B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (259 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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An underwater research base was established on Flydon Maxima to monitor the planetary warming there. The global warming ultimately gave way to a catastrophic ice age, forcing the planet’s inhabitants to abandon it.

King Morrish a’Jethwa, who ruled five planets in the Folflower system for many years, was buried on Mordane. Following his death, the monarchy was deposed in a bloodless coup and went into exile.

Brother Varlos, the Darksmiths’ chief engineer on the Krashok project, succeeded in building a device that could reanimate the dead. He field-tested the device on Mordane, and succeeded in making the dead walk. Varlos realised that the device had the potential to revive the dead on millions of worlds, and was so horrified that he vowed to destroy the device - but didn’t know how to demolish its central power source, the Eternity Crystal. Varlos left his “daughter”, an android named Gisella, at a base made from Darksmith technology on Flydon Maxima. He then fled with the Crystal to nineteeth-century Paris.

The walking dead on Mordane prompted the Galactic Union to designate the planet a quarantine world with a Grade Two Exclusion Order. In the eighty years to follow, all records of Mordane were erased.

c 9000 - The Graves of Mordane / The Colour of Darkness / The Depths of Despair / The Planet of Oblivion

The tenth Doctor visited the cemetery world of Mordane to learn more about the Eternity Crystal. He deactivated Varlos’ re-animation machine, turning the undead that walked on Mordane into dust. He also helped Catz, the granddaughter of King Morrish a’Jethwa, to retrieve a torch from the king’s tomb - it was the symbol of her right to rule the Folflower system. The Darksmiths’ Agent took the Eternity Crystal from the Doctor, and the Doctor pursued the Agent to the Darksmiths’ homeworld of Karagula...

Later, the Doctor went to Flydon Maxima to learn how to destroy the Crystal. The Darksmiths’ enforcers, the Dreadbringers, followed the Doctor through time in the Dreadnought
. The Doctor sent a surge of icy water through an underwater base - this both swept away the Dreadbringers and enabled some local lifeforms, the tentacled Blaska, to retrieve a clutch of their eggs. The Doctor met Gisella, and together they went to find her father in Paris, 1895...

The Darksmiths re-conferred with the Krashoks on the peaceful planet Ursulonamex, a.k.a. Oblivion, concerning the Eternity Crystal - a devastating “rain of fire” was then unleashed upon the planet to cover up the meeting. The insectoid Dravidians, a race of thieves, arrived at Ursulonamex’s only surviving space station and claimed to have answered a distress call. The Dravidians clandestinely set about draining the station’s power and adapting its environment to suit their offspring, which hatched in their thousands. The tenth Doctor and Gisella forced the Dravidians to withdraw.

After around eight thousand years in the time corridor created by the fourth Doctor, Sutekh finally perished at the beginning of the ninetieth century.

? 9,000 - Dreamtime

The seventh Doctor, Ace and Hex arrived at the Uluru as it travelled through space. The people’s faith in the Dreaming had weakened, and the Dreaming began absorbing people into itself by turning them into stone. The Doctor accidentally travelled to the time of the solar flares and influenced the Uluru’s departure from Earth. He returned and restored the people to normal, and it was hoped that the Dreaming’s next attempt to terraform the Uluru would prove more successful.

? 9200 - The Children of Seth

An army warred with itself on the plains of Ragnarok, and only three hundred of its mightiest heroes survived. Their leader, Autarch Siris, forged a major trading empire with the cities on the asteroid archipelago around Sirius as its core. Idra, a student, met the Doctor while she was subverting the propaganda agency on Sirius III. She belonged to the Gracious Academy of Women, and realised that the budding empire would need an enemy to fear and rally against. Idra invented the bogeyman Seth, as he was named in her book
The Trick of Darkness
. In time, she would became Siris’ concubine, Queen Anahita, a.k.a. the Queen of Poisons.

The Sirian Empire reached a long way across its sector, and included at least ten humanoid variants. Androids were outlawed, and
The Trick of Darkness
was banned. Anahita’s face was scarred as she tried to rescue copies of it from a fire.

Forty-three years after Anahita met the Doctor, Siris relinquished his authority to Lord Byzan - who consolidated his power by rallying his people against Seth, now said to have taken shelter in worlds beyond the Rim. Anahita feared the consequences for the empire, and summoned the fifth Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa. Androids who had infiltrated Sirius staged a coup, hoping to create a society without humans. The Doctor posed as Seth, and Byzan ended the insurrection by destroying the android Albis - which by extension made random “people” across the empire become immobile, their android origins revealled.

The empire disbanded, with individual worlds regaining their sovereignty. Anahita and Siris retired, after she poisoned Byzan in his cell.

The Antonine rescue raid on Scultiis in 9381 failed when the natives’ electric fields disrupted their weapons.

c 9968 - The Scarlet Empress

The planet Hyspero was visited at some point by hawk-like beings who were revered by the natives, yet had no interest in ruling the planet. They left behind Cassandra - the first Scarlet Empress, a jam-like creature in a jar - to look after their affairs. She built up the Scarlet Palace and founded the tattooed Scarlet Guard. A long line of Scarlet Empresses - Cassandra’s descendents - ruled Hyspero, and the planet became home to an interstellar market.

