B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (264 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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292,029 - The Eyeless

The tenth Doctor returned Alsa to Arcopolis two decades later than he intended - but this suited Alsa, who was more at home here than she had been in her own time.

309,906 - The War Games

A race of alien warlords attempted to raise an army of galactic conquest by programming human soldiers kidnapped from various points in history with stolen Time Lord technology. A renegade Time Lord, the War Chief, aided them and was shot during an uprising engineered by the second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe. When the plan was uncovered, the Time Lords erected a force field that confined the aliens to their planet. The kidnapped soldiers were sent home, with no awareness of these events. The Time Lords also dematerialised the aliens’ leader, the War Lord.

309,906 - The Eight Doctors

The eighth Doctor rescued his second incarnation and encouraged him to summon the Time Lords to deal with the War Lords.

The War Chief was horrifically injured rather than killed. He was sent to the War Lords’ home planet, but his regeneration aborted and his new form was disfigured. He allied with the son of the War Chief, and after many years, they broke through the force field the Time Lords had placed around the War Lords’ home planet. They revived their dreams of galactic conquest, and decided to concentrate on helping Nazi Germany.

Around 317,000, humans encroached on the territory of the Sulumians in the eighth dimension. The Sulumians began a time travel campaign dedicated to rewriting human history to prevent this.
In 365,509, the collapse of a star in NGC4258 destroyed four civilisations. A region of space warps, the Grey Interchange, was created.

Around 436,000, Earth was caught in the crossfire of a war between Kallix Grover and the Sine Wave Shrine of Shillitar. A magnetic wave shut down all digital technology, cutting Earth off from its colonies. This was the Great Retrenchment.

438,533 (2nd October) - Only Human

Following the Great Retrenchment, humans mastered the biological and chemical sciences to the point they could take apart the human body and put it back together without ill effects. All emotions were regulated, and - apart from the dissident Refusers - no human ever worried about anything.

500,002 - The Girl Who Never Was

A Cyberman time squad was dispatched on a test flight from the future, but their systems failed, and their vessel grounded on Earth in 500,002, when the planet had been abandoned once again due to solar flare activity. Cyber-signals were sent back in time - contact was made with the
in 1942, and events allowed the ship to translocate to this year. The Cybermen sought to send the
back in time stuffed with conversation facilities - thereby replenishing their numbers through historical alteration - but the eighth Doctor thwarted their plan.

Soon after, the smuggler Byron forced the Doctor and Charley to bring him to this year in the TARDIS, as he wanted to loot the Cyber-ship. Charley installed a Cyber-Planner infected with “temporal rust” into the Cyber-ship’s systems, destroying Byron, the Cybermen of this era and their ship. Charley thought Byron had killed the Doctor, and the temporal corrosion triggered the TARDIS’ HADS, taking it - with the unconscious Doctor inside - back to 2008.

Charley sent out an SOS signal, and the TARDIS materialised in response... whereupon Charley was appalled to find the sixth Doctor, not the eighth, had rescued her. She faked amnesia and became his companion, worried that her presence in his past would upset causality.

“Half a million years of industrial progress” had left the Earth’s surface as “just a chemical slime”. The Ancient One, a Haemovore, was the last living creature to inhabit an Earth.
Lady Ruath showed Yarven, the Vampire Messiah, that mankind was destined to become a vampire race. The Haemovores lived in the sea, where they ganged up to hunt whales.

The Doctor arranged for a Mulo - a vampire created from a stillborn child - to become a caretaker at the Haemovore nature preserve on Vikramaditya.

? 800,000 - K9 and the Missing Planet

Earth had become known as Tellus, a smoggy, high-speed planet with no trees and plastic grass. It was a vast armaments factory run by Tellac Inc, a company that strip-mined worlds until they collapsed or exploded. One mining planet vanished, and represented a hazard to shipping.

The Time Lords sent K9 to investigate the missing world. K9’s ship, the K-NEL fell into a time warp and arrived in a different universe. The unnamed mining planet had been transported there, as the miners found that the planet contained large deposits of Star Crystal - a substance that broke down barriers between universes. Over five hundred million years of Earth evolution were represented on the planet, including early humans. The miners liked the idyllic life the planet offered, and thought that a new race of men might arise there. At the miners’ request, K9 left them alone, reporting that the planet had disappeared from the universe as we know it.

? 802,701 - Timelash

The third Doctor and Jo visited Karfel, preventing a great famine there. The Doctor also reported the scientist Magellan, who had been conducting unethical experiments on the reptilian Morlox, to the praesidium.

Over the next century, an accident with the substance Mustakozene caused Magellan to merge with a Morlox and became the mutated Borad. He took control of Karfel, enforcing discipline with an army of androids and the threat of exile into a time corridor, the Timelash. The Borad planned to provoke a war with neighbouring Bandril as a means of populating the planet with mutated clones of himself. Following the arrival of the sixth Doctor and Peri, the Borad was thrown into the Timelash, ending up in Loch Ness in the twelfth century.

Man fought the Primal Wars in the Tenth Segment of Time. Much scientific knowledge was lost during this period, including the cure for the common cold.

The viruses released at Amethyst Station all amassed at a single point in space-time.

? - “The Neutron Knights”

Earth had endured in a long chain of catastrophes, and the last link in this was an invasion by the Neutron Knights. Earth’s defences were overrun by forces led by the great mutant Catavolcus, who had previously breached the gates of Hell. Earth was a shattered world where only the strong survived.

