B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (216 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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& 2202 - Dreamstone Moon

Dreamstones, a material mined from a satellite of Mu Camelopides VI, also known as the Dreamstone Moon, became very desirable. Consumers would sleep with dreamstones under their pillows to experience vivid dreams. However, Anton La Serre, an artist who recorded and sold his dreams, had a tortuous dreaming experience with a dreamstone and sought to discredit the entire industry.

The Dreamstone Moon Mining Corporation (DMMC) ship
Dreamstone Miner
rescued Sam Jones, who had drifted in the Kusk ship for a week. She was taken to the DMMC mining operation on the Dreamstone Moon, which began to experience tremors. The Doctor arrived and concluded that the entire moon was a living entity, and that the dreamstones were parts of its brain.

The pained entity shared a special mental link with La Serre, and instinctively began lashing out due to his anger toward DMMC. The entity started projecting mental illusions - Earth Fleet had five hundred ships in the Mu Camelopides system on manoeuvres, and the captain of the dropship
self-destructed his vessel while experiencing such a waking nightmare. The ship’s compliment of one thousand troops was lost, and altogether five thousand people died.

The Doctor entered La Serre’s dreams and calmed him, allowing La Serre to peacefully dream himself to death, and the dreamstone entity fell dormant. DMMC abandoned operations on the moon. Sam Jones, embarrassed for her previous abandonment of the Doctor, departed the moon in an evacuation shuttle.

c 2202 - Seeing I

Sam Jones relocated to the world of Ha’olam, where she initially worked as a volunteer in an INC-run homeless shelter. She turned 18 during this time. The eighth Doctor was responsible for the Great Umph Massacre of 2202 when he sent data-umphs into the galaxy-wide computer network to look for Sam.

The Doctor, using the alias “Dr. James Alistair Bowman”, continued to look for Sam and was arrested as an industrial spy on INC premises. He was given a ten year sentence and taken to the Oliver Bainbridge Functional Stabilisation Centre (OBFSC). He was questioned by Dr Akalu, the prison’s “morale officer”. Akalu implanted the Doctor with a retinal implant that provided advance warning of the Doctor’s escape attempts. Akalu also set up DOCTOR, an artificial intelligence, to create an accurate psychological profile on the Doctor. DOCTOR would eventually discover three hundred forty-six reports of TARDIS sightings in hundreds’ years worth of data, despite someone erratically, not systematically, erasing nearly all of it.

The non-profit organisation Livingspace hired Sam to do volunteer work at Eurogen Village, a desert community for former Eurogen workers. She started a relationship with Paul Hamani, a Eurogen worker assigned to teach her about life on the settlement; their relationship ended five months later. Sam also had relationships with a woman named Chris and a man named Orin (despite his being a soldier and eating meat). After Sam and Orin broke up, he and Paul became a couple.

? 2202 - The I: I Scream

Humans devoted nearly every available acre of the planet Galspar to dairy, egg and sugar farms. These produced the raw ingredients for Galspar’s single export: ice cream, of which Galspar made seven hundred million litres per day, and shipped to such worlds as Earth. The Governor of Galspar served as the CEO of the Company that made the ice cream, and the ruling council was the Company’s board of directors. Galspar’s relatively small population served the Company in one form or another. In their final term at school, students picked their occupation from a choice of farmer, driver, management, admin, computers, family, education and none of the above. Marco Polo City was Galspar’s largest urban area.

The I - who reproduced in multiple ways - subverted Galspar’s operations, and seeded into its ice cream a filament that would convert anyone who consumed it into the I. In this fashion, the I sought to “promote” humanity to become like them...

Around 2203, the Selachian Empire invaded Rho Priapus, one of Earth’s colony worlds.
Terran Security Forces (TSF) in response instigated a war to combat the alleged Selachian threat, but the conflict owed more to the Selachians endangering human corporate interests on the arms markets.

On Earth, Professor Laura Mulholland developed the gravity bomb, a devastating weapon capable of making a planet collapse in on itself. The G-bomb boosted Earth’s confidence in the conflict with the Selachian Empire, and a warfleet, led by the flagship
, left Earth to engage the enemy. The Selachians were forced back to their own system within a year.
In 2204, Adam Dresden was on his first TSF mission when the Selachians captured him on Molinar. He was subsequently transported to Ockora as a prisoner.
Robert Eliot Whitman stole valuable antiques that included a Kettlewell-type Robot, and the humans on the colony of Jegg-Sau used it to create more of its kind. The colony was abandoned when Jegg-Sau’s soil failed due to bad terraforming. Whitman died, and the Robots - confused without any humans to serve - were left behind.

An Eternal, Hardy, used a shard of Enlightenment to create Marlowe’s World and the people living there - all of them pawns in a game against Barron, a rival Eternal. Barron spent centuries luring champions to Marlowe’s World - had any of them discovered the planet’s true nature, he would have won and claimed the Enlightenment shard. Barron’s champions all failed.
The Bantu Independence Group became more militaristic in the 2200s, and - supported by various alien races - formed a loose alliance of dominated worlds.

2204 - The Final Sanction

The war with the Selachians was coming to an end. Humans invaded Kalaya, the final planet in need of liberation from the Selachians. After a while, the humans forewent air raids to protect the native population. Out of a thousand troops, only around three hundred survived the campaign.

