B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (213 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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The totalitarian Inner Party seized power in the city-state Excelis, and assassinated the Imperial family. More than a century and a half of oppression ensued. Grayvorn pushed other city-states into open conflict, fuelling a technology race.

Earth’s Colonial Marines fought in civil wars on the Outer Planets in the Arcturus system.
The third fleet from Zygor was scheduled to pass near Earth.
In 2156, Supreme Grand Marshall Falaxyr of Mars contacted the Daleks and offered them the GodEngine, an Osirian weapon that could destroy whole planets and stars. In return, he asked for Ice Warrior sovereignty of Mars. The Daleks accepted the offer.
By this time, mankind invented the Simularity, a holographic virtual reality.

c 2157 - Lucifer Rising

Earth encountered the Legions, a seven-dimensional race from Epsilon Eridani. Trading agreements were set up between the Legions and IMC. The Legions’ sector of space was threatened by an unknown alien fleet, so IMC would supply the Legions with weaponry in return for advanced technology. Some Legions began working for IMC.

Earlier in the century, a Von Neumann probe had discovered a stable element with a very high mass in the core of the planet Lucifer, a gas giant two hundred and eighty light years from Earth. Theoretically, such an element could be used as a rich energy source. In 2152, Earth Central invested heavily in a scientific research station - the Eden Project - on Belial, one of the moons of Lucifer.

This was the era when Company Shock Troops - military men armed with neutron cannons, flamers, burners and screamers - took part in infamous corporate raids. In ’56, IMC asset-stripped InterSpace Incorporated in Tokyo using armoured skimmers and Z-Bombs. Legend had it that companies used to capture employees of rival corporations and experiment on them. It was a risky life - on one raid in ’51, praxis gas was used - but on average it paid four times more than Earth Central. The big human corporations learnt lessons from the aggressive capitalist races such as the Cimliss, Usurians and the Okk. But humanity proved capable of callousness that would put all three of those races to shame.

Six years after it was set up, the Eden Project had still not borne fruit, and pressure was growing to close it down. As Earth’s government grew weaker and weaker, the corporations were flexing their muscles: an IMC fleet of over one hundred ships was sent to Belial Base when the scientists reported some progress.

The seventh Doctor, Ace and Benny found that Lucifer and its two moons, Belial and Moloch, formed a device that could affect morphic fields, and could transform one species of being into another. It had been formerly used upon the intelligent species of Lucifer, the “Angels”. An expedition member, Alex Bannen, experimented with the device’s control system and destabilised it; IMC troops worsened the situation by burning their way through a forest on Moloch, which was part of the device’s control system. The IMC captain, a Legion, killed the Adjudicator Bishop - and the Doctor then killed the Legion. Bannen rectified his errors by allowing himself to be transformed into a new forest on Moloch. The Angels set up an exclusion zone around their world.

The Corporations had reached new levels of ruthlessness. IMC tripled the price of the fuel zeiton, and an impoverished Earth Central could no longer afford it. Earth was declared bankrupt and fell into the hands of its receivers: the Earth Alliance of Corporations, a holding company that was in reality the board of directors from all the corporations that traded off-Earth. It was a bloodless coup, and the megacorporations took formal control of the homeworld for the first time. Their reign lasted just under six months.

The Dalek Invasion of Earth

In 2157, the Daleks invaded Earth.
This was the Middle Period of Dalek history.

An Astronaut Fair was held in London. The city was a beautiful metropolis, complete with moving pavements and a gleaming new nuclear power station alongside the historic Battersea Power Station.

On the very same day that an Earth embassy opened on Alpha Centauri V, a billion settlers were exterminated on Sifranos in the Arcturus Sector. Fourteen other colonies were wiped out in a three-week period, including Azure and Qartopholos. Rumours of a mysterious alien fleet massing at the Legion homeworld of Epsilon Eridani were denied, but the Interstellar Taskforce was put on permanent standby, and a Spacefleet flotilla sent to that planet was completely destroyed. The alien fleet was a Dalek armada, the Black Fleet, which was annihilating any colony that might render aid to the human homeworld, and systematically destroying Earth’s warships.

Meteorites bombarded the Earth. Scientists dismissed it as a freak cosmic storm, but people started to die from a mysterious plague. The Daleks were targeting the Earth, and soon the populations of Asia, Africa and South America were wiped out. Only a handful of people had resistance to the plague, and although scientists quickly developed a new drug, it was too late. Earth was split into tiny communities.

Millions started dying of a mysterious virus in Brazilia, Los Angeles and Tycho City. Some humans showed a mysterious resistance to the plague - because the seventh Doctor had seeded the atmosphere with an antidote.
The Daleks’ Black Fleet destroyed Void Station Cassius while entering the solar system.

Six months after the plague began, the first of the Dalek saucers landed. Some cities were razed to the ground, others simply occupied. Anyone who resisted was destroyed. Dalek saucers patrolled the skies. Ruthlessly suppressing any resistance, the Daleks subdued India. The leaders of every race and nation on Earth were exterminated.

The Daleks quickly defeated the Terran Security Forces. Many Americans evacuated to Canada.
New York was destroyed.
Baltimore was reduced to ruins.
The Daleks exterminated the last monarch of Britain.
The royal bloodline would continue at least until the fifty-third century.

A supersaucer landed on Luton, crushing the city.
The Daleks mounted a victory parade in London, in front of the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Bridge.
The Daleks blockaded the solar system. The Bureau of Adjudicators on Oberon, a moon of Uranus, tried to work out the Daleks’ plan. The Adjudicators detected mysterious signals at the Martian North Pole. Oberon continued to serve as a secret human military base throughout the invasion.
Chainswords were used to fight the Daleks.
The Daleks destroyed Earth’s rockets, leaving the humans aboard a moonbase without a means of retrieval.