The latest Scarlet Empress was a tyrant who conscripted Iris Wildthyme - who was dying, as she had eaten the flesh of a Kaled mutant - to reunite a mercenary band named the Four. One of the group was guarding Cassandra, and the incumbent Empress sought to lay claim to her ancestor. The eighth Doctor and Sam helped Iris find the Four, whereupon Cassandra destroyed her descendent and reclaimed the throne. Iris regenerated thanks to the healing properties of a life-restoring honey.

Around the end of the one-hundredth century, the Silurian scientists Ethra and Teelis worked on time-travel experiments. The results were published in the March 9978 edition of
Abstract Meanderings in Theoretical Physics
The ArcHive studied the history of the universe, and served as vast repositories of knowledge. They had access to time-travel technology.
Emperor Brandt and the Cyberlord Hegemony possessed the ArcHive in the hundredth century.

10,764 - The Crystal Bucephalus

In 10,753, Alexhendri Lassiter fulfilled on the Lazarus Intent, stabilising a time gate that rescued Lazarus from the Sontaran throneworld before his death. But the truth about the false Messiah quickly became clear, and Arrestis took control of the criminal Elective. Meanwhile, Lassiter and his brother Sebastian built the Crystal Bucephalus, a time-travel restaurant on the planet New Alexandria, which sent the galaxy’s elite to the finest eating establishments in history.

Eleven years later, the Crystal Bucephalus was destroyed. Arrestis was revealled as Lazarus and escaped in a time gate, only to arrive back on Sontara moments before his execution.

About a hundred years after the Crystal Bucephalus ended, humanity was again fragmented by civil war. The Union swiftly evolved into the Concordance, then the Confederation, then the Junta - a totalitarian regime that stemmed from the Elective. This instigated a millennium of barbarism.

c 11,000 - Synthespians™

A fleet of ark ships fled the galactic civil war and passed through an area known as the Great Barrier. Cut off from the rest of the galaxy, the colonists found themselves in an area rich with natural resources. The New Earth Republic was founded, and included such planets as Bel Terra, New Alaska, New California, New Regency, Paxas and Tranicula in the Thomas Exultation (which was noted for its vineyards).

A hundred years later, the Republic was peaceful but boring. A business consortium failed in its bid to restore contact with the rest of the galaxy, but managed to pick up old TV broadcasts from twentieth-century Earth. These proved extremely popular and Reef Station One was built to produce new shows such as
As the Worlds Turn
Dreams of Tomorrow
Executive Desires
The Rep
Star Traveller: The Motion Picture
Liberation Street
Confessions of a Monoid
This Evening With Phil and Bev
. The people of the Republic become obsessed with television.

A Time Lord force of War-TARDISes launched an attack against the Nestene home planet of Polymos. The mission was commanded by Lord Vansell, and destroyed swarms of energy units. The Nestene Consciousness attempted to relocate to the New Earth Republic. Plastic automata named Synthespians - in reality Autons - had been freely used to perform manual labour in the Republic, and those aboard Reef Station One instigated a slaughter. The sixth Doctor and Peri defeated the Nestene Consciousness and its Autons. The Consciousness was trapped in a plastic Replica body, forced to again and again act out the last episode of
Executive Desires

The Junta attempted to invade the New Earth republic several centuries after the Auton incident, but was repelled. The New Earth Republic began intergalactic colonization efforts, sending sleeper ships to the Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte galaxy and Andromeda.
A resurgent Confederation finally overthrew the Junta.

The Earth became habitable again. Humanity didn’t recolonise its homeworld.
The human colonists who had arrived on an unnamed planet as the Sol Three and Terraforming groups renamed themselves the “Soul Free” and the “Terror Farmers”. They fought each other for ten thousand years.
Cyberblind released their DTM
Machina ex Machina
in 11,265.
The year 12,005 was the time of the New Roman Empire.

? 15,000 - City at World’s End

An asteroid hit the moon of Sarath, changing its orbit so that it was now on a collision course with the planet. Ten years later, the first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan found that preparations to build a rocket to evacuate the planet for the nearby Mirath were nearly complete. However, the Sarath leaders, based in the capital city of Arkhaven, had realised that the rocket ship could never fly and were only planning to save five hundred members of the elite.

Most of the population had been killed in a recent war and replaced by androids. This was a plot on the part of Monitor, the central computer in Arkhaven, to save itself before the planet’s destruction. Monitor was destroyed, and the Doctor and Susan increased the capacity of the true escape rocket to save those they could.

w - The first land battle of the War in Heaven between the Time Lords and the Enemy was fought on Dronid in the 160th century. It lasted a day, and was utterly devastating. The Time Lords used clockwork bacteria as a weapon. The Time Lords’ attempts to cover their tracks after the battle wreaked almost as much harm as the battle itself, and became known by the inhabitants as the Cataclysm. The Doctor was thought to have been killed on Dronid, and the Relic, said to be his body, was recovered there in 15,414. A misguided Faction Paradox member, Cousin Sanjira, cast the Relic into the Time Vortex and it arrived in the twenty-second century. The Faction made Sanjira murder his younger self as punishment.

Return to Earth

c 16,000 - The Ark in Space

The fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane and Harry arrived on Nerva and helped some of the colonists there to awaken. The Wirrn had infested the Ark, and sought to absorb the humans’ knowledge. The Wirrn were killed, and humanity prepared to reoccupy their homeworld. They intended to restock the planet with plant and animal life and to rebuild human civilisation.

Before their defeat, the Wirrn seeded their DNA into various insect species in Nerva’s gene bank.

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