couldn’t remember...

Forty-seven days into the cycle, the Company charged Zoe on thirty-six counts, including sedition, extortion and threats to personnel. Computer analysis suggested that Zoe should plea bargain, as she had a 63% chance of avoiding a death sentence. Zoe’s defence assistant, Jen, said that the Company would exert a leniency clause if Zoe could provide information on time travel.

Jen and Zoe examined the second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe’s trip to Uzbekistan, 1919, in the hope of restoring Zoe’s memory. Zoe continued to insist that she had never travelled in time, and manipulated Jen into reading files that revealled the unscrupulous nature of the Company’s Elite Programme. Jen was left to determine the veracity of Zoe’s character, and whether or not she should risk exposing the Programme...

Jen’s children were chosen for the Elite Programme, binding her hands. She used a focused Morgan ray - a technique used to relieve dementia - to temporarily undo Zoe’s memory blocks. Zoe was aware that she remembered everything... and nothing. Jen told her that they would find out why that was the case.

c 2109 - Transit

The Union of Solar Republics attempted to build the first interstitial tunnel to another star system. The Stunnel would provide instantaneous travel to Arcturus II, twenty-six light years away, and if successful would allow rapid colonisation of other planets.

The seventh Doctor and Benny were at King’s Cross station when disaster struck during the Stunnel’s initiation - a portion of an intelligence from another dimension came through the Stunnel, and the President was killed. The Doctor found that Stunnel network itself had attained a level of intelligence, and banished the intruder back to its native dimension. It became clear that it was impossible to maintain Transit tunnels over interstellar distances. Following activity on Mars, a nest of Martians was revived and entered negotiations with humanity.

The Doctor visited the Stone Mountain archive and found that the security software there had become sentient. He agreed to keep silent about this development if it wiped all records pertaining to him. The AI named itself FLORANCE.

Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart was now a student at Lunaversity, and met the Doctor - who postulated that she might be a sort of anti-body created in response to his intervening in history. After the Doctor and Benny left, Kadiatu finished her own time machine and followed them.

The Transit system was abandoned soon after this incident. The Martian castes debated making peace with Earth in 2110. Humans established two human cities on Mars: Jacksonville and Arcadia Planitia.
Humanity developed the theory of hyperspace tunnels in the early twenty-second century.

The first production line warpships began to be built. Lagships were still used for many years on longer journeys, although the technology remained risky.
Mankind discovered warp drive, allowing it to travel faster-than-light. Azure, in West galaxy, was colonised and became a tourist destination. At least nine space Stations were set up. By now, contact with alien species was almost routine.

The Protocols of Colonisation were established. The Earth Reptiles and their allies inserted a Hibernation Clause stating that colonists must withdraw from a world if the indigenous species revived from stasis.
An ice planet was discovered when a scientific expedition made a misjump through hyperspace. Marooned for three years, they established a colony run along rational lines. Three years later, when the rescue ships arrived, they elected to stay. Miners and other colonists arrived and were ruled by an elite of scientists, the Scientifica.

The Space Corps was set up.

Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart destroyed the Butterfly Wing, apparently committing suicide in the process ... although there were rumours that she had built a time machine.

The crusade of the Chapter of St Anthony was becoming notorious. Youths from the Initiate League torched the city of Urrozdinee when they refused to accept the rule of the Chapter. Shortly afterwards, the crusade spread unopposed to the stars, in two mighty battleships capable of laying waste to whole planets and destroying small moons. The Chapter raided Titan, and recruited the malevolent dwarf Parva De Hooch. Shortly afterwards, the Chapter returned to Earth and De Hooch killed his parents.

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