B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (268 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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The tenth Doctor and Rose were summoned by the Face of Boe. The Sisters were secretly experimenting on vast numbers of cloned humans to facilitate the miracle cures, but the Doctor cured the clones. The Sisters were arrested, and the clones catalogued as new humans. The Face of Boe told the Doctor they would meet one more time.

Cassandra’s mind came to reside in Chip, but they were both dying. The Doctor showed Cassandra a last mercy, and took her back in time for a final meeting with herself.

Drug patches were available that created such emotional states as Happy, Anger, Forget and Sleep, but in 5,000,000,029, the introduction of Bliss patches made the population of New New York fall victim to a virus. The Senate was wiped out, as were seven million citizens. Only the Face of Boe and Novice Hane were able to resist. The power died, but the Face of Boe used his life energy to send survivors down into the Motorway, and convince them that life was normal. An automatic quarantine signal warned other planets to avoid New Earth for one hundred years.

The Cassini “sisters” (a married couple) were among the first people to join the Motorway, in 5,000,000,030.
Brannigan’s car joined the Motorway in 5,000,000,041.
Junction Five of the Motorway closed in 5,000,000,050.

5,000,000,053 - Gridlock

The tenth Doctor and Martha found millions of cars were stuck in a permanent traffic jam in the Motorway beneath New New York. The Doctor also found a colony of crab-like Macra lurking at the bottom of the Motorway, thriving on the noxious fumes. The Face of Boe had engineered the situation to protect the populace from a plague that was now gone, so the Doctor opened up the Motorway, allowing the city to be repopulated.

Legend said the Face of Boe had lived for billions of years, but also that he was the last of his kind. He now died, but not before passing on a final message to the Doctor: “You are not alone.”

Compulsory quarantine on New Earth was due to be lifted in 5,000,000,129, a hundred years after it was imposed.
The cure for Petrifold Regression was officially developed a thousand years after the Sisters of Plentitude discovered their own remedy.
Agatha Christie was the best-selling novelist of all time. Her novel
Death in the Clouds
was still in print in the year five billion.
The time loop holding Axos was expected to expire naturally in six billion years’ time, long after the Milky Way had any life for Axos to threaten.

The Doctor once speculated that Earth’s sun would finally become a supernova in ten thousand million years time.

? - “Autopia”

The tenth Doctor and Donna landed on Autopia. The inhabitants had built an automated utopia some millennia before, and used an energy shield to cut themselves off from the rest of the universe to perfect their minds. A century before, the Chronos Mission - five sentients who got through the energy shield, and hoped to invite the Autopians to rejoin the universe - had disappeared. Autopia was now a beautiful planet, full of beautiful people and tended to by robots.

Mistress Ixtalia told the Doctor and Donna that the people of Autopia had perfected all the arts and sciences, that all there was to do was contemplate what had already been discovered. She also mentioned that intruders to Autopia were put to death: the Chronos Mission had been killed, and the Doctor and Donna were to receive the same fate. Donna inspired one of the robots - an Automantron she called Sam, after a cat she once owned - to successfully lead a robot rebellion that ended human rule on Autopia. The Automantrons and humans were no longer certain of their purpose, and accepted Donna’s suggestion that they live in harmony, and turn the planet into a high-end spa.

? - The Savages

On one planet, the Elders maintained a utopian civilisation free from material needs. They survived by draining life energy from the savages who lived in the wastelands outside their beautiful city. “The Traveller from Beyond Time”, the first Doctor, ended this injustice, and his companion Steven Taylor remained behind to rule the civilisation as it renounced barbarism.

When Steven was an older man, he encountered a Sontaran survey unit.
The civilisation of the Elders and the Savages was “more or less” at peace. The older Steven was briefly Timescooped to aid the fifth Doctor in the Death Zone on Gallifrey.

The Armageddon Factor

The planet Atrios was at war with its opposite number, Zeos. The Atrios spacefleet was down to its last few ships, and the Atrions remained unaware that the inhabitants of Zeos had died off. Mentalis - a supercomputer installed on Zeos by the Time Lord Drax - was coordinating the Zeon military effort. The Shadow, an agent of the Black Guardian, had been furthering the war from a space station located between Atrios and Zeos.

The fourth Doctor and Romana discovered that the sixth segment to the Key to Time was a person: Princess Astra of Atrios. The Shadow’s space station - and the Shadow himself - were destroyed, and the Key was successfully assembled. The Doctor refrained from surrendering the Key to the Black Guardian - who appeared in the guise of the White Guardian - and again dispersed the segments throughout space-time, earning the Black Guardian’s animosity.

Romana became the new sixth segment of the Key to Time. As a side effect of Astra having been the Key segment, her life was extended at the cost of draining energy from those around her. The Atrions withered and died in large numbers, and their life expectancy dropped to twenty-nine years. Astra - not knowing she was the cause of her people’s blight - became president of the Atrion Alliance and survived for two hundred years. The position of the Marshall of Atrios went unfilled.

Towards the End of the Universe

Many billions of years from now, the universe was cold and almost dead. The suns were exhausted. The last few survivors of the universe huddled around whatever energy sources they could find.

Eight billion years in the future, humanity was long dead. Mutter’s Spiral had been abandoned by all sentient life.
A few ten billions of years in the future, the Conservers existed in a black hole, preserving information there in the face of the universe’s death. They engineered their own creation by sending avatars into the past to bring a colony ship to their black hole. The Doctor visited the Conservers.