The second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrived on the war-torn Kalaya shortly before Selachian forces abandoned it. The Doctor found himself onboard the
as it pursued the retreating Selachians to their homeworld of Ockora. The
’s G-bomb was launched, turning Ockora into a black hole and obliterating nine million lives there, including ten thousand hostages. Lieutenant Kent Michaels of the TSF gave the final password that launched the bomb, but the history books condemned Commander Wayne Redfern for the catastrophe, deeming him one of the most evil men who ever lived.

A group of surviving Selachians captured the
and attempted to retaliate against Earth with the ship’s second G-bomb. Professor Mulholland detonated the bomb before it could reach Earth, turning the
into a second black hole.

& 2205 - Seeing I

Sam Jones was involved in a failed protest to prevent INC from buying Eurogen Village. She sought to expose INC’s corrupt practices and broke into a TCC research plant - where she found they were growing human clones with no higher brain functions for immoral experimentation.

Now 21, Sam learned about the Doctor’s incarceration by hacking into INC’s medical databases. She helped to liberate him, and the TARDIS removed his retinal implant. The Doctor had been an inmate of OBFSC for just over three years.

The I overran the INC Research and Development Complex at Samson Plains to strip-mine its technology. The Doctor liberated the I’s organic spaceship from their control, turning the I into mindless drones. Reunited with Sam, he departed for Gallifrey to return Savar’s eyes.

DOCTOR, having acquired some of the Doctor’s personality traits through studying him, departed Ha’olam and travelled human dataspace with another AI, FLORANCE.

The settlement of Shelbyville was founded on Mars.

? 2212 (May) to 2213 (Monday, 10th May) - The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories: “Doing Time”

The fifth Doctor and Nyssa detected the echo of a potential temporal explosion on the planet Folly. The Doctor’s efforts to warn the authorities of this resulted in his being incarcerated for a year, but he still retroactively prevented the explosion - the result of a warp drive accident - from occurring.

2211 (September) - The Janus Conjunction

In 2110, an aged Spacemaster, with one thousand colonists on board, was holed by an asteroid prior to crash-landing on the planet Menda. Led by Gustav Zemler, the mercenaries hired to protect the colonists discovered a hyperspatial Link that joined Menda to its neighbour, Janus Prime. The mercenaries crossed over to Janus Prime but were trapped there for a year, and went insane due to radiation sickness.

The eighth Doctor and Sam discovered that the hyperspatial Link was an accidental by-product of the Janus system’s doomsday device. Zemler was killed before he could set the Janus Conjunction in motion and turn the sun into a black hole. Sergeant Jon Moslei sacrificed himself to collapse the Link, saving Janus Prime.

2212 - Benny: Secret Origins

The android Robyn and a temporal projection of Benny foiled Samuel Frost from recovering a zombifying virus from the planet Kresma.

? 2215 (last day of year) - The Cradle of the Snake

The Mara manifested through Tegan a third time, and compelled the fifth Doctor - who was also accompanied by Nyssa and Turlough - to land on Manussa about a century before the Mara dominated it. Not caring if it violated its own timeline, the Mara tried to achieve full manifestation, and to conquer the Manussan Empire (again), through a 4-D crystal featured on the Manussan TV show
. The Doctor eradicated the Mara by inverting the crystal’s power. He expressed doubt that the Mara could ever truly be killed.

The Intergalactic Mineral Exploitation Act was passed in 2217, granting the mining combines vast powers. The corporations had already supplied the colony ships, weather control, terraforming and computer technology to the colonists.
The seventh Doctor, Ace, and Benny visited the Moscow City Carnival in 2219.

The city of Springfield was established near Ascraeus Lacus on Mars around 2227.

2227 - SLEEPY

The Adjudication Service was just one of many organisations trying to enforce the law. The Serial/Spree Killers Investigations National Unit was one of the hundreds of small agencies operating in tandem with the conventional legal authorities throughout the twenty-third century - often with more powers than the authorities. Thanks to a combination of paranoia and real concern - some political parties took to hiring serial killers - Unit operatives could get in just about anywhere.

In the early twenty-third century, CM Enterprises attempted to create a computer that could think like a human by installing organic components - a cat’s brain - into an Imbani mainframe. They only succeeded in building a computer that wanted to play with string and sit on newspapers. The Dione-Kisanu Company (DKC), on the other hand, encoded information in the form of memory RNA. Before long, DKC taught a woman the first verse of
Kublai Khan
by injection. In 2223, Madhanagopal finished his work on the AI named FLORANCE, which was taken offline.

Psychic ability was now recognised by humanity, and standard tests had been introduced. DKC were attempting to encode psi-powers using a model of the human mind: the AI named GRUMPY. Bernice Summerfield and Roz Forrester arrived in the preprogrammed TARDIS and met GRUMPY - who injected them with an antidote to a viral outbreak on Yemaya 4 thirty years in the future.

GRUMPY later escaped DKC by pushing himself through the computer networks, leaving his own hardware behind. He stored a few years’ memories in a data vault in Malindi, tucked away a copy of his operating system in a communications satellite trailing Phobos, and spread pieces of himself across the solar system. For a decade, DKC kept the fact that GRUMPY had escaped secret and destroyed all they could find of him. GRUMPY became increasingly desperate, and used his psychic ability to terrorise and blackmail. After two years, DKC tracked him down, brought him back to Saturn’s moon of Dione and erased the copies he had made of himself.

? 2230 - Frayed

Earth sent those with a perceived genetic disposition to crime or latent psychic abilities (the “future deviants”) to the Refuge on Iwa. There was a strict Eugenics Code on Earth. Corporations funded research into psychic ability, but it was felt that the psychics’ sense of superiority led them to a criminal lifestyle. Babies without brains were cloned for medical research.

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