The fourth Doctor was summoned to a fortress on Earth by the force of will of a mysterious bearded figure, who had himself previously been summoned through time to fight Earth’s last battle. Catavolcus wanted the Dragon - a vast nuclear fission device as powerful as the Sun. He broke into the fortress, despite the best efforts of the castle’s defender, Arthur. The mysterious summoner was Merlin, who set the Dragon to overload as Arthur fell to Catavolcus and his sword of flame. The Doctor and Merlin retreated to the TARDIS as the fortress - and Catavolcus - were destroyed. The Doctor woke in a forest, unsure what has happened. Merlin contacted him and warned that their paths were destined to cross once more.

“Descendance” / “Ascendance”

On Mars, Luass - formerly of the House of Darsus Mons - thwarted her son Izaxryl’s rite of ascension so that her brother, Artix, could become the head of the House of Balazarus Mons. The eighth Doctor and Stacy helped to end the warfare between the Houses, and Luass and Artix were both killed. Ssard, an Ice Warrior who had helped the Doctor and Stacy, joined them on their travels.

Glitz’s Time

The criminal Kane was guilty of systematic acts of violence and extortion with his lover Sana, who killed herself rather than face trial. Kane was exiled from his home planet of Proamon, and sent to the barren planet Svartos. He remained there for three thousand years, slowly building his powerbase and dreaming of a return to his homeworld.

Unknown to Kane, Proamon was destroyed when its star went supernova a thousand years after his exile. Kane operated from the trading post of Iceworld, which was capable of spaceflight. This required the Dragonfire, a source of energy contained within the head of the Dragon: a biomechanoid sent to Svartos to prevent Kane from escaping the planet. Kane remained trapped on Iceworld.

Sabalom Glitz came from Salostopus in Andromeda. He was an habitual jailbird and thief, always on the lookout for a fast grotzi.

c 2,000,000 - The Mysterious Planet

A group of Andromedans stole scientific secrets contained in the Matrix of the Time Lords and took shelter on Earth. By order of the High Council, the Magnotron was used to move the Earth and its entire constellation two light years, destroying everyone on the surface. The planet became known as Ravolox. The Andromedans, though, knew that the Time Lords had discovered them and had built a survival chamber. They entered suspended animation, awaiting rescue. The robot recovery mission sent to retrieve the Andromedans missed the Earth in its new location and sped on into the depths of space.

After five hundred years, this survival shelter had become Marb Station, a completely self-contained system. Station guards maintained strict water rationing and population control. The population worshipped the Immortal - a being that lived in a citadel within their complex, and which was actually the robot caretaker of the facility, Drathro. The Earth’s surface became viable again and served as home to The Tribe of the Free - a few primitive humans who had escaped from Marb Station. They worshipped the god Haldron, and killed any space traveller trying to steal his totem, a black light converter made from pure siligtone. They believed their ancestors’ space travel had brought down their god’s wrath and caused the solar fireball.

Glitz formed a business partnership with the Master, who knew that Earth had been moved and renamed Ravolox by the High Council. Glitz’s accomplice was a young man, Dibber. The Master sent Dibber and Glitz to Ravolox to retrieve the Matrix files. The sixth Doctor and Peri defeated Drathro, allowing the two communities of humans to make contact.

The Time Lords subsequently restored Earth to its correct location.
Thanks to a timestorm engineered by Fenric, Ace arrived on the ice planet of Svartos. Glitz used his ship, the
, to raid space freighters. He ended up on Svartos with a rotten cargo and a mutinous crew, and tried to sell both to Kane.

After this time, the Andromeda galaxy fell under the rule of The One, a vast artificial intelligence that contained the memories and experiences of all Andromedans.

c 2,000,000 - Dragonfire

On the trading colony Iceworld, located on the dark side of Svartos, Kane was assembling an army. He put his soldiers into cryosleep, which erased their memories of their former life to make them serve him without question.

Others chose to serve Kane willingly... Kane, whose natural body temperature was minus 193 Celsius, would burn the Mark of the Sovereign onto the palm of their right hand. One of Kane’s officers, Belazs, joined him when she was 16 and served for twenty years. Kane earned many Crowns trading supplies to space travellers.

Many beings were drawn to Iceworld by the legends of a firebreathing dragon that supposedly lived in the ice tunnels beneath the colony. Kane finally killed the Dragon, his biomechanoid jailer, and acquired its Dragonfire power source. The seventh Doctor helped Kane to realise that his homeworld had been destroyed two thousand years ago, which deprived Kane of his revenge. Kane killed himself upon realising this. The Doctor’s companion Melanie Bush elected to stay behind on Iceworld, now renamed the
Nosferatu II
, with Sabalom Glitz. He accepted as his new companion Ace, a time-stranded teenager working at Iceworld as a waitress.

? 2,000,002 - Head Games

The seventh Doctor had mentally influenced Mel into leaving his company, as he knew that Fenric was responsible for transporting Ace to Iceworld, and that he could no longer avoid certain responsibilities - of which Mel couldn’t be a part. She soon left Glitz and attempted to reach Earth. She ended up marooned on the holiday planet Avalone, and spent two years there. She tried to get a lift from Glitz, and planted messages for him in the Galactic Banking Conglomerate’s computer system, knowing that the Dragon cypher program she’d made for Glitz would find them. Glitz tried to exploit the open door and lift ten million grotzits from the bank, but he failed - causing officials to trace the intrusion to Mel’s terminal. Avalone security caught up with Mel, who ran away and encountered the evil duplicate Dr Who.

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