Timewyrm: Apocalypse

Billions of years in the future, the guardians of the universe, even the Time Lords, were long extinct. The people of Kirith (the only planet orbiting a red giant in Galaxy QSO 0046 at the edge of the universe) never grew old or unhappy. For three thousand eight hundred and thirty-three years, the Kirithons had been ruled by the eighty-four Panjistri, who gave them food and technology. For nearly a thousand years, the Panjistri performed genetic experiments, forcing the evolution of the Kirithons in an attempt to create a being that had reached the Omega Point: an omniscient, omnipotent entity capable of halting the destruction of the universe. They succeeded in creating a golden sphere of expanding light, but the machine destroyed itself and the Panjistri, knowing that the universe must end.

The Divergents almost emerged into our universe sixty billion years in the future, towards the end of time. Uncle Winky’s Wonderland had been moved several times and was situated atop the ruins of Rassilon’s lab on Gallifrey. Uncle Winky revived from stasis, but died from his heart condition.
The Ministers of Grace travelled from the end of time to fight in the Millennium War.

There was a huge disaster that led to galaxies being evacuated and whole sections of the timeline being erased. The Doctor’s people were somehow responsible, and the four surviving Time Lords used their great powers to impose control on the rest of the universe. The last Time Lord became the first ever Emperor of the entire Universe, ruling over a divided and broken populace that split into Factions and Houses. These included the Klade, “goblin shapeshifters” and cybernetic gangsters - the ultimate descendants of the Daleks, Sontarans, Rutans and the Cybermen.

Most of the people of the universe relocated to the Needle, a light-year long structure that was the remains of a TARDIS that had tried to escape the pull of a black hole. The largest building on the Needle was the Librarinth, where all surviving knowledge and art was preserved.

Griffin the Unnaturalist resided on the Needle.

Father Time

The Doctor and two companions visited the planets Galspar and Falkus around this time. The Doctor also fought a robotic tyrant who panicked, accidentally destroyed his own palace and killed his own wife. This robot, who later assumed the identity “Mr Gibson” to blend in on twentieth-century Earth, vowed revenge.

At least some of the Emperor’s subjects, such as the Klade - the super-evolved descendants of the Daleks - resented Imperial rule. One Klade senator, the mother of Zevron and Ferran, incited revolution against the Emperor but was assassinated. Zevron stormed the Imperial Palace, killing and scattering all of the Imperial Family. The Emperor was killed. The Emperor’s daughter, Miranda, was rescued by her nanny and taken down a time corridor to twentieth-century Earth.

Over the years, Zevron tracked down and killed every other member of the Imperial Family. Finally, he located Miranda and led the mission to kill her on Earth in the early nineteen-eighties.

When Zevron failed to return, Ferran became Prefect of Faction Klade. Some years later, Ferran received a distress signal from Sallak, Zevron’s deputy. Ferran travelled to twentieth-century Earth to complete Zevron’s mission but failed and returned to his native time.

A team of Ferran’s scholars spent fifteen years in the Librarinth, and eventually pinpointed Miranda’s whereabouts. Ferran also recovered a derelict sentient ship built by the People of the Worldsphere, which he christened the
. The political situation had deteriorated, putting the Houses and Factions at open war, and galactic civilisation was on the brink of collapse. Ferran believed Miranda could access sealed sections of the Librarinth and thus give him the power to dominate the other Factions. Using the
, he set off to the twentieth century.

Miranda and Ferran returned to this time. Convinced she could unite the universe, Miranda was crowned Empress.


Miranda woke aboard Ferran’s ship, the
. She was attacked by an assassin robot which she dispatched, but which turned out to be one of many attempts on her life that night. She was being taken to the Needle to be formally crowned, and shown the forces at the disposal of the Empress. A handmaiden, Keli, warned her that Ferran would try to kill her. Miranda got a little drunk at her first formal reception, but nonetheless fought off an alien attempt to abduct her. She learned that Ferran wanted access to the Librarinth, the storehouse of universal information - he planned to marry her, which would give him the authority to open it. Miranda and Keli escaped into the forests of the Needle, where they were met by hero dynamic space hero Mack Gideon... who was promptly killed by Rum and Thelash, trackers sent by Ferran to find her...

... Miranda was destined to marry Ferran and become Empress.


Taking the TARDIS into the far future, the eighth Doctor, Fitz and Anji landed on planet A245, known locally as Endpoint. It was an icy planet with a toxic environment. The TARDIS fell through the frozen crust of an acid sea, and the Doctor asked the cyborg Silver - the warlord of the nearest settlement, Hope - for assistance. Silver was from the far past, the year 3006.

Anji was tempted to use the cloning technology of this era to recreate her dead boyfriend, Dave, and granted Silver scans of the TARDIS in return for this. The Doctor found survivors from other colonies were murdering the people of Hope to harvest Kallisti, a hormone that could revive more of the colonists from cryo-sleep. Silver found the sleepers and converted them into Silverati: half-synthetic soldiers loyal to him. With his soldiers and the colonists’ hypertunnel, Silver attempted to take control of a richer planet. The Doctor exiled Silver and his Silverati to the barren planet A2756.

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