The Daleks invaded Mars, but were defeated when a virus ate through their electrical cables.
The Daleks retaliated by releasing a virus that consumed all the oxygen in the atmosphere, and it would take decades to make the air breathable again.

2157 - GodEngine

The seventh Doctor and Roz arrived on Mars, but Chris ended up on Pluto’s moon of Charon after the TARDIS hit a subspace infarction. The Daleks bombed Charon, but Chris escaped down a Transit stunnel. The Doctor and Roz accompanied an expedition to the North Pole of Mars, which was joined by Ice Warrior pilgrims. At the pole, the Martian leader Falaxyr was about to complete the GodEngine, a device capable of making suns expel plasma bursts. Falaxyr hoped to negotiate with the Daleks to regain control of Mars. The Doctor defeated Falaxyr’s amended plan to eliminate the human colony of Jacksonville. The GodEngine was destroyed, and Dalek ships shot down Falaxyr as he fled.

Once the population of Earth was under control, the Daleks set to work in vast mining areas, the largest one covering the whole of Bedfordshire. There were few Daleks on Earth, and they boosted their numbers by enslaving humans and converting them into Robomen controlled by high frequency radio waves.

The Daleks cleared the smaller settlements of people and set them to work in the mines. In the larger cities, Robomen and Daleks patrolled every nook and cranny, looking for survivors. The Black Dalek oversaw the mining operations in Bedfordshire. At night, his “pet”, the gruesome Slyther, patrolled the camp, attacking and eating any humans it found trying to escape.

The rebels in London survived by dodging Robo-patrols, raiding warehouses and department stores. Other threats came from escaped zoo animals, packs of wild dogs, human scavengers and traitors. The largest rebel group, under the leadership of the crippled scientist Dortmun, could only muster a fighting force of between fifteen and twenty and survived in an underground bolthole. They had a radio, although as time went by, contact was lost with more and more rebel groups. Dortmun spent much of his time developing an acid bomb, the only known weapon that could crack the Dalekenium shells of the invaders.

The Daleks had total control of the Earth, barring a few pockets of resistance, and began a number of projects.

2158 / (=) 2158 - The Mutant Phase

In Kansas, an Agnomen wasp worked its way inside a battle-damaged Dalek casing and stung the Dalek creature within. Dalek medics prepared to remove the tainting wasp DNA from the stung Dalek.

(=) The time-travelling Emperor Dalek arrived with a pesticide, GK50, which the Emperor claimed would destroy the wasp cells and safeguard the future. The Dalek medics complied, but the pesticide failed to work on the larval wasp cells. In the millennia to follow, the wasp DNA would spread through Dalek reproduction plants and taint the entire race, giving rise to the Mutant Phase and leading to Earth’s destruction in the fifty-third century.

The fifth Doctor and Nyssa realised the Emperor Dalek’s actions had paradoxically created the very condition he was trying to prevent and convinced him to not use the pesticide, averting the Mutant Phase.

(=) 2158 - Renaissance of the Daleks
The collective thoughts of trillions of Daleks created a “seed Dalek” - a being known as the Greylish - who existed in an “island of time” inside a dimensional nullity: a Pan-Temporal Ambience, which existed in all times simultaneously. Time tracks from this realm led to various conflicts in history, including wars in Rhodes 1320; Petersburg, Virginia, 1864; and the Vietnam War.
The indifferent Greylish allowed his realm to become a Dalek foundry. Towers were constructed from millions of Dalek armour shells. The realm’s temporal properties enabled the Daleks to mentally project subliminal voices to various points in space-time, causing humanity to become receptive to Dalek thoughts and concepts. An alternate timeline was created in which the Daleks did not invade Earth in 2157 - instead, by 2158, humanity had grown so comfortable with the concept of Daleks that merchandisers were pumping out Dalek toys.
The fifth Doctor found himself in the alternate history. He met General Tillington, who worked for a laser defence system named Global Warning. The Doctor diverted to rescue Nyssa and the knight Mulberry from 1864, and realised that the Daleks had developed a type of nano-Dalek. They had also learned to harness the power of actinodial energy, which could be projected through space-time. Unless stopped, the Daleks intended to transmit their nano-Daleks from the Greylish’s realm into the Dalek toys, which would enable the nano-Daleks to infest every human on Earth. The Dalek invasion of Earth in the twenty-second century would still occur, but this time succeed without bloodshed.
The Daleks captured the TARDIS, deeming it a much quicker way of distributing the nano-Daleks. Mulberry destroyed the nano-Daleks by sweeping them into the Vortex, but was lost to it as well.
Afterward, the Doctor successfully appealed to the Greylish’s emotions, and the Greylish came to better recognise his origins, understanding that
was the genetic template for the nano-Daleks. The Greylish erased his Pan-Temporal Ambience from existence with a thought, and all consequences of its creation were erased from history.

Searching Earth records, the Daleks discovered an account of the ICMG’s battle with Daleks in 1963, including a description of Skaro’s destruction in the future. Forewarned, the Daleks had a new mission - avert the destruction of their homeworld.

In 2160, the Daleks began work on extracting the Earth’s core, seeking to replace it with the GodEngine.
Once the Earth’s core was destroyed and replaced with a drive system, the Daleks planned to move the entire planet around space.
The Daleks had conquered every planet of the solar system by 2162.

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